Posts Tagged ‘manuscripts’

Mark Hamilton, The Multi Generational Manuscripts, The Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party, All means the Universe to my heart.

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Neothink means “life” to me. It means absolutely EVERYTHING to me. Everything, Mark Hamilton, The Multi Generational Manuscripts, The Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party, All means the Universe to my heart. All of what I have gained here is beyond what everyone who is not yet a member will ever know. You will never discover it “out there”. You can and, on the inside, will discover the eternal values offered to you. The Society’s smartest men and women alive are here. No, that is NOT a “pitch”. It is THE real deal. I seriously mean that. You don’t know what you are missing outside the Neothink® Society. That is why, right now, I say to you, dear reader, is to please, check out what we have to offer. You can always go to and request FREE information regarding what we offer here. You can also request to become a member of the most powerful bond on earth today. The website immediately gives you a sneak peak at what we offer here, what we do here and what we stand for. It also tells you somewhat at what you stand to gain here. You stand to gain EVERYTHING here no lie, no bull, just honest values beyond what you can imagine as a non member right now. You can also immediately begin to discover what the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is about over at The value is enormous over here. If I can say anything about TVP or Twelve Visions Party, it will make ALL the people RICH including the poor! No, this does not exclude you for this includes you. But I will tell you, the society IS exclusive to all non members. If anyone wants the eternal values offered in here, they must become a member to receive the values. For example, the membership has a fee, but you get 1 multi general manuscript a month free. The live Neothink® Clubhouses’ social-life advantages and interactions are free and our website, that normally costs a fee to maintain, is free with membership. You can find the details at You can also request to become a member here as well. Back to the Twelve Visions Party or TVP. The TVP will make all ordinary citizens rich, healthy and safe including the poor and the elderly and unemployed. You will find free information on over at
What does this all mean to me? EVERYTHING! I learned to love life. I learned to deeply appreciate life! I learned to love and respect myself. I learned to CREATE VALUES! I learned to grow without limits which involves taking complete, 100% responsibility for my own life indefinitely! Mark Hamilton did this for me through his writings, specifically the Multi Generational Manuscripts of The Neothink(R) Society. I found my essence here in the society. I have discovered precisely what it means to be happy what it takes. You can be eternally happy and I mentor others here in the society to achieve it. I am a famous society insider. I am deeply happy and it grows every day. I have never been as smart and as integrated as I am right now. That will soon enough evolve beyond where I am at right now. I know I absolutely can be, do and have all I desire, period! Mark Hamilton is our prime mentor and has the honest power to mentor everyone into the creation driven life they were meant to live. That involves partly a life or romantic-adventure! I am living that. I have many, many friends all over the world who support me and I support them. I have a career, the living career of my dreams that I can only accept living indefinitely with for life. You can too in here.
I must only live in the 12 Visions world of extreme prosperity and TVP is making that happen. We are going to rid society of the corrupt ruling class of lazy and dishonest “rulers” and “leaders”, although the “leaders” in society are hardly worthy of that title. They abused their power for long enough and their power is coming to a permanent end. If only they could possibly see that through what is taught here in the society, they can make a LOT more money with each passing month. It happens for people and can happen for you and them, too. I feel most fortunate to have had Mark Hamilton as my mentor and as my “partner”. He empowered for the eternally happiest best and it cannot be reversed by anyone and anything, period. He demonstrated to me and the others that he is right on with a loving father’s essence. He earned my eternal respect and that is that. He taught me to play at life as an adult. He taught me to make Ten Second Miracles and now I am the Ten Second Miracle Mentor in The Neothink(R) Society. I am well known across the planet. He taught me to make major marketing breakthroughs. Because of me applying what I learned I now make money in business! That NEVER happened before learning HOW to do that in here! I love life, I know how to succeed and I am acquiring extensive resources. In fact, I have checks written to me in my name here in the society. A fellow Neothink brother invested over $1000.00 USD in me and him to acquire real estate in business for ourselves but not by ourselves indeed. We are shortly going to make our very first real estate deal. Envy and jealousy cannot, will not, and can never stop us now. Our prime knowledge protects us and forever empowers us to perform what others opinions say is impossible. I don’t understand “impossibility”. Cant anymore. Religious people would say, ”all things are possible with God”. Thank you my business partner, Terry. I love you brother. You did a lot for me and I return the “favor”. You are a genuine man who is worthy of great things and massive wealth. Now let go and do it more than we are now!!!
To make a long laundry list short: If absolutely necessary, I would step in front of speeding bullets for him. The Multi Generational Manuscripts contain the tools to make life eternally increase in the absolute best that I want. I am CREATING an increasingly happy life with this knowledge. I love learning! The Neothink(R) Society is my home and my baby. I am eternally protective of it. The TwelveVisionsParty (TVP) forever has my support for a long as we need it.
Lovingly and Sincerely,
Patrick B

