Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
Mark Hamilton – Thank You
Dear Mark,
I love my life and I have to thank you so much for showing me that I don’t have to feel guilty for anything or be bullied by anyone ever again. I have come a long way, I was so naive about what should I do? What on earth was I thinking when I thought “Is this all that there is in life.” When I started reading the neothink I could not stop reading and knew that I had found the society that I would love to be a part of so I got involved with the twelve vision party (TVP) Time will be our friend, life will continue to evolve and wealth and creation of a better world. Contributing to the society and creating a better life for all who want to be healthy, happy and loving every testimony that is written is something that we are proud to be a part of and I want to say that being involved with such great loving people in neothink who all want the best for every living being. Motivation is what has changed about me and never give up is my saying. Just say that my cup runs over should sum it up pretty nicely.
Jeanne M
Encountering Mark Hamilton…
Encountering Mark Hamilton through his writings and meeting the people in the Neothink society has been one of the most uplifting things in my life. You cannot find a more honest and caring people than those who make up the Neothink society, all of whom like myself have been mentored by Mark Hamilton.
Neothink Society members are the most patriotic individuals that you can find in almost every country of the world today. Their love for their fellow man and the anguish that they feel for the suffering masses is unequaled. Why do the masses suffer for the most part? The answer is corrupt politicians who instead of serving the people as stipulated by the various constitutions of their country usurp power for their own on glory. Using the power entrusted to them by the people, they by their actions, votes, corrupt every arm of government for their own selfish gain, leaving the masses to suffer.
Neothink Society members everywhere abhor dishonesty, injustice, corruption and violations of the constitution and the many ills that currently plague governments everywhere. The wish of every Neothink Society member like myself is to help to create a flourishing society where everyone strives to put more value into society than they take out and a real return to the real “rule of law.”
Mark Hamilton’s writings show everyone how to become honest, creative, productive members of society. His writings have contributed tremendously to my growth and I am so grateful.
The success of the Twelve Vision Party of which Mark Hamilton is a part of, will mean a true return to the rule law. A different breed of politicians will emerge to create conditions that will enable value creation explosion everywhere. This will in turn cause prosperity explosion that will uplift everyone.
My wish is that everyone in our society will honestly seek to find out what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision party stand for and if they do, they will find out how patriotic Mark Hamilton, the party and its members are and without question they will support the party as I and my family does.
Ndubuisi A
Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK LITERATURE
With gratitude and pride I have embrace myself to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK LITERATURE because it is an outstanding privilege to be part of an immense fountain of knowledge, a treasure in the book shelf of the libraries — through Mr. Hamilton and his literature I have learned through real wise examples of successful people business lessons and ethics that has empowered my mind and has reactivate energy to see and to discover the numerous opportunities and benefit that I can create and work on or work for — Neothink literature is like a powerful spark plug that keeps the mind away from dying, away from a destructive path of communication. It is getting the right instructions to became a real human with the understanding of how to use our experiences in an age of maturity to apply in our children and be a good example for the rest of the people, with the great benefit of understanding responsibility and without the frustration! Because with NEOTHINK LITERATURE we learn to have an open mind, we understand the failure from the past and we know how to manage the present and future, it’s the reason why Neo Think literature can be a great benefit for anyone in any part of the world – Neothink literature is the missing part of every human in the world, without this knowledge a human is incomplete … Just as Jesus Christ said “man cannot live from bread alone” – we the humans need knowledge to feed our mind and soul as well. And just to share … from Neothink literature I have also benefited from the excellent and proper diet treatment that is within the literature — this knowledge is to choose to live a enchanted productive life for the rest of our existence, because with this literature we learn to understand about how politics works! Yes it is an amazing deal ! And we can participate too! Mr. Mark Hamilton has a platform name Twelve Vision Party — which is a real driving force for anyone in any part of the world because the person would be able to understand the responsibility of that politic position with the advantage of really understanding about the ethics of that responsibility and area of opportunities with the names on it! — Neothink Literature has been for me a great accomplishment that I have done in my life, thanks to the enrichment of Neothink Literature and Society today I am A student of a college business license and my life and house is full of ideas and projects that fulfill my everyday life with new reasons to go on!
With great appreciation I would like to send a Billion of thank yous to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK LITERATURE!
Jany I A
Mark Hamilton’s value is that of life energy’s existence…
Mark Hamilton’s value is that of life energy’s existence, fulfillment, discovery, advancements and sustenance through the enlightenment of ones self consciousness. If it hadn’t been for his values I would have still been on my path, but to where? An unfulfilled life of wealth without direction or guidance of using attained financial abundance to create complete self worth. I am afraid that is the dark and shadowy naive wasteful path I would have embarked upon. A path that though successful, would leave behind various types of destruction to others, but more importantly ones self. Fortunately for us both, the connection was made between me and the Neothink Society allowing Mark Hamilton to nurture me to a clearer understanding of utilizing my value for our life and existence, then in turn contributing a greater value for all through the Neothink Society.
