Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
I believe that Mark Hamilton and all that he stands for…
I believe that Mark Hamilton and all that he stands for or is committed to represents freedom. The ultimate goal is Freedom for America and freedom for the world. “The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily”. These are some of the sweetest words that I have ever heard since the time of our founding fathers, and it is the guiding light and the rule book by which I myself and the members of the Neothink® society presently live.
The secret to happiness is “freedom”; freedom of will; freedom of choice; freedom of speech; freedom to create; freedom to evolve into a society that deserves to be prosperous and happy. I truly believe that this is the hall mark behind which Mark Hamilton stands. After reading the multigenerational manuscripts, written by Mark Hamilton, I too have realized that I deserve to live prosperous and happily.
It is absolutely incredible that Mark Hamilton would want to openly share such invaluable information with me. It is also so amazing that he would care enough to want to open my eyes to what is happening in and around me in an effort to help me see through the illusions that has held me back from growing and prospering all the years of my life.
Never before have I been taught how to use my God given abilities to propel forward to strive to improve the quality of my life, and to think differently and be prosperity conscious. I now want to live a life of fulfillment in every way forever.
If Mark Hamilton is silenced, what will become of us all with our freedoms taken away bit by bit until they are all gone? The only thing we would have to live for is to pay over priced bills and taxes.
In contrast, what an extraordinary world we can live in with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) striving to protect the rights and well being of us all. We need to have a political party such as the TVP that will encourage business development towards fulfilling all of our needs. This can only encourage competitive growth in order to drive down inflation so that our cost of living can decrease to the end of the pursuit of happiness.
Without the contributions of Mark Hamilton and the TVP, there will be no freedom and therefore chaos will reign. We all will be stuck with a government after government making empty promises that they appear to fulfill out of good intentions. You will not be allowed to see through the illusions or the lengths at which the media and the politicians will go through to ensure that their evil plans are not foiled.
With the state of the economy as it is presently we need to be relieved of those who make empty promises in the hope of never having to follow through. We need to be relieved of bogus medical schemes and bogus housing schemes where such finances are used to line the pockets of the already wealthy, rather than to the aid of hard working citizens.
In essence, there is no other hope. There is no other lucrative way of surviving this “Egypt” in which we now reside. All we have presently is just empty promises waiting to be fulfilled.
I will certainly always be eternally grateful to Mark Hamilton and I remain thankful for the literature that he has written and made available to all in the Neothink ® Society. Jacqueline B
The Neothink Society and especially the writings of Mark Hamilton, to me, have become the most important and enlightening literature I have ever read. The knowledge gained in these materials has led me to a place of total optimism for the future of mankind. The values taught, the honesty reflected and the love expressed in these writings, has truly affected myself and my children. We see the value of every human being and recognize the true value of every self. With the success of the Twelve Visions Party, Americans for the first time in many, many decades finally will have a choice in governing ourselves and controlling our own destiny.
For me, to know that our hope is for every man, woman and child to know exactly who they are in relation to the universe and with integrated honesty be able to fulfill there purpose on this planet. To be able to become what our forefathers saw when they wrote the terms and conditions of what this country was to become and to know how far away from these standards this reigning political system has led us all away from, is to me the biggest crime of all time. When the pursuit of happiness becomes the burden of life because of forced backed taxes and personal agendas of the political elite to get richer and richer at our experience, then I say it is time for a real change. That is why I support the Neothink Society and especially the Twelve Visions Party. Without Mark Hamilton and the TVP, we can be assured that the Democrats and Republicans will continue with “business as usual” until they run this country into the ground. Some day knowledge and not blind faith will take over all realms of existence.
Thank you, Donald G
The Honest Value of the Twelve Visions Party
As a youngster and young man I was told there were 2 parties, no choices. Following the 2 parties was the American way. Like many Americans I was born into a family of one dominant party focus. Through family direction I followed the leaders, Yes Followed the leaders.
From the beginning I followed, and did what I was told. I was told there are leader so I had to follow their decisions. I needed to be respectful of, and follow the leader’s decisions. Never rock the boat.
I always know there was something wrong with this concept. So Wrong!
But as a follower, I didn’t truly get it, could not snap the pieces of the puzzle together.
Today through the Neothink Generational Manuscripts and the Twelve Visions Party, my eyes and ears are opened to the true integrated honesty and reality of the dishonestly of government officials/ career politicians who are carelessly and meticulously manipulating our lives and our futures.
I am saying what happened to our government all of a sudden. The integrated honestly is our government officials have for many years, worked in a self-centered manner.
The difference is that, I am now aware of this reality, through the readings and works of Mark Hamilton.
I am transitioning from a muted follower accepting dishonesties and illusions, to a self-leader asking questions.
I am now wide awake to the corruption and greed that is around me.
Now as a Value Creator, I am willing to step up and be a leader, I am losing the follower mentality, and actively, on a daily basis, study then create activities that will help mankind live a life of love, happiness, and even wealth.
It is time to address the illusions and bring in the honesties that will help all mankind.
