Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’

In just a few words, Neothink is the most …

In just a few words, Neothink is the most enlightening document I have ever read. I usually don

Mr. Hamilton, I don't know him personally (Mark Hamilton) …

Mr. Hamilton, I don’t know him personally (Mark Hamilton) but the 3 Neothink heirloom volumes written by him promote individual freedom, growth, and personal motivation. Themes which never get old like: pro-human life, liberty, and happiness run throughout. I can only conclude that his work is a reflection of his high moral character.


Brian J. L

would like to thank Mark Hamilton and all the Neothink members for shining …

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and all the Neothink members for shining the light my way. It has been a very interesting and informative time filled with true love and compassion. As they say “it is what it is” and we all need to take our blinders off and help the world do the same. Thanks to Mark Hamilton opening our eyes to the Neothink inside secrets we all are living closer to our true self, Our natural right!!! He has helped us open doors to our true natural being that were never opened before. There are angels here on earth!!

I feel we are responsible in life for the information and knowledge that the universe has downloaded into our mind though Mark Hamilton and the Neothink inside secrets. When we accept this information from the Neothink inside secrets we will have the strength and knowledge to change the world. Opening new doors that were always there but we could never see . By accepting and uncovering the illusions getting past the resistance we allow our higher self to take over. Believe me as I speak from experiences this higher self

Neothink and Mark Hamilton have changed my life …

Neothink and Mark Hamilton have changed my life, indeed saved my life… I know live a life full of love and happiness.. Thank you Mark for introducing me to the miracle of NEOTHINK..


James M

Having read and continue to read Mr. Mark Hamilton's Neothink literary works …

Having read and continue to read Mr. Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literary works has been a life lifting and life changing experience for me.

Nature truly abhors weakness and we as humans need a strong philosophy …

Whom it May Concern,

Nature truly abhors weakness and we as humans need a strong philosophy to guide as to achieve great HEALTH, Wealth and feel happy. In my search for facts and solution in the last twenty-five years as an African I have never find any worthy powerful knowledge based that answers all human quest for achieving our ultimate goals as found in the NEOTHINK by Mark Hamilton and his the friendship within his readers makes it rare on earth.

Time indeed moves very fast and I will ever be happy to have read NEOTHINK by Mark Hamilton.

Mark Hamilton and Neothink literature

Mark Hamilton and Neothink literature

FULLY INTEGRATED HONESTY in business; and LOVE and PLAY among work, family and community.

These are eternal concepts that guide my thinking and inspire my creativity, direction and compassion. While events are random, what we make of them is up to the “me” in “us”.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink literature has awakened and enlightened me …

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink literature has awakened and enlightened me to my bad habits, the disease of the mind-brain and to the ten-second Miracle which cures it. This has changed my life in a very profound way. John E. F

I Connie C. Am a Mark Hamilton Partner, and an Active Neothink Member…

I Connie C. Am a Mark Hamilton Partner, and an Active Neothink Member, and very proud of that fact!

I have always wanted to be a value producer and contribute to society.

I have always wanted to be a value producer and contribute to society.

March 2025