Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
Because of your books and what I have taken to heart
Dear Mark Hamilton,
Because of your books and what I have taken to heart, and “gone to the numbers” I am now at the very edge of closing 2 very large deals that will change my life, my children’s lives and my grandchildren’s lives. Had I not read your material, these deals would not have been, and the risk I have taken to bring them to fruition would not have been either. It is like riding a bolt of lightening at slow speed and watching all this take place right before my eyes. Thank you for this knowledge and the initiative your books fueled in me to trust in my self and doggedly pursue this to the successful end.
Doyle Shaw
Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society I know about…
To: Mark Hamilton,
Thanks to the Neothink Society I know about the illusions that have very subtle
affects and effects in my daily living in society and throughout the societies on whole across
the Globe.
I have decided to peer through all illusions get rid of all the “BULLSHIT” all floods of lies
deceptions that are coming at me through:…People, Business’s, Places, Things. Media, Politics,
Religions, etc and otherwise than the already mentioned.
I live to be of sound mind of the all in my essence on the planet. TVP Neothink Society flows through the ebbs of the universal cosmos the truth is what I seek unconditionally.
What is truth? Where is truth? Who is truth? Why is truth? How is truth? When is truth?
Truth is now! look within go straight to the heart find LOVE COMPASSION you and all the
talents GOD has bestow to you
Wake up to you!!!… in the all GOD CONSCIOUSNESS of the COSMOS to all that is now reading this evolve now.
I know by now most of you have herd about 2012. If you have or haven’t now is the time to
plug-in seek out TVP and the Neothink Society Mark Hamilton’s work.
The power I have, is in the know of how my powers work throughout all illusions. I hope you
understand my words in this writing Get Out Of The Illusion.
Thank You! Mark Hamilton I am awake!
Princess Gibson
Mark Hamilton’s books helped me learn to love life
Hi. I just wanted to say how happy I am that I got involved in the Neothink Society. I used to hate life and people. I had no direction and thought life was pointless and at times wished that it would be over. Now I’ve been shown a different kind of life. Mark Hamilton’s books helped me learn to love life and helped me find a direction to go in. I’m now going to be starting school and majoring in microbiology for research into human health. I believe that the Twelve Visions Party will change the world for the better. People will be happy doing what they love in life and creating values for the world without being held back by all the unnecessary laws and regulations that are suffocating us today. It is important that TVP be allowed to grow. If it isn’t, the world will continue on this downward spiral and all the problems of the world will continue to get worse as they have been. I want to have children and bring them up in a Neothink Society where they can be happy and grow up properly. Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the TVP movement have absolutely saved my life. It means everything to me that this continues to grow and make the changes that are necessary in this world for happiness for everyone. I don’t even want to THINK of a world where this isn’t a possibility! It’s far too important. The Neothink Society and the TVP give life real meaning… for everyone. Writing is not my strong suit, but hopefully this will show how important Mark Hamilton, his literature, the Neothink Society, and the TVP movement is to me, my future family, and the world. Let’s stop doing things the same old way we always have…it’s quite literally killing us all. It’s time to do things right. Let the TVP grow.
Jennifer Naething
Thank you Mark Hamilton
I have been in the Neothink Society for about one year now and have learned so much. It is true that we are all taught the power of free thinking and how to utilize the mind in a new way that we all have the power to do. We are driven to find honesty in everything that we look at. In everyday life we can see things with honest eyes that most people, I believe, can but either choose to ignore or feel helpless in doing anything about it. We see things in the government that have gone terribly wrong since the founding of this great country over 230 years ago. We see things in our jobs that are not quite right. We see things in our failing education system that have been ignored by the same government who claims to be “for the people.” We see things in groups or organizations that all fight for their “rights,” while trampling over the rights of every other group or organization or individual whithout a second thought. We can see all of these things that are not quite right in our beautiful country but the most important thing that I do, is to try and see my own personal errors. This is the most important aspect of the teachings of Mark Hamilton and the Neo-Think Society, and for that, I feel a gratitude of an infinite scale.
My journey started about a year ago. I am just a working stiff, just like 99.99% of the rest of us. Even then I could see those aspects in life that I felt helpless in doing anything about. I felt trapped in my dead-end job and was losing my joy for life. I looked at my kids and had a deep sadness for them because if things are this tough for me how would things be for them? I looked at my wife and had a deep sorrow in knowing that my joy for us had long since faded. I kept on keeping on, though, because I have responsibilities to my family. I couldn’t very well start over in life so I was fast becoming complacent to the fact that this would be my life. I would work hard for my family and maybe one day a break might come my way. I might hit the lottery, after all. Deep down I could always feel there was something more for me. I tried alcohol and drugs in my younger years. I looked at many different religions and hundreds of self help books. I looked at political and philosophical groups for my answers but nothing seemed to work. All of these organizations have wonderful people in them and I did learn some things but none of them offered the answers I was looking for. Then, something wonderful happened. Mark Hamilton, (MH) found me and I found MH. I found the answers that I had looked for could not come from outside sources but from within me.
