Posts Tagged ‘loyalty’

Constant Joy

The World of Neothink, being built by Mark Hamilton, and other healthy mind people who have begun to integrate factual reality into each of their lives, stands as a testament to what can be achieved by anyone who wants to apply, loyalty, honesty and persistent integrated effort toward achieving a value-filled goal.

Liz S


Mark, it has been a while since I’ve written anything of substance but I believe this piece turned out well.  Let me know if it needs tweaking, additions, deletions, or corrections anywhere.  I have also been somewhat out of the loop, so be sure I have my facts straight; I have tried to keep it pretty general for that reason.  If it is ready-to-go, please feel free to post it anywhere and in as many places you desire when the time is right; my own access and knowledge in doing so is limited.  Regardless, the below testimonial might move Christ to rise and wave the flag and for shit sake – the last paragraph made me cry!  LOL….
I feel I owe you my loyalty and after this testimonial sir, whether on the beaches or on the snow-capped mountains, you shall owe me one damn good pina colada….
 Very Truly Yours, Liz S

Subject: my testomonial of what the Neothink society has done for me.

listen, when I was first invited into the Neothink society., ( 4 years ago ) I was looking for away to educate myself and create a better life for me and my family., You see, I do not have a high school diploma and was charge with crimes that I did not commit., Today I am an unemployed paratransist driver trying to create a income for me and my family., I cannot get a job nowhere because of my record, basically I was banned from the anticivilization., The ( Neothink Society and The Twelve Vision Party ) is the best Knowledge I ever came across it ( Set me Free ) in so many ways that you cant even imagined., Unless you my friend took the journey to ( FREEDOM OF THE MIND ) and come in contact with a ( LOYALTY TO HONESTY ) from this point everything in your world gets put back on the right track., If an only if you have and ( OPEN MIND ) ( YOU WILL EXPERIENCE HEAVEN ON EARTH )., TO BE TOTALLY HONEST WITH YOU I LOVE THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY AND THE KNOWLEDGE I HAVE RECEIVE., SO WILL YOU


March 2025