Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’

Afternoon Mark Hamilton


Afternoon Mark Hamilton:
I finished watching my first meeting, and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I read all three of the heirloom volumes and find it fascinating that I recently (last year) went through a very similar situation with my school Superintendent.  I retired from the Navy after 27 years back in December 1991, whereupon I went to work for a health care organization.  After 2 1/2 years I was let go during a reduction in force where an outside management firm decided that the organization had too many Directors (32) and had to get that number down to 12.  I was then hired by another health care organization, and after 18 months the same scenario occurred.  (Hospitals in the Philadelphia area were all trying to buy each other out or merge.  I unfortunately was caught up in the mergers).
I started looking a third time for another position as a Director of Safety & Security, but shortly decided I wasn’t going through that again.  I was already approved to teach Naval Science at the High School level so I decided to start looking for a position.  I was very fortunate to find a position within an hour from my house.  I worked there for 6 1/2 years, but had the opportunity to start a new Naval Science Unit at a school in South Jersey.  That’s where my encounter began!
The first year I couldn’t do anything wrong,  The second year the Superintendent started to become a slight bother.  By my third year … you guessed it, I couldn’t do anything right.  At both schools I was very comfortably and close with my Cadets (Students).  They were interested in the same path that I had traveled.  I continuously tried to instill in them the idea that they could come from any walk of life, decide what it was that they wanted to pursue in life, become a leader, and go after their dreams.
Although the Naval Science program is designed to develop young leaders, I don’t believe the Superintendent thought that so many of them would really go beyond where they were, truly start thinking for themselves, and start looking around at how things were being handled within our school district.  At any rate the Superintendent decided that I was not a good fit for his school district and didn’t grant me tenure at the end of my third year.  It has been a little bit of a struggle since then, but things are on the road to getting better.
I finished my second Masters Degree (in Education), completed the Principal/Administrator Program at Penn State University, and am awaiting my State Certificate (which seems to be a problem in and of itself).  I have looked into developing a private charter High School, but am really only in the early stages of the process.
In the meantime, I have owned a very small janitorial service for 11 years, but last year really hadn’t completed much work.  I am currently in the process of purchasing another small company so I can give my company a quick boost, if you will.  I’m looking forward to really getting on the path of developing value for others by providing a needed service, at a fair price, with quality being the priority.

Sorry for this being a bit lengthy, but just had a few thoughts that I wanted to convey to you.  I also might be interested in helping develop the area here in Philadelphia.  What are your thoughts regarding this endeavor?
Thanks again for the books and first meeting.  I look forward to gaining additional knowledge as each meeting progresses.  I totally agree with your story regarding making the small steps each, but doing it continuously, so that over time, a wealth of knowledge will have been gained.

Best regards,
Bill Adamson Sr.

I have been very excited about participating in our Neothink Society for many months now


Dear Mark Hamilton;

I have been very excited about participating in our Neothink Society for many months now. I have a Doctorate of Science in research and development and I was very successful as a surgical resident in spinal and cerebrovascular. For the past six years I have working immunology to inhibit the pathology of diseases and this has also caused me to focus on inhibiting degenerative cellular diseases. I was informed by some of the members of the Southern California Club House that you have others who are doing research in this area. Can you help me to work with them? I need a University laboratory environment to do more studies.
I am lacking finance to return to Medical School as this time.

Some thing else I would like to mention is that although Neothink Society is an excellent organization of problem solving and holds some very intelligent minds. I have encountered people who know very little about society of secrets and is using our organization as a spring board for Black Nationalism, and also an antisocial revolution. I find that these people have a great deal of dangerous attitudes against especially Caucasian people. Due to this phenomena I think may be we are a little too embracing of people joining our society and I see these people not as an ally but a danger to our diversity. I do think these people should be carefully watched and we should take steps to protect our society.

Please communicate with me in your ability. Apprentice Level Seven Dr. Bethany A. Barnes.

