Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
Hello Mark Hamilton
Thank you so much for being the man that you are and sharing the ability to Neothink with us. I was just saying to an National A-Team Coordinator just this week that my self-esteem has exploded exponentially and it is all good.
Linda Mokeme
“What did I have to lose?”
Dear Mark Hamilton,
When the Neothink® Society first reached out to me in the fall of 2004 in fully integrate honesty I had to say that I was skeptical. After a lifetime of experiencing all the dishonesty and scams over and over again I had built a “brick wall” to shelter myself. Yet there was something compelling about the Neothink® marketing material that touched my heart. I did my due diligence and concluded, “What did I have to lose?” Fortunately for me I had been studying “economics” for five years when Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® society approached me because I was aware that we were in the “information age”. I was also aware that information was the “new money”. From the Neothink® marketing materials I discerned that their product was information.
Mark Hamilton is an exceptional man
After years of struggling helplessly because of a disability that was diagnosed by medical doctors in 1984 as Multiple Sclerosis my Neothink® journey gave me “iron grip control” over my body and my life. Before Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society I had reached out to others for help with minimum results. It is with great sadness that I have to echo the words of the “musical genius” Michael Jackson “They Don’t Care About Us”. I have literally been through hell. I have been abused repetitively by countless others. I have been abused by individuals working in positions of authority (doctors, nurses, lawyers, managers,
clergy…). I have just recently come to terms with the reality that some individuals working in every industry are motivated strictly by the money. In 1999 I was employed in the healthcare industry and our director was a registered nurse. Her lack of compassion and cruel treatment of the employees in her department makes Dr. Jack Kevorkian a “saint”. Just I began attending church regularly again in 2002 the minister stole $100,000.00 from the church tithing funds and although he was married he was having an affair with a young female parishioner. This is the second time in less than a decade that I had experience the similar situation while attending church.
In every aspect of life I have learned beyond a shadow of a doubt that “it is all about the money”. The love of money is unquestionably the root of all evil. I have experience the evils of “greed” repetitively. As an individual that has traveled around the world several times I can say with absolute conviction that Mark Hamilton the founder of the Neothink® Society is a man that I have come to love and “trust”.
As a seasoned networker I have met countless individuals across the globe and the word “trust” is not a term that I use lightly. Mark Hamilton is an exceptional man. He is a caring a giving individual that brings immense value to the overall human experience.
I give thanks daily to the universe for Mark Hamilton and the ability to Neothink® which has empowered me to live the life that I am meant to live minus the dishonesty. Mark Hamilton is a giant among men that I am truly thankful to have the pleasure to know. Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions World is “powerful” with a mission to “help everyone, everywhere live the life that we are meant to live minus the dishonesty”. Being a part of the Neothink® Society has transformed my life into pure “magic”. I have acquired the body of my dreams my hair is manageable my confidence level is way up. Just last week a female doctor friend of mine and her hair stylist concurred that I was “fine”. A young attorney friend of mine posted the question on Facebook “ What is your definition of fine? When we finally talked one on one over the phone I told her that I was my definition of fine. (Of course my ex-husband is chasing me on Facebook – too bad so sad)
A songwriter wrote:
“If anyone should ever write my life story for whatever reason there might be, you’ll be there between each line of pain and glory because you’re the best thing that ever happened to me”
Thank you so much Mark Hamilton – You are loved a lot! – The Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink® Society rocks!!!
Linda Mokeme
By applying the things I learned and gained led to a new world…
First, I would like to thank F.R.W. , Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, (The 12),and the Neothink Society, for building the bridge for all humanity. This bridge is for all mankind to crossover, to where all of humanity should be, and eventually will be, in the future. This being a psychological bridge, that offers again all of mankind a new way of thinking.
My personal journey started in 2002, with the first letter I received in the mail, like everyone else in the Society I was searching. Searching for the person I was meant to be, what I gained from the letters, and the multigenerational books led to and is leading to knowledge, that is truly mind blowing.
