Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’

Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party…

Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party has and will continue to educate our nation and the world about government and media driven illusions. His literature has taught me to distinguish between what is real and what has been generated by dishonest governments and media to hide the truth. I’m sure it will do the same for anyone who thinks and do research for themselves.


I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Mark Hamilton personally

I, Trygve; declare in front of all and everyone that Mark Hamilton; the Author and publisher of the Neothink volumes is bound to go down in history as one of this countries great men. His keen and insightful
authorship has given this society here and now a tremendous hope for the future and if enough people read and understood
the message in these great texts society will change according to everyone’s dreams.
Just following and implementing the steps ligned out in these volumes, that is now available in 12 smaller books (The total work is more than 3000 pages) will change a persons life, give him or her a boost towards making their lives prosperous and happy.
The whole chronicle of Miss Anna Belle’s Secret is the most intriguing, capturing and heartfelt book I think I have ever read. It is a story of a most caring individual that against all odds through her passion to teach children and preparing a whole class of 3rd graders for their future life to be capable, industrious and prosperous pillars of society; and thus setting stellar examples of what man can accomplish in the true spirit of creativity and leadership. It is a wondrous piece of authorship and a tremendous inspiration for anyone that is ready to change their lives into something full of accomplishment.
I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Mark Hamilton personally. His warmth and heartfelt concern for his fellow human beings is of a rare kind. Heartfelt thanks for your contributions to make this a better place live.

Always Yours; Trygve

The concept of what Mark Hamilton is teaching us,…

Dear Mark Hamilton ,
I would like to thank you with all of my heart for opening me up to a better life for myself and all the others around me in my life .
There are not enough words to describe the way my life has been changing . It has opened me up to so many great and wonderful things and each day I am feeling even more alive each day, then I did the day before. I can never thank you enough for turning my life around. And believing in myself again ,something I haven’t done in a long time and it feels great to have self-confidence back again !!

Hello, to all of you fine people, the many, that have not yet become a part of the Twelve Visions Party already. You have no idea as to how much knowledge you CAN, and WILL learn if you were to join with us, the new Society of NEO-Thinking !
This new way of thinking has opened my eyes quite wide. I was searching for something, I was on a knowledge kick, looking for something that was missing from me and my life ! It is like I could feel a empty space inside of me. I knew for a time that this world of ours was down in the dumps ,with all of the violence and destruction and deviants that are destroying the entire world ,and I could feel, that some where, there was something or somebody that, knew or read something or that had some knowledge and that if it came to light, would help to put ourselves back together again. I feel there is a need for all of us to pick up the pieces and rebuild this entire world.
Not too soon either ,While I was searching I have found out things on line, And now because of that I am learning so much with the Twelve Visions Party, so much more too, I am actually learning a more appreciative and powerful new and smarter way of handling my entire life, My passions and ideals are smoothing out, and there is a profound sense of feeling in myself that wasn’t there for a very long time.
The planet, if you will, needs to find a more proficient way of learning better personal and professional management practices, like right now.
Mark Hamilton is a remarkable man and I am really proud to say that. His teaching has done so much for me and so many others. He has found a new and more efficient system that actually works .That is what thousands of people are now finding out about even as you read this.
The concept of what Mark Hamilton is teaching us, has made me more aware of many new fundamentals of learning. I am definitely becoming much more efficient ,and not only in business ,but in my personal life as well. I am beside myself, with having found that, with this “Neo-thinking” I am actually getting organized in my private life and I never would have thought that was possible. I am sort of new to this way of thinking and the teaching of this information, is absolutely remarkable, and then putting the information to use in this new and professional very efficient system of creating I am accomplishing so much more each and everyday. It is really absolutely fantastic!!
Mark Hamilton only has the people’s best interests at heart, and with this new way of teaching us, these concepts(ideas) will indeed, make all our lives more in tune with our thoughts and actions and the entire nation can and should open up their hearts and minds to this vast and very insightful knowledge . We the people of this “Neo-Think Society” have found that as it is a new conception of ways to apply oneself we can learn to do things more efficiently and there’s nothing wrong with that, is there.
We (Neo-Thinking Society) only want to let the rest of the public attendance, who haven’t heard of this new way yet, know that this new and much better way of managing our lives, is definitely going to make great changes in all of us. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to learn something new. If we,” the people on earth “(everyone) learned this new and easier but more advanced way of “Neo-thinking” earlier in our lives ,I believe the world would not be so disorganized as it is now, and right now wouldn’t you agree that it is a “real mess.”
The lessons that myself, and the many others in this new society have, or will learn, are very logical, and reliable ways of making all of our (you and me) goals much easier to accomplish, and with all the goals that you set for yourselves, can and will make a huge and much better difference in all of your(our) lives and that is a good thing. The things that you can learn to accomplish, will make your daily personal and business lives much more enhanced and advanced. It is truly quite an amazing feeling, to know in your heart, how much more you can and will learn if you allow yourselves to expand and to really advance your knowledge into the better way of managing our futures, and that of our great nation. It is where the entire population on this planet live. Where I live and where you live…;
So, now this letter is just scratching the bare surface of the information and knowledge that is out there for us to learn, There are infinite tunnels of knowledge just waiting for us to acquire it, absorb it. The positively numerous amounts learning is just waiting to be acknowledged by us . These things are the things that Mr. Mark Hamilton are opening all of our eyes to. In my book there nothing wrong with all of the things he has been, and still is teaching us ,Absolutely nothing . If we were smart enough to look for knowledge we would have found it too.
I did, there is nothing greater then knowledge and as father time must have thought, as it was, just a “”MATTER OF TIME” before it came to light and Mark just happened to figure it out for us. Now he is helping all of us learn to use these same tools that will shed light all around I guess that it is just another part of “evolution” and there is nothing wrong with evolution we live it each and every day, right !!