With what I am learning from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton…

When I was first introduced to the Neothink Society and mark Hamilton, I was a bit skeptic. But after reading the three multigenerational manuscripts, I realized I wasn’t alone in the way I perceived the world. Human compassion for one another, (or lack thereof!!). I have always felt out of place. I felt I belonged in another time, because I just didn’t fit in! Not because people didn’t like me; NO; I’m a very friendly, compassionate, sensitive person. I didn’t fit, because I didn’t like the way people treat one another! I practically became a hermit.
With what I am learning from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton. I am coming out of my shell, and becoming the person I always knew I should be. Some things I need to work on, can be really hard! But I noticed, a lot comes to me naturally.
I have seen the future thru the TVP. This is the way the world Should be. With all the Love, Compassion, Honesty, Freedom, and Life.
Silencing Mark Hamilton will only make me realize even more, that we have no freedoms in this world. I cherish everything this man has made known to me. For the wisdom to pass on. So we can all be really free to soar!!

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

My name is Andrew Y, and for many years my life has been pretty stagnant. My life was the same routine; work school and family. There was very little to speak of in romance and relationships. Money was fairly tight, my education was my only outlet to any socialization; other social outlets were internet sites, but that eventually came to just interacting with people who were not honest and open-minded. Three years ago, I received a pamphlet by Neothink; I did read it. I was a little skeptical but the information was very different than anything i read before; information based on reasoning and common sense that all fit together. I was very interested. I bought all three multigenerational manuscripts. Little did i know the material would have a big effect on my life. I always thought of myself as a hard worker and i love to help people, but not in such grand scale. I in the past two years, my life has improved a lot. I moved up in the company i work for, i am a lot more confident and my self esteem has improved. Now i have the knowledge and the ability to improve even more, also to help more people. Neothink is what i have been looking for in my life. With the Twelve Visions Party, everybody’s life will improve.

I am very excited to be a part of the Neothink Society…

I am very excited to be a part of the Neothink Society & to be involved with like minded individuals. The manuscripts just proved that there are other people out there that see things and question them constantly. I look forward to the positivity of the values that were, are and soon to be created.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

After having received a copy of the literature from the Neothink® Society, I was amazed at what I read from it. Then I thought to myself, “Why didn’t I get this book sooner? And why was it only now being offered to me?” At first I was very upset because I felt that I needed to know and to have the information from the Heirloom to help me through the difficult times that I was facing with the economy taking such a downturn. But after having read through the material a few times and after having experienced personal growth, I realized that the reason why I did not have access to this information before was because I simply was not ready for it.
How true it is that even in today’s tumbling economy and the availability of this information, many people are still not aware that it exists. The information in these multigenerational manuscripts is invaluable. This information changed my life for the better. It made me aware of the fact that I had the ability to become a self leader and be in a position to help others. With the present state of the economy, I would advise anyone to acquire this information and obtain the results you want to attain in your life today.
Jacqueline B

Where Would I Be Without Neothink®?

