Posts Tagged ‘looking at the world’

I want to first thank Mark Hamilton for sending me that first letter and finding me.

I want to first thank Mark Hamilton for sending me that first letter and finding me.  Thank You Mark.  Since that letter my life has changed dramatically.  Before that the only interest I had in politics was complaining about the way the government is running things just like everyone else was doing, that has changed.

Since then I have been involved in writing the Oregon State Bylaws for the Twelve Visions Party®.  I have also participated in the writing of the TVP® Oregon State Platform.  I even went to Chicago for the Twelve Visions National Party Convention in July of 2009 and helped launch the National Twelve Visions Party®.  I do not plan to be in the political movement for the rest of my life, no just long enough to get the Prime Law amended to all the state constitutions and the United States Constitution.  When that happens government will be forced to change to a protection only government, not like today’s government that is spend, spend, spend and ram bill after bill down our throats without our consent.  That is when my work will be over in politics.

Then and only then will I be able to pursue my passion.  That passion is to have my own business, or even multiple businesses.  I want to create values for myself, my family and the rest of mankind.  I want mankind to rise out of the poverty and uncertainty it is in now and into the wealth and health it should be in instead.  The literature I have received has all the tools I need to get all this accomplished.

The way of my thinking and looking at the world has changed dramatically for the better.  The lessons I have learned and the lessons I have yet to learn have given me a new outlook and vigor for life.  Once the Prime Law is in place this will happen with amazing speed.  Once again Thank You Mark.

Bruce D H

March 2025