Posts Tagged ‘man kind’

I am honored to be a Neothink member since 2003 …

I am honored to be a Neothink member since 2003 and my my life has made a 90 degree turn for the better and good health. Since I became a member my life has completely embarked on a journey of joy, prosperity and good health. On this journey of happiness and prosperity with the Neothink Society I have discovered that you can be and do anything that you wish such as health, happiness, wealth, love, compassion for others, and on understanding others.

I have learned through the reading of the literature to see what is and what is not, I have learned to become wiser, I have learned to take full responsibility for myself and my family, and I have learned to be a service to those in need and care for those that are needed. I have learned by reading the literature, that the Neothink Society is the evolution of man kind mentality, it will take the person to have full responsibility for himself and his actions. Once a person study the literature and keep reading the literature, his/her life will never be the same meaning that you will have dynamic health, wealth, success,

Once I became a Neothink member I became like a superman…

Dear Mark Hamilton:
Since I became a Neothink member in March 2003 my life is so deference now, open my own business and became a self-leader been on my own boss and making money i could never made it without your literature and you been my mentor…..
I feel so thankful to you and the great Dr. F. R. W. I feel so lucky to have you is my mentor, my heart in my spirit it is taking a journey of the most greatest historical moment in my life with the Twelve Vision Party.
The Twelve Vision Party is the man kind evolution to everlasting riches, health, happiness and live for thousand of year or fever it is the party of of pure honesty wish everyone will be rich including the poor and poverty will cease to exit .
Once I became a Neothink Society member I became like a superman I could feel and see the future and read people mind and action, I know who could I trust or keep around me……….
I feel so happy and exited on this great journey with The Twelve Vision Party knowing that we going to live in world of love and peace we most act now and save our world, and we most move on with the twelve vision party to take us to the future to the Neothink mentality……
Mark: thank you for been my mentor

Since I became a Neothink member in March 2003 my life is so different now

Dear Mark Hamilton
Since I became a Neothink member in March 2003 my life is so different now, open my own business and became a self-leader been on my own boss and making money i could never made it without your literature and you been mentor…..
I feel so thankful to you and the great Dr. Frank R. W. I feel so lucky to have you is my mentor, my heart in my spirit it is taking a journey of the most greatest historical moment in my life with Twelve Vision Party.
The Twelve Vision Party is the man kind evolution to everlasting riches, health, happiness and live for thousand of year or fever it is the party of of pure honesty wish everyone will be rich including the poor and poverty will cease to exit .
Once I became a Neothink member I became like a superman i could feel and see the future and read people mind and action, I know who could i trust or keep around me……….
I feel so happy and exited on this great journey with The Twelve Vision Party knowing that we going to live in world of love and peace we most act now and save our world, and we most move on with the twelve vision party to take us to the future to the neo-think mentality……
Mark Hamilton: thank you for been my mentor

I thank Mark Hamilton for bringing many things to light.

I wanted to take the time to reflect on what Neothink has meant for me for the several years I have been participating in the knowledge, techniques, and passion of others and a fresh new way of thinking. It really is not a new way of thinking when you read about the history of mankind. I think about people often saying they wish they could live in simpler times and that is just what these methods of thinking for yourself will do for you. You are reminded to think for yourself again, question the politician who do not contribute to society, except adding more and more laws that hurt the businesses, stall progress, hurt the economy by adding more red tape, wasting trees, bickering like kids and doing favorites for their rich constituents those who pull their purse strings. They have forgotten the little guy and the real creators, the businesses. The truth is we don’t need them, they need us to pay them for nothing off of the taxes we earn and while they contribute nothing to human man kind. To rid government of every agency except defense would alleviate our deficits, end big taxation and the many inundated laws that stall new inventions, much needed health cures. Free of all taxes and bureaucrats medicine would be sold cheaper and the economy would rapidly sore ahead. Our income would increase and everyone’s standard of living would rise like it never has before. You would feel the best you ever had because all the nonsense would be gone. Everyone is free to create good for others and raise your income as high as you want without politicians telling you how to spend your hard earned income. Think of the computer age that rapidly made it into the majority of homes, enriching your lifestyle and the cost getting lower and lower. Then when the government got hold of the computer industry with laws and lawsuits it slowed down growth. Imagine if we once and for all got rid of the red tape and only funded protection how simpler life would be for us all. We would end the democratic and republican party. the defense would be privately operating making it more efficient without big budgets and wasteful spending. The U.S. a leader in the world once again. The politicians give us war with other countries instead of peace for all man kind. Added to this the religious denominations that have always controlled the world so that they control you and how you think in a mystical god. Come on folks we need to wake up and put our passion into helping all man kind. Following good wholesome principals such as love your neighbor as you would yourself, do not hurt others and protect everyone. If we are left to think for ourselves for a change, all homelessness, mental illness, and mistreatment of others would drastically reduced because we would not be relying on the government to solve our problems. We would truly be a free world. I have worked with the miniday schedule and it really works. My only weakness part of human nature, part of the world we live in, is that I do not constantly day in day out follow through on my objectives. I thank Mark Hamilton for bringing many things to light. This is no cult, no religion, no branch of government, but only putting you back into the driving seat of your life and your families and making you a much more happier, richer, and passionate person for life and others. I truly believe this is the answer we have all been waiting for searching our lives for.
I once again, starting dreaming of the good things I would like to contribute to this world and government and bias religious sects out of the way the only person stopping my progress is me. I hope that whoever reads this will come away with some grain of hope, desire and love for all mankind.

