Posts Tagged ‘live forever’

I admire Mark Hamilton


Mark Hamilton’s literature dramatic change are in my life and empowered me to live the life of my dreams no longer waste valuable time in prayers or other superstitions. I devote all my energy reading all the books that I have it makes me feel better specially when I’m so dispperate and if I’m not feeling good I feel this the  only medicine I know that could solve everything and also devote all my energy toward rational and beneficial conclusion. Discovering harmony with the world around you with the universe and with yourself that everyone’s
life long search for something more come in completion for I found it, through your rare knowledge for everything Mark Hamilton! You are so genius you are not just saving yourself and your family but throughout mankind. I admire you so much Mark Hamilton hoping everyone work together same as the twelve immortal’s, to achieve the super-puzzle. The Neothink society the twelve vision party their aim’s first depoliticize America
to free all the geniuses and set free medicine, science, and businesses. Neothink geniuses will rise and take  care of all our needs making everyone very wealthy, very healthy as medical technologies soar and will eradicate diseases while free to prosperous society. Boring routine jobs of labor get replace with exciting creative jobs of the mind resulting deep individual happiness from creative not stagnant lives which will love rekindle permanent feelings of romantic love and exciting family love, finally the new Neothink puzzle building mentality will spread to everyone creating futures full of extraordinary values happiness and love then you’ll feel to live forever for the super-puzzle!”Biological immortality”!!! Thanks again Mark Hamilton for being in to this society!!! luisa p



Dear Mark Hamilton
Thank you very much for the three multigenerational manuscripts Package.I just finished reading it last night.
The best years fo my life has started,when I read the multigenerational manuscripts the third time.
What exited me the most was the love of the Twelve Visions World.
I learned to keep a cool head and not be negative,since I will not complete my quest in that state of mine.
I am very greatful to you for changing my life forever!
I now want to live forever.
I have lots of work ahead of me and will help in any way possible.
You are my hero Mark Hamilton!
The LOVE in the Twelve Visions World,which I am in now is awsome.
I was in a downword spiral for years,because of the anti-civilization
Everything is changing so fast.
I will be working closely with Raymond Desmarais here in Canada.
You are the best my friend.
The Twelve Vision Party will flourish in my Country very soon.
The love is outstanding in the Twelve Visions World.

Warmest regard,Robert C

Thank you mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart.


I with to thank you for your teachings, which have been responsible for bringing me forward into the light.

As we grow up we all become trapped into a false life showered upon us of fear, guilt, lies and deception.

What a great feeling to shed all these negative burdens and live the life we were meant to live.

Thank you mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart.

Imagine if we could all learn to live this life full of pure love and integrated honesty, what a world it would become.

We would all surely wish to live forever.

Mark Hamilton, may you continue your great work.

Kindest wishes

Max O

Thank you Mark Hamilton for all your hard work and honesty

Thank you Mark Hamilton for all your hard work and honesty. I was not surprised by your work, rather, I felt vindicated.  For once in my life, I found others that think like I always have, although never so eloquently and completely integrated. Religion was never my problem, I could never rap my head around that stuff. I just wanted to be a good person, extracting the value in all things to make sense of it all. Thanks to your work I have discovered that the common denominator to my lack of ultimate success was fear. Everyone around me just wanted to go with the flow and I wanted More, I want to live forever and create. People think that’s scary. I know it’s not!

Overcoming my fear of rejection, I recently approached a value creator with a business idea to take his work and product sales to the next level. He has exhibited classic Neothink in his work. We now have the very basics, common denominators to the health and longevity for each of us as individuals in his personalized health care according to our blood type/geno type.

The eatright4your type people were very excited over my business plan and we will enter discussions soon.

Thanks for the push in the Right direction.

Carl T. J

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for opening my eyes to what life is all about as appose to what I always believed it to be. Although I have yet to fully absorb the power of Neothink. That’s just because I’ve yet to free myself from all of the external authorities that surround me and I blame no one but myself for that. I’m not rich or even have a income, but at least I now know that once I do break the chains from around my brains I will be more than just okay. I expect the government to attack the truth, how else can they remain in power other than by keeping society ignorant to what is and feeding the people what they want to believe.  All Neothink does is allow individuals their rights to think on there own, and unless your a weak misguided individual, you should want to be free to be your own man. Me myself wants to give more to the world then I take from it. I also would love to live forever and be able to cure any and all diseases who wouldn’t. I know those who refuse to think for themselves and think what is, is how it’s suppose to be.ill always stay in following mode and be obedient slaves to the government and churches. But I always new since I was a child that the world wasn’t right. But living in a deceitful world and not knowing it, I was blinded and was led away from righteousness. But with Neothink I’m finding my way back and once I’m whole and free from all external authorities even if you stop Mark Hamilton, you won’t be able to prevent me and all of his apprentices from changing the world for the better.

