Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

My name is Larry D. Barnett and I am the president of a corporation that was inspired by my mentor and directional compass Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. I must begin by telling you as a child I was raised and cemented into the church and that is to say the least. God was always first and foremost and was the reason I had anything or the reason I will ever have anything if you can truly wrap you mind around that. I was truly convinced that there was a higher power called GOD that controlled everything and held us accountable for all the wrong things we consider to be wrong or what we have been taught to believe was wrong. Now to say the least this was one hell of a guilty trip I was on and the constant mental anguish I felt thinking of my judgment day punishment. THEN MY LIFE CHANGED. I RECEIVED MY LITERATURE FROM MARK HAMILTON AND MY LIFE BEGAN FOR THE BETTER. I cannot put into words the change the Neothink Society has made in my life. It has given me a true and pure outlook on life and how it truly should be. LIFE SHOULD BE SUSTAINED AT ALL COST AND NOT PREPARED FOR DEATH AS WE ARE TAUGHT IN THE ANTICIVILIZATION. I truly want to share all of the new insight and enlightenment I receive on a daily basis just by association with the Neothink Society and it beliefs. I will do whatever it takes to assist in the progress of our society and the TVP success. I will not stop until I give my family the opportunity to experience the life they are suppose to live. PEOPLE PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE AND JUST THINK “COULD I HAVE BEEN TRICKED BY SOME BAD PEOPLE FOR ALL THESE YEARS AND NEVER ASKED MY OWN QUESTIONS TO FOUND OUT WHAT REALLY IS”. Please just go inward and ask yourself because this is life and death and our fight is for LIFE!! Don’t let anyone stop you from giving to your family what we all want and that is happiness and a long, long life to enjoy it. I have found that path with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and I will never turn back I will only push forward in our quest to save our world from destruction at the hands of the anti-civilization. MARK THANK YOU AND I WILL STAND WITH YOU UNTIL THE END AS WE ALL WILL!!!!!!!

I stand behind Mark Hamilton

I have not pursued the fullest meaning and understanding of Mark Hamilton’s writings, but I believe he is right in his works. Society is out of proportion in it’s way of understanding and pursuing the right form of living to the fullest. We are not slaves to the upper echelon and everyone should know the truth about how we should live and prosper. I stand behind Mark Hamilton and I hope everyone learns from his thoughts and principles.
David L. Owens

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink manuscripts opened my eyes

For many years I have questioned Politics and Religion. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink manuscripts opened my eyes. I now understand why people are so obsessed. I Truly enjoyed reading The Neothink Heirlooms. They are educational and inspiring.
I believe when the rest of the world is introduced to The Neothink Society they to will revel in this new way of thinking and living.
Thank you Mark Hamilton
Kim Brown

Mark Hamilton is an individual who can be conveniently described as being ahead of his time

Mark Hamilton is an individual who can be conveniently described as being ahead of his time. Like many innovators whose panoramic findings left the stagnant status quo mentality of society in the dust, it is to be expected that Mark Hamilton will be attacked as a charlatan and a fraud. A prime example of such a man is Galileo, who based on his numerous, diligent observations of celestial movements deduced that earth and the other planets revolve around the sun rather than the earth. This accurate view earned him the condemnation of heresy rather than the laudatory praises that such a scientific breakthrough deserved.
Neothink is the evolution human thinking. Emphasis is put upon the individual to take responsibility in their lives by creating values for themselves and others. The vehicle for achieving this superior reality is conscious thinking. It requires an open mind and the ability to examine things at face value. Truth and reality flow into insights that emerge as a big picture, a vision of the future.
The Twelve Visions Party seeks to achieve an elevated existence based on the rights of the individual. This is a sentiment that very closely parallels the idea that each person is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. A community of individuals introducing innovative values to the public through the free marketplace is certain to exponentially raise our quality of life on a global scale.

