Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
I have been a student of Mark Hamilton for about 4 years now.
To whomever it may concern
I have been a student of Mark Hamilton for about 4 years now. I read his literature on a regular basis as well as listen in on the recordings of all 3 weekly meetings the following day. I am not the best with words though I’m sure all the testimonials already submitted will do. I always knew that the human mind didn’t think correctly. After reading the multigenerational manuscripts now I know why and it can all change for better. Mark Hamilton is more than a mentor. He actually wants to better mankind. The entire human race needs the twelve visions party.
The political establishment for the past 2000 years has only hurt mankind, not improved it. The old way is not working. It is time for the anti-civilization to step out of the way and be gone forever. The Twelve Visions World is the way all individuals were meant to live.
Most people believe the first gossip they hear on a particular issue because they are looking for the easy answer. The mystical one. They want other people thinking for them so the first answer is the easiest one to accept without doing their own research. That way of thinking will soon be gone forever. Our minds are meant for more. Nothing can stop an idea who’s time has come.
Sincerely, Anthony G
I am an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…
My name is Dan C. I am the CEO of Cates Sheet Metal Industries in Kansas City. I am an apprentice of Mark Hamilton and I have read thousands of pages of text, sometimes over and over, but I am now assured that the Twelve Vision Party is the only way that America can survive. I was reading a document and I was hit extremely hard by some of the questions that were asked. The question that hit me the hardest was that we are in a “war of two worlds” and did I think that the Muslims had already won the war after 9/11? The explanation that was presented was that one and one half billion Muslims think that they won. After reading this I did other research and to my dismay I found that in Europe 90% of all the immigration is Muslim. By 2025, one out of every five people will be Muslim. In less than 39 years France will be a Muslim Country with nuclear power; Germany will be Muslim by 2050. Currently, one out of every five people in Russia is a Muslim and 40% of the Russian Army is Muslim. By 2025, one out of every three children born in Europe will be Muslim. Today there are 52,000,000 Muslims in Europe and that will double in less than ten years. In the USA, there were 900,000 Muslims in 1970 and today there are 9,000,000 and growing. The really scary situation is that our President is probably still a Muslim at heart, and has shown huge tendencies towards Socialism and Fascism. It is clear to me that Liberalism/Conservatism is a culture of the past and cannot deal with the changing world. The only way out of our near future problem (destruction) is the Twelve Vision Party, Mark Hamilton and Neo-think. The platform of the Twelve Vision Party cannot be argued with and even the Muslims cannot deal with “new thinking”. It is not left wing or right wing; it’s direction is totally for the people (rich and poor), not the government. The twelve vision party is the only answer to the destructive forces that want larger government, more taxation, and total control of our lives and our children’s lives in the future.
Sincerely – Dan C
Mark Hamilton’s twelve vision’s party
Hi my name is Belinda C and I would like to share my testimony.
The information I was able to learn from Mark Hamilton’s twelve vision’s party and the Neothink Society has given me the resiliency to hope again for believing in the American dream. Mark’s information had miraculously been put rig ht into my hands by a women I’d just met at a local gathering.
Her hopes for life in general had been restored by reading similar material as Mark’s and went on to complete her life long dream of being a psychologist after she’d lost her left arm due to drunk driver. I believe that if more of the masses of people around the world that are provided the opportunity to read Mark’s material, it will definitely help them also restore their hopes and dreams to be given a chance to live a better life for themselves and their families also for future generations.
It’s time for a great change in our country!!!!
We the American Citizens of the United States voted for the first black President in history, President Barak Obama to announce to the world we mean business and we’re taking back our 100% responsibility for our own life’s and we will prevail in creating a much better future for ourselves to live a better life now and for the future for the well-being of ourselves and for our families. And the United States government will stand by it’s American Citizens just as they did when President Borak Obama was elected as our first Black/American President.
Warm Regards,
Belinda C
Thank you, Mark Hamilton.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton.
I have always wanted to be someone else, somewhere else, some other time.
With your guidance, I have become my true self, here, now, forever.
Jeff F
Thanks to you Mark Hamilton.
Dear Mark:
I am so thankful that you made it possible for me to have the Neothink Society material. I always knew that there had to be so much more to life and I wondered if that “small child” inside me would ever find the way.
Thanks to you Mark and the Neothink Society, that I have reached level 12 and my life is soaring! When I started Neothink Teachings, I could not stop reading them. It gave me a trip of excitement, thankfulness, and the wonderful emotions of finding the way. Thanks to you Mark Hamilton.
I am sure that I have many more exciting journeys and wonderful experiences coming soon.
I don’t have the words for how good it feels to soar with the Eagles!
Come Soar With Me….Frank R
Mark Hamilton, it is a true honor. I love you man.
Mark Hamilton, it is a true honor. I love you man.
any recommendations? ways to put stimulations of nature and Twelve Visions World into music for our goals?
It may take a few weeks while I do this aside the 9 to 5 in the matrix.
If this is Mark, it is a true honor. I love you man.