Yours Truly

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, Neothink and Twelve Visions World

Hark Hamilton,

I am so happy to be here and a part of some of the most beautiful minds in this world. We are all very grateful for the wonderful vision that Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions World is giving us to help create the Twelve Visions World. There is something going on very special inside of me right now. I got the right information on life and how we got in this mess and how to get out.

It is a true blessing to find Mark Hamilton and Neothink. I do not know if you understand the law of attractions but it has a lot to do with why you are reading this and why you are here searching for the truth. There is something in life that only each of us can find. It lies deep inside of every one of us. 

I am pleased to find you reading this and honestly I have to say it may have something to do with the truth about life and how to keep it here on this earth

I know understand why and how my thoughts got compromised thanks to Mark Hamilton, Neothink and Twelve Visions World. I have never been so happy and the feeling is a little strange as I have never felt like this in other happy times? It is a happiness very deep inside that is pushing it’s way to the surface of my being. The soul is pushing up and into the REAL me. The person I was ment to be.

Thanks Mark Hamilton,


Twelve Visions World

My we live forever,

Renee Maira


Twelve Visions World

Thank you Mark Hamilton.

You Have Created a very beautiful Reality which is being fulfilled, step by step, day by day, into that which be known as the Twelve Visions World, where people will want to live forever in a state of love, peace, joy, happiness, wealth, and perfect good health, instead of today’s world, where people are so lonely, and miserable, that they would rather put drugs into their bodies, suffer, and die than go on living in this messed-up politicized, beaurocratic, contradicting, dogmatically religiously controlled world.

Mark Hamilton. I am thankful to you beyond words, because the Twelve Visions World has already begun, in which people all over this planet have started behaving in the spirit of love and honesty, and I am loving it.

Mark Hamilton. I personally want t thank you, AGAIN, AND AGIAN, AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

with Love,

Patrick L.

Kingman, AriNeothinkera

With Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party we can empower people…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I am sending this letter to outwardly state the power and change that finding and knowing Mark Hamilton, and Twelve Visions Party has made on myself and my family. It has given us the tools we need to get past all the dishonest illusions that have been put in front of us as baby’s and even before we were born.

I have such a sense of gratitude and gratefulness for the opportunity this opens to the world. With Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party we can empower people with the right knowledge to leverage their strengths, and the tools they need for an exceptional life. They will want to live forever!!!

Real life strategies and proven fundamentals well help us thrive in present time. This is what Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society will create. 

Learning the REAL truths will help us all embrace-not fear-change for a beautiful world with body mind and spirit in balance. This world and us as humans need to take back what was rightfully given.

Thank you to the Twelve Visions Party and Mark Hamilton for opening up with the truths and being brave to take a stand to empower people to take back the beautiful creation of life.

With love for human life,

Renee Maira


My journey which l Traveled on. Which l experienced through the Knowledge of all the books live read. READ TWICE. Live experiences euphoria with the levels and the tools. And technique. It’s been an incredible thrill along the way. When l read book by book. it has been amazingly experiences of your knowledge mark. Which l gained through to taking the first steps on the first letter? L would not have had this amazing and incredible EUPHORIA. And every think. Through your Knowlege.This as change my live forever.

T.V.P and the NEOTHINK AND THE POLITICAL PARTY also plays a BIG role in all of our future.AND the literature with my FAMILY.Is the way forward to become the person I was meant to be. THANKYOU MARK HAMILTON.Ive just PASS my DEAR MOTHER. your last book. BOOK of MISS ANNE BELL for my mother to read.  By the way. My mother is going on 90years old. YES I’m the person I was meant to be NOW THROUGH literature and the TOOLS. Through NEOTHINK. THINKING I got five new PRODUCTS. AND I hope to START my own BUSINESS.

March 2025