This is the key point that every group that I had looked at had been missing. The organizational structures of all of these groups out there are as such. They have all of the answers and to be a part of that group you would have to give up your own opinion to follow theirs. The problem here is that this really leaves no room for growth. These so called enlightened organizations had become stagnate themselves. Now it is up to them to go out and recruit people like me who was searching for answers to their fold. This is why it did not work. If a group claims to have all of the answers and expects me to give up my own interpretations then this group is not for me. I, thankfully, was taught from an early age to do my own research and to form my own opinions, but I can look around and see that a staggering amount of people who do not. I will use my wife in this example because she can actually see that this is the way she used to live her life. I cannot recall how many times I heard her say that we can’t do something. “Oh, we can’t afford that. We can’t do that. We can’t move. WE CAN’T, WE CAN’T, WE CAN’T!” I am steadily hearing a shift from her from, “We can’t!” to “How can we!” This signifies a major shift in her way of thinking. When we say “I can’t!” our minds shut down. We become complacent. We refuse to use our brains. We begin to die a little bit at a time. When we say, “How can we!” our minds turn on. We are using our minds to figure out a problem. We become free in our minds to find a way to get something accomplished. We begin to live a little bit more because we are creating a solution, just like we did when we were children before the “You can’t do that!” of the world got a hold of us. That, in a nutshell, is all MH and Neothink are about.
My wife and I were looking for answers in the wrong place. I think all of us fall into that trap to one extent or another. We all try to take the easy way out and look for answers by having someone tell us what they are and how to live. Neo-Think offers a new way to use the mind to find those answers and to be really free. I wish I could say that it is an easy thing to do but in reality it is really tough. Human beings do not want to look at our own faults or errors but that is where we do most of our learning, through our mistakes. I have learned to look with honest eyes at my errors and ways in which to change. I have learned that it is very dangerous for me to blindly except the answers that all of those so called “authorities” call truth. I applaud those who have truly found the answers for themselves but what works for them may not work for me. This is why I try not to push my beliefs onto anyone else. I have learned that what works for me may not work for anyone else. The important thing here is that I came to that decision. I made that decision based on my own beliefs and research not because someone else told me what to believe. I have also learned that where I am at now does not necessarily mean that I will be in the same place even a month from now. This is the real beauty of Neo-Think. It is ever evolving, never stagnate. When we get down to the core of things there is really just how we, as individuals, can make up our own minds with the understanding that we can change our views when we learn more about anything. Neothink does not presume to know everything nor does it push it’s ideals onto anyone. What it really is all about is to point individuals in an honest way to become a better person by utilizing your own thoughts to find your own answers in whatever you are searching for and for that I am honestly grateful and free.
I wish I could say that I’m a millionaire and have found the easy life. I wish I could say that I have found the job of my dreams and that everything I touch turns to gold. I am not going to fluff this up in any way though. I will say that what I have learned so far will get me there but for now I can honestly say my life has changed for the better. My dead-end job is a means to the end, so to say. It takes care of my bills and will allow me to really search for what will make me happy. When I think about my job on those terms (a stepping stone) it really takes the pressure off and I can be more productive. I now see my children’s futures for what they really are as well. Using the power of Neothink (they can pick up on it quite easily) they will be able to create anything they truly desire. They will not get caught up in the same rut that all of us have for 4-5 generations. My wife and I have found that hidden passion that laid dormant again. It is truly amazing how by living an honest life (honesty in yourself) can and will affect everyone around you. Especially those that are closest to you. We actually feel like teenagers again when it comes to that feeling of love. That applies to my kids as well. The love that our family now shares reminds me of my personal feeling of paradise. We’ve created that right here on Earth! We are still struggling financially as are about 99% of Americans but with this new found power of creativity in our minds we know that are struggles will soon be over. We really are starting our lives over and look forward to tomorrow for that will bring a new day of opportunity for us. I just wish everyone in the world could feel how we feel right now. My family means everything and I’m so happy that we were able to find this way through the help of Neothink and MH. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!…
Yours truly,
Russ Williams
I have benefited greatly from Neothink and Mark Hamilton
I have benefited greatly from Neothink. It has allowed me to determine what is important in my life and pursue it fervently without any distractions. I am more focused now than ever and can see through the lies of the national media along with the brainwashing from T.V. advertisers.
it is refreshing to see through the political and governmental parasites attempts to control us. All in all it is a pleasure to be a part of this enlightening mindset. The paradigm shift has arrived and the tables are now turned.