Live The Lives each man and women are meant to live.
Today I am a very happy value creating man who is gaining ongoing happiness by creating values for others. I understand the way to achieve happiness and pursue that direction.
Mark Hamilton and Neothink have given me the tools to turn my life around from a follower to a happy effective Value Creator for society. Today, I know I can contribute to the happiness of all men and women and even help make all the people rich including the poor.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes and seeing reality!!!!!
Steve F.
Dear Mark Hamilton, My brother and I…
Dear Mark Hamilton, My brother and I ponder your idea of coming out with an Ad in the Newspaper.
Follow your Vision, like in the Miss Anabelle Story. Let 1 or 559 people circulate in society for a year, such as David did. Preaching like David Did. You are much to valuable a player to be crushed by those negatives in the anti-civilization.
The MLM idea was the same. Good job in not going that route!
I am a Mother raising her son, Christa Walter, level 9 apprentice. I have the utmost respect for your Visions, they must live forever and take hold in this era. That will not happen if you do a head-on with the anti-civilization Man. As a Native of Kansas we are completely into your ideas and strive to be entrepreneurial in all our endeavors. With Respect. Ms. W
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and Neothink Society.
Dear Mark Hamilton,
I wish to try express to you in words how truly grateful I am, to you and your family for this chance you have given me to change my life for the better. Without your help through your writings and my precious collection of M.G. Manuscripts I would not have ever been able to see through the illusions.
As I recognize my mysticisms and begin to rid myself of them, I feel a comfort inside of me that I have not felt before. Even though many areas of my past have disintegrated, as well as my old relationship, I see a new picture piece that will fit into place in this large puzzle and help to change many lives for the better.
I feel the most wonderful opportunity is right before me, without your writings I never would have seen the common denominators that helped me to see where I wanted to go. An opportunity that is so large, I find myself at times crying tears of joy. I also realize that I can have more than just one piece in the beautiful puzzle that we will integrate together through our efforts and values that we put into society, with the TVP and you Mark Hamilton us safely into a better world, and to the pure honest good of humanity.
I wish to give my thanks to the Neothink Society and to the many members who have put so much of their time and love into building and sharing their many values and integrations with other members. I will always honor this time in my life and look forward to meeting other members in the future.
With the Twelve Visions Party and all of the Neothink Society members I feel so much hope for the future of my family and my grandchildren.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and Neothink Society.
Brenda H
Dear Mark Hamilton
Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for including me in your family of Apprentices. Wish I could have done more with it.
In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.
When all the guys started getting together & talking about different things. needless to say my ears perked up. It is all so interesting. I especially liked the part of honesty. I have had more stolen from me than most people have. I never thought of people stealing ! Didn’t realize there were that many dishonest people in the world. In this program, we are taught honesty, love, compassion for others, how to live with ourselves & make an honest living,
In the Neothink world we all will be prosperous & happy. What more could a person want ?
Mr. Hamilton, I too am concerned about you. You know how cruel the media can be. I know you will be honest about everything, but if you could soften the Religious part a bit,
you know how the south is so religious, with churches on every corner & probably the rest of the country also. I notice also a lot of the members refer to religion as thou they haven’t changed much.
I some how feel, this isn’t exactly what you wanted, but the best I can do. I have a difficult time with my eyes & have not advanced in the level as I would like. Hopefully that will come about soon.
Love & Caring
Peggy L
Mark Hamilton, Keep Up the Good Work
Dear Mark Hamilton,
I want to thank you for all of the time and energy you have put forth with information to help me understand so many unanswered questions, doubts and concerns I have been carrying around for so many years. I received the information with an open mind and it all made so much sense to me. I am a changed person and know that I have passed on and shared the answers with my family so we can grow with happiness and contentment. You are a good person and have compassion and caring to do what you are doing. Keep up the good work and I know with your strong vision you will succeed in making it all come to be.
Thanks again,
BJH – Oregon
I am extremely grateful for the information Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party…
I am extremely grateful for the information Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party has shared with me. We are all standing at a very important time in history!!!! Day after day we all are exposed to allusions from the Media and government authorities, just the other day the ex vice-president was on TV. He said that the present administration should have no power to investigate the past Busch administration, He also said that the CIA should never have to explain how it gets information from people. They hide behind an illusion that this information would be a threat to national security. The Twelve Vision Party is based on honesty, I highly recommend that anyone who is given the opportunity to view the information Mark Hamilton has put together do so it will change your life and the people around you forever. The values Mark Hamilton gives to society are huge, I am sure that as soon as the Twelve Vision Party makes an attempt to go public the authorities will use the media to create an illusion to silence Mark Hamilton. Don’t allow this to take place, If you are able to see past the illusion you will have taken the first step to joining a Neo-Thinking Society of pure honesty. My life has been taken to a level of enjoyment I only dreamed of before being exposed to Neo-Thinking. I will end with this thought; if the Busch administration would have spent the time and money creating values for society, that it spent on keeping the truth from coming out and creating illusions for its own agenda, we all would be living in a safer and much more prosperous time. We owe it to our children to learn the Value Creating concepts found in the Twelve Vision Party. Enjoy your journey to a new life through Honesty and a Neo-Thinking Society
Best Regards to a bright future,
Mr. Bryan Kent S
Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party
Hey! Mark,
It’s always great to hear from you. Don’t worry too much about the anti civilization and what the neo-cheaters will do. They cannot stand against Neothink and the true map to a new and life-changing society. That is why from where I live, have been very cautious and not spoken out about this wonderful opportunity that has truly changed my life and the way I think and feel for the rest of my life. No one could possibly ever take from me what you have given to me in a wonderful gift. Do not put yourself in danger. You are too important to so many people; not to mention your own family.