Now that is a thought I do not want to think about. Since becoming a member of Neothink® in 2007, I have begun the most adventurous, exciting, positive, and wonderful journey I have had in my life to date. First let me share a little about myself.
My name is Cate, and I have been a single mother for many years. I never before knew how to have the “right” man in my life, I have always been hard working, yet was never happy or satisfied in what I was doing, needless to say I wanted more from life, yet could never figure out how to get what it was I wanted.
And then came Neothink®…since becoming a member and reading all of the multigenerational manuscripts (MGMs) I have been on a wonderful ride of prosperity. I have done things that I never before imagined! I have created a holiday that is celebrated by people from all over the globe! I have found my true love, a man I respect and love passionately! I own my own business and work from home, something I have always wanted to do, yet never knew how. I have met friends from all over the world, and have found them to be the most positive, and honest people I have ever known. My children are more secure and aware of how the world honestly works and are learning how to deal with situations effectively. In fact I am now able to home-school my children and provide them with an education that is based on honest fact, something that I am deeply grateful for!
In effect, Neothink® has helped to transform my life, from a life of worry and stagnation to a life filled with possibilities and promise that I can now teach to my children. Mark Hamilton has and always will have my deepest respect and love for what he is doing with his books and knowledge. Helping to set people free…to live lives they always knew we possible!
One last subject I want to discuss is the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). I am a proud member of this party and I am going to tell you why. For many years I have felt that there was something wrong with our country. Not necessarily with the people in general, but in how things were run. How is it that the government can run in debt? I cannot run my business that way. How is it that the people who make the laws are not subject to obey them? Aren’t we a country where all men and women are created equal? This is what I have read in the Constitution.
As with all things in life, when something is not working effectively, you have to look for another way. Now I have looked at other parties, and have never found the solutions that I thought would help our great country. Yet, what I found when reading the TVP, were common sense solutions. Not promises, solutions. This is what I think our country needs right now more than any thing…solutions.
The Prime Law Amendment is one example and has three parts.
The first part states no one has the right to use force, fraud or coercion against any person, group of persons or contract.
Well that makes perfect sense to me. I teach my boys everyday, to be honest, and not to fight or hurt each other. In fact we live but the motto: Treat others how you want to be treated. No one wants to be hurt. This is common sense to me. So what happens when someone comes after me? How do I defend myself?
The second part states that force is morally justified and legal for those who break rule #1.
Great! So when a burglar comes to my house and is going to attack my family I can defend my family without fear. As any parent I am sure knows, you come after my children, you are going to have to get through me first! Well what about all those terrorist people? What about them? And the companies who are more concerned with money than people? Well wouldn’t they be using force, fraud or coercion against others? Therefore, they would be in violation of rule #1. So we would have a moral obligation to defend ourselves and those companies and people would be held responsible. I am sure that once word got out that people were not going to tolerate that kind of behavior many companies and people would think twice before acting and solutions could be found peacefully. We could resolve these matters intelligently instead of wishing and hoping they would be resolved or ignoring them.
Now part 3 states that there are no exceptions of any kind. Period.
I love it! There are no excuses for hurting others. My dog was sick, I was having a bad day, I got up on the wrong side of the mattress, oopps…I didn’t mean to do that…none of that baloney would be able to be used. People would THINK before they acted. Now isn’t that what we all teach our children anyway? I know I do.
Now some people may say that third parties don’t work. Well of course they have not worked recently. None of them have offered the common sense solutions to make our country stronger like the TVP. And if you look back in history, third parties HAVE worked! How do you think our great country was founded in the first place?! By a small group of people who believed there was a better way! People who were willing to stake their lives on this belief! Not because they wanted to be martyrs, because they wanted a better life for their children and their children’s children.
I am proud to say that I am one of those few; I believe there is a better way! I would not be a good mother if I did not do everything in my power to help bring that better way into reality for my children and their children.
They deserve better than that. We all deserve better.
Go and look for yourself and see how you can help yourself and your family.
for information.
I’ll bet you’ll be glad you did!
I am!
With love and honesty,

Mark Hamilton explains in his literature

Mark Hamilton explains in his literature (multigenerational manuscripts) that all man can live in Wealth, Health, and Peace. One way this will be accomplished is with the success of the Twelve Visions Party. What a world we will live in with tomorrow’s Twelve Visions world. People will be happy when peace is actualized on a national, and then global level. The Neothink, new way of mentality, looks past illusions to what is. Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Mark Hamilton, his family and others have been working for decades

Mark Hamilton, his family and others have been working for decades to make the TVP a reality for us all. The two party system in force now is really a battle field that accomplishes riches and privileges for only certain classes of people who don’t need them. The TVP will make it possible for everyone to benefit. Since reading the Society’s manuscripts, I have hope for a better future for all of us. Thanks to all who have been working toward this wonderful goal.
B. Finch


I AM TOTALLY FLOORED by a realization that I just had!!!! Looking back over the past year and all of the ideas that have come into my life because of the Neothink Society, I can hardly believe it! There is SO MUCH more WONDER in my life today! I can see, more than ever, the incredible future that we are creating together, and it is more beautiful than I ever imagined! Mark Hamilton, What could possible come AFTER THIS?!?! I’m full up, how could there be anything more beautiful than the future you painted in your Multigenerational Manuscripts!?!
Yon Cole

Riding the Waves

It’s time to come back down to reality and get some things done! The past few minutes I have felt an Ecstatic Euphoria that just blows me away! I get that feeling whenever I contemplate on what I love about the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton’s mind expanding Multigenerational Manuscripts! Now I’m going to do some Drive Forward on my other work projects: creating wonderful values for myself and others!
Hope you find it too!

March 2025