Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’

Learning about the Neothink Society felt right from the start…

Dear Mark Hamilton:

I was born in Germany.

Three years ago, I would never believe that I could feel so much better about myself.

Three years ago, I would never believe that I could feel so much better about myself.

Some people come into this world fully aware of their Visionary gifts…

Some people come into this world fully aware of their Visionary gifts or higher consciousness. Most of the great ones throughout history were “ahead of their time”. Many people may have thought them “crazy” or condemned their ideas– but it did NOT stop the BURNING DESIRE of those leaders to manifest what they envisioned. We should

Before I heard of Mark Hamilton, I asked myself…

Before I heard of Mark Hamilton, I asked myself the same questions many people ask every day.

As a ordain Elder out of one of the largest Pentecostal Movements…

As a ordain Elder out of one of the largest Pentecostal Movements, I

It was back in July of 2005, and my life was really suffering from stress…

It was back in July of 2005, and my life was really suffering from stress and struggles. Just when I was ready to call everything I had, quits — a letter came in my mailbox, I opened it wondering who was Neothink “What was that?” I thought to myself. “How did they know me?” I continue to ask.

Then with curiosity and desperation still in my mind, I opened it. As I looked at each word, encouragement filled my mind and heart, uplifting that weight that was weighing down on my life. As I continued to read, I became more excited to read on. Once I reached the end of that letter, I felt I had to hear more of what that letter was offering me. I couldn’t help but read that letter over and over again until Neothink sent me another letter. I was really looking forward to hearing more about the Neothink society. After a few more letters of encouragement, I got another letter asking me to get Mark Hamilton’s book, it had more to give me — so I order them and they also helped me see how off I was without knowing that life has knowledge like that flowing throughout my life all the time, and without me knowing it. Once I got the books, one at a time; I made sure I had time to read every book through it entirety. I never felt a hunger like that before. It supplied me with new ideas and beliefs. Today, I’m a different person than that of which I would still be if I had not gotten those letters and books at the time I got them.

Mark Hamilton, you really changed my life with your knowledge; so how did you get to be in a situation that requires you to guess your own blessings. This isn’t about having a struggle with others, it’s about helping others get out of their struggles. Mark, you are the teacher, keep giving everyone that truth you share, it won’t let you down. It has brought you a long way. I’m really trying to tell you something that you might be overlooking, and that is, you shouldn’t be in this situation of giving a great negative to your great positive. What you are doing is beyond so many others. It sounds like someone is causing you to spend more time reaching outward than you were reaching upward were this wisdom and knowledge flows from. Mark, a lot of us believe in you, more than you can imagine. Don’t let everyone down because a few people of influence have something you don’t. – I remember hearing “the reason why the average person fail is because they feel they were not equal to their task, so they pretended that they were happy with what did happen to them.” They accepted the lesser instead of moving on towards the greater of themselves. Mark; you must pull this off, many lives are at stake here. To whom much is given, much is expected. A lot of us believe in you Mark Hamilton, don’t for that? You also told us that we would become part of this society, but if Neothink has traps place at its doorway, a lot of us will see them and choose not to enter. Mark, you are bigger than anything the old society is pretending to share with you. You once help a great many of us start believing again when everything seemed at its end, and we turned our lives around and started moving in the direction we were destined to go. — Now it’s your turn to turn away from those who don’t agree with you, and continue to make a way for those of us who are really looking forward to having someone who knows how to improve society without a doubt. We know we are not there with you when you are dealing with those of power, but it is your power we really believe in Mark. And as time passes you will be able to feel a power that no one has ever felt, and we will always be your suppliers, the Neothink society.




To anyone interested in finding the truth within themselves!

To anyone interested in finding the truth within themselves!

My name is Terry R. I live in USA. I am 57 years old and I would like to share my story with you now.

All my life I have searched for answers to my purpose and to understand why life is the way it is. I am not a stupid man but I have done many stupid things. I have always been a hard worker and respected the rights of others to believe and to live their life as they wish. I am not here now to change your mind. Only you can do that. Only you can decide what is right for you. I believe that an example from real life is full of hidden and useful answers. If you have ever had an Ah Ha moment then you understand what I am saying. I do not know what I might say that will trigger your Ah Ha moment or even if you will have one but I believe that if you are reading this then you are also a seeker of the truth of your life and it is my great privilege to offer this opportunity to share my story.

When I was 20 years old I was serving in the US Army during the Viet Nam war. I was full of pride and I thought I knew all the answers. I believed that I could accomplish anything as long as I was good to people and gave without expectation of anything in return. I had a basic religious background as a Methodist and I believed in God and Jesus Christ. I married at 21 while I was in the service and my first child was born a year later. When I left military service in 1976 I was completely unprepared for the life that was ahead of me. My marriage was very unhappy as my wife was not interested in being faithful or loyal to me. She hated being tied to one man and forced me to divorce her after 6 years of tumultuous marriage. I was completely heart broken and disillusioned. My ex-wife had primary custody of my two children. At that time I never wanted to be with another woman again and because I worked away from my children I drove many miles each weekend to be with them. My profession was a civil engineering technician as I was a combat engineer in the army and I was able to find work in my field of expertise outside of the military. Over the next 8 years I worked away from home and I was bitter and depressed. The only thing that brought me any joy at all was being with my son and my daughter on the weekends. I had completely given up on life and I felt a victim of uncaring cruelty. I asked myself all the time why God had deserted me. I still had a lot to learn!

One day when I was home from a work assignment my friends asked me to go to the local bowling lanes for some fun. I did not wish to go but they insisted and so I went. One of their friends was there. She was single with two children of her own. I was being set up. It turned out that I became close to her and after some months of dating I moved in with her and her kids and I forgot my hatred of women and I began to think I could make a wonderful life again. It was during this time that I found Mark Hamilton and Neothink.

I am a member with a life changing attitude about my value…

Dearest Mark Hamilton,

I am a member with a life changing attitude about my value, learning, health, longevity, family, and community.

Thanks to Mark Hamilton…

It has been quite rewarding and fulfilling being a member of the Neothink Society. Thanks to Mark Hamilton our brilliant leader I can say that I belong to a sincere and honest organization that truly understands the urgency to evolve and grow making each day celebratory. Neothink extends a welcome to members encouraging us to be sober, vigilant, wise and sympathetic with others not putting our hopes and dreams in mortals but becoming value creators especially in this new century where the eyes of the world are upon us and each day there seem to be some new technology. Realizing that even dignitaries

I would like to say that NEOTHINK has drastically changed my outlook on life


March 2025