Mark Hamilton I thank you again for all the knowledge you have given us, enabling me with the advantage to learn as much as I can and I will always be behind you and with you 100% you should be very proud to know ,you have help so many of us learn of all the possibilities that are here for each and everyone to learn and apply them in our everyday lives, both professional and personal !!Yes, Mark we are grateful that you pointed us on the path to this great and powerful source of Knowledge.!!
&n bsp; God Bless,
Tammy Jo

Good evening Mark Hamilton

I have just finished a conference call with my a team and we were discussing the extremely difficult requirements that California has to register a new party and to get on the ballot. Our TVP representative brought up the fact that other states were much more lenient than others to achieve these two things.
I have been thinking hard on this for several days now and, as it is something that has always bothered me, it really hit home with the information in your last email to me. So I asked the group Why is it so difficult? Who has put these things into place to make it so difficult and by whose or what authority?
We know the answer to the Why question from the information we have learned from the manuscripts. It’s simple; so they can hold onto their power by minimizing the competition.
I asked the TVP representative to look into the other two questions because I feel that this needs to be questioned by every voter.
You see, every voter has the right and privilege to vote for whomever they choose in America, as we both well know, but, the choices are only on the ballot or as a write-in. By impeding a candidate’s ability to be known by the voters by being on the ballot is fraudulent, pure and simple. People should be outraged by this. Everyone always complains about the limited choices we have for candidates.
I think this needs to be challenged. I want to know who gave them the right to impose such exaggerated processes to be put into place. I want them to prove to me that these things are morally and ethically proper. I do not think that they can but it would sure keep them off balance for a bit if the cry for this kind of accountability was aimed at them, and maintained by an ever-growing voice , both in numbers and volume.
This might keep at least some of the focus off of you while they juggle to keep their balance. This is just one idea but we could be using the tactics that they use on us to distract us from what they are really doing. White Hat neo-cheating? Mark, I think we also need to be on the offensive with these clowns as well as on the defensive. I’m reasonably certain that you have some ideas and plans on this as well so I wanted to make a small contribution in this direction.
On another note, I am working on a new testimonial to add to the other 2. I don’t know if the other 2 are to be used , but I wanted to continue the theme set there in them. Please let me know as it has a huge bearing on how I write it.
Thank you for listening.
Have a good evening,

Thank you Mark Hamilton for coming into my life.

