Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’


There is a war going on and this war is the war of Good vs Evil. Which side are you on? Not sure? Well let me tell you a little about both sides….
On the evil side we have the dishonest rule of flaw-filled man who has corrupted our government. Government corruption has created disadvantages in many areas of life for you and I and all through out this entire world. Disadvantages like poverty, hunger, stagnant economies, terrorism attacks, infectious outbreaks and pandemics, bankruptcies, debts, regulations and taxes. Whether you’re rich, poor or middle class, we have all felt it’s lethal blows. These disadvantages has left you, your children, family, friends, loved ones, the whole world unprotected, unsafe, unhealthy, unweathy and many victims have already lost their innocent lives.
On the good side we have “Mark Hamilton”, The World Most Beloved Author of Prime Literature & Founder Of The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) And The Neothink Society. With The Neothink Society, we can honestly save ourselves. With the TVP (a new political party movement), we can honestly save the world. Those on the evil side, who are evil and dishonest in nature, and who are haters of those who do good, would try to silence Mark Hamilton who apparently has a good and honest nature. Mark Hamilton is a noble respectable man who’s good intentions are to save ourselves and to save the entire world. Mark Hamilton wants to eradicate all sufferings, for a hunger-free, poverty-free, stagnant economies-free, terrorism attack-free, bankruptcies-free, debt-free, regulation-free, taxes-free world, for you, your children, family, friends and loved ones to enjoy! To get a clearer picture on how to save ourselves and how to save the entire world go to: and Mark Hamilton, his literature, his Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party is LOVE. Love makes the world go round. There’s enough love in TVP to go around the whole world.
Now that you know a little more about this war between GOOD vs EVIL, which side are you NOW on? If you chose the side that wants to protect and save your life and the lives of your children, family, friends and loved ones, then you’ve chosen the GOOD side. “Welcome” to the good side! All those on the good side may vote for TVP at Your honest votes will help GOOD prevail over EVIL. To become a member of The Neothink Society go to To order Mark Hamilton’s most beloved literatures call 1-888-859-6859. To listen to Neothink radio go to
I love Mark Hamilton, his literature, his Neothink Society and TVP. The Success of the TVP means that you and I and our loved ones will no longer have to suffer under the rules of flaw-filled man. Hasta la vista life disadvantages! Hola life advantages! TVP really gives me a future for me and my loved ones to look forward to. I am looking forward to living in a TWELVE VISIONS WORLD. Come what may, “Mark”, always know that you are forever loved.

Since I became a Neothink member in March 2003 my life is so different now

Dear Mark Hamilton
Since I became a Neothink member in March 2003 my life is so different now, open my own business and became a self-leader been on my own boss and making money i could never made it without your literature and you been mentor…..
I feel so thankful to you and the great Dr. Frank R. W. I feel so lucky to have you is my mentor, my heart in my spirit it is taking a journey of the most greatest historical moment in my life with Twelve Vision Party.
The Twelve Vision Party is the man kind evolution to everlasting riches, health, happiness and live for thousand of year or fever it is the party of of pure honesty wish everyone will be rich including the poor and poverty will cease to exit .
Once I became a Neothink member I became like a superman i could feel and see the future and read people mind and action, I know who could i trust or keep around me……….
I feel so happy and exited on this great journey with The Twelve Vision Party knowing that we going to live in world of love and peace we most act now and save our world, and we most move on with the twelve vision party to take us to the future to the neo-think mentality……
Mark Hamilton: thank you for been my mentor

Mark Hamilton and his father has been an inspiration to many people in this country and abroad

Hello to all that reads this letter of testimonial to the Neothink society. Mark Hamilton and his father has been an inspiration to many people in this country and abroad. There is no anger, revolt or any sort of negativity what so ever with this system of knowledge. This is no cult or religious group, and only has a positive approach to many things in this world. This group of people can only create a better society for all of us, as an advancement into a productive and loving system. I highly recommend this system and what Mark Hamilton has tried to do. If some people who purchased the books were not happy with them, this does not make the Neothink system wrong in any matter. I have a masters in psychology, and I can speak from my own experience, that it wakes up the sleeping areas in some brains and gives self confidence to all. This always has positive and negative reactions as so does many things. There are many things in this world that can be dangerous and wrong for us humans, but this system is a product of each individual, not the system itself. In other words, it is the person themselves that react to a product, and it is them who makes it what it turns out to be for themselves and only themselves. I hope this gives a light into what is proposed. Thank you for taking the time to read – and be well to all…..David Brockway

I support Mark Hamilton

Hi Mark Hamilton,
I am writing in regards to our situation that is currently in the media. Mark Hamilton has brought support and good will to many people around the globe. Mr. Hamilton is a man of good deeds and will help in time of crisis.
His writings and conference meetings has brought understanding and freewill to many dis-in-hearted people that needed to find a path of love, and peace. I support Mark Hamilton and want to continue with his team now and forever.
Love to Mr. Mark Hamilton and all of his work.
Peace & Goodwill,
Lady Sampson

