Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’

My journey to the Twelve Visions World started with Mark Hamilton…

My journey to the Twelve Visions World started with Mark Hamilton on August of 2009, when he perceived the pain I was going through in the stagnant rut I was glued into after I had received several medical treatments for many months as a result of a serious car accident I had on November 19, 2007, as I was driving to work in the morning from where I live in Raleigh, NC. I got the tibia, and fibula of my lower left leg broken with a 2 inch-bone gap in that accident.
I was admitted into Wake Medical Center, Raleigh NC where I received treatments for several months until I was able to move around with clutches. When I recuperated from my injuries after several more months to go back to my job before I had the accident, I was told by my employer that my position had been filled up with another employee after they had waited long enough for my return to work after the accident. I was paid-off quite alright, but I lost my job. After seriously looking for another job with my Bachelor degree in Business administration, and with several years of experience but failed to find anyone, I became stranded with nowhere to turn for help, until Mark Hamilton found me, and invited me to attend his monthly structured lectures on how to become a value creator for people for rewards.
After I had spent more than a year of unemployment experience, Mark Hamilton sent me his Neothink Manuscripts which gave me comfort, and assured me that there is no age limit in Furthering my academic desire at any stage of my life. He also, encouraged me in one of his level meetings that there is still hope of a better future for me after my down fall last couple of years.
Mark Hamilton’s literature taught me that there is no age limit in educating our conscious minds which can go on learning and acquiring knowledge to create and generate happiness forever.
For the first time since I had car accident, and became unemployed for more than a year, my psychological leap occurred first to know that human minds are not supposed to be nature controlled, limited in learning, or doomed as I thought that I was after my serious car accident which occurred on November 19, 2007. Mark Hamilton’s monthly levels 1 & 2 teleconference meetings and Heirloom volume 2 taught me that human consciousness is supposed to be man-controlled, unlimited, immortal, but not designed to stagnate and die as I thought when I became unemployed since June of 2008 after recuperating from the injuries I sustained in car accident on November 19, 2007. When I became aware that man made conscious mind is designed to create, And eternally live, I went back to school and registered for MBA courses on-line at the University Of Maryland University College to upgrade my credentials for a better future in my career as soon as I successfully graduate with MBA degree in less than 2 years from November 05, 2009.
With Mark Hamilton as my mentor, I have learned his principles by persistently applying as routine, my mini-day process technique, and my determined Friday Night Essence thru. downstream focus, I can become a value creator for people, and be rewarded with wealth, good health, and love.
Many thanks to Mark Hamilton for being my mentor, and having opened my eyes & conscious mind to behold all of the above which have inspired me to go back to school to further my education in my field of expertise & prepare myself to become an entrepreneur of my dreamed Business Enterprises which will create and build values for people of all color & race, and enhance wealth, love, and health in bound for me.
The Twelve Visions Party is the universal dynamic of conscious life. TVP is fully integrated honesty, uncompromising rationality, and wide-scope accounting. These rare qualities have made TVP the People’s party which has come to stay for eternity.
The TVP will replace the anti-civilization with the Twelve Visions World. TVP is with fully integrated Honesty that can go beneath any manipulators illusions. It is full of integrators who can create values for People of all ages, race, and color more than any anti-civilized party can attempt to do.
The twelve Visions Party will reduce the size of the government, and will cut non-defense spending programs to the bone, but will increase national defense funds. TVP will also, reduce the federal government suppressive regulations that hold back business, and hurt our economy since 1999 to the present date. It will reduce government size, reduce taxes, but boost, and promote business for individuals.
Mark Hamilton will be more than able to carry on the Twelve Visions Party’s agenda to depoliticize all the Neo-cheaters who handle the machinery of the government before the close anti-civilization time.
TVP wants what is best for the United States of America, and the entire world. It will give rights and protection to all, including to the smallest minority in most need of protection – to the individual.
There may be some differences between TVP and other parties, but there will be no cardiac arrest In TVP’s budget approach; instead there will be a solid approach with its budgets.
The people’s Twelve Visions Party will take the politicians’ big hearts used as a ploy to get voted into Power out of everything they do Washington DC Finally, Twelve Visions Party = Good Health, Honest Love, and Abound Wealth for all Value Creators.
Long live TVP for the Twelve Visions World, God Bless America, and the Universe for All People.