get on board with Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton, my name is Daniel E., a member of the Secret Society I’ve been searching for a better world hoping to find it. Mark found me, I’m a apprentice with him, I think this 12 Party Visions is the answer to the world problems. Mark Hamilton is truly a great and smart man. The 12 Party Visions is what Mark seen in his mind, trying too bring this in the world of today. Which will help human mankind everywhere. If anyone has read Miss Anna Belle story, or gets the chance to should do so, for this is what he is trying to accomplish for all man kind. His plan is to do away with crooked government, politicians, and start one. People listen to me now is the time for change, get on board with Mark Hamilton, to create a new world for all. People spread the word .
Prior to receiving any of the Neothink materials, I had almost hit rock bottom. I think that almost everyone can identify with the feelings of helplessness that I was experiencing during that period of my life. However, when I received Mark Hamilton’s information pamphlet in the mail it was as if someone out there knew how badly I was hurting and wanted to help. After merely skimming his reading materials, I felt as if the answer to my hopes and desires was physically there in my lap. After just a short time, I knew that Mark Hamilton and his school of thought had changed my life. In just a few days the relationships with my family and friends had improves and it seemed that professionally things were starting to go my way. Whenever I feel that I have lost sight of the values of Mark Hamilton and his establishment, it appears that my lifestyle and my mindset begin to spiral downward. Yet, as I re-read the books and materials that I possess I realize how easy it is to get my life back on track. Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party, I can safely say that I have avoided going down the wrong road in my life. He and the Twelve Visions Party saved me from an existence fueled by fleeting gratification, financial instability and detrimental relationships. It is due wholly to Mr. Hamilton and his insights that I can look in the mirror on a daily basis and unwaveringly love the person I have become.

I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for all you have done

To the Neothink Society
I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for all you have done and are doing to make man kind better. I believe that twelve vision party the tvp will make life better and more successful in life than ever before…the way it was suppose to be from the beginning.
thank you Mark for being the business minded genius you sure are.

Mr. Mark Hamilton is a creative, decent…


To Whom It May Concern:

Mr. Mark Hamilton is a creative, decent, hard working man dedicated to LIFE, Love and Liberty.   Mr. Hamilton has deeply held convictions about life, work, health, and man (kind)’s innate desire for happiness and freedom.   Mr. Hamilton has explored, discovered and divulged new knowledge, the roots of knowledge, of how you can build yourself, your body and your mind, to master your own life.  You are not dependent on any gov’t or any other person, if you so choose, and Mark Hamilton, through his masterful writings, has laid this path clear for you.

Do not believe those who try to deceive you.   Do not allow innuendo and rumor from the media, or the machinations of a coercive gov’t, to cloud your judgment about the real truths espoused by true Patriots, whether America’s Founding Fathers, or Mark Hamilton.    Do not allow any apparatchik or flunky to persuade you that Individual Freedom, and the exercise of that Freedom, is not the basis of true Freedom guaranteed by America’s founding documents.   Do not besmirch true Patriots, such as Mark Hamilton.   There are precious few Thinking Individuals today who will defend YOUR Rights and Freedoms from Politicians.

Because Thinking Individuals, such as Mark Hamilton, knows his own mind, as America’s Founding Fathers knew theirs’, You must realize that your own inalienable rights are bestowed on you, not by man, nor gov’t, but by Creation.    Celebrate Creation and Life, reject Death and Coercion.


John M

Positive Changes


Dear Mark Hamliton

I just want to thank Mark Hamilton for being in my life. Mark Hamilton’s books have been a life saver for me. Over the last several months I have made so many positive changes. I have learned to be a self leader and my mind grows stronger everyday. I talk to everybody about Mark Hamilton’s books and changes I have made in my life.