Keep up the good fight Mark Hamilton

To whom it may concern:
The Neothink Society is dedicated to exposing the Neo Cheaters of the world who have suppressed free thinking across the planet for centuries. Attempts to discredit the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton will be viewed as nothing more than Neo Cheating from “The System”. Many forces are at work and significant momentum has already begun to expose the Neo Cheaters. Clear thinking is a must for our society and humanity.
Initially, I purchased original manuscript for entering the Neothink society in the late Nineties. I have watched and waited to see the progression which is currently underway. A critical mass has formed and no amount of deception will stop the movement.
Members of the MSM have already been defrocked in many ways. Mark Hamilton’s continued efforts to open the eyes of so many will not go in vain. My life has not been so much changed by the writings of Neothink as much as it has been validated to know that I am not alone.
The movie “The Matrix” and it’s popularity, are a testament to the rumblings occurring in the culture. The system has been designed to “enslave” all humans and to use them as an energy source.
That system is breaking down due to it’s basis on greed and power lust. As this order crumbles, a new system will rise from the ashes. Since there in no “New Frontier” to colonize, it will happen here and now.
Much support exists for this Mark Hamilton’s movement and all attempts to thwart it will fail.
Keep up the good fight Mark Hamilton and all members of the Neothink Society. This is the Clash of the Titans. May TRUTH PREVAIL!!!
Jim J
P.S. Since the PTB (powers that be) seem to like to use their power to suppress, let it be known that incarceration, monetary punishment, and/or any other devices used by the government will not stop what is already in motion. The the Twelve Visions Party will usurp the career politicians futures and the paradigm shift will continue.

Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the TVP are symbols of virtue, truth, and prosperity

Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the TVP are symbols of virtue, truth, and prosperity. I say this because they expose and confront the status quo; which most people in society strive to uphold. Their originality represents the select few that desire change for the better.
Personally, I have received great insight from their teachings, and it is a privilege to be recognized as someone intelligent enough to see through the political b.s. that our country has upheld for so long.
Lies and greed dominate this country and it’s time for a change. Mark brings the change plus truth that we all need to prosper.

Mark Hamilton, Neothink was one of the most powerful forces to ever…

Dear Mark,
I received your first heirloom book on Neothink in September 2008. It was as if a strong gravitational pull entered my life. It was difficult to put the book down. While there was so much new material, there was also so much validation of what I had been feeling for a long time. Mark Hamilton, Neothink was one of the most powerful forces to ever come into my life. No sooner than I could move through Volume 1, Volume 2 arrived. It was as if I was returning to graduate school. I was amazed at the amount of detail provided on the importance of integration and pro-active management. The essence of success was defined clearly and reinforced through volumes of anecdotal, real world experiences. Then, with the arrival of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, it all began to come together. Neothink is an incredibly powerful life lesson; it is an inspiring set of solutions to the picture puzzle of our lives and how to live them to the fullest.
I wish you every success in leading Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party. Your leadership has inspired many of us who seek to find the essence of life. As America faces its most challenging times since its founding, I am excited to see the Twelve Visions Party enter the political arena. Its potential contribution to our democracy could be extraordinary.
With all the power of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, I am most grateful.
William W. “Bill” Ditz

Mark Hamilton has uplifted my personality

Letter To Mark Hamilton:
My name Is Dyrl, and I am a member of the Neothink and clubhouse. I have had a three year testimonial.
I have had a five year history with the Heirloom, which has enlighten my life and has given me insight to how my life should be conducted, with style and satisfaction, above all knowledge. Mark Hamilton has uplifted my personality.
The Testimonial generates is priceless, I also learned the miniday and schedule has helped me with my Business. Mark Hamilton Thank you Again

When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s first book to me, I felt something in me come alive

When I first read Mark Hamilton’s first book to me, I felt something in me come alive. it was my way of thinking. i like everyone else on this planet have been brainwashed into their reality not our own reality. Simply put from our socialist president to all below him are ruled by the elite .the super wealthy who run the show on this planet. All they do is read their teleprompters to deliver the elites message to control us to our death. they choose to be puppets to the elites in order to control the masses. i am my own person and choose to take my life and health in my own hands. Every person on earth has a right to rule their own destiny in life, not to be forced into their web of lies and deceit. to Mark Hamilton. I first offer my deepest condolences on the murder of your father at the hands of the elites who do not want the truth be told as it would expose them as the criminals we know they are .the twelve visions party is our only way to free ourselves from the real demon, our own minds are capable to see our own future. do you want what has always been or the choice to make our new world. when the negative media launch their attacks on Mr. Hamilton and the twelve visions party ,ask yourself if you truly want to be lied to forever or use your mind to be free of this insanity forever . deep in my soul i know this is the only opportunity in my lifetime this change can and will happen. it has to ,or we will all perish under their rule of tyranny. open your eyes and see the beginning of our new tomorrow. sincerely paul b auburn me.

It will even help the poor become rich

The Neothink society is a great way to learn how to think for yourself, create your own life, and control your own destiny. The Twelve Visions Party is a new political party that will help everyone live their dreams. It will even help the poor become rich. Mark Hamilton is a truly wonderful man and through his literature and political party (Twelve Visions Party) everyone will have the opportunity to become richer, live a better life, and control their own destiny. If the twelve visions party runs for president with a candidate they have my vote. The twelve visions party will find ways to end aging, and find cures for diseases. I have been working on my dream. I created my own business. You can see it at . I have also published a new poetry/artwork book “Black Dragon Rapid Fire Warrior Secret Magical book of Poetry” by Jody Jay Watson. It is available at , , and my publisher . It contains artwork and pictures with each poem. If it does well I plan to publish a second one I already have finished. I created a new self-defense system I personally train people out of my home. And you can purchase my artwork on t-shirts, ballcaps, and coffee mugs along with posters. I also build furniture and do fantasy artwork on the pieces. Check out my videos. All this is available on my business. Black Dragon Rapid Fire Warrior, LLC is my business. You can contact me at 1-704-349-1433 or e-mail me at . I have lived disease free for 14 years now, and do martial arts and weight train. I am also a vegetarian. I teach people in my self defense system how to eat healthy-Jody Jay Watson

March 2025