Posts Tagged ‘manuscripts’

My Testimonial

Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party, (TVP) what it mains to me.
It mains Stronger Faster Better and Smarter the manuscripts and or literature makes me to do over my life, Bake in the 1979 I graduated and got my diploma “Special Education diploma” I thought I could not do noththin at all in my life And in 2006 I got Mark Hamilton literature and that changed my life forever cannot go bake!!! To my old life.
I’m Stronger Faster Better and Smarter the literature did it for me!!! I’m happier!
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is “Stronger Faster Better and Smarter “I’m in the (TVP) New York State I’m vice chairman for the (TVP)
Melvin Kirk


Mark Hamilton

Hello Mr. Hamilton,
I am and feel honored to have numerous opportunities to post testimonials on your website.(www.Mark
I cant begin to tell you the value and stimulation I get to have the rare opportunity to be mentored by someone that is doing so much to better our society. You are a master power-thinker, and neothinker.
You are the author of the mutigenerational manuscripts, and how the (Twelve Visions World) will come about.
You spend hours of your time preparing monthly meetings for all of your apprentices.
And I’m sure, we all appreciate you.
The puzzle-pieces are surely coming together, and I cant wait to see and be part of the end result.
It will be historic.


Mark Hamilton have opened my eyes tremendously

The three Multigenerational manuscripts I read in early 2008 were truly amazing to say the least, As I have said many times to others is the Annabelle story should be put into a movie for everyone to see, and am sure it would be the movie of the year. Mark Hamilton have opened my eyes tremendously with very insightful information gathered from many years of research, and feel would help everyone in the world to read these beautifully written books. I now support both the Neothink society, and Twelve vision party, along with many topic’s they educate and expand the mind, and where people can jump aboard and share and participate and listen to any subject you want to know about. The Twelve vision party will REALLY be something to look into even for the most skeptical critic’s. People will be able to hear something different other than two usual political parties and hear how it will unfold. Thanks Mark Hamilton and Frank R. Wallace for these  heirloom books and what doors it has opened for me with meeting such nice people to boot.
Ron K


When Mark Hamilton invited me to read his manuscripts

When Mark Hamilton invited me to read his manuscripts, he cautioned me of the challenge I would face to ‘make the leap,’ leaving behind old beliefs and that all the ‘greats’ have made the same leap to enter a higher way of thinking. This challenge of the ‘status quo’ terrifies many, even if just for the sake of change, which is continually resisted by the masses. However, it intrigued me and piqued my curious mind, as I have never been one to take the road of least resistance. Instead my life has been the road less traveled and I have endured the hardships that go along with not going along with everyone else.
Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts reached into my brain and my mind and shifted the way I think. All the pieces that did not fit, the unanswered questions, the ‘why’ of life and so much more, were laid out like a treasure map for my mind, my purpose, my destiny and revealed to me how, why and where my dreams were lost along the way. As you may imagine this has been simultaneously sad and victorious as I grieve that I did not know these things so much sooner in my life and that everyone does not know what I have come to understand. I now see the world with compassion rather than contempt, hurt rather than hate, rejoicing rather than repenting.
With this world now moving away from the written word and entertained mostly by videos and catering to a 10 second attention span, I imagine the wisdom, Mark Hamilton has to share with the world will not be delivered or understood by all. As is typical the most opinionated of his work have not read any of his manuscripts but have unkind things to say about this charismatic enlightened fully conscious individual. Moreover, the structure of position and power causes those in positions of power to dislike or be uneasy with anyone who has a ‘following.’ This is a historical fact and history proves what many have done to enlightened individuals. This creates a misperception to the masses as I know clearly Mark Hamilton claims no glory, in fact the opposite is true. He has sacrificed everything to dedication of truth, most distinctly truth to the written word. All who read his words are changed. The fingerprint of envy would like to have this ‘power’ but it is granted to the pure in heart and the clear conscious, who are motivated by love.
People have tragically and passively allowed external authorities to misuse their power over us.  While the function of our government is to ‘protect and to serve’ it has burdened us with restrictions, policy, regulations, taxes and politics in the name of the ‘social good’ for so long, the American Immune System no longer recognizes an invader and cannot distinguish allies from enemies. This lack of distinction can cause extinction and we are watching it happen. Very few people used to discuss ‘politics’ now no matter where you are you will overhear a conversation about the condition of our government and our country.