I attached another song I need to redo in case you haven’t heard it. “Twelve Visions World”. Some in the society told me it was too early for this, but I’ve found that people that know nothing about NT like it. I think ideas ahead of their time are more acceptable in music and the arts.
The writings of Mentor, Mark Hamilton
Have you ever felt like you’ve been sleep walking all your life and suddenly wake up to find that life has passed you by? Do you have moments of deep reflection and wondered if you’ve created anything of value for another? This is how my life was, prior to the discovery of NEOTHINK and the writings of Mentor, Mark Hamilton
My life has changed dramatically from when I first received the invitation to become a member. Having gone through the 12 levels of apprenticeship, to where I am today I can attest to the fact that the knowledge, confidence, and friendships I’ve gained is irreplaceable.
To see the progression of the Society makes my heart glow. To read the testimonials of the newer members and to know that they will be where I am today and how happy and excited I am for them, I can’t even begin to imagine what it feels like to Mark. I do know that I am forever grateful for all the valuable knowledge both he and the other writers have imparted to us. With this said, I’d like to share what has happened to me personally.
When I first started reading the Multigenerational manuscripts, I could not stop reading. I found myself deeply immersed in the writings and found that something very profound was happening to me. It was as if I became a part of the book. I truly knew that I was integrating on all levels.
As was promised in the letter I too found it hard to believe that wealth, health and prosperity could be a reachable goal. But, I stand corrected. As with anything in life, in order to reach a goal and be successful, you need to realize that it is in the (process).. however long it takes. Knowing that it is the JOURNEY to and not a final destination that keeps me going on this path.
I’ve been able to integrate the neo-thinking process in my life and work, on a daily basis. For instance in building both an on-line and off-line business. Realizing it takes time to build and not being dependant on instant gratification helps me to keep focused.
Relationships has never been better, be it with my family, friends, co-workers, and other members of the society. I’m also in the process of meeting, being mentored by, and partnering up with people whom I’ve only read and or dreamt about in the past. If you’ve been desiring a better life, please by all means, don’t ever give up. Have faith and keep on learning and applying the principles. You’ll eventually end up with opportunities in abundance.
Keep learning and have stick-to-itiveness, you’ll be glad you did.
Thank you Mark, thank you so much for giving myself and my family the opportunity to be part of the bigger picture. It’s an honor.
With heartfelt appreciation, Giesele B
Thanks again to Mark Hamilton
Dear Mark Hamilton,
I will start this testimonial by saying congratulation’s to Mark Hamilton for his rewarding literature that fulfilled my life.
In my case I was always skeptical of our government leadership. Too many times I have seen our leaders lie to the American society and beyond to serve their own needs. As a common layman I only thought I was alone with this feeling and seemed helpless how to fend of these thoughts. I expressed myself and battled the local and federal politician’s only to be left helpless and overthrown by more lies and deceits. My battle with the local and federal political authority’s was a condemnation of my property and how they built a four lane road in front of my property.
At last there is the Neothink Society that is founded on honest principles. I found out I am not alone and my previous beliefs that I had were correct.
Once again I congratulate the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton for his rewarding wake up call. In my case I only wished I had read the literature early in my career.
I am now retired and worked in a industrial environment all my life. My type of work was in electrical supervision and engineering with a major company. My essence was a close match with my work. I remained in the management ranks and thought that I had the ability to advance to higher levels. I remained as a nitty-gritty worker bee basically all my career. (B.S. degree, M.S. graduate Industrial Technology)
The true bases of this testimonial is to give a little background and perspective about myself.
My main punch line is that I found a honest society who believes in helping mankind in the present and the future.
I personally am not looking for monetary value even though I have the ability to gain more. The literature has taught me a clear cut path to proper thinking, and peace of mind. I now belong to honest and hard working society members who want to create value in the areas of health, value creation, business, and improve life for all mankind. These type of perspectives are the correct course.
Thanks again to Mark Hamilton
Brian M
Mark Hamilton thank you for getting in contact with me…
Hi Mark Hamilton thank you for getting in contact with me as I am still learning with my Neo Think mind and read the three Hearloom packages . I am only a level 3 apprentice . The time is not right for me to speak out . As I know all about authorities I have been holding them at bay all my business life and still holding my ground . You can call me and we can talk about this my mobile is 0407491293 Australia you will need to use the international code for my country please call me Regards Stephen W
I’ve read Mark Hamilton’s books since the early 1990’s…
I’ve read Mark Hamilton’s books since the early 1990’s, and have come to realize that, we all are coming into a future of a new world order. Simply by adding the Prime Law to the constitution as an amendment.
This will get the government off our backs and an end to all the regulation, and taxation and government entities, that keep popping up.
We will prosper like never before.
The Prime Law will give us a Protection only Budget. Taxes will decrease, crime will decrease dramatically. Our health and wealth will soar.
The Prime Law will depoliticize and deregulate and get the government into a Protection only status.
Better health will be apparent without the FDA regulations. Jobs will beabundant with the technological revolution.
Our love life will blossom like never before. We will be happy people.
This is what my family looks forward to.
Eric L. L