The most profound aspect I gained from this knowledge was the hoax of the god concept, ( I already had doubts) with that false concept behind me, I started the journey of a lifetime. Gaining control, and becoming the authority in my own life; opened a new world for me, automatically making me, become a better person, and putting me on the path of becoming the
person I was meant to be. This gained knowledge led to my FNE, highlighted the neocheaters, how they operated, and who they are. The things I learned was and is very valuable, with the aid of the multigenerational books, I learned there steps a person can take to assist him or her in every aspect of their life.
When those steps are put into practice, the results are a much better life with focus and purpose for instance in your personal life, your diet, your relationships, personal and social, your job, and work, with the steps and methods your job becomes not only less boring or not boring at all but much more profitable. We know there are myriads of other steps and methods.
By applying the things I learned and gained led to a new world, not only from the outside, but first and foremost from the inside, best of all we create our own road map to take us any where we want to go in that new world. That new world is what all of mankind needs, but is not ready for yet, but eventually they will be there. All love to the Society.
Roy Metcalf
I wish to thank Mark Hamilton for his patience and his teachings during the meetings
My Name is Eddie Perkins. I am 71 years old. I was born in Delhi, Louisiana and grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas. I graduated from High School in Little Rock. After attending college for one year, I joined the Air Force. After four years in the Air Force, I went back to college and graduated as a Medical Technologist. I married my wife Neta in 1964. We are still together. I was raised in the Baptist Church. My wife was raised in the Holiness church. So, I now attend both.
I worked as a Medical Technologist for 22 years, then I worked in Health Administration for 12 years and retired. When it was time to get up in the mornings and go to work I sometimes dreamed of working my own business from my home when I retired . I started a Multi Level Marking Business with Primerica Financial Services prior to retiring.
My FNE is a business of helping others. I have always enjoyed helping others and to help others and get paid is a win, win situation for me.
I was searching for a way to get my business started when I got a Pamphlet from the Neothink Society. Although I was skeptical at first, I wondered what it would be like to use both sides of my brain . I have never liked being in the spot light. I liked working in the background. One of the things reading the Heirloom Packages have shown me is that I have a low self esteem. Therefore I am working on my self esteem by getting out of my self and move on whether I thought I was ready or not. I am not a fast reader, and I lose my concentration after about an hour. Therefore I am behind in my reading of the Heirloom Packages. I have learned so much from reading them.
I wish to thank Mark Hamilton for his patience and his teachings during the meetings, which has helped me to get started in the society. I am a level 8 member.
Eddie L. Perkins
Visionary Mark Hamilton’s teachings had…
When I was a toddler and was first allowed to play outside alone without supervision, I got a certain distance away from our home when darkness overcame my mind. I stopped suddenly, “What is this? Where is it coming from?” I asked myself. Realizing that it came from most of the people, I asked myself, “Why can’t they see as clearly as I can?” I had an urge to sit and think about it but remembered that it was my time to play the way I wanted to and went on my way thinking that I would come back to this when I can. Later in life, I realized that this darkness of the mind was worldwide. Visionary Mark Hamilton’s teachings had allowed me to once again remember that first encounter with the world outside my home.
Thank you Mark Hamilton
This testimonial has been a long process for me as I am still searching for my FNE. I have spent the winter reading and rereading the heirlooms and the mini heirlooms still searching for my FNE. I see many opportunity’s for this coming year ahead of us. The training has been a wonderful journey allowing me to grow and expand my knowledge. I am looking forward to using this integrated knowledge to benefit others in our society. I thank you for the knowledge and mentoring this past year for now I have the tools to forage ahead and be there for others who also want to learn how to overcome the uncertain time the lie ahead.
Thanks for this wonderful journey. James Perry
Thanks for the up lifting journey
Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton
Good day, I am Phil Marshall one of your Canadian apprentice. It is a pleasure to be associated with you. I have found your literature to be very breath taking. I must say I have integrated tremendously from reading your materials. I have found my Friday night essences. I am in the process of writing some materials which i called gripes. All of these ideas are stemmed from 10 second miracles. Thanks for the up lifting journey. I hope to meet you one day. Keep the good works.
Phil Marshall
Hi Mr. Mark Hamilton & Neothink Members
Hi Mr. Mark Hamilton & Neothink Members:
Not sure what to say or really how to say all that has happened from 2005 up till now. But let me be clear, I will try to be profoundly honest as never before. Ever since receiving the Neothink Orientation Booklet, Powerful Letters from Powerful Society Members, Neothink Heirloom 1, Neothink Heirloom 2, Neothink Heirloom 3, Boo’s Great Adventures, my life has gone through a complete transformation and continues to do so.
