Posts Tagged ‘lot’

Mark Hamilton is a good person

Hi my name is Abdul Scott and i would like to say Mark Hamilton is a good person. I have had a great time with Neothink since i joined 7 yrs ago. I have learned a lot from Neothink and everything that was said was going to happen came true.

Neothink has taught Me a lot

Neothink has taught Me a lot and I will learn a lot more as I progress in it The way I see it the Twelve Visions Party is the only thing that will set the country right again and I’m proud to be part of wish I had more time to spend in it Ben Heddendorp

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart


Hello Mark,

I just want to start off by saying THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.  I feel blessed to be a part of the Neothink Society and the TVP. I am so glad that I live in the greatest Country in the world, The United States of America, where Freedom of Speech is the greatest and most powerful right that we possess, and that same right gave you the power to write down and publish your thoughts and views so that anyone if they choose to can read them and learn how you feel and what you think about any subject. That is just amazing to me, when you stop and think about how many other people around the world don’t have this as a basic right.  
And In this day and age where it is very hard to trust, where lies and half truths come spewing from sources that we should be able to trust, and should be protecting us, we soon find out just the opposite. So who do you listen to? I say listen to your heart, listen to yourself. Listen to and read everything you can get your hands on, and when you start to get the whole story or the complete information, things become a lot easier to figure out.
With the information I have received from Neothink I feel a little safer and happier knowing that there are people out there with other plans, and that there might be a chance for some POSITIVE Hope and Change in the future instead of the hope and change that is going on right now, you know the hope and change where The Media lies to us and the Government spends the Nation into a 3rd World Country. They are really going to screw us if we don’t do something quick.
Sorry about the rant. I just wanted to say that I have learned a lot from this information and it is a definite eye opening experience, and I am very glad that I was lucky enough to stumble across this information and be able to be a part of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.

Thank you for believing in me and sharing with me this amazing information.
I am truly Grateful.

Jason F.

Mark Hamilton when he started actualizing…


Hello Mark

I want to mention here how’s my journey with Neothink and Twelve  Visions Party.  Before I do that I really want thank the author  and founder of these integrated honest societies.

Mark Hamilton when he started actualizing the Hamilton’s world thru these noble societies, he meant it for all mankind, he sacrificed a lot of his efforts and assets to achieve the awareness of mankind and my involvement with Neothink and TVP is making me who I’m today ,I’m  almost living the life I meant to live and living the child of the past, I can say that I’m playing to make living, truly these are the most missing things in our lives .

And for you out there, don’t take my words, get involve ,read Mark Hamilton’s  lecturers  ,start seeing beyond the created illusions     ,start living the  life you meant to live ,like millions of people who’re finding their child of the past ,who’re making living playing .

I can tell you this the findings by reading Mark’s lecturers are limitless, after all we’re in the Neothink and TVP Society living the Hamilton’s world.

Thank you Mark for fathering us.


Mark Hamilton he is A genius Person

I can not describe this man completely ,
He is very intelligent and even more intelligent, He is a genius really He is a genius for his great works and new ideas and evolving the new style of thinking Named neo-think, I can not emphasize enough this man right no matter How I expressed to him about
my gratitude.
Because he is a really wonderful person
Mark has discovered a lot of people And I was one of those And I have discovered in myself a lot of things after I read what was written by Mark Hamilton it is changed my mind and my mental And made me discover myself more and more And using the force inherent in the mind better , Thanks to what I have read from the works of Mark Hamilton on Neo-think tools .
Now my life has become better and go down to the best After I got rid of the mental limitations by assistance of Mark Hamilton.
Thanks God First, and I am grateful to you and very grateful to you Mr. Mark Hamilton that you given me your wonderful books, your wonderful Neo think world.

Mark Hamilton has helped me a great deal


Hello, this is Kaalo Aand. Mark Hamilton has helped me a great deal. I think he is great and would like to see him continue his work through TVP. His business has given me alot of support and I appreciate it so much.  I just hope every one might want to reconsider alot before they attack Mark Hamiton because his business brings great value to alot of people including me.  I and a lot of other people do not want to see his hard work be destroyed. 

Thank you,

Kaalo A

Mark Hamilton literature is very useful and it focuses mainly on my own life


My name is Henry L  and I am real and a very honest man. I can be a  very skeptical man but I have strong faith and beliefs of things, information and methods that this world has to offer. I am taking my time to write this to express my pure honesty on how I feel about the Twelve Vision Party created by Mark Hamilton on what it means to me. 

Mark Hamilton literature is very useful and it focuses mainly on my own life and what I can do for me if I allow to think about it honestly, clear, and right. It help me to improve my life to what I am meant to be and showed me how valuable I really am to this world. It touches me deeply because it makes sense and it really works as long as you apply your mind and time into it. It is no scam and it is very original  and basic information. It also gives you a chance to me your own leader and think for yourself and do for yourself. This Will cause you to create values to make this world the place it is suppose to be.

Neothink Society also means a lot to me because they let you see for yourself that you the pure power within your own self to do whatever you want to do that is good without being controlled and then let down. This is what the our system is doing to all of us today by our own government which we all trusts and believe in so much. I will not look back and will not allow myself to be involved in this ever again. If the system real cares then i will really see it. Just don’t tell me show me as well. I see this very clearly on my own free will that Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society, and the Twelve Vision Party can help with this to happen.

Twelve Vision Party means a lot to me, my love ones, and the world because it gives us a new opportunity to do things right and does not let no other ways to get in its way and we all need this. We will always go down the right road if we are given the right information and if we get wrong information we will end up in the wrong place. Can you see the pure honesty I am expressing. See it for yourself. 

If you silence Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party me, my loves ones, and the world will be missing out on great value of life, methods and information that we all will need and able to use which will make our lives more healthy, happier, smarter, and wealthy. We the people been waiting for this all our lives and Mark Hamilton Society and the Twelve Vision Party has the skills and knowledge to make this happen for all of us.

Please do not do this to them it will ruin a lot of valuable lives and we all suffered enough. Let this happen and all of us the poor, average and the rich can and will be rich upon this world finally and forever. This is a equal opportunity for all human beings on this earth.

Take this testimony very seriously as I am being very fair minded and sincere of what I express in this real testimony of a man who cares deeply about this world very much. 


Henry L

Mark Hamilton has opened my eyes

Mr. Mark Hamilton has opened my eyes to a lot of things. The thing I got from him is real love for mankind and true, honest hope for the future.

Before Neothink, I was lost and stagnant

My name is Andrew Y, when I was introduced to Neothink just over three years ago, I had to be apart of it. Before Neothink, I was lost and stagnant. The love of my life, left me and I lost hope. When Neothink came to me, I was astonished. I read the literature and it motivated me to keep going and improve my life. And help improve other lives. I am doing that. Since then I have moved up in the company I work for. I have a lot more confidence in myself and have met great people and friends with Neothink, and recently met a great woman who I adore.  There is a lot of great knowledge to learn through Neothink and I am still learning, but the rewards are endless.

THANK YOU for your great knowledge

First THANK YOU for your great knowledge I have learn a lot from your books, things that I never thought it will exist or even happen you made me more educated I will never thank you enough, you made us wake up from being innocent followers and think why things are the way there are in the world, you made us THINK and not just to believe everything … your lessons are like diamonds, forever, I wish you continued with all your valuable information so we can see and become what we really come to be and become creators of our destinies and made a great contribution to humanity in whatever field we chose, I will always be thankful to you and your father and you always can count on me; wishing you the best .


January 2025