Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’

Since reading Mark Hamilton’s literature…

Since reading Mark Hamilton’s literature and being a part of his Neothink Society, it has made me more aware of the need to work together with others to make this world a better place for all of us to live. I also believe that the success of the Twelve Visions Party will transform the chaotic direction that our government is trying to take us into a place that our loved ones can have peace and wealth without hurting others.
Government suppression is ruining the place we used to call the land of the free, it’s totally out of control and it’s taxing us to death.
Those that are trying to stifle Mark Hamilton, his literature and the Twelve Visions Party are cowards who are afraid they will lose the greedy power they’ve become accustomed to as they thrive on keeping Americans begging for a glimmer of hope. The Twelve Visions Party will give the power back to the people where it should be. Before you listen to the propaganda about Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party, check it out for yourself and make your own decision, you’ll be glad you did.
Diane from Nebraska

Mark Hamilton, it’s the right time again.

Hello Mark,
It’s so good to write to you. The lessons the thought patterns, all these have come to me through your writings. It’s opened my eyes to real possibilities.
I see how government as botched this health care disaster. It’s about control of our lives. I ask where the benefit is. Though, I’m not rich, your teachings
have given hope for the future. It’s time for a real party to come of age for the people, and by the people. Sound familiar it should. But, Washington as
numbed us to our freedoms. Our fore fathers went through the same stresses. They believed it was the right thing to do. Mark, it’s the right time again.
To reclaim the country and freedoms we deserve. I keep you in my thoughts.


To my Mentor, MARK HAMILTON:
Society in general, especially in the last 20-30 years has been degenerating at a
very fast pace. Morals and the family structure have taken a huge hit, as well as many other aspects I.E. the financial and political scenery has been dramatically altered.I’ts no
wonder the world is in such turmoil and chaos.
Throughout my adult life, which has’nt always been pleasant, I’ve fought my
“Demons” and tried very hard to live a life based on honesty and respect for others. I’ve also been searching for new ways or methods to improve using a variety of techniques offered by various experts.They work only for a short time and then it’s back to the same
old “Rutt”.Boy’O’Boy what a dull life !!!!!.
Then alas! came this letter in the mail from the S.O.S. society.I almost threw it
out, but this funny feeling in my gut told me,”hold on to it and read it.This is what you’ve been waiting for all your life.It was quite long, but right to the point and very informative, it
hit me like a brick. It finally was time to wake-up from that mediocre life I was living and start in a completely different direction.
This invitation letter came from the desk of Mark Hamilton my mentor, explaining all the advantages and the benefits the society offered if I decided to become a member. I immediately jumped at this once in a lifetime chance. For the last two years my life has
changed all for the better.I’m one of your apprentices and am becoming a mentor also.
As I slowly progress, constantly learning and reading the litterature , I become more and
more the “person I was meant to be”.
During this transformation , which I don’t think will ever stop, I ‘ve met and befriended the most amazing and admirable people in my entire life. They are like-minded and totally devoted to advancing the Neothink(r) society and changing the present structure of the world through an HONEST business approach.Honesty and love will bring a major
paradigm change to the human race.We must stop violence,suffering and human indignity caused by all the parasitical elite’s at the helm of this sinking ship.
I will forever be grateful, THANK YOU, Mark for this precious gift, this opportunity of a lifetime you’ve given me. And also for accepting me and my mysticisms into the “fold” of
your apprentices. I’ve become very involved with multiple programs in the society and I’m
now very much looking forward to a long life of HEALTH, LOVE , WEALTH and the CofU.

Neothink Material created by Mark Hamilton

Hello, My name is Mr. Lonnie D
I am taking this moment to testify that the Neothink Material created by Mark Hamilton is to my knowledge and experience honest. Mark Hamilton himself is a hard working businessman working tirelessly to share his revolutionary Ideas with those willing to recognize the values of honesty, Integrity and value creation. He is a thriving business man living in the great United States, the free country where he is guaranteed the freedom of speech, the freedom to believe the way he wishes, and the freedom to conduct business as he sees fit within the law, which he does. It is normal that there are those who will feel threatened by Mark Hamilton’s approaches to business and life.
Those who feel threatened have the right under the Constitution of the United States of America to share their views.
I have personally benefited from the literature that Mark Hamilton has produced.
1 – I have conceived of and am working tirelessly to promote my own business. This business will employ 10 people by the end of the first year. By the end of the third year it will employ at least 100 persons.
2 – Mark Hamilton’s Literature and Neo-think programs have taught me to use logic in my approach to life and business. This simple change in my thinking has allowed me to move into the world of doers. I am not just a thinker with any action backing me up anymore.
3 – Since I have read and embraced Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literature and his cutting edge Ideas for improving the life of individuals. I have been happier, full of energy and have been more of a physical and emotional asset to my family and friends.
I do not need to be lead. I only need to be guided.
Previously in my life as an American I had stopped voting. I had not read any newspapers and I refused to watch the news because I was unhappy with my position as an adult and voter in these current times. Mark Hamilton has opened my eyes to the importance of voting and watching and reading the media. I am now very happy to be an American. I appreciate my position as a citizen of this wonderful free country we live in.
I stand firm behind Mark Hamilton, His ground breaking ingenious Ideas and his business because he has helped me to metamorphose my life. I am now a producer and creator. I am now a contributor to the economy of the free world, an opportunity producer. Not just a whining consumer.
Without Mark Hamilton’s literature and programs, I would not be enjoying this success.
American business exists to fill the needs and the wants of the American consumer.
Mark Hamilton has done no more than this. He has always been upfront and honest with me. I have not discovered a single greedy or dishonest approach through our exchanges.
The Neothink ideas that are promoted and invented by Mark Hamilton are sound as he is..
Thank you,
I stand with Mark Hamilton.
Sincerely, Mr. Lonnie D C

