Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
Hello Mark Hamilton and the Original TVP
Hello Mark Hamilton and the Original TVP:
Mark Hamilton, all I can say now in my burnt out state is, you and the Original Twelve Visions Party Team, I believe are the only way that I may be able to get my beloved spouse Susan Mary Strain, back in physical presence. And that only through your visions and applications of new technologies, along with your Twelve Visions Party team, may all the earth’s people finely have a way for humanity to exist hear on earth, along with everlasting life, for all of us on planet earth and in the heavens of the universe of conscious life, through the human spirit.
With the very highest educational materials I have received from you, Mark Hamilton, I believe it is possible for me and my beloved Susan, to continue living the love and happiness we shared without being crushed by evil. Not only would we be able to continue in the greatest love and happiness of all, ( “that was the love and life we shared together”), but we would have the opportunity to have children and normalize our life completely as we grow into the future.
My hope is that we Americans may all find a way to work together to utilize Mark Hamilton’s ideas for a bright and beautiful life and future for all of us. Hopefully we Americans can all pull together and use all new and old ideas that help us all as Americans; and that help all human life. That we may live the greatest and most beautiful life, love, peace and happiness of all, ( even as we do now all share, in some ways), right here in America, and share that love and life with the world. America has been know as having the leading edge in bringing peace and humanity to all Americans and also to the world round. My hope is that we can remain in this capacity for the sake of all Americans and all the world round. That all humanity and civilization may continue, and also grow into a more beautiful world and life, for all human existence and humanity the world round.
I hope this message will help you Mark Hamilton and the Original Twelve Visions Party team, and all, in some capacity. If you call upon me again at some time, I will do my best to share my thoughts and feeling at that time.
I will do anything possible on my behalf to stand for Mark Hamilton…
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton, Sir; If I may, Out of the closeness I feel towards You. Please let me address You by Your first name Mark.. We are of the same ,, Name too.. I just received Your msg. It is truly an understatement to say, The concern, care, compassion, And Love, Deep inside me that stirred reading Your msg.. The chills quickly turned to tears. But only to b replaced with the knowledgeable lesson You taught me this evening ‘re-reading’ the first chapter of Your first Neothink,,-Chapter One,- “Removing Limitations”.. For some reason I thought of that-Removing Limitations.. To think for a moment that the neocheaters, And the anticivilization would even consider trying to suppress/repress a man such as Mark Hamilton.. A family oriented man who is brimming over with Love, Compassion, A very deep knowledge that the world is thirsting for.. I know for a FACT, That Love, Compassion, and Genuine Humanitarian concern I have for You, And the Neothink Society, In short, Is a genuine reflection of the Humanitarian Love, Care, Concern, And compassion, And knowledge that Mark Hamilton, And the Society has bestowed upon me, As well as thousands of Other’s.. And for that Mark, I am Ever so Grateful to You, And the Society. Thank-You Mark!!! Reading Your letter, I am reminded of Miss. Annabelle’s dilemma, From the beginning of Her teachings to her students, To the last chapter I finished,-Chapter 71.. Mark,, Your letter caught me off guard.. I want You to know, That I am DEFINITELY here for You, And the Society, Any way I can.. I am not one to act In haste,- Meaning I will think about Your letter more in depth over the next two – three days, At most, And by Sunday, I want to state my facts to WHOEVER it may concern. When I am presented with something such as the magnitude of Your letter tonight, I’d prefer to think it over a couple few days, And then, Once I’ve had time to process the situation You are faced with, Then I will be more prepared to voice my stand on Your behalf.. Tonight, And just for You, I had to get back to You, And Your msg. Just to let You know, That I received Your letter, And I will do anything possible on my behalf to stand for Mark Hamilton, And the Society. You can count on that!! But as just mentioned, This note tonight is to let You know, I will put my mind to paper for You, Once I’ve had a couple / few days to really think on this.. Mark , I will tell You now, No one single man / Group of people has Ever in my lifetime of 52 yrs., Brought/Enlightened me w/so much humanitarian concern, Caring, And genuine compassion, For the Human race, As You have,, And I am truly grateful, And Thankful to You, And the Society For that!! Knowledge is power, But unfortunately, The neocheater’s and the anticivilization of this world can’t handle anyone ‘trumping’ them… As ‘Karma’ comes around,, And in a nutshell, Its ‘their’ fire that will get pissed on, And put out.. (: After 52 yrs., I can ‘read’ my ‘insides’. . I know what’s ‘inside’ me is