Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
In my opinion, Mark Hamilton is a genius
In my opinion, Mark Hamilton is a genius, along with being an honest, kind, generous, resourceful individual who has spent decades of his life unselfishly publishing material for the betterment of society based upon the improvement of our country.
If people are honest with themselves, they will realize that our beautiful U.S.A. is in jeopardy and a change for the better is stellar.
Mark Hamilton Neothink Inside Secrets have been enlightening…
Mark Hamilton Neothink Inside Secrets have been enlightening, educational, motivating, and inspiring. First:
There is much negativity, fear and selfishness about…
There is much negativity, fear and selfishness about and they continue to gain widespread popularity. Its spread seems coordinated and deliberate.
Mark Hamilton has brilliantly developed the framework and…
Mark Hamilton has brilliantly developed the framework and methodology that successfully incorporates humankind
A Testimonial
I believe that the ruling-class power must be take out of the hands of our politicians. I believe that freedom and prosperity was for every human being that are born here on this earth. Throughout history humans has suffer when others creates, interprets, and executes laws upon others. But on the other hand, I believe that my apprenticeship have taught me that freedom and prosperity has soared when appointing human beings were removed from political and bureaucratic control. Which America was a prime example of this largely removal of a ruling-class of one man of people and that was the King of a foreign nation. When the American Revolutionists removed this monarch from our United States of the thirteen colonies by a written document, which was the U. S. Constitution. These thirteen colonists and this document completed the colonies
My Testimonial
My apprenticeship had taught me that the Twelve Visions Party envision a profoundly free, wealthy, healthy, and safety society that is protected by rules of flawless laws. I strongly believe that the more successful the American people remove the American politicians and law makers from making, interpreting and executing laws the freer, the wealthier, and the healthier that our people and nation will becomes. In 1215 A. D. the Europeans Magna Carta had begun a trend that restricted the rule of man which had made a prosperity climb for the European people which was for better living conditioning. In 1787 A. D. the American colonies crafted up a document, which was the United States Constitution of the thirteen original American colonies that restricted the rule of man from a foreign nation so they can enjoy an Unitarian prosperity in their new world and from a old world of tyranny, which this brought the majority of Americans to join a middle class static of this country. Which to me there was neither an upper nor a lower class group of people only a middle class. I believe that of the success of the Twelve Visions Party and this coming Amendment to our U. S. Constitution of the Prime Law that man will be completely remove from the man rule over others or from rule of man. This would make all of the people back to that one class of people, including the poor. It is an American author that dramatically advances another evolutionary period for the American people from the rule of man with his Prime Literature of the Prime Law, which Mark Hamilton
Everyone needs to read literature published by Mark Hamilton and…
Everyone needs to read literature published by Mark Hamilton and Neothink Inside Secrets to help with our movements numbers from member who has read it all and find good for me please join movement with all of us
Jay B
I want to thank you a million times for the Neothink Society.
Hi Mark Hamilton,
I want to thank you a million times for the Neothink Society. I know that everyone is looking for the get rich overnight story. Well, I’m going to have to disappoint those of you who are. When I first started in the Neothink Society, I was at a really low point. I made twelve thousand dollars, all of last year. I knew that major change was needed. I was in a rut of epic proportions. I was searching for something, but not having the slightest idea what. After coming into the
For anyone looking into Mark Hamilton and Neothink, THIS IS NOT A …
For anyone looking into Mark Hamilton and Neothink, THIS IS NOT A SCAM!!!
I owe my life to the Neothink literature and the man that wrote them, Mark Hamilton. He has helped me more than any government assistance ever could, for he has taught me how to think. How to become a self-leader and to live the life I was meant to live. I was stuck in a rut of depression and oppression, until my Neothink family found me and gave me the hope to carry on. They showed me that the perfect world I always knew existed could actually be created here on Earth. When I first connected with my new family, I knew I was finally home. Like every other person in this world, I have a dream. Only my dream isn’t lost and forgotten, locked away with the child of my past, it is alive, living and breathing, and growing with every step that I take. A dream is like a flame, it must be fed to stay alive. It is a life force that needs to be cherished and appreciated.
Neothink has shown me how to multiply productivity and how creating value for others is the true root of happiness. Because, when we can view ourselves as a valuable contribution, then when we can accept love from others. Love is why we do what we do. It’s the motivational force that backs us. Awaken your inner child and play at life. I do, every day, and because I have this mentality, I stay forever young. People have even mentioned how young I look, and that I don’t age, because I am in tune with my inner child. If this is but just a taste of the fruits of life, then I intend to live forever.
Jessika T