Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
THANK YOU again for your wonderful literature
HI Mark Hamilton, about the Neothink literature that I have purchased from you. your writings are the best i have read. the only other book that I have gotten into that is close to your material is a book from Aristotle called ethics. your writings about getting through all of the many illusions of there anticivilization to get to what is outstanding writing.. cutting through all of the many illusions of the anticivilization to get to the essence of things as you know can take years. i have benefited greatly from your literature. once again mark as you mentioned in your material there are so many mental hooks that the anticivilization puts on individuals even when you do break through there corruptions, and illusions those mental hooks still tug and pull on you. luckily i have been strong and steadfast in my beliefs, the integrated thinking, and Neothinking that I have learned from your writings and meetings have helped me stay on the outside of the anticivilization. on the outside of the anticivilization is where the pure power of honesty thrives! also thank you for the information about the ten second miracles. I use them in my everyday life and they are a great tool to use in many situations. firing bullets of honesty into the dishonesty of anticivilization false authorities is very powerful! THANK YOU again for your wonderful literature. it is as good as it gets! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! YOUR FRIEND! JEREMY WILHOIT
I want to thank you for sending me the invitation into the Neothink society back in 2005
Dear Mark Hamilton, I want to thank you for sending me the invitation into the Neothink society back in 2005. Since I have been a member of Neothink my life has improved in many ways. the Neothink writings that i purchased from you have advanced the powers of my mind, made me more intelligent, and have given me advantages in most situations, as you know my friend getting right to the essence of things, getting right to what is always makes things go much more smoothly. we do not want to create problems where no problems exist, that is a waste of time. we want to create values by getting to what is, like you so brilliantly wrote about in your Neothink books! I am glad to see that the Twelve Visions Party is moving forward. as you mentioned in your Neothink literature and the video on the Twelve Visions Party website the anticivilization is deteriorating rapidly. the catastrophic era is here and by using Neothink, going with my gut feelings, and getting into the intense meditations that I love so much i can see the collapse of the dishonest anticivilization coming soon. TVP is the solution to correct so many of the problems that we see now. your friend! jeremy
This message is to all our political leaders
Hello Mark Hamilton, This message is to all our political leaders. Who are feeling a negative in differentiation about what a Wonderful World of Pure intellectual love, support, shelter, and security, and a abundance of wealth for all our future generations and re-generations of people throughout eternity. From the beginning of time this discussion of who says, or organizes a campaign, or restructure of governmental reprise. Or build new ways of thinking and new broadband challenges cultivating civilizations, The problem has always been a fatal struggle between the classes. Organizing armistices and filling the blasphemy of their most firm beliefs or disbelief in new thinking, and causation without representation of the basic of our foundation who organized the & US Constitution, and the Proclamation of Declaration. Why? We have struggled so many wars, so many tears, so many fatalities, because people struggle without the conscious power of survival in the discoveries of Neothink. The building “Foundation Library” of literal books of wisdom of Neothink by Dr. F.R.W., and Mark Hamilton is absolutely not mysticism. This literature is the genius of the most powerful thinkers we have in the world always. And took a lifetime of writing and rewriting by Dr. F.R.W., and Mark Hamilton. This literature is immersed in so much beautiful love for our creation. The World of neighbors of the Universe. Who take this message takes to millions of people, globally, who enjoy and are dedicated to rule out mysticism in the world of anti-civilization. Which is a realty of life since 2500 yeas ago. when anti-civilizaiton built on political/religious matrix of dishonesties
1. A person gains a calm and benevolent acceptance of the fact that since about 500 B.C., humans had no choice but to live, suffer, and die in a bizarrely -unnatural world-in a politically-and -religiously ravaged. civilization.
2. A person dramatically increases his or her toleration, understanding, and ability to function beneficently, prosperously, and happily in an anticivlizaiton.
3. That person can then profit from essentially any positive or negative situation arising from an anticivilation. How? By harnessing Neothink fully intergraded honesty with wide scope rationalities that undermine and then profitably exploit anticivilation deception. Such exploitations are processes of “creative destruction” withing today’s dishonest-and-irrational political/religious anitcivilation needed to build on honest-and-rational business/science/art civilization on Earth as described throughout Pax NT.
This is a seed of what has been written by the United States of America’s top Neothink Discoveries. To our Political Leader’s. “Please ,do not let this vital to existence precise intellectual vast knowledge die. If this movement would stop it would mean the End of the World. “
Mr. Eugene Brien Pacifico
Mark Hamilton is not a scam
I just want to say that Mark Hamilton is not a scam, is time that people take the blindfold off, and see the reality of things, the literature that I been shown has change my life, now I feel like Neothink inside the matrix where things are not what the seem and because now I understand things I can profit from any situation to my advantage, listen the possibility’s are limitless the options are unlimited, I walk a golden path now, keep your mind open to the possibility’s everything will be alright
This is a great privilege for me and my time spent getting to know the Neothink Society
This is a great privilege for me my time spent getting to know Neothink Society
And what this stand for, the Neothink Society founder Mark Hamilton I received an invitation…and this came
At a time of great need I loved reading so regardless of what waste happening in my life the hurts deceit lies on the job Cannot figure out why certain conditions exist until after beginning to read Mark Hamilton manuscript the truth seen I Became excited for the first time for along time and will never forget this how i felt that this is real people that Think in such great ways,
Which my testimony to this great truth is life changing for me after all that I’ve learned and com to know The effect is lasting and as found great value in living and so much more this is realty ,because of the person iv become their is non other path that can measure up to this standard my children and grand children will com to know There is a true standard I’m not a politician but the TVP which is the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society founder Mark Hamilton Will succeed, because the function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose With the prim law no more rule of man.
