Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’

Greeting Mark Hamilton

Greeting Mark Hamilton
I feel gratitude for what Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society Literature has done for my personal life and Business, I Deeply appreciate it.this Literature is very powerful life changes. I discover the power with in. And learn to integrate. Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party Is helping all the people in this word to have the life they mean to live.
Julio G
A Neothink man

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Although my involvement with the Neothink Society has been quite recent (since December 2009 when I received my first heirloom), the impact of your literature, of the Neothink society, and of the growing Twelve Visions Party on my life has already been profound.
First of all the literature: I am a person that attempts to start to apply the techniques I learn fairly rapidly. Although there remains much to be learned and absorbed, already my life has taken a quantum leap, in terms of the successful integration and application of business information, rational decision-making (and ensuing success) with respect to my personal life, and most importantly, the development of self leadership qualities.
These profound benefits have also been achieved as a result of my involvement and friendships with the Neothink Society, to the point of developing true, sincere, pure love friendships, and a continued, profound love for myself. My belief, Mark Hamilton, that your teachings, insights, and integrations make a SIGNIFICANT contribution to individuals, and NEEDS to continue to be imparted to the world, is one of the primary reasons why I wish to make my GIN business a global, sprawling, magnificent reality. Due to the Neothink principles apparent in the business, GIN will be, and is, a huge success. It was a priority for me to ensure that you were my upline, and that is another reason I chose Jill Reed to sponsor me – due to her commitment to Neothink expressed not only in her words and theories, but in her actions, and due to the fact hat she is directly enrolled under you. I wanted you, Mark Hamilton, to personally and financially benefit from my success. It is a personal belief of mine that when we support leaders, true leaders that display integrated honesty such as yourself, we support so many many people in that process.
Your writings and speeches on the Twelve Visions Party, and on the Prime Law, leave me with the cognition that a true solution exists for each individual on earth. As you stated, “reason is dead,” and I sometimes fear that individuals will not see the truth in what you write and speak. But in what I am learning on the Law of Vibration and attraction, these thoughts of mine are not to be dwelled upon, but rather the truth and beauty of what it is that you as the leader of the The Neothink Society, and the Society itself, are creating.
If these writings and the efforts of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party were to be taken away, unfortunately I fear the absolute worst for the world. The time is ripe to continue to make strides in the NTS and TVP movements, and to remove, at the very least within ourselves, any iota of mysticism from our lives, and take full responsibility for ourselves and our results.

May you live forever, Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton, although we have not yet met in person, the impact your, the Neothink Society, and the growing TVP have made on my life has been profound. In attending the New Jersey convention in March 2010, I caught a glimpse of what it felt like to have the lens of my glasses cleaned for very first time. I caught a glimpse not only of love, but of love in its purest form, as it is born out of rational thought and out of self awareness, and awareness of the world around us, the state it is in, and why.
I feel so much gratitude for each and every letter I receive from either you or your movement, and will continue to strive, to best of my ability, to contribute towards the world you are creating, by pursuing my essences within at least two of these three realms, and continue receive bountiful moments of pure love and happiness, as a result of the wisdom you have imparted and continue to impart.
May you live forever, Mark Hamilton.
With love and sincerity,

A few years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton

To Mark Hamilton,
A few years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton,and I purchase his literature. I read all and I gained so much knowledge, my life change for the better its so enlightening knowing about harmony,the universe and learning about yourself and the real value creator. Knowing the purpose of life is to live happily and the government must provide that condition; no initiatory force, fraud or coercion by any person or group against any individual property or contract; means freedom to all. We must have universal law wealth, health and peace.
Mark Hamilton’s Neothink society the TVP is the bridge for all humanity of the universe where pure love and honesty, peace, making people rich including the elderly and the poor along in great health and happiness for ever.
And, TVP’s aim is to depoliticize the present form of Government and release the geniuses of the world, to create values and meet our every need and feel the millionaire life. That’s why I am so proud member of Neothink society.
Mark Hamilton is so compassionate, so very genius, helping the whole world most especially to all of us, our loved ones, for all our children’s future!!! and most important we are all in the way to immortality life!!!
Wake up every one read and learn Mark Hamilton’s literature!!!
Luisa P

