Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
You have really helped me through your writing.
Mr. Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for the work that you are doing. You have really helped me through your writing. The following is my testimonial:
Neothink Society has been a great value to me and my family. It has help me understand what is truly important and valuable in life. I have a wife and four children. My family and I are very happy and highly motivated as result of being a part of Neothink Society. I would truly like to thank Neothink Society for all of the insight and knowledge.
The Twelve Vision Party will have a great impact on my life and the lives of my children. By implementing the much needed changes in our system will allow me to take better care of myself, my family and provide better products and services to my community at a lower cost. We will be able to create more jobs and live happier, longer lives. This is about giving everyone the opportunity to create the kind of life they want to live without being attacked. Forced taxation is immoral. Who gives you the right? No one. Morris C. – TX
Thank You,
Morris R. Coe, Jr.
Have a Wonderful Day!
The Neothink Society is an group hard working honest people…
The Neothink Society is an group hard working honest people, who is dedicated to doing what’s right for the good of all. Many people and groups one encounters in there life time often do good things out of fear. Mark Hamilton’s literature can and will help you overcome your personal fears and accomplish many if not all of your goals in life. Most of us want to live a good clean honest life, but with all the dishonesty in our World today one can find this difficult, This literature can help you begin to think and start looking for answers from within, that will benefit yourself and your family. The one thing I noticed about our brother Jesus is that, in every situation, he was always honest about things, The he had concurred all the illusions of this dishonest World that had crucified him according to their law. To make just decisions about things, first gather all the information.
I want to personally think you for inviting me into the Neothink Society
Dear Mark Hamilton,
I want to personally think you for inviting me into the Neothink Society. When I received your invitation I was already on a personal journey and mission of fulfilling my true essence. My best friend and I had broken away from society and left our homes and jobs because we knew there was a better way to live life. We left a life of lies, negative relationships and lost hopes and desires. We had basically had enough of the lies and financial draining from those that we thought were our loved ones for whom we had lived our whole lives with including some family members and relationships. My friend and I had come from different families but our situation was the same and upon joining forces gave us the strength and wherewithal to break away.
I had always been a lost soul looking for my way but it slowly occurred to me that I was always living my life for the benefit of others who took advantage of my ignorance. This realization occurred only after I had left because I was so much blinded by the false life that I was in that I could not see clearly. Upon reading the multigenerational manuscripts my mind started to clear of all the false data that I was operating under. At times all of a sudden thoughts and ideas would became so crystal clear and it made me feel happy and more secure in my understanding of life. It’s takes a little while for your mind to process the information and clean out the false data but it is an on going process and each time you understand life a little more and your awareness comes up as well. Happiness fills your soul because you’re finally breaking free to be who you were meant to be.
I feel like my life has been blessed for having an association with the Neothink Society. At last I am with an honest group of people who want so badly to live life to its fullest. We are very much so fortunate to have the guidance of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. A new world is right in front of us. Let’s all just grab a hold of it and don’t look back. The TVP is beyond reform. It is the beginning of the Twelve Visions World. Let’s all be proud to be the first humans on earth to shatter the past and break free from all of the political lies and blast our selves into this new and exciting era for the rest of mankind.
Best Regards, William L.
I thank you for the knowledge that have been passed on to me by Neothink
A new direction in politics, the first one to speak is always the media. This time it is absolute clear, if the media wants to be heard by the government or better said wants to be involved adding strength to the government it could not be otherwise. It is the government, who invests big money to have the media in their side. Since the end of last world war we still are hoping to unite countries that have not know peace in 50 years. The western world is brainwashing us including certain religions, just to justify, to have explanations for interfering in their politics. Only this time we pay the dividend, because the war of terror is with us for a long time to come. For the media I would love to advise them before they involve themselves, to become acquainted with the literature and the constitution of Neothink what Neothink is all about.
In my opinion the critic that the media is bringing across will result in a free advertisement in favor of Neothink. Anybody that wants to criticize Neothink should firstly acquaint themselves with the knowledge displayed, written in the Neothink books.
If you have read and absorbed the knowledge of those books that have been written by highly intelligent people, you would not dare expose yourself, with the embarrassment, naming a powerful organization a scam. These highly intelligent people have displayed their knowledge for everybody to study the content before you give your opinion. There is more than 20yrs of hard work been displayed.
The media will not only embarrass themselves, they are insulting the Author of those books plus insult everybody who has purchased Neothink literature. I congratulate everyone in particular Mark Hamilton who have displayed all of that knowledge in to print.
