Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
I am so grateful after some few years of my study…
Dear Mark Hamilton,
I am so grateful after some few years of my study and my appreciation to your work at Neothink and also at Neothink Society. I am so excited about the recent coming out with the Twelve Vision Party has finally come to the public domain.
I am 52 years and an African from the third world and from the most deprive area on the planet earth can say that my association you Mark Hamilton and his publishing work over the years has done so much to me and my family and will do so greatly to my continent Africa to such an extent that if their has been so great many discovery In the past nothing compare will take place in the USA when Mark Hamilton win a free and fair election in the USA without any use of force.
I feel sure that Mark represent peace and human liberty, the happiness that we long dream of many century. Why should humanity live the way we led ourselves I think the Neothink world in all has show the way and its so strong in mind that I cannot think a day without any reference to Neothink as I observe things all around me each day. My health is in it best form at 52 years I feel within me as someone who is 25 years old.
How did I come to this great conclusion its simple that is the very way we think about ourselves define more about our health . If you have been lie to and it not natural to your nature as a human being it will affect your health and I think this single most powerful advantage I gain from Neothink and as an African I think my more than well place to say that Neothink is great and will free the whole of Africa. That change is the USA with the Twelve Vision Party it will affect Africa so POSITIVELY that the continent will ever remain thankful to any individual, any group, any Party for that matter will be so grateful that we only pray that it should be the end of all human slavery.
Mark Hamilton and others working and on behave Neothink I can only rest assure that the whole world will stand up to the greatest historical EVENT in history and that we will do all we can to help spread it in every part of Africa and the world that Peace, Health and Wealth will truly come to exist of earth.
I have learn many great things that I cannot even write about them as if am praising myself but when we achieve that dream we have for ourselves we shall silence the current media world wide and I think that is what they are most afraid of but we cannot allow them again. Mark Hamilton please move forward fearlessly we will stand for you worldwide you have started already we cannot wait again the time is now.
I can’t say many things but a little one simple and pain is all that we need to get others to also come and learn and free their mind. One last thing I will say about Neothink Zon Power is that it clean your mind like an antivirus for the computer so their is a mind virus spread by the current establishment and it needs to be clear off for Good.
Thank you all of Neothink and Society.
Erik K. Dzordzordzi
Hi Mark Hamilton,
I want to start off first by saying I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR THE TWELVE PARTY AND NEOTHINK. THE TWELVE PARTY HAS BEEN A GUIDE LINE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY. We knew that there had to be more to life than what we was living neothink can help all of humanity.
WE REFUSE TO GO BACK TO LIVING LIKE WE WAS IN THE DARK AGES. WELL YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF TO THAT LIFE. Mark I want to thank you for pointing us in the right direction. I can honest say that you have always been up
Mark Hamilton and his literature has been and will continue to be a…
“Of mysticism it has often been said that it begins in mist and ends in schism.” Robert Masters and Jean Houston
Mark Hamilton and his literature has been and will continue to be a life-changing force for myself and my family. Since I have implemented his knowledge and words of kindness into my life, I have been a much better person, internally and externally. I am such a better person that others have asked me what this great change within me was. I told them, “Mark Hamilton’s books”, let them read his words, then stood back and watched the great changes within their lives over time. We all know there is good and bad in this world, and I have partaken in both sides at times. Mark Hamilton helped erase the negative emotions and all the second-guessing that my mind had within it. I am so glad that I am no longer “the victim” in this world and I have Mr. Mark Hamilton to thank initially. I, of course had to take initiative and actually care enough for myself and make the proper changes. It would have taken me all my life to decipher life’s meaning and how to react to it if it were not for Mark Hamilton’s life’s works. The message he sends is very clear-cut and I can understand how many people could have a hard time accepting the universal truths that are plainly written. If you have questions about life, the answers can be found with Mark Hamilton and all that his movement, The Twelve Visions Party (TVP), stand for. Life is meant to flow with more ease and comfort than the common lifestyle in today’s world, and this comfort can be found with The Twelve Visions Party. Mark Hamilton, Neothink and The Twelve Visions Party is not a hoax, it is a real and true thing that has changed many thousands of lives for the better. I know this because I have spoken to very many of Mark Hamilton’s literature owners. Many of these people are highly successful individuals, and have created new inventions that have changed the very way we live for the better, while others are people that we all see on tv and hear on the radio. Todays world can condition our mindsets in ways that steer us to absorb what is portrayed as the negative rather than the positive. Do not be a victim to this! The Twelve Visions Party, Neothink, Mark Hamilton and everything that he stands for is pure honesty that America and the world needs. All throughout time, man has been governed by rulers of their society for no other reason than to build laws against them that take rights and money away from the individual and their families. Look at what happened during the Salem witch trials. Innocent women were burned alive for living their lives in their own ways, at the hands of a judgemental authority who we now know was wrong. A clever facade was painted to the average citizen to think it was right to do, a facade painted by the rulers of that time.