To Mark Hamilton: I am a proud American, an ex marine, veteran of the Vietnam war who has served our country and a recipient of the purple heart. I have read your prime literature and it makes me proud to be included in the efforts of the neothink society. Approximately one year ago I received an invitation to join the neothink society and in it you offer me the food I needed to cure and ease the pain of a wound to my heart that was bigger than the one I received in Vietnam. Nine years ago on a Christmas night, I lost my older son to a car accident. This event drove me crazy, as I made a lot mistakes that ended my marriage of 38 years. My depression took over my life and I developed cancer of the prostate, diabetes,four by-pass heart surgery and two years ago I had a ruptured appendix. What else could go wrong I asked myself, but my only other son did not want to follow my steps in the business and I closed my real estate business. He was suffering perhaps more than me since the family was disintegrating and no one was making any sense. I tried going to church, but it didn’t help at all, The VA clinic send me to group therapy with other veterans who were possibly hooked on drugs or alcohol and I felt insulted since I don’t even smoke. They thought that I was on denial so I stopped going to those sessions. I had lost my family so I tried living with a new family twice before I received your invitation to the neothink society but they didn’t work. In my last relationship with a good woman, it kept me active in a new business, but our management of the business and the family was always in conflict and I was getting sick to my stomach with every decision so I finally ended this relationship in April of 2009. I have found my home in the neothink society, since it has open my eyes to a new world of positive thinking and like-minded members. My son’s accident and all of the events in my nightmare made me doubt my purpose for continuing to live, but the goals of the neothink society for a better world to be happy in this planet has led me to change my way of thinking and now I want to live a little longer. I want to be part of helping humanity to make the leap from the bicameral mentality that instead of just reacting automatically to the forces of nature, they learn to think for themselves and become self leaders. I want to be a part of the movement to eradicate diseases and help cure cancer, aging and other diseases. I want to be a part of the twelve visions party to make our government more efficient and eliminate so many costly programs and taxes. I enjoy the meetings with the other members in the web site as we all learn from each other as we integrate our neothinking. I, since becoming an active member of the society, have learned so much and feel free and happy again. I now enjoy a better relationship with my only son, his wife, and my two grand sons. It is because of them that I want this world to change to one of value creators instead of value destroyers. I want them to live in a planet of peace not in a planet where people must look over their shoulder to see who is trying to hurt them. Lets make a difference.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for coming into my life.

I cannot imagine a world where the ideas of Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party did not exist.

My name is Raymond and I’m 57 yrs old. I had been searching for that “Some Thing More” in my life that had been eluding me for the first 54 years of my life. Now I have found my reason for living, my purpose in life, and a passion I never knew I had before.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for his wonderful literature and The Neothink Society for enlightening me to the honest reality of the person I was meant to be. I thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for introducing me to the fantastic world of Neothink and the visions of the Twelve Visions Party that would enable people of this country to climb out of the down-ward spiral of living in a world of lies, delusions, fraud and coercion that has kept us all from the pursuit of real life, liberty, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.
I cannot imagine a world where the ideas of Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party did not exist. I fear that without the hope that Mr. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party can bring to the world; we will end-up destroying this country, this civilization and this planet by sheer frustration and ultimately create a cataclysmic catastrophe that will eliminate us as a species.
I look to the future of mankind’s’ ONLY real hope for survival to continue to move forward and usher in the kind of world that the Fore-Fathers of this country risked all to bring to us many years ago. The future they envisioned is not the one we are all living. The future they had hoped for and paid dearly to secure finally has a chance to become a beautiful reality with the emergence of Mr. Mark Hamilton’s’ Neothink Society and the new political arm of this Society know as The Twelve Visions Party.
Our children and our grandchildren are counting on all of us to rally behind Mr. Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party to secure not only our futures but theirs’ as well. The Neothink Society and all that this Society stands for is the ONLY way that any of the people of this world can continue to look to their futures and say, “At last!” we have a real and lasting way to accomplish all that our individual heart’s desire of living in peace and harmony and love with the inhabitants of this beautiful place we call Earth.
I urge everyone who has a real desire to survive the current economical and political state of the world today to seek out The Neothink Society Clubhouses around the country and learn for them the real value offered to them by Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party. Go to for more info.
Thank you, Raymond D

