Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamilton’
I found out why after reading those books by Mark Hamilton
My journey began in earnest when I received a letter in the mail which I had to send back which I did. The letter stated I was searching for something but had not grasped yet. This was indeed true but I could never quite put my finger on it. It was elusive but I knew and felt that I would hear and read the booklet anyway. I was quite skeptical as I had been lied to many times before.
The booklet arrived as promised and it contained stories in it which were clever and all had a common denominator or theme even though I was unable to see it right away. The stories were varied and quite interesting and thus I read it within a day. About a week passed and I received another letter with an offer. It was for money and they would send me a book. I became extremely skeptical after that but it did have a money back guarantee so I decided I had nothing to lose and wrote out the check.
I received the first massive book and then the second and finally the third. Some parts were harder to read then others but I read them all. They were about various subjects that I had always thought but never was sure of. This literature was justification, I felt, that I was not alone in my thoughts. As I thought more deeply about the themes and how they all went to the very core or essence of what ever was written about.
The sleeper had awakened. I saw things as they really were and the motivations of the people, over a very brief time. Some people were on top and seamed like they did not care while the people on the bottom of the ladder seamed the most genuine. I found out why after reading those books by Mark Hamilton.
I then received an email which directed me to a site. I went there and after paying a small fee, I saw my mentor ,Mark Hamilton, on my Screen for the first time. After 12 months I learned even more while listening to his video’s. Everything that was talked about was eye opening and I was not the only one who partook of this knowledge.
Many people learned as I did I found out later. Eventually Everyone united at this websites’ forums. Everyone shared their individual insights, gifts, and knowledge. The fledgling community was being built just as it must have been foreseen. The knowledge flowed freely between everyone which was known simply as fellow searchers. As time and knowledge passed between us all, our little community began to grow and flourish. The many people who became enlightened and then awakened was extraordinary.
Because of this enlightenment the old paradigm or old way of doing things started to see the writing on the wall. The old paradigm had to fight back as they worked better in the shadows. Our little group ,with the help of others accross the earth, shall end up changing this paradigm now. We are uniting all over the globe now. In unity there is strength. We all have differences and idiosyncrasies but that is what makes us unique. The ability to rational and calmly discuss our view different view points and arrive at a mutual understanding of the issue at hand. The opposition wants everybody to be the same, slaves.
The many are controlled by the few through one thing, which has many sub-parts to it. Fear. A branch of that fear is anger. Knowing this I do not hate people but pity those that do so. Love is the opposite to fear. Acceptance of diversity leads to strength. Since we are all one anything else would be to self inflict pain.(?) Many people are now “AWAKE”. People are aware now of all the lies and propaganda they have been told.
To achieve victory for humankind and remove our invisible shackles, we have started a political party called The Twelve Visions Party. When we unite under this banner we will. take our world back. The time is now to come and first learn about what is now apparent to all. There will be many attacks against people who have united ,physical and slanderous. The main stream media, which hardly nobody believes anymore, will constantly begin to attack The Neothink Society and its ideals. Everyone has a right to their opinion as long as you have heard BOTH sides. The difference between us,The Neothink society and the person who started it all, Mark Hamilton, is we will listen and then judge by its essence if it is true or false. If the statement is true then we would integrate it and if the knowledge is not true discard it as an untruth.(awk)
In conclusion, A war for your mind is here. After you gain all the knowledge make your decision. The truth always surfaces for it is light and therefore not afraid to show itself and does not cower. Many great thinkers from various time periods knew this little fact and were punished for it. Now that there are many awake a new era is upon us. There will be a “fight” as the old paradigm dies and the new one emerges. Unification is power and light! Discussion is the key to any differences of opinion only if both sides agree to it in good faith. With all of this said I have one final word and that is Unite!
What Neothink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years
“Staying positive in a negative world is today one of man’s greatest challenges, but optimism and truth offer the guiding light to find one through the darkest corridors of negativity, and eventually, and with perseverance, into the purifying light of positivity, prosperity, and happiness”.
Indeed America faces it’s greatest challenge for America is slipping into darkness. Most people are beginning to realize that something is wrong, some still realize something is very wrong and others still realize that if nothing is done soon the lights will go out forever. The question to each and every American is what can the average man do? What can the average man do to break the shackles that binds him to a dying America? How can the purifying light of America be re-kindled? The answer is the Twelve Visions Party… it brings in a clean swipe of a political system gone mad. It ushers in everything this country was, is, and will be with out the hindrance of politicians and their self-serving ways performed in the name of the social good. Give this party a chance… examine it… hold it up to the light… It will be hard to deny its purity and its sincerity to “We The People”
I could go on and on about what Neothink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years but I think I’ve just summed it up right here… God Bless America!