We are still fooled by false laws that we are led to believe is right for us. The TVP will take away all the falseness and empower the individual and make every country in the world want to be on board America’s boosted and empowered economic growth. Great scientists around the world are owners of Mark Hamilton’s literature, they know it to be truths that are based upon rational laws of mankind. They are intelligent people with money and are an example that many people want the needed changes that The Twelve Visions Party will allow. I will personally testify that Mark Hamilton’s literature has been the greatest force of positive change to ever come into my life, and I have had many positive influences. The Twelve Visions Party will be that change for America and eventually the world. There is no force and an individual can live their life the way they see fit. Freedom will be in any area that you can imagine from religious views to any personal belief imaginable. I say thank you to Mark Hamilton and all that he stands for! One day, I know I will also see the world recognize the values that Mark Hamilton has brought to “THE INDIVIDUAL!” Respectfully, Chris A. Dailey
Hi Mark Hamilton
Hi Mark Hamilton,
I got something to get off my heart. I have a
vault that sits on my heart that runneth over with
wonderful news from the civilization of the universe
that’s coming soon. Mark I commend you the
utmost respect for caring about humanity the way
you do. There are million and one things you could
be doing .But you choose to help better the world.
please keep up the good work.
The TVP remains one of the most important things in my life
Hello Mark. Hamilton,
I love you. I have been preoccupied while dealing with my recent unemployment status, marital issues, and bills piling up faster than I’d ever thought they could.
My wife is worth the fight, so I’m certainly fighting to keep the relationship healthy, and her by my side, first and foremost. I’m downsizing luxuries at an alarming rate as well.
The TVP remains one of the most important things in my life. And thanks to those Heirlooms, I have the knowledge, understanding and belief that, this [financial situation] too shall pass.
I apologize that I haven’t been as active as I should be with our movement, but these circumstances came from out of no where … whew!
I will certain take time to write a heartfelt testimony for you and the TVP movement. After all, that movement is me.
Please disturb me any time to contribute anything I can! For this anticivilization has a hold of me, but with a very lose grip ; – )
Love & Prosperity
Larry D. Snell
All the books Neothink has supplied has allowed me to think…
I would like to thank you for the sincere information you have allowed me to share from your family. The idea that my mind is so powerful, I can achieve so many more happy things in my life by using the thought processes your literature teach has made me feel comfortable with myself and in my future. All the books Neothink has supplied has allowed me to think in a new way and to help with life’s problems that have circled me during my entire lifetime. Neothink is a very different reasoning and thought process that enables all minds to generate a power that people have never been taught that they can possess. It isn’t fair that I was not taught these methods as a child because I would be running this nation in a very calm manner with almost all of America’s issues solved.
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) will be a very different approach to politics, religion and thinking. We should all embrace these thinking processes on every level to help all citizens of our communities, States and Nation. TVP needs to be the leader in the authority of solving our problems and helping Americans unite better than ever before. We all need help in our lives and trust needs to be in the direction of Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party.
Chris Brauckmuller
A number of my most cherished books were written by Mark Hamilton…
Dear Mark
I am sending this message in way of expressing my deep gratitude for the tremendous values that I have both received and am continuing to receive from the Neothink Society in general and yourself in particular. A number of my most cherished books were written by Mark Hamilton and these writings have gone on to help form the template of my life. Taking into account the intellectual, emotional and social values gained it is actually hard to imagine my life without Neothink and how much poorer my friends and I would be. It is therefore of the greatest importance to me that the fledgling movement that is the Twelve Visions Party not only continues to prosper but achieves its ultimate aim of depoliticizing America. Furthermore, I say this as a UK citizen who is obviously ineligible to vote in a US election but look forward to the day when the TVP is launched in our country also which is something that I would aspire to be actively involved in.
Kind Regards
A number of my most cherished books were written by Mark Hamilton…
Dear Mark
I am sending this message in way of expressing my deep gratitude for the tremendous values that I have both received and am continuing to receive from the Neothink Society in general and yourself in particular. A number of my most cherished books were written by Mark Hamilton and these writings have gone on to help form the template of my life. Taking into account the intellectual, emotional and social values gained it is actually hard to imagine my life without Neothink and how much poorer my friends and I would be. It is therefore of the greatest importance to me that the fledgling movement that is the Twelve Visions Party not only continues to prosper but achieves its ultimate aim of depoliticizing America. Furthermore, I say this as a UK citizen who is obviously ineligible to vote in a US election but look forward to the day when the TVP is launched in our country also which is something that I would aspire to be actively involved in.
Kind Regards
I as a member of the TVP I endorse Mark Hamilton…
For years now I have cringed at our politicians who say they do things for the good of the people….HaHaHaHa….and we believed them… Whats wrong with us. I’m tired of being less than the middle class. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. There are cures for the sick, Just no Money to be had for the rich….I’m tired of the insanity. I say, give to and love everyone. We are ALL worthy. As the song states…………..What the world needs now is LOVE SWEET LOVE. Peace to all. Anna
I as a member of the tvp I endorse Mark Hamilton and what he and others are doing in support of his efforts that is to create a new party system to build a new and honest system to govern our great nation .He is a man I believe in and support his efforts to govern the American government in an honest and great way. Please join us and we all be happier in this great USofA
Best Wishes,
As a TVP® Warrior, I am an extension of Mark Hamilton’s values
Value Shield:
As a TVP® Warrior, I am an extension of Mark Hamilton’s values.
He and his Neothink® Society have provided me great value.
I am honored to have been selected by Mark Hamilton to represent his beautiful Twelve Visions Party®.
Because of my teacher Mark Hamilton, I am more disciplined and able to focus my energy on what matters most now in our world.
I have started the “Military School of Genius’s” and give full credit to Mark Hamilton.
His literature is what will enlighten others like me to step up and become self-driven leaders.
Kind Regards to my friend Mark Hamilton,
Ralph Merritt