I have been involved with Mark Hamilton…

My name is Maria Sequeira and I have been involved with Mark Hamilton for some time now and I really have to say that everything he says, points out or explains is very beneficial for our society now a days and for generations to come. I don’t see anything prejudicial for the public in general, the other way around.
Nothing could be more beneficial, inspirational and helpful for the now a days society than what Mark Hamilton has to say.
There is no harm directed to anyone not even one threat for anybody.
It has been good for me and my family and I suspect for millions of others too.
I hope what I had to say convinces everyone that there is no danger for anyone from anything that comes from Mark Hamilton.
Maria Sequeira

Mark Hamilton has always been there for me

Hi Mark: I had just finished a nice facebook visit contact with Rady Agsalud! And I came across your most recent TVP communication.
As I heard your voice, I was deeply touched by the overall content and vibrational force. I immediately was internally reminded that you are indeed my great ETERNAL BROTHER and dearest friend. And that you indeed respect me as your ETERNAL BROTHER!
You are the Prime mentor and have always been there for me! That’s really great Mark!
You have really been a tremendous blessing in my life and thanks to you and Neothink I have the very Positive Position and am completely inspired to move ahead in Life.
I am still anxiously waiting for a position in a possible up coming marketing campaign to recruit new members into NT on a commission pay only basis. Remember that for the year 2007, I was ranked the # 1 recruiter for Freelife on one on one closings on the entire PLANET!
And I can do infinitely better than that for Neothink!
So when you can finally offer me a position, just know that I have been waiting for a very long time for that to happen!
Just always remember that I love you Mark! You are indeed a very wonderful Human Being!
Your Eternal Brother of The Twelve Visions World
Carl L. Maynard Jr.

Mark Hamilton’s literature shows exactly how any individual can…

Honesty, reason, morality, effort, self-esteem, happiness, wealth, health, entrepreneurship and job-creation! The only real problem that anyone has with these concepts and values is that they don’t know how to apply them in their every day lives! Mark Hamilton’s literature shows exactly how any individual can ACTUALLY APPLY these universal principles into their everyday lives and it is WELL WORTH the effort! Morality, Honesty, and self-esteem are all linked and Mark Hamilton’s work allows any person to gain these awesome benefits in their lives. Anyone who fights against morality, honesty and self-esteem may think of themselves are pure evil! The best thing about morality and self-esteem is that any individual with Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts can CHOOSE the path of good and turn away from the evils of altruism and that CHOICE is also WELL WORTH THE EFFORT! I have nothing but gratitude and appreciation for Mark Hamilton and his awesome contributions to the field of philosophy and capitalism.
Warmest Regards,

I have had the pleasure of reading all of Mr. Mark Hamilton’s books

My name is Wilfredo Morales and I have had the pleasure of reading all of Mr. Mark Hamilton’s books. Mr. Hamilton’s writing is life changing.
Today I am a hundred times more of a better person because of Mr. Hamilton’s books. Not everyone is capable of living a real, pure honest and conscience life, and because of this fact many people will attack Mr. Hamilton. But the truth is truth and the truth cannot be hidden for eternity. All you can find in Mr. Hamilton’s books is truth and that was exactly what I needed to know, the truth. Mr. Hamilton’s books had given me nothing but happiness and I will like this opportunity to say, thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton.

I simply could not stop reading the material…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
In 2006 or so , when I received a letter inviting me to be a part of the Neothink Society, having a daughter in High school and being divorced I was pulled in to discover what this was all about. Fortunately I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the heirlooms, read and was motivated to purchase the second, intrigued and inspired by reading both publications. Miss Annabelle’s story put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together.
Being a slow reader, and disorganized, it took some time to discovering the value of Marks literature. I simply could not stop reading the material, did more reading in these last years then I did my whole entire life, I’m am now 70 years old I feel better than I did in my 50’s and am the happiest that I have ever been.
I thank you and will be forever grateful. I am looking forward to integrating in activities and telling everyone who will listen to see for themselves the value, and how things can change for everyone in a better world.
Horst Stresing

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society

Mark Hamilton is probably the most honest and goal oriented, business driven individual I have ever known of. I have benefited tremendously from his writings and teachings. it is like nothing else I have ever seen. nothing else even comes close to they’re advantages. Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society.

March 2025