TVP and the Prime Law is good…

Hi Mark Hamilton,
I am back in LA. I got back yesterday and slept all day and night from the bus lag. I will get the vid into the YouTube system and also send you a copy as well for your viewing interests.
I have some interesting news for you: I spoke with some affluent Christian circles out here and they told me that God told them that you, Mr. Mark Hamilton, are becoming President. To emphasize that statement, they in their mysticism have said that God has spoken to them at Church Meetings about you after I spoke to them about you, and also said that they have received dreams from “the Lord Jesus” of you becoming President soon. So the plan is the “good, acceptable and perfect Will of God”, as the Christians have testified because your work for the Presidency, TVP and the Prime Law is good, acceptable and prefect…they finally understand.
I’ll get the vid in asap.
Mr. Darrin M. Pegram

My Letter to Mark Hamilton, founder of The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Political Party

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I wanted to send you a big “THANK YOU!”
A simple phrase. Yet with infinite gratitude.
Because for 13-years your work has given me so very much…
…From optimism for the future to business ideas that I can’t see an end to profiting from.
In fact, my entire life’s career has been guided by your work.
Your work…
…30 years of research and writing, from business and productivity, romance to politics, and much more.
And I intend to re-pay you in-kind.
I intend to contribute to your movement… because your movement is really my movement… everyone’s movement.
You see, around 1996 I received a promotion for your book Get Rich by 2001. It opened my eyes to the lies of big media, big business and big government.
It gave me ideas and tools for raising my intelligence, my creativity… encouraging great curiosity to uncover how the world works, and how I could profit.
And profit I have.
Financially. Professionally. Emotionally. Intellectually. You name it.
Right now I am building my independence via my website where I provide information on life management and career development…
I am a freelance marketer and writer… and I am traveling the world.
At present, I am in South America, Colombia to be exact… with time to work on my own value creations and indulge in the natural pleasures of being my own boss whilst exploring new cultures.
So you see, with the help of Neothink, my lifestyle has become enviable by many standards. I just wish more people had the chance to read what you have discovered and captured in your books.
Yet most people are still needlessly distracted by jobs they hate, relationships that hurt, or politicians they believe.
But now, with the work that I see Neothink Society members doing, such as Joshua and Trent Seymour, I think we will see more opportunity for us all to help build and share a new way of life (through respect and justice without politics, via the Prime Law)…
In fact, I can see that your ideas of a protection-only budget are accelerating the revolution, beyond the TEA Party, beyond Ron Paul, beyond Ayn Rand’s narrow-scope Capitalism, and into the Neothink world that you describe in your spell-binding work.
Every minute of every day I am working to balance my focus on short-term and long-term value creation in-line with the Neothink mentality, fueled through happy experiences during my global adventure.
The incredible thing for me right now is that whenever I am not feeling as happy as I could or should… or productive as I could or should… I know that your company’s information has the answers.
It really is amazing just how very much wisdom and how very many life advantages are captured in your work.
Mark, I thank you for all that you have done and all that you will do.
Yours sincerely,
Gavriel Shaw

I would personally like to thank my mentor Mark Hamilton for the once in a lifetime opportunity…

I would personally like to thank my mentor Mark Hamilton for the once in a lifetime opportunity to experience, learn and benefit because of Neothink Society values upon added values to infinity!
Dr F.W., Tracy Alexander, Mark Hamilton and Eric Savage are undeniably recognized in my heart chakra/center. You all are essential/core key members of our Family of Light here on this earth.
You offer a grand, very real perspective of a Science, Business and Art Civilization in which everyone is a valued individual in our world with unequivocal universal rights for a peaceful, prospering, happy, long lasting life. Go Twelve Visions Party! Your life’s work and that of your family is admirable, astonishing, remarkable, life-altering and awe-inspiring!
The words Thank You just don’t seem to be enough to express my gratitude…I look forward with much anticipation to a Better World…One that values humanity, the animals, the Earth and the Universe..Much Love!
Kelly J. Arndt

Coming to this point in my life, I find myself believing in bigger & bigger dreams…