My take on Mark Hamilton is that …

Hello Mark,
I was very fortunate to have responded to a letter, send by the late Dr. F. W., in the late 1980s. I, then, was exposed to some of the discoveries this brilliant man made and published. I admit that some of the materials went over my head . Back then, I did not have the discipline and the knowledge that I have now possessed. I see things in a very different perspective now. Also, my priorities have shifted as I learned about how this world really operates.
Perhaps the general public is just not aware , because of having been purposely “dummd down” by the poor public education system, or people just do not care much past there own instant gratification needs, or simply because they live in a world where they are never exposed to information that is truly shocking, or have no thirst for knowledge, or expanding their purpose for a better life for mankind in this cursed creation.
My take on Mark Hamilton is that , finally, here is someone willing to do something good about interrupting the way innocent people are being manipulated, exploited, lied to and who knows what else by the media and the people who control them and everything else on the planet. So for the sake of a better future for ourselves and the rest of mankind, use your discernment skills a bit, and do your homework. Stand up and take a stand with Mr. Mark Hamilton while it is still possible. Do not believe everything you are being fed by the infected media. The truth shall set us free. Seek and you shall find.
Régis S.

To those with ears to hear

To those with ears to hear,
To all who will listen, Mark Hamilton speaks the truth. He is willing to confront whatever forces may try to silence him in order to bring in a new age of enlightenment.
Like Socrates and Jesus, many will do what they can to silence him with extreme prejudice. They can only carry on their activities under the cover of moral darkness, and Mr. Hamilton shines the light of reason and truth onto them, exposing them for what they are – forces of greed, fear, hate and ignorance personified.
If you are reading this, then I urge you not to prejudge Mark based on what others may have told you about him. Instead, you should obtain and read his writings for yourself. Listen to his video recordings. Become truly informed.
Free thinkers, and those who will not be blindly led by so called “authorities” have always been subject to persecution throughout recorded history. First with trumped up charges and false accusations, and then when the public is driven to a mob like mentality, the authorities have eliminated the likes of Socrates and Jesus and others not so famous.
This is America, “the land of the free”, where every individual is entitled to have their own opinion, and to voice it. I support Mr. Hamilton, as a free thinker, who stands for logic and reason to be the guiding force for each individual, as opposed to blindly being led by others who wish to think for us and determine our actions.
I do not agree with the forces which would silence Mr. Hamilton, and keep the public in ignorance, sleepwalking through this life, keeping them docile, and blindly led, so that they can profit from their ignorance.
I have found the writing and teaching of Mr. Hamilton to be very informative, and I urge you to read his writing for yourself, and make up your own mind, without the propaganda of the media.
As Oliver Wendell Holmes once wrote, “Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” Don’t be satisfied to be a small mind, learn the truth and think for yourself, as Mr. Mark Hamilton would wish you to do.
Thank you for hearing,
Elliot S
(Another Free Thinker)

Mark Hamilton, his Twelve Visions Party and his Neothink Society have clearly changed my life

