Posts Tagged ‘literature’

I have read many of Neothink literature and I am now coming into…

I have read many of Neothink literature and I am now coming into my own it is very revealing and eye opening it allows people to find true happiness with integrated dedication in fulfilling their goals

deeper than deep

I will simply say this. If we are going to see a global awakening in our life time, Mark Hamilton and Neothink Inside Secrets is truly laying an unbreakable foundation on wich to build it! There is nothing else like this to be found in the world of literature…

After reading the Neothink literature I

Dear Mark Hamilton,

After reading the Neothink literature I

Let me start by telling you my name Trinidad C all my friends call me (Trini)

Let me start by telling you my name Trinidad C all my friends call me (Trini). I am 57 years Young. I have been a Neothinker since 2000 and I have been working Neothink since that Time. I want everyone to know that myself and many in my group have spend thousands of our own money to fight for our rights. We believe in Neothink and Mark Hamilton. I would like you to know Now what it means to me.
I see Mark Hamilton as one of our true fathers of wanting to built a strong Nation. Like Danial Boone, David Crockett, George Washington, Jefferson and so you get the point. Mark is giving up a lot by putting himself in the line of fire. Like the others that I have mention they gave up their family life and time so others can benefit from hard jobs that they did and now Mark Hamilton’s mentoring and hard and devoted time to bring us his teachings will be doing the same.
I have change since reading Marks writings and I feel better now than I have in the past 47 years. Why, because my thinking has changed. Thank you Mark! His writings has made me become a different person and I have become what I was meant to be and fulfill my purpose on this world. I hope that this Testimonial will tell the readers what and how Neothink can help you on your reason for giving you the reason for picking up the literature and reading it for yourself. Please excuse my writing and spelling I am not a writer.

Love Trini C

My name is Richard M. Ever since I came across the literature…

My name is Richard M. Ever since I came across the literature I received from Mark Hamilton, my life has never been the same.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink literature has awakened and enlightened me to…

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink literature has awakened and enlightened me to Mysticism, the disease of the mind-brain and to the ten-second Miracle which cures it. This has changed my life in a very profound way.

John E. F

Everyone benefits in Hamilton America even the…

Everyone benefits in Hamilton America even the poor have the chance to become happy and wealthy. I have learned this by reading the literature from cover to cover from Mark Hamilton. Since all Americans will benefit it only makes sense that Neothinkers should do everything in their

Hi, the literature in Mark Hamilton genius, has made me a more…

Hi, the literature in Mark Hamilton genius, has made me a more productive and creative person, with energy to help others in education and life cares, with this strength I know the world has become a better place. Sincerely

Calvin E. Dallas

Calvin D

Short and Sweet, Mark Hamilton's Literature provides a profound…

Short and Sweet, Mark Hamilton’s Literature provides a profound insight on the future of mankind. It will inspire anyone who reads it to work towards this certainty of the future, sooner rather than later. It is not a “cult” it is not some “New World Order” nonsense, it is logical, rational, new ways of thinking and new techniques that

March 2025