Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’

I picked the book up again and read about Mark Hamilton


I received your letter to me in April 2007. I was curious so as the letters kept coming I was becoming interested to find out more expecting it to be a scam. I was at the point of my life that I was very disgusted with (what I later learned was the AC) all I wanted to do was let my life run out so I could go to heaven where I had my mansion and would not have to live with people abusing everything. After I read my first heirloom, some of which I did not understand but as you said, I would absorb it. Then came the second heirloom which was very shocking. The worst part to accept was the religious part. I had always had God to depend on and when I found out that was everyone and accepted that as the truth. It was a great relief to finally not have to feel guilty about not wanting to be humble and my feelings that I have always had about most everything was right. Then I read the 3rd heirloom and it was so interesting I did not want to put it down until I found out it was not this present world .  Then I said “O.K. That is the scam not I can feel like a fool. A few days later I picked the book up again and read about Mark Hamilton. So I finished the book and found out about the levels and got my trust working again and have had so many fascinating thing happen to me. I am ready to help anyway possible but I find my FNE wanting to work with Neothink cities eventually. Thank you for finding me and I know that I am a part of the puzzle. Pat Stanfill

He’d love to hear that he received an invitation to Neothink from Mark Hamilton


Hi Mark,

Besides my Neothink experience I thought I’d pass on two interesting stories from my kids concerning Neothink.  I have a son 9 and a daughter 7.  Tonight my son asked me to read a book he has about the Universe.  The topic of black holes come up.  They are worried about dying from a black whole affecting earth, just like little Neothinkers preserving their solar system or galaxy.  Next time I’m mention that black holes are probably initialed by Neothinker’s to prevent the big crunch.

Also my son wants to join Neothink.  He’d love to hear that he received an invitation to Neothink from Mark Hamilton.  


Hi Mark Hamilton


Larry Johnson from Jersey Central

Consciousness seeking the knowledge to understand one’s self and the realities that exist around each and every person in the universe to understand reality as it exist without illusion from “higher authority, neo-cheater and mystics alike. Mysticism is the creation of problems where none exist. I can now see threw the illusion that the Anti-Civilization have us trapped in, weather it’s the current economic crisis that been created by Neo-Cheaters to steal our money. By integrating the 12 vision into one’s life you can see threw illusion everyday on TV in newspapers or local issue in our local areas of day to day living. The time is rip to show other and the world the truth and honesty that exist to teach others and the world to become self leaders and help build the C of  U  to help build a parallel society  that free of the of the ills of the Anti- Civilization to rise up and make real change for our love one’s, and future generation to come. To become the foot soldier that spread the message of change can start right now in one’s life. The prime Literature has been a wealth of knowledge. I had bits and pieces of knowledge that I thought was correct. Well the prime literature has confirmed some of that knowledge and systematically added new knowledge and insight. The contact with others in the Neothink Society has been rewarding and very stimulating. By using the tools in the literature (FNE) “Power Thinking is made possible because of the min-day schedule. The min-day schedule allows one to complete your work in a record time and open up this new dimension of integrated thinking-power thinking which allow one to be creative. The contact with other members has been  re-warding, by using the tools in the literature. By exercising Discipline Thought and Control  and removing limitation that stops one from actualizing his ideals has been great.

One example would be the thur nite coordinator call  by participating I had a ten second  miracle of pulling  together a eastern regional super clubhouse meeting. The response from rick was make it happen. I reach out to other A-Teams on the East Coast, They was as excited as I about the ideal of getting together. We immediately instituted regular  conference calls to get down to the nitty gritty details to create something that had not existed before. And on September 27th 2008 it became a reality. I’m presently working on a concept that came to me in the middle of the night.

Circle of Creator’s
I am presently power thinking this concept  with Jersey Central-Team in alliance with Tri-State A-Team the purpose of the circle of creators to up hold Neothink foundation and apply Neothink the tools that leads to integrated thinking and power thinking. The purpose of Circle of Creator’s will be the keepers of the flame. The keepers of the vision to always uphold honesty and integrity in NEOTHINK SOCIETY certain Qualification must be met to be a member . level 12 mentor, taken a ideal and actualized it.  have formed a A-Team be a coordinator. Participating and running a program on the national level.