Mark Hamilton & Michael Dilworth
Coming to this point in my life, I find myself believing in bigger & bigger dreams. Dreams that were once only wishes with doubt they would ever materialize.
Now, with taking full responsibility for everything that comes into my life, while using fully integrated honesty, life is great. Yet, only one thing holds back the full realization of my most grand dreams – Government. How can I grow my worldwide corporation to create value that will help others in a timely expedited manner? How can I do this with Government putting all these taxes & fees on my business and me? Why am I forced to pay all this for programs I do not support?
The force, coercion, fraud, & initiatory force used on me, a United States Citizen, is not right. Why can Individuals be elected by their fellow Citizens & then separate themselves with total disregard in protecting the total base of Individual Citizens they represent?
My dreams materializing will depend on a Government that is about the business of protecting its Individual Citizens without force, fraud, or initiatory force. A Government that is willing to realize its past errors and work on turning this country around. A Government heading in the right direction so Individuals can pursue life, liberty, & most importantly, the pursuit of happiness.
I want my dreams to materialize!
I want a Government to respect my Individual wants & desires!
I am willing to facilitate the moves necessary to bring about a Government that is about the business of protecting Individual rights, property, & contract!
I am for the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP) & ALL it stands for!
I will do my part to usher in the TVP in every state, this country, & eventually the world!!!
I hereby apply for the position of the Southeast Regional Chairperson. I am currently acting as the TVP of Tennessee Chairperson.
Tim Lambright, M.A., TFT-Alg

Mark Hamilton, (to acknowledge the Neothink/Mastermind of us)

Mark Hamilton, (to acknowledge the Neothink/Mastermind of us),
Here is what I have come up with thus far: (It may rewrite itself again…It has already had a number of edits)…I doubt it, though. It feels right:
“This is an “in house” story of a journey I went through during the early days of the Haiti earthquake, a process that shook my foundations and opened me up to those deep motivational layers we all have inside, that of survival and the will to live. There is something powerfully archetypal here, that which has always stirred us up and motivated us over the centuries. Bear with me, for this is not about Haiti or any relief plea, this is all about us, and life and death and love and how to triumph over that which would enslave us! Haiti is the trigger, the springboard to bringing about a laser focus onto our Country and us! This journey made itself, step by step, and took me where it did. If you will, I ask that you open your mind and heart and allow yourself to be carried to that laser point it is headed at! This is the least we can do, if we are asking it of Others “out there” who comprehend so much less than we do…You will also see why the term “in house” was used, meaning “just for us”:
Love, Elaine

Mark Hamilton, Words will never be able to express…

Mark Hamilton, Words will never be able to express how much your prime literature and mentor-ship has meant to me or the Neothink process and ALL the wonderful people who have brought it to me. Like everyone else who has learned to tell their own personal stories on learning to use their TSM’s and FNE’s to create values, below is the first completed example of my own Neothinking processes that I like to term as a “Deconstruction” process. I am proud of it and I share it with you in the hopes that you can find a place for it in your future publications and to the mentoring of others. You are one of only three who will see this article before I share it with the rest of the world professionally and the most important. Please feel free to do with it what you will. I hope it brings you as much joy to read it as it did for me to write it. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! Much love, peace, happiness, wealth, and health to you. Mary Stephens (formerly Mary
Kennedy) from Tennessee

My journey with Mark Hamilton has been a great success for me and for my family.