Before Mark Hamilton I lived a life of attempted total fulfillment in the presence of guilt because of the self love I attempted through selflessness and an illusion of healthy endurance struggling. At that time I accepted the clutter in reality that blocks so many from ever reaching the point to “LIVE”, believing that actual living was about paying dues with a sweet old age vacation after all was paid. In my world I had paid so many dues that I believed I deserve some stock from having to live such a long life of endured unfulfilled struggling. Living such a life increased my greed and lowered my esteem towards making money.
Once being made aware of Mark Hamilton through the Neothink Society I began to utilize all of his information through his literature and movements causing the felt burden of my existence to be willfully made null in my life. Without all of Mark Hamilton’s values the human life’s energy will be capped forcefully by the limitations of fulfillment placed on society by Politicians, their Enforcement Agencies and Religious Leaders. Without such great value in our society as that of the Neothink Society and The Twelve visions party advancement and evolution of our true being would be deceptively lead to the slaughter…literally!
For me, and I also speak for those unaware, Mark Hamilton’s Neothink is a value we cannot and will not flourish without.
Jason O. H
Dear Mark Hamilton
Dear Mark Hamilton,
I am your apprentice and always am your apprentice. I have really enjoyed the whole process. The heirloom packages are priceless. It helps me pierce through everything. See the real side of life.
The Ten Second Miracles to easily make miracles possible for all of us in our real daily life. And you give us the abilities to distinguish the right and wrong pierce through essence. You taught us to be the creators and leaders of the society. The simple way to find our Friday night Essence and live our life and find the child of the past.…Although I am not involved with politics but the simple fundamental law is easily understand by non-legal person. These simple facts everyone can comprehend. I like the simplicity of everything. From learning to applying to our day to day life the whole transition is so easy and painless. We can teach our children and grand children. So they are not blinded by media, social network and politics.
Thank you again!!
Your apprentice
C. Wong
Thank you, Mark Hamilton…
Greetings! What amazes us is the overwhelming emphasis on the importance of the creative individual. We too believe in creating value not just producing products or services. The innate ability or niche of any person is the individuality that brings much happiness and prosperity whether monetarily or in traded goods. We raised our family of 9 by respecting their IDEAS both spoken or in project form.
We saw as individuals that our self-sufficiency needed fostered and preserved.
Survival in any situation calls for creative substitution thinking -neo thinking. Think-out-of-the-box is a catchy phrase heard in society that is stating what the neo-society teaches. Healthy positive belief in oneself is repeated in interaction of members. Smart successful business applications and their principles are shared, removing years of experimenting through failure and success, giving individuals opportunities to succeed in offering value to the world.
My husband and I would not be associated with a quick get rich scam or false prophet organization. We review our committed time periodically and have found much value in the membership of neo-society sharing. Our health and happiness is our own making and we gladly take responsibility for them. We associate with many others who are doing the same.
Mark Hamilton has produced literature that our children and grandchildren can reference for their pursuit of happiness.
We are proud that this society does not incite negativity or encourage violence. It represents and teaches honesty and lawful operations. Respect of law and the legal honest procedures to use to create responsible changes are advocated among the members through the neo-society value structure. This has been a real plus in parenting through the years.
This society has lasting value for many generations who want genuine honorable opportunities and wondrous breath-taking challenges in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Thank you, Mark Hamilton and all those you have mentored to return to their natural purpose-creating.
James and M Kathryn P
When your first letter came to me I felt the connection …
Dear Mark Hamilton,
I have always lived a life of honesty, always in search for like-minded individuals that I can trust, as you know that is a very difficult search in our world today.
My wish came true! When your first letter came to me I felt the connection through the silent communication within us. You and your father are uniquely amazing individuals, truly and honestly helping others. I have felt and seen, as the energies connect, we can truly and honestly help each other as we help all people survive the big changes coming into our future.
As we approach 2012, the big changes coming for our freedom, and if my visions are correct as with many who predict the reversal of our magnetic cosmic energies will change, with the possibility of losing all electric as we now it, I have been chosen to receive the silent communication from our Neothink Person within me.
I realized as you are looking for help from us members, to help protect you and spread your honesty and good name, I must share with you the perfect opportunity. I have seen and felt a product fully developed in my mind, to help you/us, the Neothink Society and the TVP, and to help others around the Globe as we sit in darkness on the cold nights and days. This product will give us hope and rejoice to peacefulness.