Mark Hamilton literature has the only message which…

My thanks and gratitude to you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society for the Wealth of knowledge I received. By reading the Neothink literature, as taught me to know the value livening.
Over the months and years since started reading the Neothink literature am truly a changed person in my life this enabled me to see my condition their is not enough words to describe my path of livening before reading the, literature , my mental attuned towards understanding may path in my life as taught me much,
Knowing this that integration is the path to honesty regardless of whom the person might be make life for me much hipper in livening ,
Mark Hamilton literature has the only message which I believe will inspire hope in and happiness in the lives of many others as this wonder full writing’s did for me .because in everything I happen to be doing I can
Do with a feeling of happiness from within yet there are many that county to live under the burden and Stagnation why is that? There is a wonder full way to know, I call your action to James J Hill a Genius of Society many years ago who was well on his way to mottling the stander of livening for order people?
Taking care of every need until he got healed down by the Movement regulation his story represent all Genus of society.

and this is Ruth TESTIMONIAL,

best regard thank you.

Mark Hamilton and his literature and his NeoThink Society of strong supporters of value creators…

Seventy years of my life gone and all I want now is to learn more about Neothink Society and the Twelve Vision Party and the wonderful manuscripts of Mark Hamilton, and be able to apply these concepts (visions) to the remainder of my life. Also, to be able to pass it down to my children and grandchildren so, they can have the value of Joy, Happiness, Energy, Health and Wealth, as well as Romantic Love Relationships, as a solid reason for living.

All small and large Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Home Based Opportunity Seekers, Work at Home Mom’s/Dads, Multi Level Marketers, Handicap/Special Needs, Etc.
Everyone needs to get behind and support the (TVP) Twelve Vision Party, Mark Hamilton and his literature and his NeoThink Society of strong supporters of value creators, A BUSINESS ORIENTED ORGANIZATION, in their endeavor to bring about CHANGES that offer everyone in life what you were meant to live for and the person you were meant to be.
This country was founded by people from all over the world seeking freedom and a better way of life, and we are in the most deplorable period in our history. No one is even talking about jobs. There seems to be a witch-hunt against the (TVP) Twelve Vision Party and its leaders, when the witch-hunt should begin in Washington, DC.
I believe that the reason why 80% of the Fortune 500 Companies are changing is because of this business oriented organization of value creators, who are using the Division of Essence, a leap beyond the Division of Labor, where we all discover a deep rooted motivational drive. Ordinary people experiencing extraordinary entrepreneurial like jobs, they love going to work, and they share in the profits they help create as value creators. The results of the (TVP) Twelve Vision Party will be a government that will run like a very successful business, and accountable to the results of how well it will protect its citizens. Free enterprise, technology and medicine, all free of politics, will bring about a recovery from this depression, similar to the computer revolution of the last decades. People will be greatly rewarded with prestige, wealth, happiness and love. With the value of life improving their, health, wealth, and romantic love relationships.
Thank you for your literature, Mark Hamilton, the NeoThink Society, and the Twelve Vision Party, it gives me and my family a whole new lookout on life.

Myles C

Hello Out There!