Craig D.
What Mark Hamilton is attempting to accomplish for the “greater good”
Throughout the world, we as a society have experienced manipulation for several thousand years, maybe even longer. The emotional and mental manipulation of the masses today involves the wealthy elite, multi-national corporations, including Wall Street, health care, and insurance companies, various governments, and a host of religious organizations, who often conspire with each other when it is mutually beneficial. This should be extremely obvious to any person currently experiencing the world in general. We are continually being lied to by those in control or power regarding just about everything that is actually happening, rather than the purposefully distorted versions we receive regularly through the various media outlets. Individuals having commonsense are beginning to see various aspects of truth, as the lies become more transparent and revealed.
I do not believe that any of us want to continue believing in media lies, nor have the wealthy elite continue to control of our life circumstance and individual creative mind potential, which includes financial prosperity, along with living in a truly enlightened society. This current process of mental control can be extremely difficult to overcome, dismiss, or release. We require a point of reference to compare with the status quo. If you want to experience self-empowerment, and be an active participant in changing our manipulated living conditions, then do yourself a favor and check out Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton. Do your own research, rather than believing what others might say. Any person can write anything on the Internet, and through word context manipulation make complete fabrications seem extremely believable.
Do not be trapped into forming an opinion offered by others, which would include this view. Go to the official Neothink Web site and see for yourself what Mark Hamilton is attempting to accomplish for the “greater good” that involves each of us. His shared information speaks for itself. It makes sense and resonates with truth. You will notice that things said against Neothink and Mark Hamilton do not offering any concrete opinions, workable solutions, or legitimate disagreements, but are consistently aimed at clearly discrediting and destroying him and the society he has worked at creating for the past thirty years of his life. In America, and elsewhere in the world, nothing else is even close to working at this time. The world is currently free-falling into disorder and chaos, which is no a secret.
Why not support any individual, like Mark Hamilton, who is thinking outside-the-box with new creative, intelligent, carefully considered detailed approaches and plans that actually do make sense and could work. Please do not let the powers to be, yet again, discredit and financially destroy an individual who is attempting to empower us “We the people”. Mark Hamilton is making himself a target for the wealthy elite to move his plan forward. He is one of us, “We the people”, and has earned our collective support and trust. Someone, named Mark Hamilton, has stepped up and said NO MORE LIES in a very public way because he believes in “We the people”. All he is asking from you is to voice your opinion about his work and what he has to say. Shield his principles and new societal approach from those seeking to discredit and destroy him and his Neothink creations, which serve the “greater good”, instead of a select few.
Individuals willing to risk their life accomplishments for the “greater good” are extremely rare in today’s society, but Mark Hamilton is one of those few. If “We the people” still exist in this pretense of a democracy then we cannot afford to sacrifice another visionary free-thinker to the media machine and political power brokers. Mark Hamilton has already done most of the work. Why not allow him to complete his plan and see what happens. There is no down side for any individual, except those currently in power. “We the people” have to at least tell those in control that we support Mark Hamilton and his Neothink literature by flooding the Internet with support for Mark Hamilton. I am talking about hundreds of billions of individuals who are ready to take control back from the wealthy elite and corrupt governments around the world. NO MORE LIES. Do not let the powerful media falsely manipulate public opinion against Mark Hamilton. “We the people” are an extremely power tool that when used collectively and appropriately can usurp any prevailing elite power structure and they obviously know this. We have a black president in the United States because of “We the people”. And “We the people” must support Mark Hamilton to save ourselves and many others trying to survive throughout the world in these extremely difficult times. Consider this very carefully for there are no other readily available options at this point. Like Mark Hamilton, I also believe in “We the people” and I hope this message reaches hundreds of billions of individuals who also believe in “We the people”. If there ever was a time to support a specific individual, it would be NOW, and it would be MARK HAMILTON.
Mark Hamilton is a wonderful teacher
I would start by saying that Mark Hamilton is a wonderful teacher, who have worked so hard to enlighten me on Neothink. The literature taught by Mark Hamilton , brought light and understanding of life to me. The Neothink Society taught me how to love which i have spread to my family. My family is united and love each other. I went back to School, got BSN and immediately proceeded to masters program and would complete very soon
I thank Mark Hamilton and the twelve visions party (TVP).
