Posts Tagged ‘many people’

Some people come into this world fully aware of their visionary gifts or…

Some people come into this world fully aware of their visionary gifts or higher consciousness. Most of the great ones throughout history were “ahead of their time”. Many people may have thought them “crazy” or condemned their ideas– but it did NOT stop the BURNING DESIRE of those leaders to manifest what they envisioned. We should

Some people come into this world fully aware of their Visionary gifts…

Some people come into this world fully aware of their Visionary gifts or higher consciousness. Most of the great ones throughout history were “ahead of their time”. Many people may have thought them “crazy” or condemned their ideas– but it did NOT stop the BURNING DESIRE of those leaders to manifest what they envisioned. We should

Make all people rich even the poor

I am working on change!The Twelve
Visions Political Party will give us this change, every American wants for themsevlves and their children.
The American people want better for themselves and their children.
We are all working on change of American and the world, in our large and small ways. I, being a part of NEOTHINK SOCIETY and GIN, know what is going to manifest, and I help to spread the words of change, to other people. Most people embrace now the changes coming, and want to help bring the changes faster to the world.
I also want changes faster, to live in
Hamilton- American and prosper now, and especially when these changes are here!
We all do our part,to spread the how
these changes will affect our daily lives.
The Twelve Visions Political Party,
Make all people rich even the poor, says it all!
Lets make this a reality for the now of people’s lives.
I see to many people living on the edge, and to many others living in wealth and not sharing their wealth with the masses in America. I do not mean free hand outs, I mean change from within, our political parties not in touch with the average citizen. They do not know or see these average people, or feel their pain, and courage to get through each day, but these people are blessed and do get through each day, with their strength that comes from God! I feel their pain and know that American will be better for all People, very soon.

Thank you so much, Mark Hamilton.


Thank you so much, Mark Hamilton. Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party. You have definitely changed my life for the better. I undoubtedly will never be the same because of you. For the first time ever my life is worth living. You’ve given me a new way of seeing the world. It’s not like I’ve been told what to do or to do anything differently. What you’ve done for me is to help me to be able to think in a totally different way. I now have a new way of approaching the world. And for the first time ever, I am in charge of my life. I no longer allow outside influences to influence me.

So many people have so many different opinions of what’s wrong with the school system. But it just amazes me thinking about what an incredible world we would be living in if, when we were children, we had been taught or just allowed to think for ourselves. Integrated thinking and total honesty is definitely our way out of the hell that has been created on this earth by dishonest, value destroying people. I’m so happy to have found the Twelve Visions Party. Thanks once again Mark Hamilton.


Steve S

Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party

Thank you so much, Mark Hamilton. Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party. You have definitely changed my life for the better. I undoubtedly will never be the same because of you. For the first time ever my life is worth living. You’ve given me a new way of seeing the world. It’s not like I’ve been told what to do or to do anything differently. What you’ve done for me is to help me to be able to think in a totally different way. I now have a new way of approaching the world. And for the first time ever, I am in charge of my life. I no longer allow outside influences to influence me.

So many people have so many different opinions of what’s wrong with the school system. But it just amazes me thinking about what an incredible world we would be living in if, when we were children, we had been taught or just allowed to think for ourselves. Integrated thinking and total honesty is definitely our way out of the hell that has been created on this earth by dishonest, value destroying people. I’m so happy to have found the Twelve Visions Party. Thanks once again Mark Hamilton.


Steve S

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has opened my eyes

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has opened my eyes to the truth about the world.  His publications are packed with information about every aspect of human life.  He teaches you how to think for yourself and make your life pure bliss.  If you are searching (like I was) for something more from life–read the books.

You don’t need to read them from cover to cover to get the awesome information from these books, simply choose the area of interest from the table of contents. I guarantee that once you read a section in the book, you’ll end up reading the whole thing.

Everyone has an opinion, people like to spread gossip and many people don’t like change. You have a an opportunity to learn about the myths of the world that most influential people don’t want you to know about. I say read the books and make your own decision.


with peace and love,

Carol E

Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party

Thank you so much, Mark Hamilton. Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party. You have definitely changed my life for the better. I undoubtedly will never be the same because of you. For the first time ever my life is worth living. You’ve given me a new way of seeing the world. It’s not like I’ve been told what to do or to do anything differently. What you’ve done for me is to help me to be able to think in a totally different way. I now have a new way of approaching the world. And for the first time ever, I am in charge of my life. I no longer allow outside influences to influence me.

So many people have so many different opinions of what’s wrong with the school system. But it just amazes me thinking about what an incredible world we would be living in if, when we were children, we had been taught or just allowed to think for ourselves. Integrated thinking and total honesty is definitely our way out of the hell that has been created on this earth by dishonest, value destroying people. I’m so happy to have found the Twelve Visions Party. Thanks once again Mark Hamilton.


Steve S

March 2025