Will write a better testimony and send later. Just wanted to get something out there right away.
Neo-think has brought me from a state of deep depression, hopelessness, and despair;
to a life of exhilaration and excitement that can’t be put into words. Since joining the society
a little over a year ago, I have gone from being stuck in stagnation, not going anywhere, to a zeal for life and it is just the beginning. For ten years had worked as a housekeeper feeling it was too late for real accomplishments. Have started to college and am making all A’s.
Am 55 years old with a tenth grade education. Took my GED at 19.
Also wanted to mention how much the Neothink web-cite has increased my synergy and it is so wonderful to be able to communicate with other members who are like-minded. There has never been a group of people known to me that were so wonderfully connected.
The honesty open support have sent us soaring to new heights. Am sure that many others feel as blessed because have heard countless testimonies coming from the web-cite.
Would encourage all people everywhere to plug into neo=tech and the Twelve Visions Party. Also, the Global Information Network will be our asset for the few fortunate ones who are able to plug in.
If there is any material that ever comes by the pen of Mark Hamilton. please, please count me in. The answer will always be Yes!
A Life-time Member of the Neothink Society,
Deborah S
I thank Mark Hamilton for bringing many things to light.
I wanted to take the time to reflect on what Neothink has meant for me for the several years I have been participating in the knowledge, techniques, and passion of others and a fresh new way of thinking. It really is not a new way of thinking when you read about the history of mankind. I think about people often saying they wish they could live in simpler times and that is just what these methods of thinking for yourself will do for you. You are reminded to think for yourself again, question the politician who do not contribute to society, except adding more and more laws that hurt the businesses, stall progress, hurt the economy by adding more red tape, wasting trees, bickering like kids and doing favorites for their rich constituents those who pull their purse strings. They have forgotten the little guy and the real creators, the businesses. The truth is we don’t need them, they need us to pay them for nothing off of the taxes we earn and while they contribute nothing to human man kind. To rid government of every agency except defense would alleviate our deficits, end big taxation and the many inundated laws that stall new inventions, much needed health cures. Free of all taxes and bureaucrats medicine would be sold cheaper and the economy would rapidly sore ahead. Our income would increase and everyone’s standard of living would rise like it never has before. You would feel the best you ever had because all the nonsense would be gone. Everyone is free to create good for others and raise your income as high as you want without politicians telling you how to spend your hard earned income. Think of the computer age that rapidly made it into the majority of homes, enriching your lifestyle and the cost getting lower and lower. Then when the government got hold of the computer industry with laws and lawsuits it slowed down growth. Imagine if we once and for all got rid of the red tape and only funded protection how simpler life would be for us all. We would end the democratic and republican party. the defense would be privately operating making it more efficient without big budgets and wasteful spending. The U.S. a leader in the world once again. The politicians give us war with other countries instead of peace for all man kind. Added to this the religious denominations that have always controlled the world so that they control you and how you think in a mystical god. Come on folks we need to wake up and put our passion into helping all man kind. Following good wholesome principals such as love your neighbor as you would yourself, do not hurt others and protect everyone. If we are left to think for ourselves for a change, all homelessness, mental illness, and mistreatment of others would drastically reduced because we would not be relying on the government to solve our problems. We would truly be a free world. I have worked with the miniday schedule and it really works. My only weakness part of human nature, part of the world we live in, is that I do not constantly day in day out follow through on my objectives. I thank Mark Hamilton for bringing many things to light. This is no cult, no religion, no branch of government, but only putting you back into the driving seat of your life and your families and making you a much more happier, richer, and passionate person for life and others. I truly believe this is the answer we have all been waiting for searching our lives for.
I once again, starting dreaming of the good things I would like to contribute to this world and government and bias religious sects out of the way the only person stopping my progress is me. I hope that whoever reads this will come away with some grain of hope, desire and love for all mankind.
We must get behind Mark Hamilton and his “12 Visions Party”
We must open our eyes. Open our stagnant minds and wake up to a “New Dawn”, The dawning of the Neothink Society.
We must get behind Mark Hamilton and his “12 Visions Party”. We are near the age of Destruction; we can make this choice and very soon experience “Joy, Prosperity,and Wealth.”
If we decide to turn our backs on this last change at these wonderful goals, we will continue to stagnate and suffer more from the corrupt and inept government we call “Politics” today.! Please wake up people.!