Yours in Medicine,

Dr. Barnes

I thank Mark Hamilton for this opportunity


I Larry D Williams Sr. will like to thank you for accepting me into your Neothink Society.  It is a great pleasure and I am learning so much from reading the society literature. I thank Mark Hamilton for this opportunity and being able to walk among the winners in life.  I did not know what to expect in the first meeting, for I wasn’t sure if I were ready.  But, I am ready to continue to walk with the winners.
My love is music for I am a bass player in the country music.  I perform with “JESSE BRYANT AND THE COUNTRY OUTLAWS”, for we trying to get an record deal with 17 of our orginals songs.  Please review “” for I know you will love what you hear.  We are love by everyone that hear us and looking for the right record deals to take us worldwide. I want to get involve in everything that the society have to offer, so please keep me inform.

Larry D. Williams Sr

Mark Hamilton


My Mentor  
I am in good health and hope the same with you. I hope that you receive my testimonial. I used the email I receive your mails. I hope it will assist to counter-down the media and government authorities’ ill-motive schemes. Other Testimonies will follow soon.
In April I was to receive the final secrets (114) from our society. I had send a cheque of 10 US $ as requested. Could you please confirm whether they received it? Up to know I haven’t heard from them nor received the final secretes. I do check routine in the postal address or the Email.
Mark I am eager to receive the secrets and I don’t know how I will react (Feeling). I miss to own and know those secretes and utilize them to my advantages. Am planning to achieve great accomplishment, feel real good, feeling secured and fulfilling my dreams. I need what other Neothink members is reaction and feel anxious.
I as still doing benevolent work at my medical clinic. Treating clients low (Earns) less I than 1US $ per day. Being woken at midnight to treat midday peoples children with sudden illnesses e.g. pneumonia, malaria only to charge them less and many are not able to pay. I am ready now to change my life.
Your Disciple

Thank you for helping me find my FNE


Thank you for helping me find my FNE and most especially, thank you for the opportunity to be able to share this value essence with my fellow Neothink family.
I will continue on your and our vision for the Twelve Visions World and, always will be available all the way
to helping move our society forward towards achieving your and our set objectives/goals