Confusion, dishonesty, depression, was running rampant in my life as a man, but I understand why and how to change myself, because of Mark Hamilton’s books. The power of neothink is a great way of thinking to save man kind and all of humanity.

Mystical Governments is tearing our world apart. Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and Twelve Vision Party has a very good approach to help all of humanity to move toward honesty, integrity, a good positive attitude, wealth, health, and peace.

Integrared Honesty


Mark Hamilton, (a peace loving man) has taught us to look at all of the rational facts for ourselves, by doing our own research on what he has to say, in the ways of honesty integrations. Now, when new information is discovered and accepted about facts, facts will change of society. For there is only one perfect law (rational integrated honesty/Prime Law) in the universe, and that is everything must change. The principles of integrated rational facts will help you to discover what ‘IS’. So, know what the facts are before accepting an illusion of lies from the media and others, about Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton, has demonstrated his love for those that have made him their enemy, by sharing the Prime Law of love to all of society.

Soon, there will come a time that those (value destroyers) that produce every little value in society, if any, will want to stop Mark Hamilton, from bring the honesty mentality to the public, because of the threat to their dishonest earning and unearned power off of the USA public and the world, with their illusions. They will try to prosecute him to destroy his honest works to the world, with their dishonest media and by other means, as they did prosecute Jesus over two thousand years ago. Honesty needs no defense!

Since being exposed to the Neo-think Society principles (for over twenty years) and the Twelve Vision Party, as mentored by Mark Hamilton, I have been able to live the principles in my life, as a responsible self-leader, the life I was meant to live, with integrated honesty.

Blessed is Mark Hamilton, for helping so many to know live as it should be lived. All of the principles from Neo-Think, which I have applied in my living, has bought out the unique genius we all can process from inside us, and not the genius of the status quo. The genius that I discovered within me (with honesty integration), helps me to create and produce great values for all of man kind.

In my Neo-Think studies, I found that there are two mentalities (encouraged by philosophies), honesty and dishonesty, evolving in the world today. We live by the principles of our accepted philosophy. The most noted philosophers are Plato and Aristotle, for over the last twenty-five hundred years.

The Platonian philosophy decreased the value of all conscious being here on earth to day, which led to valve destruction in these times that we all live. His philosophy takes away the individuals rights, which sets in place external authorities, a ruling class, the elites, and value destruction. The core meaning of his philosophy, means altruism, the cause justifies the means. Sacrifice of the cause! Whether if it means giving up your life, rights, property or taxes. The Platonian Philosophy (mentality) gives you happiness after your death.

The Aristotle philosophy: the coming mentality to society today, stresses the individual’s rights, because when the individual right is protected, all rights are protected. He also defines that the conscious human being is the most precious value in the universe, and that not even one should have to sacrifice any of his values other than by choice. This philosophy, also defines that an individual has the right to create and produce his own values for himself and others through business, without initiatory forced, fraud, or coercion. Aristotle’s Philosophy: says creation own values of happiness during your live.

Mark Hamilton, has discovered the missing piece to bring this new mentality to fruition, through his Twelve Visions. He found that flawed man can’t be trusted with implementing the universal law with honest integrations; therefore, man must be under a signed contract, which will manage him, instead of him manage it.

Mark Hamilton, has created and produced most value in society with his Twelve Visions Plan, than any man or woman that has ever lived on planet earth. To those that are reading my testimonial, please join with Mark Hamilton and the Neo-Think Society, so that we can eradicate suffering, poverty, crime and war from our planet.

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Otto Beasley

Since I got my first invitation to the Neothink Society


hello this is Sean McL.  Since I got my first invitation to the Neothink Society I learned more things that are beyond normal school education it gave me a little more hope for the future and more enthusiasm of what can be if the rules of the twelve visions party actually passed it changed my life mentally more than anything still have more learning and reading to do the information in the three heirloom books teaches you a lot how to be independent and be your own self leader including the conference calls that I attend everyday helps me gain more clarity of the movement and I do appreciate the members on the call that bring there integrations to the table listening to the calls give me more intelligence and vigor to keep doing my FNE which is music when I first got the letter i was a little scared but the only thing i was scared of was leaving my comfort Zone and learning something incredibly new it also teaches honesty and respect and how to keep healthy and live longer for all man kind which should be practiced daily but is not especially in the ac it helped my speech become more effective and help emptied some of the mysticism that i was carrying around thank you mark Hamilton for introducing me to the Neothink society and thank you to all the members thank you very much

March 2025