I have always been a creative thinker, self leader, self healer, you can find out who I am, how I think, and the honesty within me as I have expressed my passion to truly help others while reading my blogs posted with the Neothink essence team.
I would like to share with you from the beginning, the thoughts and visions that came to me as I read Miss Annabelle’s Secrets. As I read about the suffering people hanging on to life while they were on the respirators in their homes waiting for the cure to stop ageing, and to stop death. From Neothink Person The Vision was sent to me deep from inside my thoughts. As I kept reading on, thinking about the homes of our future and the paradise cities, I felt this is where I want to be, as I continued thinking, my thoughts were into our homes today. Then suddenly! The vision of a product was seen fully developed in my mind.
All my integrated thoughts came to me putting all the puzzle pieces together from my life experiences in the H.V.A.C. industry. I started learning the trade at the age of nine years old, going to work with my step father. He took me and my brother with him on his side jobs sometimes after school and mostly on weekends. I realized at a young age I am making indoor space livable, heat the air, cool the air, filter the air, humidify the air.
I am now 50 years young, and my visions have been making indoor space livable while eliminating the never ending rising costs and saving our resources of man-made energies.
With Government in control, with their ridiculous constant tax increases, and other damaging policies, with all their stealing and cheating beating the people down. There will be no end soon enough! As the utility costs keep rising to who knows how high, keeping the people struggling with finances to make ends meet. I thought about my vision. The product: an easy do-it-yourself installation, The Portable Heat Strip/
A solar energy, window heat cell strip.
Start making the people rich today:
Every existing window in every existing home/ building, every existing window in every existing automobile/truck will be able to accept this easy
Do-it-yourself installation product. Everyone, even the poor will benefit as this product reaches the masses World Wide. With utility costs ( electricity and gas, home/ mobile) are cut down to fractions, while keeping livable space warm with clean breathable, healthy, natural heat. The current heating systems in our homes will only come on during extreme outside conditions. The people will have extra money to stimulate the economy. They will feel alive again to become creative thinking human beings the way life was meant to live.
The income generated from this product will bring millions upon billions of dollars faster than ever imagined for the research and development to cure aging and stop death. I am reluctant to search the web for knowledge in the new micro technology and research needed for developing this product with no protection.
With this product, it will show the people that the average person filled with insecurities of trust, can rise up through the Neothink Society and truly show the creative thinking geniuses within themselves, that they can make this World a better place to prosper and live happily and forever.
What I mostly feared as the months have passed, is eventually hurting the sheet metal workers industry, but through my Neothinking visions I have seen a new product for the movement of air to save the workers jobs. Another subject for a later date.
Being caught in the trap of debt I have no money to pursue the license or patent for this product. Although I have used my Neothinking ways to collect bonuses from the company I work for and to build a web site to generate extra income, things have not moved as fast as I had hoped.
I was hoping to do things on my own being a self leader, I was hoping to have the product on the market before the winter months. As the window closes in I am asking for your help and advice, I realized with your help and the many trusted associates among you in the technical/scientific fields, the product can come together quick and inexpensive and reach the markets in record time.
Please let us together make things happen quickly, time is of the essence, because as my thoughts go out into the universe and as I have sat in idle, I have fear of the dishonest individual who has the money and resources to move ahead to get this product out first.
I have drawn up the product and listed the many benefits and operation on how it works. I have shown a few individuals within the business alliance, but have also have some fear of trust.
Please respond with your intelligent advice.
Your truly honest friend,
Dale L
I want the world to know what the value of Mark Hamilton, his literature
Testimonial of TVP from Darin P:
I want the world to know what the value of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Twelve Visions Party are to them. The value they are to my family and I are the same they are to you.
At a time when people I trusted in the Assembly’s of God churches had tried to abuse me out of racism and unprofessional personal problems, Mark Hamilton, his literature and the TVP were there showing me why they were like that with me, guiding me by their literature into the life I was meant to live, and did not realize it.
I moved out of that area after I found out that the environment was sick due to isolation and stagnation and that this sickness was the reason they attacked me and other innocent people.
Isolation creates stagnation and stagnation makes people sick in body, mind and heart. Some areas are simply unhealthy to live in, i.e. the “boon-docks” out in the middle of nowhere where people are sick, hiding from the general population, and have no minds. I have witnessed that such people are mystical, primal and evil. Bicameral, undeveloped and anticivilized. Just as Neothink literature revealed to me.
Some may be offended at my descriptions of these human beings, but sick people need help and some people you just can’t help. They are my descriptions and not put downs.