Shame to all who admitted to name Neothink a Scam. This alone is already indicating your level of intelligence. Let me tell you a little about myself. Right through my education I said to myself, there must be more to life than what has been pass on to me by religion and government. Ever since I have been searching in books of knowledge, I came across Buddhism, Eckhart Tolle, teachings The Power of Now, The New EARTH, and others, I was fascinated by the philosophy of Neothink, I soon discovered that the philosophy of Neothink is the number one philosophy that is updated to the world we live in. I started reading their books 12yrs ago. I bought four of them and at this point I want to congratulate, in particular Mark Hamilton for his creation. Of course there are many more who have displayed their dedication to Neothink, just to mention a few, like Mr Melbourne, Mrs Annabelle who taught the third grade children for twelve months, they were encouraged by this wonderful teacher, who later on became Scientists. These children have achieved much more, than the flock that have been taught to follow each other.
Please all of you, get acquainted with the knowledge of Neothink, before you embarrass yourself criticizing something you know little about. You will be surprised how Neothink can let you find harmony, happiness, satisfaction, pride and security.
I thank you for the knowledge that have been passed on to me by Neothink.
Mr. Mark Hamilton,
Mr. Mark Hamilton,
I was thinking of the downstream focus again. I, yes, was re-reading volume two, of the old NC number, and will follow my way to the site as stated by you. When I look at all the different things that interest me, I feel I am overwhelmed of which one to concentrate on first of the various ideas I have for success. I know everyone had been following me, which is part of the problem as others got in the way and were preventive which became very annoying to me. I am sure you realize this first hand. I re-read vision number one, and thought of writing a book and also thought of inventions, or building invention, then thought of a business (two in particular ) and then also thought of then painting and drawing. So, what is the prime basic common denominator of all those together? Illustrate my own book of inventions while describing the landscape of what happen in the past that prevented me from success in the past? Maybe? Do know I went to a lawyer today. I spoke to him in regards of the forged checks of my TCF account that seems to forever lingered, it should had been resolved by the banks firstly! While sitting there talking to him for about two hours, it eventually lead into the wrongful conviction case of time I did. Well, my case is really odd, a victim of circumstances like Vision one had explained. Circumstances were inevitable in the past as a result of the twisted consciousness of others, for the reason why I just don’t socialize much with anyone anymore. If I get a few of my issues solves, then I might mentally degree and feel there is finally some productivity in my life and feel happy for the first time since my Mom was alive. I spoke to the lawyer in regards to my Mom’s death as well. Her fourth husband, Rudy, was in the house and alleged he couldn’t hear a 38 caliber go off in his house while he was in the basement. He lied! He had a wife before my Mom that had dies the same way. I can’t seem to forget that day. I have testimony that the police department didn’t question. He tried starving my mom, Mr. Hamilton! Too, the case I was in the Department of Correction over? Compelling to say the lest, a victim of lies and a victim of circumstances. I was at someone’s house from 4pm to 8 am the next morning, I wasn’t even on the same side of town of the time of the alleged corner’s report which was at 10 or 11 PM at night. To there was lying on the sand by others and I knew it and while sitting there in the court room I couldn’t believe it I was just so angry. Well, the conversation between me and this lawyer lead into that eventually. He said he has someone that he knows that specializes in cases like this. I told him I want to talk to Terri and my Dad about it first, as it is a muti-million dollar case. Yet it is best explained only by myself, know one knows my life path back then except for me. A number of years back I did file an executive clemency, which was turned down as moot by George Ryan who was caught in selling drivers licenses. I filed a freedom of information act form to the police department to have my records released of any evidence and they didn’t as there wasn’t any evidence. They convicted me on a co horsed statement! So, I sat for 12 and a half years, and alls I did was go to the library or write and draw. So, I can’t get a job because of the prior conviction, it isn’t the conviction as much as it was lack of a work history. In there I was also an administrative clerk and I painted the place inside and out three times fixing all the crooked paint lines. In there was where all this began, me reaching out to be someone better and different and to have my voice heard in regards to many things. My mom always wanted me to write, so I wrote more letter and other things then anyone can imagine! Too, in there was where I developed the plans to protect America from terrorism, fact. All of that was forwarded to Donald Rumsfeld and the CIA and even Department of Homeland Security etc, all over 6 dollars on a two for one of a pack of smoke I had to pay someone for of so many envelopes and these nutty bars they sold in there. And, I’m a good man, yet not like what all these so and so’s think. I am very serious minded. I had been working with crumbs as far as money went and dealt with assault from a gang two different times, once I was hit with a rock on the Side of my face. These people never knew what I was involved in. Each and every day I only talk what I know if I hold a conversation. So, I mention things about protection of the USA and other countries, and renewable green energies, and etc the list is so long it is unfathomable to list. Well, I have to get some sleep. I been really pushing every neo-second I could, or nano second I meant. All of you have a nice day and a better tomorrow and sleep when you can for proper rest and keep up with the FNE like Mark said. It is retraining of the mind, it can and will work. POWER,WEALTH, HEALTH and success.