Thanks    Larry Johnson

Dear Mark Hamilton


I don’t know If I am yet qualified to offer a successful testimonial,  However, I felt that I owed you an over view of my progress since receiving my NT Package of Inside Secrets.    I want to whole heartedly thank you for selecting me,  I am working on my new future.   I have accomplished a few goals.  Reading  the literature gave me a confidence and inspired me.  To know that some one of whom I had never know cared of my success,  I have had a  lifetime of challenges and I have managed to move forward, but know I feel as though I am not alone.   I opened my very small Office in March 2008, I received my first Heirloom in March and read the mini day instructions,  I have to be honest I jumped around in reading,  I get very sleepy, so to keep myself mentally alert it helped me to jump around,  I am going to go back and re-read each Heirloom.   So okay back to my accomplishment,  Since I opened C & M Financial,  the Real Estate Industry has literally come to staggering  halt.  I still get a transaction here and there, but I can’t make the money I need to pay my Home expenses.   I knew I needed to see if I can do something in conjunction and still utilize my Office Space so I have used the mini day tips to get my License to sell Medical Insurance,  I am currently working as an independent contractor for the National Association For Self Employed and I going to help those individuals that need simply a very basic medical plan,   So you see I have accomplished my  goals and this has taken place from March of 2008 to Present.   But my real essence lies is using my hands-on creative skill,  I love working in home Interior designing decorating and taking something distressed discarded and bring it back to life and use it and make it live again,  I was sitting watching HGTV the other night as I do every night,  I will watch other shows but always end up back watching shows that provide my mind with new ideas,  I just feel my heart skip with this true love in watching what others have created and want to do the same, and so my home is constantly evolving,  bottom line I got some information and called on it and found out that  I can enroll for a 90 day on-line course  with  Haverhill to get certified and start to working for them  I will be able the amount of time I will want to work,  I may need to do this until I become recognized for my talents  and then offer another  service that will make my heart thing,  However the almighty dollar will cause me to put this on hold,  but I have not given up, I am so close I can feel it.   I will find a way,  So stay tuned for this,   If you have any suggestions and or see something I could do differently,   I would greatly appreciate it.   

Thank you sincerely,

Cindy Mora

Mark Hamilton, I would like Thank this Genius for finding me…


Mark Hamilton, I would like Thank this Genius for finding me and setting me on the Right path to find my FNE, I know what I need to do to get there, I am now working my FNE. Now I will set myself free to do what is in my heart. When Mark found me I was going on the wrong path of life, and then He sent me a letter and I sent it back in and soon after I received a booklet and as I read that booklet I knew I just had to find out more about what was going on in this Neothink Society, So right away I ordered my first book The NT Discovery, and when I received this first book, I opened it and read all the Bold Head Lines first then I turned back to the 1st page and read, at first it was slow going because I really didn’t read books that much, but as I read I couldn’t put it down, I just had to find out more and more. The mini days are great I tried them at work, but with my job it didn’t work to well for the job I have is a end without an end job! It took me about 2 to 3 weeks to read the book, and then I received a letter to send for my 2nd book and I did, when this one arrived I opened it right away and started reading it and once more I didn’t want to put it down, I even took it to work with me and left it in my truck and at lunch I would go out and sit in my truck and read while I ate my lunch, while I was in my truck I was in my own world the Twelve Visions World, For this is the world that I want to be part of I thought. for I have found out things that I have felt all of my life and I knew there had to be more in life than what I was seeing and hearing everyday. It took me about 2wks to finish, and then I sent for Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, I was ready to put forth what I had read and search for the people that I had read about, Because I so wanted to meet these Genius For now I want to live for ever and I want for all of this to come to life, I look forward for when we set the world free of Neo-cheaters And to set aside our differences my Brothers and Sisters and to shed mysticism and put forth the Prime Law. For then will we be one with the Twelve Visions World and Mark Hamilton. Thank you. Kenneth Farlin

Hello Mark Hamilton


How awesome to be able to share my experiences with you personally.  I received my first book in 2006.  I read it and took some notes .  My job as a housekeeper in a church became more fulfilling.  I no longer had trouble finishing tasks on time.  My husband and I had grown apart.  We divorced.  I left my book at my dad`s who threw it out.  I ordered another book by mail
and read it.  Still stuck in stagnation, I put the book on the shelf.  My ex-husband came by one day and handed me a sealed envelope.  It was from Neothink dated 2006.  I bought a used computer and attended my first meeting in September.  Completed level 2 this month.  Also, attended live seminars on the web and read some in the web library.  Got in touch with some great people including an A-team leader in New Orleans, LA.  Hope to attend my first Club-house meeting in McComb, MS this month.  Hope to start a business of my own and/or lead an A-team myself before long.
I am receiving power and energy by cutting through the mysticism to the essences.  Last week I had a dream about experiencing a wonderful euphoria.  I would start to wake up, but, did not want to leave the beautiful place.  I would love to do some telephone marketing in this area.  Please send me some names and numbers.  I am on my way to becoming the person I was meant to be.  I love you all.
Your abounding mentee,
Deborah Stevenson

I started questioning life in general at an early age


I started questioning life in general at an early age. Always wondering why things were the way they were. Always thinking that life should be better than what I was seeing.
I am now 45 years old, on my second marriage, and mother of 4 beautiful daughters. Nothing has ever gone the way that I supposed it should go. Seemed the harder I tried the worse things got.
Upon receiving my very first letter from the Society last June, things started getting better. I must tell you that when I received that first letter I was definitely at a very low point in my life. I had even thought of suicide. I opened it and read the first paragraph and threw it on the table declaring that it was a bunch of bunk!
But I did not throw it away and I was pulled back to reading it everyday. I responded to that letter and my life now has meaning. I consider that first letter from the Society to be the most important piece of mail I have ever received.
I read all literature from that point that I received from the Neothink Society with a religious conviction. THIS WAS IT!!! This was what I had been searching for my whole life! Answers to my biggest questions. Answers that nobody else had ever offered.
I am now a very PROUD member of the Neothink Society!
Applying the knowledge gained, from reading the Society’s literature, to my everyday life, has allowed me to add more value to my life than I have ever known. The LOVE I have found here is what I ALWAYS said life should be about. EVERYTHING about the Society IS what life should be for ALL!
So… If you receive a letter or an invitation from The Society of Secrets. HOLD on to it for dear life! YOU want to be a member!
Mark Hamilton and ALL of my Neothink brothers and sisters, I am thankful each and everyday for ALL of you! With EVERY ounce of Neothink Love,
Deb H