real, And there’s no denying it.. Mark, Its strange that You sent me this msg. tonight, Because there is a lot I’ve been wanting to tell You.. And this eve./tonight I was gonna mention to You, That due to a 10 yr. old computer that finally went down last month, and getting another one, I’ve missed my level One and Level Two meetings, That I have to get completed to ‘be on par’ with the ‘Learning Journey’ You have given me a chance at… This internet service is ‘Dial-Up’, Don’t have access to DSL yet in this area, Which takes like 4-7 hrs. to download the meetings. And then about 3-4 hrs. into the ‘downloading’, the internet service disconnects, and You get the picture.. But once the impossible is ruled out, Anything’s’ possible…. Mark, I will get back to You concerning this matter by Sunday night.. Give me a couple few days to think on this… If theirs is anything I can do to be of any help to You, Or the Society, Please, Don’t hesitate to tell me.. Something about You Mark,, And the Society,, Is deep inside me, And I need to figure/know how I can return that ‘reflection’ You enlightened me with… What ever I write to You Mark, If any of it will help You in any way, Do with it, Edit it to however You see fit.. Thank-You Mark for EVERTYHING You, And the Society has enlightened me with… Talk to You soon My Friend.. Take Care.. Mark. ps. You’ve put a ‘puzzle piece’ in my mind tonight, Now I’ve got to see how I can make that ‘piece’ fit the big picture…. Luv You Man.. And Thank-You! For Being You..
What an incredible human being Mark Hamilton is
I would like to express to anybody and everybody just what an incredible human being Mark Hamilton is. I sincerely recommend him and his society to everyone. I have been with him for about a year and a half and he has totally changed my life, There are so many unhappy people out there. If only they knew the power of being involved in Neothink. Isn’t it a shame that in school we are never taught how to think but to just be quiet and not question what is being taught. The shame is that society expects the same thing from us after we are adults. Neothink teaches us not what to think but how to think. Thanks to Mark Hamilton I will never be the same again. And that’s a terrific thing.
Steve Smith
Mark Hamilton, thank you
I am a member of the Neothink Society(NTS), a daily reader of the literature of Mark Hamilton, and a member of the Twelve Visions Party(TVP) because I living the life I am supposed to live within a anti-civilization. The fact that I have Prime Literature to read and absorb has cause me to have 10 second miracles in my life. I live my life with as much honesty and integrated thinking as I can because of my mentor Mark Hamilton, the NTS, and the TVP. I believe every conscious human being should be, do, or have anything and everything that they would want in life. Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP is the bridge for all humanity to cross over to the Civilization of the Universe where pure Love and Honesty, Peace and Prosperity, and the Celebrations of life including making the people rich including the elderly and the poor, along with great Health and Happiness forever! I read the Prime literature to remove from my mind the illusions put on so many of us by the ruling class, parasitical elite. The Visions and Insights of the Prime Literature are profound in my life and the First Immortals Trilogy is so real that my emotions go to another level of happiness! The Mini day, Power Thinking, Puzzle building, the Neothink mentality are becoming ingrained in me and it feels so good! Thank you Mark!! My life would be so mess up if I was not a member of the NTS. I mean I would be lost physically and mentally. Because of the NTS and Mark I’ am not setting negative goals, I believe in myself and use Integrated Thinking . Because of the glorious TVP which is a Vision of Mark’s in the irreducible fundamental concepts which is the Prime literature I believe Purpose of Human Life is to live prosperously and happily. I believe the function of government is to protect the Individual from force, fraud or coercion from any individual, group or government. Mark’s, the TVP and my beliefs are not the case in our world today. Integrated Thinking is the way to success, happiness, exhilaration, and pure love and honesty for life. The TVP is the Party that will depoliticized our present form of government and release the geniuses of our nation from the regulatory web of our government to create values and meet our every needs including millionaire living, excellent health and our forthcoming Jobs of the Mind. With Neothink in my life I am able to live my life rationally and honestly. I am a integrated thinker and believe everyday is a blessing to be alive and able to create values that benefit myself and others. When I think about the Clubhouses, Business Alliance, the state of the art websites, the TVP Convention and conference calls, Prime literature conference calls, and National conference calls, I become thrilled and privileged to be apart of the most loving, honest and integrated thinking group of Self Leaders that I have ever known. We are at the ground floor of the beginning of the Super Society. I would not even conceive of such a place if not for Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP. Thank you so much!!