Ladies and Gentlemen: My name is Reggie Hilton and I would like to share my testimonial on how the Neothink Society has benefited my life. This society and its teachers and mentors has giving my life new direction filled with hope for the future it has physically added years to my life where I feel like a Man in his early thirties though I am 51 years old I have changed careers from the corporate rat race to one of a self employed in charge of my life and destiny making it no matter the outside world economy which is in disarray were it not for Neothink I would probably be a freighted person controlled by all the negatives this world has become instead I am a energized confident man that looks forward to every day filled with new opportunities and possibilities. though I have limited income I feel in control of my finances for the first time in my adult life. My health is great my relationships with my family and friends are great. I also support The TVP party simply because its time for our world to get it right for our very survival and to take mankind to the next level of development which is to end poverty and disease and to create great enterprise for the world by reducing government from controlling our lives , and to do what it was meant to do. Serve and protect the public only, not to regulate every aspect of our lives.
My life has improved in so many ways…
Hello, this is the first time I’ve put the effort into doing this type of thing in writing. While I have not finished getting through all of the material I can say that it has opened my eyes to a wider more hopeful world. My life has improved in so many ways and for me that is wonderful. I still have a long ways to go but I can now look forwards to the journey instead of dreading it. Thank you for all the work you and your father have done and I can’t wait to see what happens next because I know it will all work out for the betterment of myself and everyone else in this world. Thanks and be well, John Young
There’s always something going to try to stop every that is good and it’s always the ones who’s afraid of the truth.
The one and only thing can stop Neothink is Neothink It’s self; Because we have find to get past all the untruth what bend set in our mine’s for a long time. But Neothink show’s us that life is not always what you see. Go for what you know and do It now. Mark Hamilton keep up the good work and take Neothink to the next level, ABRAHAM RICE
It has been almost 5 years since I first heard of Mark Hamilton. I have read his three heirloom volumes. I discovered some things that I had know all my life but never could put a name on. I discovered other things that really opened my eyes. Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer with a mentality advanced far beyond most of us. Now that he has created the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) the powers that be will do their best to destroy him. The dishonest Media and the dishonest Politicians see him as a threat to their existence. The past year should open everyone’s eyes to just how corrupt, dishonest and out of control our government and the news media have become. The TVP is the best and perhaps the only hope of our country’s and perhaps the whole world’s survival. The TVP will put an end to the Government for the Government and against the people and change it back to what it is supposed to be. That which the writers of the Constitution of the United States of America foresaw. Government for the protection of the individual rights. I spent 8 years in the service of this country and even though I am in the twilight of my years, I would still fight for her today. I feel that is what I am doing here is fighting for my country and for Mark Hamilton. If the Politicians and the Media are not stopped they will destroy this country and all of us. The Twelve Visions Party must succeed.
Jerry P.
Mark Hamilton is working to save the lives of all humanity
I could never say enough about what Neothink, the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party, and Mark Hamilton have meant to me. Mark Hamilton is working to save the lives of all humanity. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society is exactly what the world needs to achieve the most important goal of achieving biological immortality. We all have goals, hopes, and dreams I personally work as an entertainer but whatever field you work in you must get on board and realize the supreme importance of the mission of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society. I consider it a great honor to put my name in among those who support the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party, and Mark Hamilton. I believe the Twelve Visions Party to be the most correct form of government in History. When I apply Neothink in my life I see amazing results and improvements in EVERY area. I support Mark Hamilton, the Twelve Visions Party, and the Neothink Society 100%; with all that is in me.
Mark Hamilton’s Neothink was a real eye opener
When I was young, I thought I was a pretty smart fellow. I have an above average I.Q. and I read a lot. Mark Hamilton’s Neothink was a real eye opener. It made me realize how dishonest I was in my thinking. Most people are just like I was before Neothink. They use non-sequiturs and unsubstantiated facts to support their illogical beliefs. They are slaves to their inane superstitions. Neothink can set you free from irrational beliefs. I speak from experience. With Neothink we can change the world from the irrational, violent world we have today to a rational, peaceful world.
Allen D. Davidson
Mark Hamilton and Neothink has opened up my eyes
In the world of illusions nothing is what it seems. Remember we don’t live in a civilization. We live in an anti civilization with it’s controlled media. Don’t believe what they are telling you. It is one big lie. People lie when honesty will do. They just do. Mark Hamilton and Neothink has opened up my eyes. I plan to start the company without a company – a company with out a country. Just a couple of high end computers and a fast internet connection and I can operate from anywhere on earth. I am thinking of moving to the Ukraine. It is no longer safe to live here. Thanks Neothink and the TVP.
Chuck Neothink owner since 1987