Despair has brought people to their knees seeking solace in the Temple only to find false doctrines leaving them more confused and baffled by their teachings, intensifying the internal wrath and justifying ‘killing for God.’ Not noticed is the separation of church and state allowed a two-fold punch to the decline of this great country; while the state now disclaims its sovereign rule over morality, it has its own playground of immoral, unethical proceedings against the people they claim to serve.
If the President were to go on television and read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, how would he then proceed with all that is being said and done today?
We have the greatest hypocrisy of all time with the three- ring circus of politics, false religion and western medicine exerting its power over us and devaluing human life
The purpose of life is to live happily and prosper. The function of government is to provide the conditions for people to pursue happiness as is stated in our documents.
The people have the unalienable right to amend and restore the proper function of government and to restore the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Neo-Thinking, this new thinking is not new but was delivered two thousand years ago. The person bearing this message was murdered and many fear this form of treachery.
Laws are made for the lawless. For the honest person living life happily, what laws shall you erect against him? This is the effect of Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts in my life. I find things insufferable that I used to believe I had no power over. This is the lie. I no longer believe a lie, but I know the truth about many things. I am dedicated to it.
The Twelve Visions Party is already underway, by those who understand these things and the rights we have, are ready to exercise these rights, not just a American Citizens, but as living in this universe, in this galaxy, on this planet, as self guided, honest value creators for society and our families. No government has the function of stopping honest people from standing up for the truth and pursuing happiness,  If they do, they are the tyrant.
Any attacks on Mark Hamilton, whether verbal or otherwise is exhibiting discomfort of the truth and honest people. This is the main thing people need to see. For those of us who know Mark Hamilton well, as we have been personally mentored by him and have seen how this man operates, feel extremely honored and privileged to have had this extreme pleasure and opportunity. This goodwill has been very contagious and meeting other readers of his manuscripts has in many cases created bonds closer than with our own biological families as it is a place where our heart sings.
In a similar way that I would retaliate if anyone hurt my family, I feel sorry for the person who thinks of bringing any harm to Mark Hamilton, as there are many of us who understand the complexity of one who reveals truth and hidden agendas. Is this Country still by the people and for the people? We move in the knowledge that this is still the truth of our Nation.
In our neo-think society, we edify one another and rejoice in others successes. We work together in love and desire to teach the world the same because we see the church and the state have failed in doing so.
The truth needs no defense but we will defend it at all cost!
By Marlene H


Now that is a thought I do not want to think about. Since becoming a member of Neothink® in 2007, I have begun the most adventurous, exciting, positive, and wonderful journey I have had in my life to date. First let me share a little about myself.

My name is Cate, and I have been a single mother for many years. I never before knew how to have the “right” man in my life, I have always been hard working, yet was never happy or satisfied in what I was doing, needless to say I wanted more from life, yet could never figure out how to get what it was I wanted.

And then came Neothink®…since becoming a member and reading all of the multigenerational manuscripts (MGMs) I have been on a wonderful ride of prosperity. I have done things that I never before imagined! I have created a holiday that is celebrated by people from all over the globe! I have found my true love, a man I respect and love passionately! I own my own business and work from home, something I have always wanted to do, yet never knew how. I have met friends from all over the world, and have found them to be the most positive, and honest people I have ever known. My children are more secure and aware of how the world honestly works and are learning how to deal with situations effectively. In fact I am now able to home-school my children and provide them with an education that is based on honest fact, something that I am deeply grateful for!

In effect, Neothink® has helped to transform my life, from a life of worry and stagnation to a life filled with possibilities and promise that I can now teach to my children. Mark Hamilton has and always will have my deepest respect and love for what he is doing with his books and knowledge. Helping to set people free…to live lives they always knew we possible!