Ozkar G
Since I have discovered neothink from Mark Hamilton…
Since I have discovered neothink from Mark Hamilton, I have grown in so many ways
with so many tools and values I never imagined to be the best as a person that I am now.
I have been taught the importance of life through not just the natire of being a huan being,
also along the guidlines and values to what humanity is all about and all the beautiful gifts
and abilities there are to make this planet a peaceful and happier place to live.
I know from a personal experience, the reasons and understandings of Mark Hamilton’s honest
and trusting bussiness helps anyone, (and I do mean anyone), to learn and grow from his
material to be educated and most importantly to be aware of themselves and the world around
them. I have never known anyone to live their life for their family and for the greater good for
Humanity to make a difference on a macrocosm scale like Mark Hamilton.
To sum it up, Mark Hamilton is a loving valued driven human being that we all can respect and
appreciate his purpose here on Earth! I personally want to thank Mark Hamilton for his support
in which he has helped aide me for my well being and success!
Robert B
Mark Hamilton’s Literature
For me this is an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity of sharing a little of the much that the Neothink Society and all your literature has brought into my life. About four decades ago I was born in this planet with that usual certainty of an innocent child that this would be an amazing, happy and profound experience in such an astonishing and admirable world. Needless to say that year after year as I grew up, all that vision and enthusiasm were left far behind and replaced by what we call an adult life full of frustration and disappointment with our today anti-civilization.
I have traveled many countries, many cultures and religions, always looking for answers to some big questions of mine. Why we keep on killing each other in name of Gods, Boundaries and Governments as many as we can name it today; why we keep with jobs all our lives feeling miserable and unhappy just to retire and wait for our death to come; why we see betrayal, cheating and dishonesty as normal; and why we keep accepting politicians and governments to rule over all our businesses and personal lives and always for the worse and never for the better; how can we have gone so far with science and technology and still behave in such a primitive way without any rationality when it comes to feelings and social behavior ?
Well questions that remained unanswered for much long, till I was given the opportunity to join Neothink Society and have had access to all your valuable literature. Since then I started realizing that we did fall in a big trap and have remained in it for so long, that we just forgot that we are here to evolve and transcend to a life of full honesty, happiness and prosperity. We are here to create values through science and business, and to rejoin and celebrate with full joy through arts and love. Life is too precious and we as humans were given all the power to overcome and make this earth our own amazing, peaceful, and wealthy planet home.
But the truth is that since we have gone so far in terms of technology, we all know that this is a critical moment either for our survival or complete destruction. As I see it, Neothink Society and the TVP may give us a last chance to bring a real civilization of universe into full existence. And then love, happiness and wealth will flourish to us all in this planet, and we all know deep inside that this is what we as humans have really been destined to.
Soraia M
Tequesta, FL
Mark Hamilton is the word “Trust”…
Are you looking in the right place for your answers?
We are constantly looking for answers to what, who, and why, as we look, see, hear, or read information, trust is always in our mind. Many may ask themselves “ does the word trust still exist?”
I can tell you “yes” you just have to know where to look. Most people search for the answers through the negative, dishonest world we live in.
Have you ever thought deep within your hopes, wishes, and dreams “ if only I could find a place where the truly honest people could share their information to wealth, health, happiness and prosperity”. I can tell you “yes” again, because I have discovered the secret information that has pulled me out of the trap, some of the information I thought I have already known, but I did not know how to use it correctly, until I read some of the most ancient manuscripts that have been kept secret from the average person. This information came to me one day shortly after asking the above question deep within my soul. My wish came true because soon there after I received a letter in the mail from Mark Hamilton. He has been doing extensive research obtaining true honest facts about how we all have the God Given Gift we are all born with, to achieve anything we may desire within us.
Mark Hamilton is the word “Trust” he is the first person who truly cares about the human race, and sharing his knowledge with all of us to live the life we are meant to live, to be happy and prosper and teach our children we can have a better world to live in.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for receiving my deep honest thoughts and sharing your information with me to live the life I was meant to live.
Trust With True Honesty Will Always Prevail !