Love you Mark Hamilton and all who are involved too…


Florence Sizer  Minnesota
I’m 85 years young. I have been reading  the literature of Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage and Mr. Wallace since the 70’s.I knew it was going to be “BIG” so I bought all the books I could afford and read them. The more I read the more I hoped I would live long enough to see the twelve visions become a reality.
I have always been a homemaker, raising 6 children, so I don’t have the qualifications to join an A Team. I get so excited when I listen to the A-Team and national meetings to hear what is being accomplished.
The local meetings are too far  for me to drive so I have started a mail order business so I can make enough money to move to and live in Minneapolis and attend meetings in St Paul, the sister city. It might take me a couple years but that is my goal.
I really want to be part of this huge movement. I think it is such an honor and privileged to be involved in changing the world. love you Mark Hamilton and all who are involved too.
I have a 3 year old grandson that can use the computer, knows the numbers, alphabet and can read. I wish he could attend the school of geniuses. He made me an Easter card, found pictures on the computer and signed it Love, Thomas.
Love to all, Florence

First of all thank you for inviting me to be apart of the most phenomenal…


Hello Mark Hamilton, my name is Alexander Johnson, I live in Spokane Washington.
I am one of your apprentices.  First of all thank you for inviting me to be apart of the most phenomenal, and rewarding experience of my new life. Yes, my new life as it took a very heart wrenching turn almost three years ago as I lost the woman I love to a horrible disease called Lupus. Since then I needed a place to heal and figure out where my life was going. That’s one of the reasons why I left Southern California, and moved to Washington. I bought a great home on the edge of the forest, in the country, yet only 10 minutes from downtown Spokane. Currently I am a Pharmacy Technician, working for a large chain store.
You have moved me in a direction I never thought possible, to be a member on the ground floor of what is to come is the most exciting, and rewarding experience given to me, thank you. Your dedication, and hard work to bring all of this to me, and the other apprentices will pay off in so many ways that we are just beginning to unfold the Twelve Visions World.
You are so correct about how we play as adults. We move to a different level of play. Our creativity is what keeps us alive inside.
I must confess that I have been a little slow in moving forward, in fact I felt somewhat lost for a while. Working Nights is unfortunate for me, cause it doesn’t allow me to attend the meetings LIVE, and I feel as if I’m missing so much not being there in the moment.  I recall when I was able to attend the first A-Team Meeting, Wow, what a motivational and rewarding experience that was. The very next day I set up the web site for the Rimrock A-Team. I am Still working on the video and will have it finished very soon. I apologize for the delay, as I am still very new to computers, I do need some help with questions regarding Proxy Servers. While viewing my meetings with you, my Mentor I get cut off towards the end of the meeting, and can never finish it completely. As a result it keeps me at the third level, where as I should be at the fifth level by now.
Mark, please allow me to continue with you, and grow into the person I am meant to be. My integrations have shown me a very positive yet very difficult road we have ahead. It’s not easy to accomplish the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel, but I see where we are going, and through hard work, and perseverance we will succeed.
Thank you for all your of time and positive energy.
Your apprentice,


My son’s name is Mark Hamilton Wilson


Mr. Hamilton,

My name is Alexander Hamilton Wilson Jr.. My son’s name is Mark Hamilton Wilson.  I found it
interesting to note that your name is Mark Hamilton.

I especially want to thank you and the Neothink Society for the timely contact with me and
offering me the opportunity to be part of the Neothink Society. I have been very moved by everything presented in the Heirloom Books and especially the things that happened to Miss Annabelle, her twelve students, and those who she and her students came in contact with. I love to see, hear or read about the Triumph of the Human Spirit.

I am 66 years old and I am retired. I am having a difficult time identifying my Friday Night Essence and it bugs me. One thought that came to me yesterday was to try to remember my childhood years and to pinpoint what it was that I was told I could not do or what could not be done. I hate it when I hear someone say that to a child.

I have studied the Level one lessons and am now enjoying the Formula for Biological Immortality.

So much of what I read in the Heirloom Books generated in me responses of Ahah! When I read about the Immortal evolved Conscious Being bringing the necessary conditions about to create a new Universe and then saying ” Let their be Light “. I exclaimed to myself ” YES! “

I have been convinced for years that what a man or woman conceives of, he or she or someone
else will bring to fruition sometime in the future.

Lastly, I am totally enjoying your lessons and what has been reawakened in a man that thought he was in the end days of his life. I do not feel that way anymore. Thank you.

Thank you also for being my Mentor.

Alex Wilson

March 2025