Posts Tagged ‘mankind’

The Neothink literature has come to stay

The Neothink literature has come to stay, since exposed to Neothink my life has been transformed to exhilaration and hopeful, mankind should come and see and experience the light, we are happy with Neothink system.

I just want to say that Mark Hamilton "and friends" are …

I just want to say that Mark Hamilton “and friends” are among the rare, few human beings on planet earth that actually value humanity and the survival of mankind above all else. The “controllers” feel threatened and the “slaves” are waking up, thanks to Neothink.

The Neothink literature has come to stay …

The Neothink literature has come to stay, since exposed to Neothink my life has been transformed to exhilaration and hopeful, mankind should come and see and experience the light, we are happy with Neothink system.

I have read Marks' books and I believe he's a visionary …

Hi, Mark

My name is Ralph C., I’m an apprentice, I have read Marks’ books and I believe he’s a visionary and has a system that can benefit all of mankind.

I believe Mark has a big heart and just wants all the population of the world to have great wealth and good health and romantic relationships for everyone.

The information I have received from Marks’ Neothink books has enriched my life to a higher level than I’ve ever been. I can now see through the illusions to the essence

of what is.

Since being involved in the Neothink Society, my outlook on life has changed

Since being involved in the Neothink Society, my outlook on life has changed considerably to the positive and my belief in the goodness of mankind has been restored.

The Neothink Society has meant so much to me ever since I became aware…

The Neothink Society has meant so much to me ever since I became aware and a part of this wonderful and life changing organization. The Neothink Society has been a place where I know I can come and discuss with other lifelong members anything that is going on in my life as well as theirs and all of us can help everyone become the real persons we were meant to be. All of this has been possible through the years of work by many people including Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton is a person who not only cares about himself and helping others, but also makes sure that living a magnificent, euphoric and stimulating life is possible for anyone seeks to have all his or her deepest dreams come true.

The Neothink Secrets from The Neothink Society are what really explains what life is all about and how anyone can be very successful in all areas of life by simply learning and integrating the concepts and applying them each and every day for grand results. The Neothink Society is a place where people from all around the world can come together and realize that there is much more to life than what we can see and in order to get all we want out of life we have to come together and help one another to make the Civilization of the Universe on Earth finally be a part of everyone. That I know will be great for all mankind throughout the entire universe forever.

How can the Twelve Visions Party make all the people RICH?
The simple act of protection.
When the Twelve Visions Party President moves into the White House he or she will do exactly that.
By creating a Protection Only Budget, finances will be stabilized and improve rapidly.

By Amending The Prime Law to our U.S. Constitution, forced taxes will no longer exist or be needed.

By Protecting each individual and their value creations, the economy will soar to new heights and prices will drop to new lows.

By deregulating every industry, and eliminating arbitrary and needless laws which restrict progress and have nothing to do with protecting the business or the consumer, business will expand, jobs will once again be plentiful, investment money will be available without excessive interest, and the people will thrive.

By ending the Rule of Man and allowing the Prime Law of no initiatory force to Rule Man, it will naturally bring about Launching the Wealth of Mankind.

Can a simple Law make all the
people Rich?

When you understand it, you will have total certainty, as I do, that, yes, indeed it definitely will.
It will bring
Wealth, exceptional good Health, and Peace into all our lives.
So, What are we waiting for America?
I am sick and tired of being Poor, as I am sure you are also.

Vote in a TVP President in 2012 so we can all be Rich and Happy as we were meant to be.

My take on Mark Hamilton is that …

Hello Mark,
I was very fortunate to have responded to a letter, send by the late Dr. F. W., in the late 1980s. I, then, was exposed to some of the discoveries this brilliant man made and published. I admit that some of the materials went over my head . Back then, I did not have the discipline and the knowledge that I have now possessed. I see things in a very different perspective now. Also, my priorities have shifted as I learned about how this world really operates.
Perhaps the general public is just not aware , because of having been purposely “dummd down” by the poor public education system, or people just do not care much past there own instant gratification needs, or simply because they live in a world where they are never exposed to information that is truly shocking, or have no thirst for knowledge, or expanding their purpose for a better life for mankind in this cursed creation.
My take on Mark Hamilton is that , finally, here is someone willing to do something good about interrupting the way innocent people are being manipulated, exploited, lied to and who knows what else by the media and the people who control them and everything else on the planet. So for the sake of a better future for ourselves and the rest of mankind, use your discernment skills a bit, and do your homework. Stand up and take a stand with Mr. Mark Hamilton while it is still possible. Do not believe everything you are being fed by the infected media. The truth shall set us free. Seek and you shall find.
Régis S.

The writings of an author named Mark Hamilton

To Whomever is reading this testimonial of mine I would like to thank you for taking the time to hear my words and understand how Neothink has changed my life. First I would like to begin by saying that for most of my life I have been searching for the truth and for what my purpose is for being in this world, I always knew that there must be more and I found it thru the writings of an author named Mark Hamilton. His knowledge and deep understanding has helped me to see the world in a different way because of the way I feel from within myself. I realized that I had the power to control my life and not blame others or circumstances for my failures, it gave me confidence and helped me understand why the world is the way it is and that all of mankind has the power to change their lives and live the life they were meant to live and to bring value to society and the world. Since this discovery my whole life has changed for the better, in every aspect of it, from my marriage to my finances and to being a good father to my son. I wake up every day now with a smile on my face and looking forward to going out and talking to people and helping them realize their potential, it gives me great joy in knowing that I’m doing something worthwhile and not expecting something in return for it, wealth comes to a man who gives more to others than he takes from. Creating a better world for all mankind is what I want to do and meeting other like-minded people who share this feeling is what Neo-Think is all about, helping people realize that no matter what the ruling class of people try to keep you from knowing so they can have power over you and keep you from taking their power away from them want you to think. They will do whatever they can to create illusions to discredit people who are trying to help others and change the world for the better. Do not be fooled by their deceit, it is what they will do to keep mankind from realizing that they have the power to control their lives and be free and happy because they now know that no one can tell them how to live, and that they alone have the ability to be whatever is in their hearts, and to create values for others which is the purpose of human beings TO CREATE! I hope you will think about this when you hear that Mark and his writings and the people who are with him and believe in this goal to really make the kind of changes with honesty and integrity that the masses deserve will look and see them for what they are. I hope you too will find the child within you to read this knowledge and see for yourself that it is good and will lead you to freedom from all the negativity in the world. Together we can change the world and make it the kind of place we all desire. With Love and Honesty.
Jeff C

Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature sparked my spirit

When I received my letters to join Neothink Society, I had no idea of the Neothink Society.
I am a free thinker and when I joined Neothink Society it was wonderful to find other free
thinkers. Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature sparked my spirit.
I enjoy the Neothink literature. I feel myself becoming my own person. I started my life over and my life is right on course now!
For the United States to be the greatest country in the world again, we need to let all our people be free thinkers, become their own persons; become millionaires with the
Twelve Visions Party paving our way; for government to be protection only; government
allowing all people to grow, think freely, thus our economy grows and all people prosper, even the poor. All peoples move forward and live full and abundant lives!
I have moved forward in my life, confident of what the future holds for me and all mankind knowing of the Twelve Visions Party. The Twelve Visions Party is the political party of now and the future.
It is the political party of the people, for the people; allows all people to be free thinkers and gives us back all our freedoms; that have been taken from all citizens of the world!
I an happy to be a free thinker and I have never lost my vision of helping others be free thinkers.

February 2025