Posts Tagged ‘lord god’

Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party is plain and easy to see!

The hard thinking required to put together Neothink and the T.V.P., and the literature that is Neothink and the T.V.P. is plain and easy to see. When I think of the hard work that went into this truly impressive literature it fills my heart with hope for mankind. I must thank Mark Hamilton for that hard work and vision to see what is possible for the future of mankind, this country and planet. I was brought up in the Lutheran church, and am amazed , at how my mind is not blocked or blinded by  that up bringing. I spend on the average about 4 to 6 hours A day reading, Not only Neothink literature but Julian Jaynes The origin of consciousness and the break down of the bicameral mind and the Bible, its amazing what I can learn when you have an open mind, such as not only are we supposedly made in the image of God , but Gen.3;22 says   The Lord God said the man is now like us because he knows good and evil, he must not be allowed to eat of the tree of  life or he will live for ever. That verse says it in black and white I am A God. I see the huge responsibility, put on me with that statement, and I except it. I also see, why the planet is the way it is, man is lazy the laziness I’m talking about is not physical its so much worse and destructive, it is mental laziness man would rather pay someone to do their thinking for them, such as politician or pastors priests and the like. And by doing so man lowers him self to A follower I for one am not a follower I am A born leader , and as such I have no desire to lead any one, I will lead only me, I cant help but think if there were more people that thought like me the world would be A better place. Another verse from the Bible that evoked emotion and tears from me the very second I read it Ecclesiastes 1;18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow  the more knowledge the more grief   I see that statement and marvel at the wisdom of such a man to write  it, as I have marveled at the Neo-think literature, truly impressive writing, If you consider yourself an open minded person I suggest you read the Neo-Think works. If you have built your life on religion and that has caused you to have a closed mind I suggest you read the Neo-Think works and stop being a follower and to all mankind stop being mentally lazy and do some hard thinking for your self . Also T.V.P. must come to be the thinking for a true political change in this country, if it does not I only see a downward spiral with more lies corruption and deceit, this AMERICAN is fully awake and ready to make HISTORY 

thank you Mark Hamilton

March 2025