Darrell E. B,
Mark Hamilton’s literature and the Neothink Society
Many years ago, I was very frustrated about so many things in life. I was confused and overwhelmed by conflicting information on all kinds of subjects from how to eat and be healthy to religious beliefs. Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people? Why are there so many lives lost over religion? Why is the greatest country, my country, the United States of America, getting less free while the Soviet Union is becoming freer? Why are political elections full of outright lies and smear campaigns? Whatever happened to our representatives actually representing us, the people, instead of what they stand for? Why is the general population tired, stressed, and over-worked? Why, in this day and age, are some people healthy while others are not? Is anybody really happy? Along with my confusion there was so much blame being placed, people expecting others to live their way, politically correct expectations that constantly change to meet current trends, and guilt put on if one doesn’t conform.
Then several years ago, I was lucky enough to come across Mark Hamilton’s literature and the Neothink Society. From Mark Hamilton’s literature, I didn’t learn his version of how things are. What I did learn was how to think for myself again and have confidence in my own rational thinking. Now I can see for myself what is really going on by looking beyond the illusions that are created to trick me into thinking a certain way. I am now able to use my own realistic thinking to figure things out for myself for every situation that I need to deal with. I have always had this realistic logical ability to think and know what is right, but the media bombards us with conflicting information and conflicting societal rules that cloud every issue and as we grow up the increasing amount of conflicting information we receive creates so much confusion for our minds we unknowingly are forced to become just followers that quietly live our less-than-happy lives, pay our taxes, and pretend we are in control. This has been how a small group of people (corrupt governments) have kept control of a large group of people (the masses) for their own benefit.
Since Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have been a valuable inclusion into my life, I have taken time to go through most of the crap that my mind had gathered up in my lifetime and trash the stuff that was just plain wrong. Keep in mind all the things that I learned over those 40 some odd years were from parents, friends, teachers, TV, the media, etc. etc. Most of these people probably never meant to teach me things that are wrong, most just didn’t know any better because they were taught these things too. But the reality is, most of this stuff is just a bunch of wrong unquestioned crap. I tried to come up with a more polite word than “crap” but it turned out to be the most efficient description I could find in the dictionary. Anyway, now I am able to look at the information given, sort through the stuff that doesn’t make sense, and see how so many things are made to look good but when I really look at them, things just don’t add up. The more I looked at things, the more I began to see how this is a common practice, especially for the media, politics, and the courtroom. They use truths to paint a picture. They paint a picture of whatever they want others to believe. The problem is: they only use some of the truths or facts, the ones that support what they want us to believe and they pass this off as the truth. This is quite evident in the courtroom when one is only allowed to answer the question presented and not really allowed to tell the whole story. So where is the justice with this method of reporting the news or questioning a witness or defendant? I can now see this way of delivering the truth and it is just plain wrong. This way often destroys people and lives.