My name is Royd D.Garcia. I was born on March 7th 1972 in the City of Newark in the State of New Jersey. I’ve been a member of the Neothink® Society since September of 2005.
Around the time I received my first “Multi Generation Manuscript” I had already been married 7 years and living in an apartment with my wife and our two year old son. Prior to receiving, what I consider to be priceless books authored by Mark Hamilton, my life had been spiraling downward into what seemed to me at the time to be a hopelessly dismal future. Often I would resort to drugs and alcohol to escape from my own reality in which of course did not make matters any better. Before I realized it, the damage had already been done. I slipped into a state of depression that if not for a dear friend who understood and helped me snap out of it and my strong love for my family, I would have taken myself out.
Upon reading the works of Mark Hamilton it became very clear to me why my life had gone the destructive, almost fatal direction that it did. As If the books were not enough, Mark Hamilton had committed himself to mentor me for a whole year, free of charge. I must take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for what this man did for me and a countless number of others. I believe that if it were not for him I would have slipped back into a dejected state.
My journey with Mark Hamilton has been a great success for me and for my family.
Today I’m happily married with two children, own a house, make my own decisions and hold my head up high. No longer do I wake up dreading the day before me. No longer do I have a desire to drink, smoke, or use any destructive stimulants to hide behind reality. I’m no longer the victim. The principles I have learned from reading the literature and effectively applied have improved my life immensely. Going forward I now accept one hundred percent responsibility for everything that happens to me in my life.
In 2007 I began to congregate with other members and it was during this period when a few of us decided to team up together and take it to the next level. With guidance and direction from our mentor Mark Hamilton, we formed a business. We would provide services such as monthly clubhouses, intro meetings and workshops. Today we are still in business and continue to grow our business to provide better clubhouse meetings, coordinate regional events, and build our State party.
My partners in the business along with the members who participate in our clubhouse are some of the most loving, trusting, people I have ever met. These people have become family to me. I can’t help but to get a little emotional at this point because these people are the ones who lift me up no matter how difficult the challenges that lie ahead may appear. Despite these challenges they manage to keep their spirits high and keep their focus moving forward. I can’t give enough emphasis to how grateful I am for these people.
I must be candid in stating that politics has never been of any interest to me. The journey I’m taking on now is not within my essence but I feel it is necessary to accomplish our goal of making the Twelve Visions World a reality. I have had the honor and privilege of working side by side with integrated, honest, and determined individuals who of which together are building the foundation and continue to build The Twelve Visions Party® of New Jersey.
What the Twelve Visions Party means to me is hope for our future, our children’s future and thereafter. After reading Mark Hamilton’s “Twelve Visions” that he so magnificently shared with us in his book, I realized that these visions are not fantasy and could very well be actualized. My goal is to become the best I could possibly be and to help make the Twelve Visions a reality.
The Neothink® Society is where I belong. It has shown me how to live a better life. I support Mark Hamilton and admire his tenacity and persistence in creating a better life for the good of himself and of all humanity.
I am very proud of our New Jersey Team and I look forward to the day that we as a Society can all live a prosperous, healthy, and happy life.
-Royd Garcia

As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…

For those who happen to read this: All of your eyes, if you can read….because there are those who read, but still in doubt of what we are and what we are here, for?……As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…I’ve learned deep in my heart, that ” THIS IS IT “….I’ve read the 3 Heirlooms, meet Neothink members face to face, listen to tele-conference, joined a business entity with NT members, a TVP CA visionary, Natural Cures and Global Information subscriber and member….and in my own little way a warrior ( for life’s existence in a more meaningful ways ) with a secret weapon to protect myself and fight against those who takes advantage over me.
There’s nothing to be afraid of….Mr. Mark Hamilton….we are protected by what we believed is true….whatever happens….the Truth will come to surface….even if they are going to destroy us ( our movement ). We need the Change….only, majority are still blinded by their beliefs….and they will start seeing it more clearly when we are stop, we are destroyed, or jailed…..because, they will ask ( the public ) what are we dying for?
We Are Here For A Better World the Twelve Visions World. No more killings ( terrorist ), no more hunger / famine, no more diseases or H1N1 scare, no more corruption, no more recession / unemployment, and most of all; no more human made laws that protect the interest of those who are in the authority. NO MORE NEO-CHEATERS.
In my open testimonial to the public….we are not asking you to join us….just do something, in your own little ways to protect yourself and learn how to fight back against those who cheated you. You just made yourself…a warrior….seeking for a better world.
The fight had begun….and you are going to finish it…..Mr ____?
Jun Demavivas

Dedication: Mark Hamilton’s NT Warriors

Since I first joined this group of earnest and inspired writers, all of whom are intent upon placing a wall of protection around a shared dream that we all have, that of actually living a wealthy, healthy, and peaceful life here on this planet, I have felt the Love and Service-oriented kinship of all of us literally knit together this protection, which makes all of us feel the in-coming Twelve Visions World as beginning to manifest not only in our hearts but in materiality here on Earth.
I cannot tell you just how this participation makes me feel, since it is a feeling new to me=that of being able to share my dream with others who are working for the same dream as I…I know we all have been working together for several years, but I find this is the first time this great a number of us have walked side by side within the same experience. I find this to be a first-time discovery with a group of individuals, coming together in Unity and Love as we are. I imagine that most of us have had to travel certain roads relatively alone, and I would find that all of us might be able to feel similarly to what I’m feeling now, if I were to ask. Perhaps even Mark Hamilton might be feeling something of this caring support of others, and the power of what a few mortals can accomplish courageously in our “hour of great dreams” being realized for the first time here.
May this dream survive the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” into a living life form that can become a thriving Twelve Visions World, inspiring all to join with us to continue to make this dream come true! Each of us is no longer alone in our working for a better world for ourselves and for Humanity, for all our progeny to come…
Love with All, Lila Bennett
One of Many, One of Few
Pioneers of The Neothink Society
And Twelve Visions Party

March 2025