Let me preface this by saying I believe that the newly emerging Illuminati and society have been trying to get a hold of my Dad, Mom and my Father in law for some time. I truly believe (and am still researching this)) that my family genealogy/line holds some powerful secrets, potential royal blue blood line from Europe and possibly Israel. I have already found some connections to this. Family crests, my middle name–which may go back to the Royal Edwards in England. Why do I mention this. Because it is important to know and recognize the past in order to move into the future. In any event, I was the last member of my family to totally come into the possession of some of the most powerful and greatest secrets on the planet earth found in Neothink.
It was about 2005/2006 when Neothink came to me in full. I absorbed the material like a sponge and continue to do so to this very day. It is like my Shangri La, my hope in a dark place, my yearning for deeper knowledge, my oasis. The powerful letters told me how I could be wealthy beyond compare, attract beautiful women, become powerful, famous, run with the upper class of the Neothink Society. The letters indicated that I had power talents, abilities and that I would bring eternal secrets to the society that may have not yet been explored, that I also have double sine waves from Dr. Ian Scott. The Letters are truly what keep me going to this day, because they talked so much about where I am and where I am going and where I will be.
The society gave me hope, confidence, inner strength like never before, power like never before, the ability to read minds and maybe influence them, attract women like crazy((which actually happened)), make me a genius, smarter than ever before(I studied, and passed 4 appraisal classes which were tough)). In fact, even while married I did attract a beautiful woman and women. One in particular I fell in love with, because of the deep connection-spiritually, physically(sexually), and mentally. I have had deep profound moments of visionary dreams happening right in front of my eyes. As Mr. Hamilton has stated it is like a vision is forming in front of you and snapping things together. I have had deep moments of Neothink. I have been able to foretell future events in my life with an uncanny ability.
I refused to put up with external/negative thinking and circumstances. For the first time in over 15 years I did not feel stifled, snuffed out and actually felt exhilarated and freed from all of the crap going on in the world–stupid corporate America-stupid jobs–controlling, manipulative, domineering, demanding, abusive people. You get the idea. And I hate to say this, but my wife was one of these people. You see we had been married for 16 years with 2 boys. Two boys which I love dearly and will pass the society information to when they are ready. However, my wife did not exhilarate me any more, there was no spark, no love, no effort made in the intimacy department–only frigidity, abusive, controlling, toxic, demanding. Sex maybe once in a great while every 3 months, to 6 months to longer. It got extremely frustrated. Plus I was Mr. Mom and working long grave yard hours when Neothink came to me. This had been going for some time. Well, I got tired of it and as you say in Vision 7–of Heirloom II –love died along with a lot of other things.
So here is all the bad stuff. I had an affair, because the Neothink Info and power is extremely powerful and it does change you and make you into a internally strong genius creating powerful man which women love. I lost my wife(got divorced), lost my kids to sole custody, lost/sold my home. I also lost the job I had been for over 3 1/2 years. As you said in your letters, I had a lousy job, lousy love life, lousy car–which I still have. I went from 1400 square feet to probably 400 square feet which is where I am now–renting 1 bedroom apartment-lousy.
So again to recap–powerful calling, talents, abilities due to self awareness and power through Neothink. Lost Wife, kids, house, money and now I am losing my job with a county government(which may work itself to be a good thing) but we will see((I am still in the middle of dealing with)). The society also saw powerful writing ability in me, (maybe noble stuff). I did publish one thing a while ago, but yet to start on any new writing projects–but moving towards my downstream focus-essence. Trying to find this desperately. So life stinks. Love life died, no money, no job and the economy right now is in the crapper. I am just being honest here. Now I have to search again for another stupid job.