Thank-you…Mr. Mark Hamilton

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP…focused by market business persons) will very soon come to be the “logical-grass-roots” choice (spearhead) of the future in and for most cultures (countries) around the world because politics does not work…it has never “worked”. Why not?
Higher authorities (political, etc.), the world over, exist to usurp the societal wealth and values from entrepreneurs (market businessmen & businesswomen) and all of those (in dead-end, specialized jobs) who would wish to be (via their dreams, our dreams). The politicians buy votes (with money they do not earn), assuring their power, to control and rule over us.
Societal usurpers do fill a void (mutant & hallucinating) in our “conscious” brains (minds) thus providing the decision-making, dictating that we, seemingly, continue to desire. That must change and it will change because the TVP is not focused on a person or even many persons…it is “whole new level of thinking” (that does not include mysticism) that will focus and provide civilization the power of self thought, self realization and thus self determination. Dissatisfaction is very strong with the present state-of-being and will be the determinant driving the TVP forward…the time is now!
Politicians (and other higher authorities) are increasingly viewed as a problem (rightfully so) by individuals desiring an opportunity to forge ahead (gain wealth). And, whom (“sane-thinking” we are talking about here) on this planet doesn’t want that?
Sadly, many disillusioned individuals have already disengaged from, are in process of giving up OR worse yet…have already given up their dreams, as usually backed by a good plan, to legitimately gain traction (get ahead…gain opportunity & wealth) in this illogical, upside-down anti-civilization that we struggle, survive and exist in. Living the life we (the majority of us) were meant to live is less likely these days (ie.: financial worries, etc.) and lifestyle is almost not attainable…“if” it is achievable…is it sustainable? (ie: will the politicians, and other higher authorities, create more laws, rules and regulations to take our wealth away…that assumes that we have some? The answer is…yes, they will continue if we allow them that luxury). The American Dream and dreams in most countries around this planet are vanishing…….however, there is hope……there is the TVP!!
We (my wife and I) will celebrate with our family the 1st birthday of our first beautiful Grandchild, a Granddaughter, on August 23, 2009 (tomorrow). What a little joy she is…what happiness she brings…amazing is a word that doesn’t begin to express how we feel in her presence.
We want a never ending exciting future especially for her, but, also…of course…for our children and ourselves.
We want the exhilaration-of-life (future), not the burden-of-life (past and present).
The TVP brings us clarity of what needs to be our priority and focus now!!
Thank-you…Mr. Mark Hamilton for working tirelessly in bringing this wonderful alternative (the TVP) to us…what an awesome, societal value!
We need it, we want it, we support you, we are with you, we are engaged!
Again, thank you for all that you and the primary TVP teams have done and are doing…sincerely,
Paul & Ariadna (Ara) S

The Neothink concepts

Who else wants to live like a millionaire, without even lifting a finger?
Around 1996 I received a mysterious direct mail promotion offering a book on business, health, personal success, romance, and how politics was suppressing the advance of technology. That book introduced me to the Neothink World.
The Neothink concepts were easy for me to relate to. And they have become a key tool within every thread of my life. I am often praised for my intelligence, discipline, and more… and people ask me where it comes from. My recommendation is always the same: Get hold of Neothink / Neothink literature. You will discover a treasure trove of life advantages.
When America goes Neothink, we will all live like millionaires, because… well I’ll leave you to discover the answers when you get hold of Mark Hamilton’s new information for yourself.
Words can not convey how deeply heartfelt my endorsement is for Mark Hamilton and his latest books which are bringing Neothink to everyone in America and around the world.
Gavriel S