Dale L
I first read Mark Hamilton’s literature about 4 or 5 years ago
I first read Mark Hamilton’s literature about 4 or 5 years ago. It was during a time in my life in which I had a lot of ideas, a lot of passion, but was feeling a bit morally defeated by some of my employers, and I often struggled to find direction. I opened the first book from the Neothink Society expecting to grab a few pointers on starting a business. What I found was practically the meaning of life. This may sound trite and unrealistic, but the sheer volume of information in this literature was astounding. Included, was everything from religion, philosophy, business and marketing, learning and teaching strategies…I was overwhelmed with excitement. These books opened the doors to the integration of every facet of my life. I found myself getting work done more quickly, developing business ideas and following through with them. I was fulfilled, and with purpose. I could picture an entire society filled with Neothinkers having people so motivated and fulfilled by pursuing their passions that every industry would progress at twice the speed, crime would diminish, corruption would vanish as its incentive would be entirely removed. This line of teaching and this school of living is the quickest route toward achieving anything even remotely close to a utopia that I can conceive. The Twelve Visions Party is the first step toward achieving that type of evolution in the happiness and productivity of our lives. The Twelve Visions Party is the evolution of politics.
I am the owner of a music performance referral network called Live Music Consulting, I play French Horn and Piano professionally, coach and play Ultimate Frisbee in my spare time, travel for work and pleasure, and assist people as a nutrition, fitness, and healthy lifestyle consultant. I owe so much of my success to the knowledgebase I have acquired and have been able to implement from Mark Hamilton’s Literature. He is not a profit, not a scam artist, not the next coming of Jesus. He is a promoter of value creation, pure and simple. I am ecstatic at the possibility of witnessing an entire society of people benefit from this life philosophy.
Dan W
After reading all my multigenerational manuscripts written by Mark Hamilton
Before I joined society of secret (NEOTHINK SOCIETY), I was an RN with no plans to further education or do something better.
After reading all my multigenerational manuscripts written by Mark Hamilton, i have learned to do so many better things at the same time and I’m very good at it..
Today, after just a short period of time (less than 3 yeras), I am a BSN RN now studying for my masters degree with high grades. A business woman also. I have lost weight and kept it off and looking beautiful.
i know his teachings will benefit the general public, bring a better future for all and peace to the world.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for without you, I would not have done it.
Christy. L
Mark Hamilton is the only person that has come up with a solution.
Hundreds of years ago a new world was sought to get away from ruling authorities, tyranny, repression, and have the freedom of speech and choice. This country was founded on free enterprise, pursuit of happiness and freedom for each and every individual.
Interesting hundreds of years later we have regressed back to the reason we sought this nation.
Freedom? Free Enterprise? Pursuit of Happiness?
For a serious rude wake up call try to start a business, the system in place right now is set up for you to fail! Go to the FDA and tell them you have a cure for cancer or anything for that matter, and see how much of a warm reception you receive.
Pursuit of happiness, the ways things are heading do you see happiness for yourself or your family?
POWER, GREED, and DISHONESTY have over powered this country. The Constitution has been amended to the point of losing its original purpose and meaning only for the corrupt to have control.
There is no logical answer or solutions except for heavier taxes to keep the population in dept so the corrupt can prosper.
The Corrupt, greedy, and power hungry will always slander, and try to destroy truth, and honesty.
The most important words of the Constitution are “For the People, By the People”. Not for the ruling authorities, the government, or its agencies, or religious leaders, FOR THE PEOPLE! The Constitution states if the authority is ever taken away from the people that it can be amended so that We The People have control and the right to Freedom, and the pursuit of happiness
The greed and dishonesty in this country is destroying our youth, poisoning are new born and devastating our dreams and aspirations.
Businesses are closing, the homeless are increasing daily, Countless foreclosure, and repossession, the door to this way of life has to be permanently closed. This is not an expectable way to live.
There has to be a drastic change in this country that makes sense.
Mark Hamilton is the only person that has come up with a solution. He has given us back the hope and understanding of how to resolve what has happened to this country.
His honesty and visions have helped us see thorough the deception, mysticism and control of the corrupt, with a vision of peace, freedom and happiness.
Mark Hamilton has the answer, and the only solution that will work. His visions have reawaken the dream and realization in all of us that we do have a purpose and reason to be on this planet to be happy, to create and to prosper.
WE are the ones that have fought and will fight to make this a free and prosperous nation once again.