Thank you Mark Hamilton  

Michael Odita

I also had the monthly essence meetings with Mark Hamilton…


From:  Georgia Hunter – NEOTHINK SOCIETY Virginia
I could write for days trying to express all that the Neothink Society has brought to my life, how much I have grown, and the incredible future I am creating for myself with all that I am learning.  
When I received the invitation to join the Neothink Society I thought it was just too good to be true, but I had been searching for so long that I decided to take one more chance.  I found myself anxiously watching for that first book.  I sat for three days reading, laughing, and crying as I realized I was not alone in my thinking, I was not crazy, and there were good, solid explanations for the thoughts and feelings I had never shared with anyone – ever!  As each additional book arrived, again I read, barely stopping for sleep.  The books had an enormous impact on how I looked at myself, my life, society and the future.  To help me integrate this new information I also had the monthly essence meetings with Mark Hamilton, the web-conferences with members nationwide, and the monthly gatherings with NEOTHINK SOCIETY members here in Virginia.  My life has been altered forever, and I know that I am creating a future that is filled with love, purpose, and immense happiness.
Before NEOTHINK SOCIETY I was a confused combination of unhappy, frustrated, angry, and lonely.  My life seemed an endless search for that “something more.”   I was trapped in a prison I had allowed society to build around me, and I didn’t even know it was there until the Neothink Society showed me how to break down the walls and find freedom.  NEOTHINK SOCIETY taught me that its OK to color outside the lines.
Many of my ancestors were Shenandoah Valley preachers and the entire family always revolved around the church.  I was constantly being punished and/or lectured because I didn’t want to go – I didn’t like it, it didn’t feel right.  It became crystal clear when I graduated from Sunday-school to Church and went from singing Jesus Loves Me to hearing I would burn in Hell for my sins.  I remember thinking “what the heck is this?”  From that point on I became aware that everything around me seemed alien or just plain wrong.  Until NEOTHINK SOCIETY, I spent my whole life bombarded with accusations of not fitting in, not doing what was expected of me, of standing out from society.   I doubted my sanity at times because my thinking was so diametrically different from my family, friends, and co-workers.  I was alienated from my family, never kept a long-term friend, never found the love I hungered for, and never found the financial success I knew I was capable of.
Now at last, thanks to the Neothink Society, I understand and I am free.  NEOTHINK SOCIETY rekindled the fire inside me, reawakened childhood dreams I thought long dead.  I wake up before my alarm now – anxious not to miss a minute of the day and what it might bring.  I find myself smiling and whistling for no apparent reason.  I no longer need drugs or alcohol to deaden the pain – there is no pain.  I am now a non-smoker.  I have lost 40 pounds.  I found a way to quit a well-paying job I despised, and have started a small home business doing what I enjoy most – creating value rather than producing value for others.    I have discovered that my mind is a wonderful thing capable of far more than I ever dreamed.
I’m still new at this, and every day is a wonderful learning experience.  The Neothink Society has started me on a journey and I can hardly wait to see where it takes me.  My days are spent finding ways to bring happiness, not just to myself, but to those around me.  The future is now a truly wonderful thing and I welcome it.
It feels as though NEOTHINK SOCIETY reached inside my head and heart and said, “There you are, we’ve been looking for you.”
Words can never adequately express the joy that NEOTHINK SOCIETY has brought to my life.  I urge anyone who knows deep inside that there should more to life to investigate and learn about the Neothink Society.  There is a wonderful and beautiful world out there.  NEOTHINK SOCIETY is your map.
I don’t waste my time regretting the past, I spend my time working toward and anticipating our future.

I am honored to be one of Mark Hamilton’s apprentices


My Personal Testimony of what the Neothink Society meant and means to me one word “HAPPY”.   I have discovered my child of the past; I discovered my Friday night Essence.  
Neothink Society empowered me to power think and now I am living the life that I was meant to live.  I create value that is meaningful.   I now know the true meaning of LOVE.
Neothink Society has taught me how to create a Mini Day schedule that enables me to accomplish more with my business and that motivates me to do more.
Neothink Society helped me to step out of my comfort Neothinkere and change my mindset.
CHANGE, I could only imagine the changes that I/We will experience and most of all to be apart of creating the changes in this world, moving beyond the Bicameral mode into the integrating mode.
Neothink Society helped me realized that this is a numbers game.  The more people you reach out too, you want to reach out to even more people.  That is creating VALUE.
To SUM it up, we are helping the poor to become millionaires.
I am honored to be one of Mark Hamilton’s apprentices and I thank Mark Hamilton/Neothink Society for finding me.
We want you to see for yourself, Society of Secret can help you discover your child of the past, learn to PLAY as an adult and create VALUE as well.

To my mentor Mark Hamilton how thankful I’m to you for finding me


Neothink has been a great blessing in my life . For years I couldn’t understand certain things in this world and how some made it and others didn’t . As I started with Neothink my life started to take on a new meaning for living . From how to snap together picture puzzles to choosing the man of my dreams . Presently I found out that I was married to a really mystical , neocheating husband that not only sadden my life , but his on children from previous marriages . Well when the picture puzzle snapped together I now knew what kind of man should be in my life .
To my mentor Mark Hamilton how thankful I’m to you for finding me in the right place and the right time in my life when I thought there was nothing left for  me here in this earthly realm . My journey now with my Neothink family has been such a joy that I now know how to see the true essence of all things and know one is ever going to hurt , steal , lie , cheat , or guilt me into anything any more .
Thank you my mentor for your vision . I’ve been playing and recess is not over for me . Love U Much , Sylvia A

“Who is Mark Hamilton?”