Wow! Mark Hamilton and these courageous soldiers
Hello Out There!
The search is over because truth prevailed. I’ve come across all types of studies while graduating from Wayne State University on a full scholarship. During the four-plus years that I walked those familiar halls I searched, not necessarily for a profession (though I had to commit or else lose the scholarship), but I searched for truths during that whole college term. I found some truths. Those truths were mostly math and other scientific certainties. The rest were basically hypothesis, and conformity to man-made rules for survival.
Even during those college days I found myself praying for revelations of truths about the world that I lived in. After all, I felt my time here on earth wasn’t going to be a short stay and I wanted to walk knowledgeable and confident amongst you all.
By some strange twist of faith I came across the Neothink Heirlooms. I nearly fainted when I read them. I then went back and studied (studying) them because I couldn’t believe what I had stumbled upon.
The content enveloped and continues to envelope me. I later became familiar with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) movement and thought, Wow! Mark Hamilton and these courageous soldiers are putting forth an effort to bring about a better world. Unlike the current political laws that are interpreted thousands of different ways depending on the directions of the wind in Washington, these laws are written without ambiguities. The meanings to the bylaws and agenda are cut and dry. There can be no hidden agenda.
I was so excited that I got into my, sometimes, reliable car and traveled to Chicago to be at a TVP event. My wife thought I was crazy, but she traveled with me. However, she thought I was just as nuts when I jump in that same car to head to New Jersey to attend the TVP convention with very little funds.
She asked me why do I act on impulse and fly by the seat of my pants about these matters? I simply said, “I have to follow my heart. It’s one of the reasons we’re together.” She laughed, kissed me, and responded “Then it must be worth the effort.”
These revelations doesn’t mean that I’m a totally different person. I have no ill will towards current politicians or other dishonest people. As a matter of fact I can tolerate them better, because I know that they are a product of their environment. Though, I have to admit that I don’t feel guilty about knowing that there is work being done to unseat them and that I’m taking part in doing so by supporting Mark Hamilton and the TVP movement. And don’t worry, it’s being done fairly and is being played by the same rules that our Forefathers set in place.
I simply know that the laws of attraction will cause unfair politicians and corrupt business leaders to lose those abusive positions of power and the unfair lots in life that they currently occupy. They can’t truly be happy there anyway.
Somewhere down the line when the TVP is rolling full steam ahead, they’ll confess that they weren’t really happy doing those clandestine deeds while they were in positions of power. But they are blind to these facts now because they suffer from Power Drunkenness and turn a blind eye to their actions and the subsequent pain of others.
I’m still basically the same kind and loving person I was before these Neothink revelations. However, I have noticed a slight difference in me. My drive for success has been amplified lately and I now walk on higher grounds. I walk amongst the greatest, clearest and honest thinkers that are born of this world. I feel really good to know like-minded people!
You’re wonderful and appreciated for finding me, Mark Hamilton. Or did I find you? I guess that could be a never-ending debate. Either way, we’re linked for life.
Love & Prosperity,
Larry D. Snell
Hello Mark Hamilton
Hello Mark Hamilton,
I’m writing you, as I wanted you to know that I’ve probably spent about a $100.00 on you’re information in the past. I can say, honestly I believe that I was not scammed. I believe I received my monies worth as I’ve learned many new things from your books. I’ve certainly spent my money on worse investments in my life, like cold medicines trying to find the right one, or some of the outrages prices charged for basic necessities these days. I don’t agree with all of the things you write about in your books. You certainly get me thinking about things, that I normally don’t have time to think about, because I’m too busy trying to keep a roof over my family’s head, which I guess is your point! I’m worked to the bones by two jobs for a subsistence wage, while the few elite enjoy more than their fair share of the pie, but I’m lucky because I have hope of a better life, which is exactly what your trying to sell. I respect you and your life’s work, but I can’t afford all of your ideas, nor do I have the time to think about them all, because I’m trying to work on my own dreams thanks to some of your information that I bought. Good luck to you sir!
I’ll let you know how I do with my dreams.
Fred Tappan
Your books have brought me much needed peace in my stressful life
To: Mark Hamilton From: Shawn Staggs Hey Mark, I’ve decided to finally send you this long overdue email. First of all, I want you to know that I CARE about the Twelve Visions Party and believe in it 100%. Your books have brought me much needed peace in my stressful life. I’m sorry I didn’t purchase your fathers other writings. I felt at the time that I could not afford it. I also want you to know that your novel Miss Annabelle’s Secrets had a very profound effect on me! That book is very precious to me and I’m very proud to have it in my humble little library. Unfortunately, the copy you sent me had someone else’s name on it…a misprint. At first I didn’t mind, but it’s grown to bother me. I would appreciate it if I could exchange it for another copy.
I have a lot of questions that I would like to ask you. Is there anything you would like to ask me? I was hoping that you could find time in your busy schedule to send me a personal email… nothing automated… so I know you’ve received & read this one. Thank you. Your grateful friend, Shawn Staggs PS Please excuse any bad grammar.