As children we are taught these wrong ways from the beginning. I was fortunate enough to come across Mark Hamilton’s literature so I could change the way I was taught to perceive everything. I am now able to see the falsehoods and separate them from reality. Now I look for honesty in every situation and myself. Everyone knows what honesty means. I know that each person has that little voice inside of them and deep down each person knows exactly what is right and what is wrong, no matter what we are taught. This is where the stress, issues, confusion, conflict, and the burden of life comes from: knowing deep down inside oneself what is really right and wrong and being told and taught to act differently. Now that I know how the world works I am at peace with myself. I would never trade all that I have learned from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. His literature has let me answer for myself all of the important questions I have had about love, life, freedom, happiness, and religion. The peace I feel within myself means more to me than anything. Now that I understand how the world works, I also understand how it should work and how it will work if the masses of good people no longer allow a few corrupt people to rule us by force. I know how to determine who my enemies really are, who is trying to fool me, hurt me, or take from me. I am no longer afraid of the devil and I no longer have any confusion about God, Jesus, the Bible, or the multitude of different faiths. I understand why people are fighting and killing over political agendas and religions. I also know how the world can be changed so we can all live a peaceful and happy existence and be safe.
The success of the Twelve Visions Party will mean to me the starting of a happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous life for all of us. We will be able to work doing the things we love and feel real pride in ourselves and the products, services, or entertainment that we provide to others. We will be able to have quality time with our loved ones, and no longer be stressed by the need to work so hard just to survive. We will no longer have things to complain about so that will also free up time to live, love, and be happy. We will be able to enjoy more of the fun things in life with our loved ones and friends because we will not be handing over a large percentage of our hard-earned money to a corrupt system that only wants to pad their own existences at our expense.
Products, services, and entertainment that we need or want will be provided by competitive private sector businesses owned by regular people like you and me. In order to compete, businesses will have to provide quality products and services to stay in business because we will be able to choose and purchase the products and services that we want. We will no longer be forced to contribute to things we don’t want. So if a company doesn’t provide quality at a competitive price they will lose business because anyone will be able to compete. There will no longer be governmental favoritism or a bunch of fees and taxes, or a structure to make us pay for services we don’t want, need, or use. This alone will allow everyone, even those who are poor now, live the life they could only dream of before. Without the government taking such a huge portion of our money, we will all be able to prosper. There will be plenty for all of us. No good person will get left behind, no matter what age or previous financial condition. The only ones who will be the losers are that small percentage of corrupt people that are presently living high-on-the-hog at our expense.
The biggest thing that I am afraid of is that the corruption in our government will find a way to silence whatever person, group, or movement threatens their corrupt livelihoods, so I suspect they will be getting out all of their dirty strategies, lies, and half-truths to discredit and quiet Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party. Putting our government back in the hands of the people will destroy their power and the good life they have been able to live at our expense. My logical brain tells me they are going to do and say whatever it takes to stay in power. They will use the media, IRS, FBI, CIA, and whatever else they need to accomplish this. We must see these actions (dirty tactics) for what they really are and not let them destroy our Twelve Visions. If they are able to quiet this movement we will all be the real losers. We will be destined to continue the downward slide we are on now toward more problems, unhappiness, terror, and financial stress.
They will work to keep us off balance by switching our attention from one subject to another so they can effectively keep us from being able to see what is really going on. They will continue to use the two-party system to effectively divide and conquer us as they have for years. They are experts at keeping us arguing for different sides so we can never unite and unseat them. And all the time they will continue taking more and more money and assets from us. When I look at the recent economic recession/depression, we have basically lost our property values and/or homes, lost a good percentage of our retirement accounts, lost jobs, lost lifestyle, and numerous other casualties of a bad economy. All the while, I see that all of the big governments, ours included, have taken more of more control of our assets while we have lost our proverbial butts and now we are going to be responsible for the national debts too. It is a sad state for all of us good people.
I know that they, our corrupt government, have created this situation and are taking over more assets and control by the minute. They control interest rates, laws, and taxes. They have used these things to create this economic crisis for their own gains and political power. They continue to favor special interest groups and companies, while penalizing others. This has been especially evident in the last year, not only to me, but also to the general public. They have bailed out some big companies and took a stake in them, and let other companies fail along with millions upon millions of jobs lost, homes lost, and retirement savings lost. I find it unacceptable that our government has so much power that they can pick and choose which of us prosper and which of us fail.