One last subject I want to discuss is the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). I am a proud member of this party and I am going to tell you why. For many years I have felt that there was something wrong with our country. Not necessarily with the people in general, but in how things were run. How is it that the government can run in debt? I cannot run my business that way. How is it that the people who make the laws are not subject to obey them? Aren’t we a country where all men and women are created equal? This is what I have read in the Constitution.
As with all things in life, when something is not working effectively, you have to look for another way. Now I have looked at other parties, and have never found the solutions that I thought would help our great country. Yet, what I found when reading the TVP, were common sense solutions. Not promises, solutions. This is what I think our country needs right now more than any thing…solutions.
The Prime Law Amendment is one example and has three parts.
The first part states no one has the right to use force, fraud or coercion against any person, group of persons or contract.
Well that makes perfect sense to me. I teach my boys everyday, to be honest, and not to fight or hurt each other. In fact we live but the motto: Treat others how you want to be treated. No one wants to be hurt. This is common sense to me. So what happens when someone comes after me? How do I defend myself?
The second part states that force is morally justified and legal for those who break rule #1.
Great! So when a burglar comes to my house and is going to attack my family I can defend my family without fear. As any parent I am sure knows, you come after my children, you are going to have to get through me first! Well what about all those terrorist people? What about them? And the companies who are more concerned with money than people? Well wouldn’t they be using force, fraud or coercion against others? Therefore, they would be in violation of rule #1. So we would have a moral obligation to defend ourselves and those companies and people would be held responsible. I am sure that once word got out that people were not going to tolerate that kind of behavior many companies and people would think twice before acting and solutions could be found peacefully. We could resolve these matters intelligently instead of wishing and hoping they would be resolved or ignoring them.
Now part 3 states that there are no exceptions of any kind. Period.
I love it! There are no excuses for hurting others. My dog was sick, I was having a bad day, I got up on the wrong side of the mattress, oopps…I didn’t mean to do that…none of that baloney would be able to be used. People would THINK before they acted. Now isn’t that what we all teach our children anyway? I know I do.

Now some people may say that third parties don’t work. Well of course they have not worked recently. None of them have offered the common sense solutions to make our country stronger like the TVP. And if you look back in history, third parties HAVE worked! How do you think our great country was founded in the first place?! By a small group of people who believed there was a better way! People who were willing to stake their lives on this belief! Not because they wanted to be martyrs, because they wanted a better life for their children and their children’s children.

I am proud to say that I am one of those few; I believe there is a better way! I would not be a good mother if I did not do everything in my power to help bring that better way into reality for my children and their children.
They deserve better than that. We all deserve better.

Go and look for yourself and see how you can help yourself and your family.


for information.

I’ll bet you’ll be glad you did!
I am!

With love and honesty,

Another Opportunity


How is it that once I started reading Mark Hamilton’s incredible Multigenerational Manuscripts that I have discovered literally hundreds of new opportunities!?!?! It’s like every where I look there is something new and exciting for me to learn more about or discover or participate in! The Neothink Society is absolutely amazing! Come and Play with us!

Yon Cole

Who would you help?


Another breakthrough moment today!

I just discovered another thing that I LOVE about the Neothink® Society and it’s incredible Business Alliance!

If you had a gift that you had to give to someone else and you had a choice of giving that gift to one of two people, who would you choose:
1) a person who would enjoy your gift a little, but then go about his or her life still stuck in a life of non-productive/non-creative stagnation, or
2) a person who is also making efforts to be a value creator, and who will take your gift and use it to expand his or her value creation.

It’s obvious, you offer your gift to #2! Because your gift is MORE VALUABLE that way! The benefits go out to more and more people! It is SO EXCITING to suddenly find myself surrounded by Neothink® Society Members who are all STRIVING to CREATE VALUES for themselves and others through honest efforts.

When I think of who I want to help the most, it is OBVIOUS who is going to get my best support -> those that are going to DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH IT!

I can see our values growing faster and faster! This is SO EXCITING!

Thank you Mark Hamilton for founding the Neothink Society, for introducing me to so many incredible people! for inspiring me to want to create value – and MORE than is paid for! And for writing the Multigenerational Manuscripts that have fueled this incredible rocket ride into success and friendship and prosperity that I see around me… and more and more everyday!


Thank You


When I first received Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational manuscripts, I sat and studied his books they are very inspiring, I could see the good v evil in people by the way they act, I have learned allot more about life than I could in school.
Mark thank you again.
Michelle Anderson.