Dear Mark Hamilton –
First and foremost I want personally “Thank you for recognizing me as one of the chosen ones to embark on this amazing and historical journey.”  
In the past two months I have experienced a growth spurt within the Global A-Team and have had the opportunity to welcome some very amazing people to the team. Due to the recent growth it was decided that recently held meeting would be more of a social gathering, a coming together of the minds if you will.
I must say that it was quite an amazing experience and questions were raised. The question in which I am going to put forth to you is that of “Who is Mark Hamilton?” We are all aware that Mark Hamilton is the pen name of the author and publisher of the Neothink literature but no one could honestly answer just exactly who Mark Hamilton is.
The question was brought to light for several reasons. Prospective members and even current NEOTHINK SOCIETY Members have and will begin to ask. We are also asked to sign a contractual agreement with the Neothink Society®, which is headed by Mark Hamilton, if we wish to participate in bringing forth the C of U through Clubhouses and 12VP. Another point was the importance of the year 2012 and the insertion of an un-named NEOTHINK SOCIETY® presidential candidate during this important period.
If we are to build a society based upon fully integrated honesty and integrity how can we do so when it is not quite clear as to whom we are working with. You yourself, Mark Hamilton, stated the importance of not being afraid to get personal with each other because we should always know who we doing business with. Are we not doing business with you and your team?
There are several of us who are aware of the importance that the upcoming year 2012 holds. Some are more aware than others but never the less many are aware to one degree or another. Can you honestly say that it just happens to be a coincidence that the NEOTHINK SOCIETY® is planning on making a run for the presidency in 2012? Or is it because you and team also understand the importance of 2012?
Mr. Hamilton, we are all aware that Mark Hamilton Eric Savage, Dr. F.R.W., John Flint, and etc. are just pen names, which are not uncommon for authors, but we have a right to know who you are honestly. Yes we know that you are the author and publisher of the literature and may have been given little tid-bits of information throughout the text, mostly about the author known as Dr. Wallace, but we honestly have no clue outside of what you yourself has written,  published, or perhaps spoke of within a meeting.

Mr. Hamilton, I did not stop being the person whom I have always been when I accepted your invitation and absorbed your literature. I only continued to evolve into that in which I was already destined to be. In my development I have discovered that your literature, the Neothink  Heirlooms, were not the instantly gratifying answers for that which appealed to my human nature in your marketing but was merely a confirmation of the things that I had already known. I see Neo-Tech/ Neothink Society® being a KEY which will allow one to unlock the door to a deeper knowledge that lies within us all but has been forgotten.
If someone were to simply replace their current belief/thought system with yours yourself because you have showed them something different, you, your team, and those that have decided to follow you would still be doing no different than that which has already been done unto them before because they are still following – being lead versus being a self-leader. The Global A-Team feels as though it is important that we hear your very own personal testimony as to your personal experience, path, and initiation into consciousness and value-creation. You have asked for and received hundreds if not thousands of our own personal testimonials.
Think about it. How much more powerful would this movement become if we were to read/ hear the personal testimony of the man, not the author, who has created this movement. Account Home Page – The personal testimony’s of the Inside Circle of the Neothink Society®.
With all due respect Mr. Hamilton, may we please have you and the members of your team’s personal testimony, a reflection of your personal journey from the darkness into enlightenment – consciousness and value-creation.

Your Humble Apprentice,

I did the ten second miracle where I work


Hello Mark Hamilton,
I have already experienced the ten second miracle for about the last 12 years. I did the ten second miracle where I work. I have smoothed out all the problems they were having at the office where I work. They are willing to listen to me now since I’ve done this and am introduced to other staff at the main office downtown when I’m down there. I have gained all the truckers respect by getting trucks off the scale a minute apart. I could go faster but the computer is slow.
I know what my Friday Night Essence is. It’s developing an in house or in office exercise program for anyone to do with just music accompaniment and lots of twisting and moving to music. I just need some advice as to how just to get this off the floor and into making me money. Linda P

March 2025