The other thing I am afraid of is World War III. We are actually in the midst of it and nobody is talking about it. It started on 9-11 with the bombing of the Twin Towers. That officially brought the United States into it. Unlike World War II and Pearl Harbor, it is a quiet war. Most people don’t even realize it is going on – but it is going on in the background. Just like the Hitler regime, there is a faction that is setting up to take over the world. The difference is they are doing it very quietly and are patiently planning to take us by surprise. Our current politicians are either unaware or in denial about this power struggle that has been going on for many years. The terrorist move on 9-11 did get our attention, but since then there has been a movement to stick our heads in the sand. This is exactly what these bad people want, for us to be unaware, surprised, and unprepared when the time is right for them to make their take-over move. The scariest part is we are still in the nuclear destruction years and it could very well happen. Just look at the sad state of sick thinking among the terrorists. We have a real threat building up that could either totally control us or totally destroy us and at the hands of a very small group of sick people who want to control the rest of us for their own power and financial gain.
This is reality: a small group of corrupt and powerful sick people are controlling the masses of good people. It is time for us to realize that the masses of good people will live peacefully without being governed by these bad people. The bad people always tell us they are the good guys and they know what’s best for us. And we have naively believed them. They claim the bad people are amongst us; the masses and they will protect us from them. Then they take protection money (taxes) from us. Sounds just like organized crime doesn’t it?
The most important thing I know is that almost all people are good. I do believe that the goodness of people will prevail over all else. I also know that the good people of the world, all want the same things. I know I want to have good people (we are the good people) in charge of the world so we can have real World Peace. I not only want to feel safe, I want to be safe. I want to no longer have the threat of nuclear destruction looming above me. I want to have individual freedom and the happiness I deserve. I want to be able to be my own unique self, to have a wonderful mate, family, and close friends that love me and that I can always depend on. I want to have prosperity and be able to live the life of my dreams, to own a nice home of my own, to work at something I love to do, contribute more than I take, and have time to spend with my loved ones too. I want to enjoy good health and have everyone else enjoy good health also.
If these are some of the things you want for yourself and your loved ones, please take the time to find out more about the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society so we can have the world we deserve. We can have the world we deserve if we just quit believing the bad people. And we need to start it here in the United States of America, the land of the brave, so the rest of the good people in the rest of the world can unite and do the same in their corrupt countries. This is how we will accomplish world peace, by the masses of good people uniting together to unseat the few corrupt powers-that-be.
I am whole-heartedly supporting the Twelve Visions Party because I know it will bring about the necessary political reform we need here in our great country. I love My Country but I am very unhappy with the corrupt structure our government has become. I know we can eliminate the corruption and take back our great country so it can once again be based on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all as our Forefathers intended. It is time for me to stop and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It is my only hope for a better, happier, safer, and freer life for myself, my loved ones, and our future generations.
It would behoove all Americans to take the time to really find out what the Twelve Visions Party is all about and decide for themselves, as I have. Currently we have a two-party system that has been using the media to air their lies and paint a picture of the story they want us to believe. We have billions of pages of laws created to govern us with interpretation and force us to pay taxes. Most of our hard earned tax dollars are no longer working to benefit us, the people. All of our futures are at stake. Those Americans who do not bother to look at all sides of this critically important issue, and just blindly follow and believe the media, will be sentencing all of us, our children, our grandchildren, and future generations to a country and a world that is continuing in the wrong direction. We will be doomed to increasing corruption and declining health, happiness, prosperity, and freedom.
I hope you will join me in supporting the Twelve Visions Party. It is our only hope for a better life.