Where does one begin when there is so much at stack. How does one define where he once was and where he is today. ”Well!” Where I was believe it or not. I was Lost and Broken. Lost because of drugs and the civilization I found myself surrounded by that was sucking the life out of me. Broken because my faith though fragile was destroyed because of all the Contradiction Confusion and Conflicts. ”But somehow!” And don’t ask me how! I knew that there has to be something better out there. How I did that I can’t tell you. What I can tell you is that one day I ask myself how do I except help from others when I didn’t know how to help myself. And don’t ask me how I figured this out either. “I just did!” But if I had to give you some idea I would have to say it is because of the knowledge that I’m absorbing. And this is what I figured out that it was time to start teaching myself how to start trusting, respecting and loving myself enough to actually help myself. And I’ll be the first to tell you it wasn’t easy. And once I did that somehow that amazing letter found me. As I read that amazing letter I find out who sent it to me. And he starts telling me about the founder which happens to be his Father. And it also told me to expect another and from there. Came the Big Black Manuscripts. And shortly after reading the first manuscript I found out that we lost Dr. MARK HAMILTON’S FATHER. And the feeling of hurt came over me with the thought of never having a chance to ever meet him! ”EVER!” But I knew we lost a fellow solider that was carrying the flag of our dreams! And now he is gone! Now I’m thinking who is going to pick up that flag and continue carrying it forward. “I want to say me!” “Let me!” But I know there is someone with more knowledge then me who should pick it up. But at the same time if the person who has more knowledge then me asked me to carry it because he has more pressing issues to take care of. I would grab that flag and carry it forward till they take my legs out from under me and no matter what so long as I can still breath I’ll find the courage somehow and crawl on my hands and hips if I had to. So as I continued reading the three manuscripts! I continued learning new things and one of many things that you learn about is there is a new way of thinking. And then somehow like someone or something plucked out of the clear blue sky. “This whirling machine!” “And someone setit on vortex! ”Your mind begin to spin in a way that will astound you. And that is a great thing!!! Because you realize your new way of thinking is NEOTHINKING. Your mind starts telling your body to move and do something towards your forward movement. Then again you realize there are two reason why you have become the person you knew was there when you was young and that you thought you had lost long ago. Those two reason are DR.MARK HAMILTON’S FATHER and Mr. MH. Between the two and their literature has turned me into the beginning person I was longing to be and knowing now I will soon be the person I was always meant to be. And the feeling you get. The feeling of I can be what ever and who ever I want to be! IS AN AMAZING FEELING!
My self leader came rushing back after being stuffed into this AC and the drugs and lies from years past. And now I can proudly tell you! That is not who I am today. Because of Dr. MARK HAMILTON’S FATHER and Mr. MH
the NTS and now the TVP. I AM A BETTER MAN TODAY! AGAIN I CAN TELL YOU PROUDLY I’M NEITHER LOST OR BROKEN. O! yea! About the NTS and TVP these are two more thing you will learn about.
And when you do you will jump into these areas with both feet! And it doesn’t end there. Which bring me to say this it is time to stop playing the ostrich thing we need to get our heads out of the sand like never before. We are being robbed
I mean they are putting their hands deep into our pockets taken all we have and what belongs to our future siblings. And leaving us with the feeling that it is taxes they are taken. And let me tell you this! I’m tired of Career Politician taken our money and giving it to the illegal immigrants. I’m tired of learning that those illegal immigrants make more money then the average American worker just by staying home making baby’s!!! “Can you believe that!!!” We need to vote them out of office and I mean all of the Career Politicians the ones that are incumbents. It doesn’t matter who you vote for just don’t vote for either party’s The republicans or demarcates. So get you head out of the sand and vote for anybody that is not a republicans Or demarcates. Hopefully we will have someone from the TVP who we can vote for in 2012. MORE POWER TO THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY NTS AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST TVP
WE NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Twelve Visions World


Reading the three Manuscripts by Mark Hamilton has changed my life. My child of the past was awakened and I am anxiously awaiting the Twelve Visions World.

Only through the Twelve Visions Party, founded by Mark Hamilton, can this be possible. Dishonest career politicians will be silenced, Big Government will be taken down. It will be replaced by a Protection-Only Government guided by the flawless Prime Law.

In the Twelve Visions World, everybody will become rich, including the poor. We will all have productive jobs following our Friday-Night Essences. We will all live longer, Healthier, and happier lives.

Peace be with you.

Jill S

March 2025