P.S. The books are correct, I am regaining my love with Terri at the perfect rate. Her and I have love and we are in love like the book said. I wish everyone peace and wellness and happiness in their life and try not to be downplaying on others that are not so fortunate, one of them might had been the one who protected America from a jail cell with a pen!
Hi Mark Hamilton
Hi Mark Hamilton this is your apprentice jonete aguiar jr. i hope this finds you in good health. First of all I wanted to thank you for everything you do for humanity, it must be a really heavy burden to do what you do but I bet you have your gratifications from helping other people.
ps. thank you once more for being my mentor I hope to meet you in person someday
jonete aguiar jr.
Thanks for the treasures Mark Hamilton has enabled me to learn about
Hello my name is Jason Paullin and I would like to take this time to express my deepest thanks for the treasures Mark Hamilton has enabled me to learn about. Through his books I have gained the much needed knowledge I was deprived. I would also like to mention how deeply my life has changed for the better. I now know who I was meant to be and that I was meant to provide endless values that can and will help humanity grow and prosper. This would have been almost impossible with out the teachings of Mr. Hamilton and his relentless pursuit to provide these priceless gifts at the lowest prices. The visions of the future now provide hope for a completely free society that finds ways to unleash waves of happiness and prosperity never before thought possible. With out this movement I am convinced humanities chances of survival are fading faster each day. With the TVP and its main goal of individual rights every person will gain a level of personal protection not only from criminals but also from those government officials who’s dishonest practices and out right laziness cripple every aspect of life and slows the rapid advancements needed to stay ahead of the dangers that threaten every person alive today. Once people learn the everlasting joy of integrated honesty even those who threaten our future can make the necessary life changes to become lasting value producers. I am pained by the those unwilling to stand against the few who have given themselves permission to decide what’s best for a world and its people. It is honesty that protects life and dishonesty that destroys it. I say why play follow the leader when you can learn to lead yourself. Mark Hamilton provides the tools needed to become that self leader and the confidence to say no to those who’s power over you is only there because they force it on all of us.
Mr. Mark Hamilton, Thank You ever so much for the mind expanding lessons…
Mr. Mark Hamilton, Thank You ever so much for the mind expanding lessons your literature provides. You have shared amazing insights on life, true love and happiness. Avoiding scammers & cheaters are the most valuable tools I now possess. My education could not have been more complete without your excellent writing. I have had the good fortune to respond to your unique marketing approach! You have captured my love for history, religion, politics, business and science. Your respect for my intellect is rewarding. The myriad of puzzle pieces you bring to light, have been both entertaining and educational. I am usually perked-up to full potential by reading your books. I’m convinced no curriculum would be complete without neo think required for graduation! I’ve just received info on your latest book. I’m looking forward to it. Your writing shares the most useful information for growth and understanding, I have ever had the pleasure of indulging in. Many thanks for you and the beautiful world, your ideas present. Cindy K.
Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for Awakening Me
Ever since I received my first Heirloom five years ago and recently my second and third Heirlooms from Mark Hamilton, My thinking about life in general will never be the same again as i have absorbed the most Powerful Knowledge in our Planet.
I feel very Blessed to be Part of the upcoming Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Advantages for Unlimited Prosperity, Happiness, and Romantic Love Including The Poor.
Thank you Mark and the Neothink Society for Awakening Me, GOD BLESS.
My self and my family sincerely thank you.
Mark Hamilton’s Neothink must be introduced!
Dear Mark:
Thanks for notifying me of your difficulties introducing yourself. the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party to our society.
It is difficult for me to understand opposition to the introduction of an alternative to our current political and economic system. Neither of these systems are successful, they have taken us to the second great depression!
In addition, to needing alternative solutions to our problems, this is a democracy built on free speech! The introduction of the Neothink approach with its efficient use of resources, its increase in motivation and wealth for the working Americans is imperative.
Is happiness and wealth our enemy? We working Americans are willing to accept possible improvements in our life style. The Neothink methodology will improve our business organizations and economic performance. Why would we not want this?
Are the present efforts of both government and business too involved in corruption and dishonesty? Does Mr. Mark Hamilton’s proposal frighten them?
Based upon fear being their only objective Mark Hamilton’s Neothink must be introduced! If they fear it. it has merits!
The media supports the status quo because that is the source of its revenue! The media fears progress and change! They object to sharing the wealth. They will not print the truth if it is a threat to their advertisers! Neothink offers an acceptable improvement to our economic and political system. Neothink is for the many not just the few!
Dr Charles H Mott