So, but, the beautiful thing is that Neo think will save me and has already done so. I know that my boys((Boo’s Great Adventure)) will inherit the Hoffman Dynasty. I know that all that the society has told me about myself will come to pass. I know that I have double sine waves, my name means something, belong to royalty and will bring that Royalty on through to creativity building and values through Neothink, that the powerful Hoffman Dynasty will be built by me and help from the society and its members. That I will help millions achieve their downstream focus and help them to reach the exhilaration found in the Twelve Visions World. That I will bring all of the secrets I now know and more to the society. I know that I will live the life of luxury, cars, cash, suits, houses, women or one good loving, gentle woman that believes in me(gifts, talents, my history and the values I will bring to this life and world), the good life will happen. I am still moving in that direction and waiting with more action on my part.
I will utilize my genius and creative ability to bring powerful secrets, medically, possibly scientifically and most certainly spiritually. After line of King David. See I don’t regret the past or look at the Bible as immoral necessarily–but I do believe that religion(external circumstantial blocked and mystic thinking is what puts most Christians in a box unable to think outside that box)) I could go more into that, but will stop at that point. However, I believe the society has only made my faith, abilities and power even greater. I will help to bring the eternal secrets and know where to look. I do not forget about my line through King David, King Solomon and all the immortals prior to them and after them even now.
So where does this leave me today……I don’t know really. I continue to study like never before the secrets of the universe in all areas, study Neothink as never before and hope like the great Neothink Celebrity man, that I get the woman, the house, the freedom, the luxury, the wealth, the downstream focus, the ability to create wealth and keep it and help countless millions achieve their dreams as well. Along with achieving the 1 big secret stated in Miss Annabelle’s Secrets (The Third Heirloom Package). I also want to buy the CD’s/Tapes from the last letter. I am serious about the Neothink Society and am looking to move into the Society that runs parallel to the masses now that I am single and have the opportunity to create great values. I hope this gives you help, hope, inspiration Mr. Hamilton. It is because of you and your great Members before you, alongside of you and now the great level 12 apprentices that we will move the world whether they are ready or not into the Twelve Visions World. My life has gone through entire turmoil. So I know it will only get better, thanks to the society. I just hope that I get everything back to me seven fold. I can hope and dream always because of you and this great membership to the Great Society that is older than dirt.
Yahoo, that is my dream and my hope. I hope and believe that I will arrive and get there with all of your help. Thank you for all that you and the society have done up to this point and can not wait to meet all of you soon.
WEH (Mr. Hoffman)
Throughout my life I was always excited about the new beginning of an adventure which occurred in the world put before me. Everything I thought was leading me somewhere and even those I thought who were sincere always ended up going in circles, at first forward and then back to where I started or even spiraling backwards. always thought I was making decisions myself and leading my own destiny. I had no idea that the matrix of the anti-civilization was controlling my destiny or should I say my own demise of life and prosperity. In the world which I thought was civilized, everything which came with a sacrifice of my time and energy seemed good at first, even honorable. Later that facade would crumble into tiny particles of broken dreams. Time after time, illusion after illusion, let down after let down and path after path would always lead to a dead end. Now, that has all changed due to Neothink!
Neothink for me is like a having a smart chip that can process incoming data of any situation by anyone and then analyzing good for me or bad for me using common denominators naturally and effectively through integrated thinking. The results for me are astonishing and rewarding. I see that when I use the techniques that I “wow” people all around me. Through ten second miracles I can shift events to my own advantage using creative thinking and alter the illusions in life hidden as real, to the reality of my mind which is sound and solid.
With your gifts of the knowledge you have blessed me with Mr. Mark Hamilton, regular ordinary people, such as myself, no longer have to “hope and believe in change.” With Neothink, one can vision the future in a complete puzzle picture and then create the pieces that snap together those concepts to form that whole complete picture first vision. This happens only with Neothink, the building of concepts which far exceeds the way the mind was traditionally taught to me as an individual, which is thinking in percepts. It truly is the mind of the future for all who want to soar quickly and coherently
into an exciting and prosperous world into a whole new life that can keep moving forward with no ending in sight, only bigger puzzles.
Without Neothink life was dull and boring and went in circles. Now life is like a ladder that breaks the circle to only move upwards to the top in life. Life, thanks to you and Neothink is like a playground once again for the inner-child within me. I can’t thank you enough for giving me the gift to see and create the future. Neothink is awesome! I can now live life the way I want and not the way life used to control me to live.
Omar K.