Diana H
Fish and Game (F&G) regulations
Dear Mark,
As a toddler, I was so excited when I was first allowed to play outside alone without supervision. I practically ran outside but stopped suddenly when I got a certain distance away from our home. Darkness overcame my mind. “What is this? Where is it coming from?” I asked myself. Realizing that it came from most of the people, I asked myself, “Why can’t they see as clearly as I can?” I had an urge to sit and think about it but remembered that it was my time to play the way I wanted to and went on my way, thinking that I would come back to this. Visionary Mark Hamilton’s teachings had allowed me to once again remember that first encounter with the world outside my home.
My testimony will be about the Fish and Game (F&G) regulations, because they affect me and the people around me the most.
The earliest experience I can remember having with the F&G regulations is when I was a preteen, about ten to twelve years old. I overheard my farther asking my mother why we had to pull out our salmon fishing nets at certain times of the day. She had replied it was because they were not catching enough fish somewhere further south of us. A year or two later I heard them talking in concerned tone of voices and asked my mother what was happening, only because I could not speak our language well and my father could not speak English well enough either. I can understand our language to some extent, but not enough to carry a conversation. She told me that the F&G regulation enforcers had cut up a person’s salmon fishing net because it was set during a closure period. I wondered what had prevented that person from pulling out his net because we, at least most of us, are always abiding by the law. Later in life my father had to get rid of his dog team because it became too hard to feed the team. By limiting the amount of fish that my parents were able to catch, they were forced to purchase a snowmobile with what little money my father had and by trading fish and fur with a local western trader/gold miner.
The next I can remember of the F&G is that they were flying low over the walrus herds to scare them off the ice-packs, to make it hard for us to catch them. Another one that hit my heart and mind was from further up north of where I live. There was an eighteen year young lady missing from berry picking. A bear was known to be in the area and the F&G would not allow the local hunters to hunt the bear down. They were told that they would be put in jail if they did.
More recent regulations that affected me were that we were not allowed to catch more than one hundred salmon for the entire year. Most of us did not follow that but only got what we needed for the winter and not the extra needed to trade for other seafood not available in our area. The Caucasians in the neighboring town were allowed to seine further up the river, even if they held the majority of the jobs. I did not see those recent regulations on paper nor did I personally see the Caucasians seining but was told about them by more than a few people in my area. These bias regulations in my area hit me hard. They fueled the desire to get the Twelve Visions Party® launched even more than before.
We can do it, no matter how small we think we may be. All it takes is the need and we have that need for the Twelve Visions Party®. That need for the medical, energy, and all other industries to progress as we have seen happen in the fairly unregulated computer and communications industries.
The Twelve Vision Party
The Twelve Vision Party represent the first time ever a full body of integrated knowledge that can change our mentality and our way thinking that has us in a rut. It is the vehicle of real change, reality based down to the fundamental principals. The prime law is the law that will guide us as a people i am so grateful for this law. I am so proud to be apart of this great movement, that will expose the root cause of all this unnecessary death and destruction coming from the corruption and lies from career politician who tells have truths out of context. ” MAKE ALL the PEOPLE RICH including THE POOR “ This slogan must be taken to the people in a massive marketing campaign , let it become part of the people’s knowledge bank. a rallying cry for honest business men and women and the workers who put more into society than they take out. We must rally the grassroots around Mark Hamilton and the 12 Vision Party. any successful movement weather Lenin in Russia or Mao in China the condition was ripe to rally the people for change, to protect them from the enemy. This wall will begin to be built as we go public, and flooding our clubhouse houses with new members is paramount and a major task right now, not when you get a check in the mail but now let’s start the motion this is a very exciting time because change is good. To see something beautiful come into being, that we as a whole is creating. We must out compete the ruling parasitical class, career politicians who in reality talk about change but are dead set against change. We must win the minds and hearts of the American people, by presenting the 12 Vision Party as a alternatives to the present lazy politicians who only answer to the people’s problem is to raise taxes. This laziness must be exposed by presenting a political business model that the 12 Vision Party represent.
