Posts Tagged ‘man made laws’

It is called Neothink and a new freedom arises.

Having lived in a very small community as a child of ten in Texas, I believe that everyone went to a church on Sunday morning and there many churches, all Protestant. Our Catholic church was about 25 miles away, so we didn’t go every Sunday. I was always with a friend and so I’d visit their church. I remember so vividly thinking one day, “Much of what is said are ‘Man Made Laws!’ We are conditioned to believe the way of the church of choice and so therefore, as in the Catholic church, it was not ‘allowed’ to attend another church. People followed the ‘law’ and judged how others ‘lived.’ Can people agree on the meaning of Bible verses? No.
Today, I was visualizing each church as a ‘box’. It did take me 3 decades to realize that I had fallen into a ‘box’ ,,,,, my home and how they lived and their rules and their MISTAKES … I knew that there was a Large Power that I had access to and I ‘went’ there often in my mind.
What I have learned … very recently, IS that I still didn’t have the full understanding. I would go in my mind and heart, but looking for God to give me the solution of the moment. Today, I am looking in my mind because I am not helpless, I HAVE the solution!
It is called Neothink and a new freedom arises.

Mark Hamilton – Thank You!

I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society. It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life! I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.
I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life. The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives, guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal, to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow. I began to take an interest in life around me. I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning. Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party. I had never and I mean NEVER had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved. By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is. I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow. They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with: Thought – first, Discipline – conscious actions, Control – of conscious actions. Now the most wonderful thing! The TVP and the Prime Law.
The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man-made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert! There are no criminally minded people. There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says” no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society. This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences. Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.
My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated. Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles. The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence. My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others. Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Twelve Visions World today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O

My intergrations from Mark Hamilton’s work


If we are to effect the positive changes to society through the twelve visions of the Twelve Visions Party and Neothink as first envisioned by Mark Hamilton some changes in attitude of society need to be addressed first.
Getting to the essence of Neothink’s open ended philosophy we find that the common denominator is “Do no harm to individual conscience life”
How do we accomplish this? Through wide scope accounting. In other words, by considering all possibilities with a dedication to honesty and reality.
What does that mean exactly? And how does it relate?
It is our wish to get government out of our face, eliminate man made laws therefore allowing business and science to flourish on its own through honest competition. The ultimate objective here is to create lasting values for ourselves and others.
We cannot accomplish this without a dedication to honesty, something society has lost touch with. We can site many examples. Government corruption, religious fanaticism, pharmaceutical companies creating dangerous drugs that ultimately kill us, food industries compromising all nutrition in our foods in the name of profit and a general lack of concern for their customers health.
Much of this is just plain greed and ignorance. Everyone’s just living to die, so why not get as much as you can now and worry about the consequences later. We will never reach any kind of Happiness, good health and potential immortality that way.
We all must start considering all possibilities, dedicate ourselves to honest integrated thought and do a major reality check here.
We must emphasize the absolute need to bring back the love and honesty America once had, Religions have not done this, governments have not done this. So why should business and science do this.
To be happy. That’s why. Remember? The purpose of conscience life is to be happy and create values for ourselves and others.
Through the twelve visions we must STIMULATE societies all over the world to become dedicated to honesty and reality and to consider all possibilities with love for all conscience human life. The most precious thing in our universe.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for helping me bring all this together. I will be writing a book called, of all things, Wide Scope Accounting.
Carl T Johnson


I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society.  It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life!  I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.
I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life.  The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives.  Guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal–to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow.  I began to take an interest in life around me.  I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning.  Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party.  I had never and I mean Never had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved.  By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is.  I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow.  They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with:  Thought – first,  Discipline – conscious actions,  Control – of conscious actions.  Now the most wonderful thing!  The TVP and the Prime Law.
The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert!  There are no criminally minded people.  There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says”no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society.  This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences.  Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.
My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated.  Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles.  The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence.  My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others.  Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Twelve Visions World today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O


I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society.  It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life!  I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.
I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life.  The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives.  Guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal–to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow.  I began to take an interest in life around me.  I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning.  Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party.  I had never and I mean Never had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved.  By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is.  I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow.  They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with:  Thought – first,  Discipline – conscious actions,  Control – of conscious actions.  Now the most wonderful thing!  The TVP and the Prime Law.
The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert!  There are no criminally minded people.  There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says”no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society.  This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences.  Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.
My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated.  Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles.  The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence.  My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others.  Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Twelve Visions World today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O


I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society.  It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life!  I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.
I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life.  The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives.  Guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal–to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow.  I began to take an interest in life around me.  I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning.  Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party.  I had never and I mean Never had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved.  By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is.  I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow.  They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with:  Thought – first,  Discipline – conscious actions,  Control – of conscious actions.  Now the most wonderful thing!  The TVP and the Prime Law.
The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert!  There are no criminally minded people.  There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says”no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society.  This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences.  Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.
My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated.  Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles.  The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence.  My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others.  Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Twelve Visions World today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O

To Mark Hamilton

Hello.  I didn’t send out my testimonial because I have a difficult time expressing, in a good structure.  For 30 years I have had a great time with the puzzle of my life … I’ve studied everything and attended anything where I could learn something.  I was probably 11 years old when I discovered that Religion was about ‘man made laws.’  I had attended my friends churches in a very small town in Texas and actually came up with that knowing .. and here it is … Your manuscripts confirmed what I knew at a young age … something I never/couldn’t repeat to anyone.  As a matter of fact, I found the manuscripts to be so profound that I would say “What the heck is this I’m reading?”  I had a hard time getting past the idea (in the beginning) when, I believed that maybe it was about being an atheist.  I just couldn’t put it down … and then, at some point, I reconnected and would have this eternal excitement.

I am not at the point that I want to be financially, I’d lost everything in the early 90’s recession and am now 65 and have an apt. attached to my son’s home.  However, I’ve had many wins.

Is there anyone there who could help me out if I put something together?  I have a file called “This is Me” … It shows that I had come from a very oppressed person to becoming an independent thinker.  Actually, I’ve had such a wonderful journey and I’d thought that maybe at some point I would have someone help write my book.

I found books of truth when I became involved in the society.  In fact, I’d missed out on more of it because of the job I had which kept me away from the opportunity to be near a computer.  I am at a point where I need to meet society members and get more involved.

I have bunches of words to say, I just don’t know the structure.  I need help and I’d be happy to give you a testimonial.

It IS what we need to survive!


Mark Hamilton – Thank You!

I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society.  It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life!  I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.

I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life.  The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives, guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal, to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow.  I began to take an interest in life around me.  I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning.  Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party.  I had never and I mean NEVER had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved.  By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is.  I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow.  They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with:  Thought – first,  Discipline – conscious actions,  Control – of conscious actions.  Now the most wonderful thing!  The TVP and the Prime Law.

The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man-made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert!  There are no criminally minded people.  There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says” no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society.  This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences.  Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.

My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated.  Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles.  The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence.  My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others.  Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Civilization of the Universe today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O


March 2025