Posts Tagged ‘manuscripts’

I wish to thank you for opening the door…

Dear Mark,

I wish to thank you for opening the door so I can get my dreams back. I chose to purchase the heirloom series to learn and dream of the way life should be as opposed to the way life has been. I am excited about the future and looking forward to a life of value creation, love and fun in business. I have always been considered “different” from my classmates, colleagues, and family. I knew something was wrong with so much in this world but could not put my finger on it until I read your manuscripts. I have been labeled by many a dreamer and one that does not want to grow up. I believe in the power of the mind and the power of having like-minded people accomplish the “impossible.” I believe in everlasting love and I am working to change my behaviors to find it – maybe it is right in my house but I can not tell right now. I believe in people being about to be value creators and looking forward to creating more of those values for my loved ones. I believe in the power of giving freely to others but it is difficult in this world due to the people that take before it is given. All of these beliefs have come to the forefront due to what you have given. I thank you sincerely and look forward to learning more from you.

To your success!!!

Jay W.

From An Average American Woman

Like giving birth and Life on my children’s birthday’s, TODAY, in signing My TVP® Contract, I have COMMITTED to growing the TVP® in my state, across the Country, and around the World!

I have been a NeoThink® Society member for nearly 3 years. These 3 years have been the MOST eye opening of my Life! I made a most AMAZING discovery…ME <3
ANYONE can make this discovery for self. Mark Hamilton has given the blueprint in his multi-generational manuscripts.

I think most would consider me an average American woman. I am a divorced Mother of 4, raising my two youngest on my own. I am 47 years old, and also expecting my first grandchild this summer.

My oldest daughter and I recently attended the New Jersey Twelve Visions Party® Convention. I took the position of observer during this 8-hour event. I paid very close attention to ALL. In looking around I was trying to find some differences between those of us who were NT®/TVP® and those who weren’t. I am GLAD to report that I saw NO noticeable differences. I find this an important distinction to make as some try to claim that we members are different. We are no different than YOUR average Joe on the street  I could find no differences as I stated, but during the last break of the day, my daughter said to me, “Mom, these people carry themselves differently they have a confidence without being cocky and when they introduce themselves they offer a hug rather than a hand.” She is absolutely right! That confidence IS a “Genuine Love” that we members feel for each other. It doesn’t matter where we are from or what color we are or anything else. We are from all over the World! We are all connected! In this connection we are a powerful energy of the highest vibration of Love. We offer YOU a spark of this energy if YOU would care to join us. I am GRATEFUL for Mark Hamilton, his multigenerational manuscripts, the Neothink® Society, and the Twelve Visions Party®. I am Honored and Privileged to be a part of them ALL!
In the GREATEST Expression of Love
Deb Hemenway

The Good Things that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society Has Done For Me

Hello, I am sending a testimonial on the good things that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has done for me. I believe everything that is written in the Multi-Generational Manuscripts. It has made me a better person inside and out, it has made me happier and healthier and more fit physically, and mentally. I am bettering myself so others can also, this is the best state of mind you can be in. Come join us for the best part of your life in the Neothink Society. And helping Twelve Visions Party grow to have a better way of life for yourself, your family and your friends. And better health above all else.
Yours Most Sincerely
Wolfgang L

What Mark Hamilton means to me

to Mark Hamilton am happy to talk about multigenerational manuscripts and twelve vision party what mean to my life and my family what MARK HAMILTON learn me love the life. create the value live smart health .safe rich take responsibility for my own life and deeply appreciated life and all this mean self leader.
i discover the illusion of ruling class of lazy ,dishonest ruler and leader. What Mark Hamilton means to me he open my mind i am lucky to meet this man and more glad he became my mentor, he earned my eternal respect.
Y. K

Hi Mark Hamilton

Hi Mark Hamilton,
All the manuscripts and the recent books on Neothink from your father Dr. W. that I have bought from you have benefited me greatly and those things are and will continue to help me to grow and develop into the person I was meant and/or created to be.
Thank you for your time on this matter.
Bradley Koster

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink manuscripts opened my eyes

For many years I have questioned Politics and Religion. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink manuscripts opened my eyes. I now understand why people are so obsessed. I Truly enjoyed reading The Neothink Heirlooms. They are educational and inspiring.
I believe when the rest of the world is introduced to The Neothink Society they to will revel in this new way of thinking and living.
Thank you Mark Hamilton
Kim Brown

Mark Hamilton is amazing

You are amazing! I learned a lot about the manuscripts presented to me. It was very informative
information. I learned a lot and discovered things from you that truly amazed me. I am so grateful that I was thought of to receive such valuable information that could really touch and change the life of others. You taught me how to organize and jot things down. How becoming as a child. Till this day I still feel as though I am a child. Everything that you have mention to all of us has been a great learning experience. Thank you so much Mark Hamilton

Ever since I read the three manuscripts from Neothink

Ever since I read the three manuscripts from Neothink. It has brought new insight to various aspects of life. The most important is that it helped me to rethink the difference about the political parties and the global markets. That is why I was happy when you announced the formation of the “TVP”.

Mark Hamilton helped with his Neothink Society

Mark Hamilton helped with his Neothink Society and Neothink manuscripts by getting me to focus on what is important to my life, to focus on how to change my life, to focus on following a plan to change my life, and to make those changes happen. This has culminated in me realizing that the United States and New York State in particular are in danger of collapsing into something that will ruin everyone’s lives. As a result, I am taking an unforeseen, on my part, action to run for public office because I want to make sure that my country and my state will remain in tact and get back to their roots of the Founding Fathers. I am running for the Office of the State Comptroller of New York.
Thank you Mark for opening my eyes!
John A.Gaetani

I want to personally think you for inviting me into the Neothink Society

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I want to personally think you for inviting me into the Neothink Society. When I received your invitation I was already on a personal journey and mission of fulfilling my true essence. My best friend and I had broken away from society and left our homes and jobs because we knew there was a better way to live life. We left a life of lies, negative relationships and lost hopes and desires. We had basically had enough of the lies and financial draining from those that we thought were our loved ones for whom we had lived our whole lives with including some family members and relationships. My friend and I had come from different families but our situation was the same and upon joining forces gave us the strength and wherewithal to break away.
I had always been a lost soul looking for my way but it slowly occurred to me that I was always living my life for the benefit of others who took advantage of my ignorance. This realization occurred only after I had left because I was so much blinded by the false life that I was in that I could not see clearly. Upon reading the multigenerational manuscripts my mind started to clear of all the false data that I was operating under. At times all of a sudden thoughts and ideas would became so crystal clear and it made me feel happy and more secure in my understanding of life. It’s takes a little while for your mind to process the information and clean out the false data but it is an on going process and each time you understand life a little more and your awareness comes up as well. Happiness fills your soul because you’re finally breaking free to be who you were meant to be.
I feel like my life has been blessed for having an association with the Neothink Society. At last I am with an honest group of people who want so badly to live life to its fullest. We are very much so fortunate to have the guidance of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. A new world is right in front of us. Let’s all just grab a hold of it and don’t look back. The TVP is beyond reform. It is the beginning of the Twelve Visions World. Let’s all be proud to be the first humans on earth to shatter the past and break free from all of the political lies and blast our selves into this new and exciting era for the rest of mankind.
Best Regards, William L.

March 2025