Mark Hamilton, I was part of the movement in the 60′ & 70′ the black liberation movement which was narrow in scope but genuine in our attempt to find solution to our day to day struggles, and to bring about change in America. One of my proudest moment as i was growing and coming to some understanding of the prime literature was when the new website went up and i saw how you integrated different men of creation was included, and to see Malcolm x included brought tears to my eyes. In the early 70′ we thought by replacing black faces in high places would change our conditions, conditions are worse know than when i was a child. the streets are lest safer know. I learned threw experience that was not the answer, to our problems. since being introduce to Neothink with it broad scope accounting have given me a honest understanding of were real power comes from and that is people’s power threw integrated thinking. Mark i stand with you a 100% in this struggle against evil, for the freedom of our minds and souls When we were kids and wanted to make sure we were together on anything that we were going to do, we would ask each other to give our word. and we would say ” word is bond” if we thought one of us was not telling the truth we would ask each other to give their word “give me your word” if they said word is bond we knew that the truth was being told and we valued that as the highest order at that time. and we was totally together at that moment in time. i give you my word i in for the long journey that we must travel.
Tbone w/ love Larry J
Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the TVP
Dear Mark,
I know how important this is to you for us to write our testimonial about you, Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. I am not a writer but I do have allot of feelings about life within me; and I have a hard time putting them down on paper. Here I go with my testimonial about Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the TVP.
Four to five years ago, I was first introduce to Mark Hamilton’s prime literature and the Neothink Society. Before being introduce to his prime literature and Neothink Society; I was suffering in silence stagnation of not being a creator in life. Since I was very small, I was program to be a follower of others, even if I knew it in my heart it was wrong. Mark Hamilton has taught me to be a self leader, to be honest and an integrating thinker. Mark Hamilton’s prime literature exhilarates me and has awaken the inter-child within me. Now, I am member of the 12 Visions Party and I believe in the Prime Law and what it stands for all people. With Mark Hamilton, his prime literature, Neothink Society, and the 12 Visions Party there is hope for a long healthy, weathy and happier society.
We are all looking for a long and happy life.
I am a single woman, mother, retired military and cancer survivor. I have dedicated most my life helping others. Also, Mark Hamilton has dedicated his life to make the world a better place to live thru his writings, Neothink Society and the now the 12 Visions Party. I don’t know what I would do if I had to lose all this in my life.
Mark Hamilton has showed me…
Dear Mr. Hamilton
Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party has been a great benefit to me I have been able to get the confidence that I need and I have been able to see things in a different way. Mark Hamilton and Neothink have taught me to see things from other peoples point of view. Mark Hamilton has showed me that no matter what you are doing you have to love what you are doing in order to be happy. No matter what it is happiness and love is what neothink as met to me. Before neothink my thinking was all mixed up from a head injury that I got in 1988. Since neothink my think and thoughts have been clearer and more along the line as it should be. Honesty and love has been the real story behind neothink. If the world would just be honest and love each other this world would be a better place and isn’t that what we all want is to live happily and fulfilled lives. Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s literature has been a blessing to me. If Mark Hamilton is silenced then this world would never see happiness and love. We would all be living for nothing. Neothink is the most wonderful thing I have seen and I want to thank Mr. Hamilton for showing me a new prospective on life. Love and Happiness is what we all want and should have.
Thank You
Donnie M
Mark Hamilton and Neothink
Hello America,
I have been with Neothink for around nine years now. I owe a lot to Neothink as I am a different person now. I see reality and I can recognize the lies and non sequiturs that are being used to confuse us all. Before Neothink I didn’t see or recognize any of that so I just followed along as we are all supposed to do.
I am my own person and love not having to follow anyone any longer. I follow only my own mind. This Neothink has brought me out of the typical “work rut.” Neothink is for us all and wants to help us all get away from what we all seeing happening to this great country. I dont like the direction this country is going to, so I am fully behind Neo-Think and the TVP. There is absolutely nothing dishonest about Neothink or TVP. We are all here to help.
No smoke and mirrors, no lies, no non sequiturs. Just the plain and whole truth. Neo-Think members are the most loving and honest people you will ever meet. So please keep your minds open when you see the TVP coming and please get some info so you can learn what we are all about. I hope you will join us! You are all welcomed!