Hello Out There!
The search is over because truth prevailed. I’ve come across all types of studies while graduating from Wayne State University on a full scholarship. During the four-plus years that I walked those familiar halls I searched, not necessarily for a profession (though I had to commit or else lose the scholarship), but I searched for truths during that whole college term. I found some truths. Those truths were mostly math and other scientific certainties. The rest were basically hypothesis, and conformity to man-made rules for survival.
Even during those college days I found myself praying for revelations of truths about the world that I lived in. After all, I felt my time here on earth wasn’t going to be a short stay and I wanted to walk knowledgeable and confident amongst you all.
By some strange twist of faith I came across the Neothink Heirlooms. I nearly fainted when I read them. I then went back and studied (studying) them because I couldn’t believe what I had stumbled upon.
The content enveloped and continues to envelope me. I later became familiar with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) movement and thought, Wow! Mark Hamilton and these courageous soldiers are putting forth an effort to bring about a better world. Unlike the common political laws that are interpreted thousands of different ways depending on the directions of the wind in Washington, these laws are written without ambiguities. The meanings to the bylaws and agenda are cut and dry.
I was so excited that I got into my somewhat reliable car and traveled to Chicago to be at a TVP event. My wife thought I was crazy, but she traveled with me. However, she thought I was just as nuts when I jump in that same car to head to New Jersey to attend the TVP convention with very little funds.
She asked me why do I act on impulse and fly by the seat of my pants about these matters? I simply said, “I have to follow my heart. It’s one of the reasons we’re together.” She laughed, kissed me, and responded “Then it must be worth the effort.”
These revelations doesn’t mean I’m a different person. I have no ill will towards current politicians or other dishonest people. As a matter of fact I can tolerate them better. But, I have to admit that I don’t feel guilty about knowing that there is work being done to unseat them and I’m taking part in doing it by supporting Mark Hamilton and the TVP movement. And don’t worry, it’s being done fairly and is being played by the rules that out Forefathers set in place.
I simply know that the laws of attraction will cause unfair politicians and corrupt business leaders to lose those abusive positions of power and the unfair lots in life they they currently occupy. They can’t truly be happy there anyway.
Somewhere down the line when the TVP is rolling full steam ahead, they’ll confess that they weren’t really happy doing those clandestine deeds while they were in positions of power anyway. But not now because they suffer from Power Drunkenness and turn a blind eye to their actions and the subsequent pain of others.
I’m still basically the same kind and loving person I was before these Neothink revelations. However, I have noticed a slight difference in me. My drive for success has been amplified lately and I now walk on higher grounds. I walk amongst the greatest, clearest and honest thinkers that are born of this world. I feel really good to know like-minded people!
Love & Prosperity,
Larry D. S

What Mark Hamilton means to me

to Mark Hamilton am happy to talk about multigenerational manuscripts and twelve vision party what mean to my life and my family what MARK HAMILTON learn me love the life. create the value live smart health .safe rich take responsibility for my own life and deeply appreciated life and all this mean self leader.
i discover the illusion of ruling class of lazy ,dishonest ruler and leader. What Mark Hamilton means to me he open my mind i am lucky to meet this man and more glad he became my mentor, he earned my eternal respect.
Y. K

Let this become the GREAT AWAKENING that Mark Hamilton…

It is so important for the American people to build upon the whiff of freedom that Mark Hamilton is releasing into the American awareness. There is a slow awakening shown by the Tea Party and others who love freedom that America is being co-opted by parasites who curry favor by offering goodies to the public with no visible means of payment. The payment the political parasites seek for themselves is POWER. Let this become the GREAT AWAKENING that Mark Hamilton and all of his supporters bring to America’s consciousness – that freedom and prosperity do live and do very well indeed without the political ruling class of studied deceit!
John M

Thank you Mark Hamilton, Neothink & TVP for helping me be on the right track

Hello to all concerned
This is in recognition to the wonderful work that Mr. Mark Hamilton the Neothink Society and the Newly formed TVP party. It’s high time that we as mankind come up to date and stop living in the past with outdated ways of thinking that has stagnated and arrested peoples creativity to the point of boredom, This is one of the reasons too many people turn to violence and all kinds of scandalous activity to get their thrills! They have not been taught the know how or given the tools to be successful in life. For the most part they have only been taught all their life how to toil for other’s, sacrifice their time and energy to the so called “Higher Cause. A lot of us have herd the faze, “you are what you eat” well I’m here to add that “You know what you’re taught” i.e.. If you’re taught bull…t than you know bull…T! If more people realized that since we live in the so called REVELATION time period then its time the people of our beautiful planet change with the times, expand the consciousness and understand the JIG IS UP. The Truth IS Being Revealed! Why do you think kids rebel so much and disrespect elder’s? one of the reasons is that they are wiser then ever at an earlier age. They see the fact that there is no Big Fat Man in a red suit squeezing down some nasty chimney to deliver toys to EVERYONE ON EARTH IN ONE NIGHT!. the fact that information about some explorer 100’s of years ago is not necessarily going to give them the skills to get gainful employment or to put food on their plate for themselves and family. etc.etc. That all those years in school didn’t teach much survival skill but mostly taught how to “FIT IN “
with the crowd to help someone else fulfill there dreams and get wealthy
while you mostly learn to follow and not become a leader yourself.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, teaches how to become a self leader, to know how to direct your own steps and that all of humankind have the right to live, be happy and prosper, not just a privileged few! Since its known the universe is forever expanding then our conciseness minds are forever as well and that if we don’t go with the flow of the universe (natural nature) then one is going against it!( WE know its not nice to fool “mother nature”) doing so will and is an uphill battle that will sap your life energy, make you older before your time as well as a host of other “difficulties” Its ok to learn from the past but you cant live in it. you can live in the now and for the future! I can go on indefinitely. I’ve haven’t even began to get deep, the point is Mark Hamilton, Neothink..I call it (NEW EVOLUTION OF) think time has come to take our world to true change for the better not just a new cover on the old “Jar of BULL…T Check out the Neothink Society & TVP party and see for yourself The purpose of life is to live be happy and prosper is it not? Then why is it that so many people think that you suppose to wait until your old and used up and that is your GOLDEN YEARS when you have fun for the time you have left and that’s it? think people!
Thank you Mark Hamilton, Neothink & TVP for helping me be on the right track for the New era! Neothink & TVP IS the product that we all want and need weather we are at the point of realization or not!

March 2025