Mark has planted the seeds and they have flourished by the thousands, and thousands more every day.
Ron C
Mark Hamilton as pioneer of the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society…
Mark Hamilton has done more benevolent things than I can imagine for opening up people’s minds to the reality of existence. He has given me the option to join him on the path of enlightened thought which was a turning point for my life. Here on the path problems are destroyed by solutions constantly. I can think of no other person or mentor who has brought me to a reawakening of myself. Quite simply he is the smartest person I’ve ever listened to and read. Mark Hamilton is a true genius creating solutions to millenniums of mysticism, reinvigorating humanity from tragic limitations.
Ever since high-school I remember having the dream of owning my own business and creating values for people that understand what value is. Now I have multiple opportunities to start my own business. No longer do I wonder if my businesses will take off or what business to start first. The beginning of my life as an entrepreneur has begun. The entrepreneurial spirit I now possess will never be able to be taken away from me and it will only become more integrated and rich with time. This is funded by the greatest pieces of literature I’ve ever read and the people of the Neothink Society. The simplicity of word through concepts is universally understood in the prime literature. The sheer magnitude of knowing the secrets of life is enough to make anyone truly wealthy, as wealth often precedes monetary riches. I have always been open minded living in the realm of possibility, now I’m in a network of geniuses who think like I do. I imagine my future and its positive effect on the world. The adventure is something certainly worth living. My conscious integrated thinking has been supported by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society throughout this journey.
Being stagnant in a nine to five job will evolve into a creation passion that hasn’t been felt since childhood. Positive energies that have been written off as unsustainable now gain ever more leverage, duration, and capacity. Fully integrated honesty enlightens the truth creating pure love that supplies the universe with greater entropy. Man creates his rewards of existence through living by principles that are just. Never before have I seen, heard, and most importantly taken part in something with such agreeable, essential, fundamentals of life and existence. Nature feels the power of consciousness taking control of earthly forces. This is man’s leaping point to the cosmic mind of the future for the masses. Man’s conscious desire to learn is as limitless as the universe itself. The searchers of the world can now rest for they have found what they were looking for.
The founding fathers created this great country with the greatest document known to govern nations. Now the time has come to integrate what the founding fathers could not foresee. This is done through the Twelve Visions Party. This anti-political “political” party knows how to do this through one simple and brilliant integration known as the Prime Law. The common denominator of people as individuals with identical rights allow us all to experience what our ancestors and ourselves have been denied until now. The bipartisan political system has shorted the world for too long. With the success of the Twelve Visions Party the people of the U.S.A will experience freedom that hasn’t been experienced since the first settlers arrived. Think of how the invention of the personal computer changed technology and business, this is how the Prime Law will change politics and government. Together with the geniuses of the world and the technology we currently possess the future is a blank canvas ready for great beauty, health, wealth, and peace. Harmony will envelop the world for the first time in human existence.
The Twelve Visions Party makes everyone rich by bringing the cost of living down. The demise of the Twelve Visions Party will certainly not stop the convergence of the malevolent deadly forces that currently exist. Mark Hamilton as pioneer of the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society must not be silenced. His literature details life’s advantages through a new level of thought. With our current government it will be of no surprise to see the government with its forced backed entities try to shut down this pivotal movement in human history. Dejection through injustice shall no longer be accepted or tolerated. The time to rise to the revolution is now. Those who do shall never be forgotten. If the people allow this to happen then the tragedy of life will continue. If we don’t then humanity will reap the rewards for eternity.
Kevin E
Mark Hamilton thank you for being my mentor
Dear M Mark Hamilton,
I would like to thank you for welcome me to be a Neothink society member and providing your Neothink books to me its a privilege for me in my personal growth, I know from the statement in the Neothink book, that it very powerful statement that encourage the good people of this planet, however few years ago you brought me into the Neothink society and reading your books has improve my growth, I really appreciate your work so would everyone, if only money is not confusing their minds, money will be made later, but growth come before, MR Mark Hamilton may your name be praise and not be blacken by the Evil mindset of our planet, You have show me many truthful knowledge in your Neothink books.
The NEOTHINK SOCIETY AND TVP should go on for all the good people of this planet and beyond to develop. MR Mark Hamilton fortified your, our protections.
Without the Neothink society mankind won’t be free. Excellent work for all on planet earth. MR Mark Hamilton thanks you for being my mentor.