Mark Hamilton, his Twelve Visions Party and his Neothink Society have clearly changed my life. Of this, I am totally sure.
I received my first manuscript in 2007. Since then, I gained confidence in myself as never before, and dared to dream big and to start doing things which I have only dreamt about. Before his touch in my life, I was idle and stagnant. Having lived and going to the most difficult years of my entire life, that are these last three and a half years of my life (since my father got sicker and died), I view hindsight and conclude that without the psychological and life changing support of the Neothink mentality that Mark Hamilton have created for the entire planet, I would have suffered a lot more. Neothink eased some of my troubles and for that I am very grateful to him and to his Neothink Society.
Mark Hamilton´s Neothink offered me the possibility of rescuing me of the mysticism I was following and living like a fanatic. He rescued my mind and that is so far the greatest benefit I have received from him. In doing so, he also rescued my destiny. He put me on my way to a better, happier, fulfilled and successful life. I do want more of life. I want to live with passion. I know I have been tested and that I am being tested, but the readings of the three manuscripts that I have received from Mark Hamilton have sowed in me the seeds of happiness, success and physical inmortal life. I do know that some day I will bring results, great results because of my relation with the Neothink Society.
The Twelve Visions Party is our way out as citizens of the planet to live using our value creations and all of our mind´s potentials, to reach the Civilization of the Universe, from where all knowledge is bestowed upon us.
Forerunners, visionaries, and extremely intelligent people are always put under attack. Einstein quoted that great minds have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Mark Hamilton is not the exception. I think he is a genius. He is a very capable man, which has prepared himself to become the next President of his country, the United States of America, probably as no other American citizen has done before. I do respect all former and previous American Presidents. I don´t mean to offend anybody with my previous remark. I only add that talking about these matters sometimes gets me very emotional.
Nobody can´t stop the good the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society will do for mankind. And Mark Hamilton is the well proven sign that we as human beings will be living a different life as soon as Mark Hamilton takes office and starts implementing his plans. Everything will change for the better thereafter. Of that, I can bet.
My thumbs up for you Mark Hamilton for all the good you have done so far to people like me and for all the coming good you will do for more people, whether they are your fellow American citizens or any foreigner as I am.
Arturo Moreno S

With the Twelve Visions Party there is an opportunity…

My livelihood had just been destroyed by a politically driven businessman when I received the multi-generational manuscripts from Mark Hamilton, founder of the Neothink Society. I had a thriving business for over 5 years, until my landlord chose not to renew my property lease. I was forced to relocate the business just a few blocks away, and the numbers have never been as successful. When flaw-filled man gets out of the way, all of us can prosper and live happily. I have wanted to run for a public office, but, chose not to because of the corruption. With the Twelve Visions Party there is an opportunity for a protective government to do their job, as opposed to hurting the people of the country. Today when citizens speak up for the “rightness” they can be silenced. Mark Hamilton and his family deserve the right to be honestly heard, and to gather more citizens who want to bring wealth, health, and peace to all. The Twelve Visions Party is a way of life that is solid with no ruling class living off of the citizens. I might still be crying over my lost business, instead, I am working to bring about a better country, and re-build my business. I thank Mark Hamilton for the Self-Leader System, that has helped me realize, that in spite of what life sends my way, I need to be, and can be 100% responsible. I do not have it all together yet, but, I will, and I want to help others learn about this loving movement.
Jill R

Mr Mark Hamilton you’ve opened my eyes thanks to you I am a different ME

Mr Mark this is Mike Covarrubias this testimony is for my mentor Mark with my most deepest respect. This a great honor to have a mentor like you your kindness the love you share for US is great!!
Mr Mark Hamilton you’ve opened my eyes thanks to you I am a different ME
Mr Mark you are the GREATEST of the greatest I’m whit you even if I’m slow in technology I’m just an old man who believes in your guidance.I deposited my hopes in you Mr. Mark
your prime literature is priceless at list for me.Mr Mark whatever the storm or turbulence maybe!!! let’s walk through it with courage.
let’s see the light of truth in the other side of the STORM YOU Mr Mark you’re are going to give us the greatest GIFT of get rich program in HUMAN HISTORY.
This testimonial was written by a 66 year old NTWARRIOR

Hi Mark Hamilton

Hi Mark Hamilton,
All the manuscripts and the recent books on Neothink from your father Dr. W. that I have bought from you have benefited me greatly and those things are and will continue to help me to grow and develop into the person I was meant and/or created to be.
Thank you for your time on this matter.
Bradley Koster

March 2025