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

This testimonial begins and consists of the following episode. The episode itself is an intertwining or integration of two short e-mail exchanges between my sister and myself and between a newly found friend and myself. The common denominator, which binds them, is the final reply I made in both exchanges was identical.
Keeping the preceding in mind, first, here is the conversation involving my friend, David:
I tell him:
“If you get a chance, check out one of our new web sites. Just go to”
He replies:
“I read some of the T.D.P. you sent me and it seems like a bunch of rules to follow. I already know the rules. I have freedom of the mind. The prim law is not necessary for me.
Next would come my reply; however, before including that, here is the conversation involving my sister, Kandi:
No, I changed my mind. I will show you my reply to David right now. Although, as I said, it is identical to the one I ultimately gave my sister, it definitely bears repeating:
Interesting you should say this. Thanks for visiting the web site. Were you able to find the Prime Law? In knowing how the site is set up, I can certainly understand at first glance why you might think as you say. In reality, however, it’s quite the opposite. The potentially explosive progress of mankind has been held in check for over 2000 years by the elite ruling class — both religious and political. In order to satisfy their own self-serving agendas, they have been sucking us dry all these years, like leeches in a Florida swamp. Although, perhaps, not as influential today as it once was, the Church did its thing for the first 1000 years. They, of course, are known as the Dark Ages. Countless numbers of honest, hard-working people have lost their lives fighting wars for Church and State that never should have been fought in the first place.
Today, the madness continues. 50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good — most of which, when you really get down to it, are fundamentally unconstitutional, and have been put in place not for the good of the people, but for the good of the government, and those sneaky little turds behind it/running it. The Prime Law, which will immediately be put in place, as an amendment to our Constitution (it will otherwise remain just as it is) by our first Twelve Visions President, will instantly do away with all that. The critical idea is to de-politicize America, and return it to the rule of law, instead of the rule of flaw-filled man — as currently, unfortunately the case. I think if you can keep your mind open a bit longer to look a little deeper, you will see not more rules, but far less. Our government was meant to be for protection only. It needs to be returned to that ASAP!
Before going any further, I could go on for days, I suggest checking out the web site. The Prime Law, as simple, short, and sweet as it is, fills the home page, and can’t be missed. I think it a good chance, a clearer, less-muddled understanding, perspective, and appreciation awaits you there.
Now, here’s my dialogue with Kandi. I had just received a message from her forwarding something someone had sent her, about how Congressmen should receive Social Security, just like everyone else. So, I thought it appropriate to send her the following, which was recently sent to me by Patricia Lewis, a fellow visionary hailing from South Carolina. As you will see, it describes some excessive, wasteful spending by our newly elected president, Obama:
To this, my sister answered back:
I told Kandi, perhaps, we are not stuck with the garbage we have, and after telling her what it was, sent her the reply originally intended just for David:
Interesting you should say this. Thanks for visiting the web site. Were you able to find the Prime Law? In knowing how the site is set up, I can certainly understand at first glance why you might think as you say. In reality, however, it’s quite the opposite. The potentially explosive progress of mankind has been held in check for over 2000 years by the elite ruling class — both religious and political. In order to satisfy their own self-serving agendas, they have been sucking us dry all these years, like leeches in a Florida swamp. Although, perhaps, not as influential today as it once was, the Church did its thing for the first 1000 years. They, of course, are known as the Dark Ages. Countless numbers of honest, hard-working people have lost their lives fighting wars for Church and State that never should have been fought in the first place.
Today, the madness continues. 50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good — most of which, when you really get down to it, are fundamentally unconstitutional, and have been put in place not for the good of the people, but for the good of the government, and those sneaky little turds behind it/running it. The Prime Law, which will immediately be put in place, as an amendment to our Constitution (it will otherwise remain just as it is) by our first Twelve Visions President, will instantly do away with all that. The critical idea is to de-politicize America, and return it to the rule of law, instead of the rule of flaw-filled man — as currently unfortunate the case. I think if you can keep your mind open a bit longer to look a little deeper, you will see not more rules, but far less. Our government was meant to be for protection only. It needs to be returned to that ASAP!
Before going any further, I could go on for days, I suggest checking out the web site. The Prime Law, as simple, short, and sweet as it is, fills the home page, and can’t be missed. I think it a good chance, a clearer, less-muddled understanding, perspective, and appreciation awaits you there.

Without Mark Hamilton and his literature …

Before I received the literature I was falling into hopelessness and was beginning to think about taking my own life. Do to no hope for the future, not enough money to pay the bills, and loneliness. After I received my first package as I began to read hope filled me for the first time in a long time. The more I read the better I felt. The more hope that began to fill me. Not long after my girlfriend returned to me I did not start gaining wealth but I did gain the knowledge on how to start building wealth and how to grow my business. I plan on starting a second business and I have very high hopes of its success. Without Mark Hamilton and his literature I would not have any hope at all and most likely may have died. I can not tell you what the difference of how I feel about life and the future. I owe all of this to him and the secret society.
As far as his political agenda I am all for it. Politicians today suck up a lot of money out of the economy, and I mean a lot. Law makers have been making laws for over 200 years don’t you think every law imaginable should have and could have been written in that amount of time. As far as I am concerned this new party of Marks solves a lot of our problems while enforcing individual rights. Keeping the right amount of politicians to do only what needs to be done. But getting ride of all the ones that suck our tax dollars up. Freeing Americans to build values and create enough jobs for every one.
Tony I

March 2025