As that environment tried to suppress and use me, as they do their people, i.e. as guinea pigs to study and learn from like they were still in the Dark Ages, Mark Hamilton, his literature and TVP placed value on my life and I realized who I was…that I was more normal than they were, and took me in a new direction showing me who I was as I began to tap my deepest motivational root.
If you live around sick people, you will catch their virus unless someone gives you medicine. That medicine was MH, TVP and the awesome multigenerational manuscripts as it kept me sane as I saw before me in their literature that I was and what was happening to me in a sickened and dead environment.
The people that started trouble with me were people I trusted because they carried a sacred name, Christian. They were sick and dead racists and adulterers and that is why they started trouble with an innocent person. Sick people can only see their sickness. They cannot fathom the innocence of their victims.
I value the honesty and value of human life that Neothink has for humanity. I believe that they literally saved my life because I was naive to the evils of small and isolated communities and trusted the Christians who also carried the same viruses due to cohabitation with them. Pastors and evangelists catch the airborne viruses of their laity and congregations because they are among them. But Neothink saved me from getting their sicknesses and I moved once I saw that they were evil people in and out of church due to the stagnation of their environment. I separated from the sick people.
Now I have my own business in real estate and my 2-girls are going to be safe from the diseases of the anticivilization. It was not God or Christians, whom I trusted in, that saved me from their evil families, i.e. the undead, it was Neothink because their values stand out among the world, including to Christian values.
For example, Christians teach love, but they don’t teach that it is unhealthy to love sick people. Sick people want to die and take you with them. MH and TVP showed me the morality of self-value and to apply this to their relationships.
Now that I am safe from sick and deprived people, my success is at hand. I have my own Mortgage Specialty business showing people the face value of their mortgages to save them from poverty. It’s a Neo kind of mortgage professional service that I know will replace the bicameral real estate agencies as the years go by because they work by slow and old standards.
Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party are unlike civil authorities today who have to create illusions in order to rule because they lack the genuine honesty of this Club. If you try to be something, you’re not it. People like honesty and if you’ve got it, people will listen to you. MH and TVP integrate honesty into business and life in general because they have honest motives. This is why they are rising over the present rulers. People are finding out that this Club has the answers they need. Come and see for yourself.
People that have to resort to lies and smut on honest and deserving people don’t have the natural honesty it takes to help people grow and live life in liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
If there were no more Mark Hamilton or TVP, like God’s Hand, helping this nation and world, due to a scandal from present authorities, this world will end in nuclear holocaust. Without Neothink, look in the future of a nuclear blast killing off you and your family because that is what Neothink are stopping from happening to this world. Not the Christian churches, but Neothink, are saving you and your families through science and not mystical religion. Get real, people. Get a dose of reality.
But don’t let fear of war scare you straight. Let the values of neothink show you who you are and how to have world peace.
Mr. Darrin M. P
Neo-Realty Investments
Thank you Mark Hamilton…
Dear Mark…
Before you introduced me to the Neothink Society, I was looking for something more, something better to live for. Thanks to you, I found that something more, something better. You are a true genius in finding the right words to bring excitement, and above all, love and happiness to my Life. You gave me the answer and the key to a happier, more prosperous lifestyle. What you taught me opened my eyes to a whole new world; a world that can exist on planet Earth through honesty and love, but never has existed because of dishonesty and envy. There is not enough words in the dictionary to explain how valuable you are to our planet. Incompetent Value Destroyers (dishonest, lazy, envious individuals), don’t like competent Value Creators, (honest, hard working, creative individuals). You are a true Value Creator Mark. You showed me the war between Value Creators and Value Destroyers that has existed on our planet since the beginning of civilization. Now you are going to put 40 hard working, Value Creating years on the line to end this battle, and to bring the citizens of our planet the ultimate value of Life, which is HAPPINESS and LOVE. This is something the Value Destroyers are determined to stop you and the Neothink Society from doing, in the name of POWER and GREED. I want those who read my testimonial to know that you, Mark Hamilton are the most honest, loving, happiest family man on Earth, and an exceptional leader as well, who is leading the way by example with the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society. You mentored me to become an honest, Value Creator and a valuable self-leader. And for that, I support all that you do for our beautiful planet. Thank you Mark, for all the knowledge you brought into my Life. Thank you for opening my eyes to a better world. Thank you Mark Hamilton…Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my loving heart. J
Jonathan G
Thank You Mark Hamilton so very much
I’m just a poor country man of 56 years. I was shook up about what this program had to offer at first. All my life I have considered myself a clear level headed man. But this program made me stop and think for a change. I have learned allot from these programs and continue to learn more about myself and others. Thank You Mark Hamilton so very much. Gervis Dewayne R