Posts Tagged ‘literature’

The Twelve Vision Party is the route to freedom AMERICA and the WORLD

Dear Mark Hamilton:
I consider myself luckily woman when I receive the invitation to be a member of Neothink Society, so many years ago     I was very frustrated with many things around me after  I ordered and read your three wonderful books my life change dramatically, from that moment I started to see things is the way they are suppose to be,  I feel more security, happy young and positive now I know I can do be or have anything I want in my life.  MARK your literature is truly life-changing.  The Twelve Vision Party is the grass route to freedom AMERICA and the WORLD giving us the freedom to chose what is the best for our life, including science, cure for aging ,and projecting our lives which I LOVE.  Mr. Mark Hamilton you plant the seed, it’s grown you can count me
I support you until the end of this journey. I thank you of the bottom of my heart


The Twelve Visions Party has gotten me excited and motivated

Reading the Neothink literature, learning about the Twelve Visions Party has gotten me excited and motivated to really be apart of something that could change our world for the better, for the better of everybody. Every human wants to be free and be happy. The Prime law is the key to your freedom and happiness.  Neothink allows you to fulfill that dream. A dream that will become reality. I am so grateful to be a part of Neothink.

Many thanks to Mark Hamilton

Many thanks to Mark Hamilton for keeping I and my family motivated to change this world into a Happy, Value Creative Neothink world where the humans can become rich and even the poor!!!!!  His Neothink Heirloom truthful Literature still keeps us keep on keeping on in a corrupt, Anticivilized, bicameral, jealous society.  I had to retire early from a school District in Orange County California due to a jealous, anticivilized, bicameral minded supervisor.  I am a fighter not a quitter and now I have more time to focus my energies on the anticivilized world.  You have invited me to many areas to help while others the Anticivilized have dumped me because I won`t believe what they are doing is right!!!!

We the People will soon prosper thanks to Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions and the Prime Law.  I would like to invite all to visit his web sites such as,,

 Live Long & Prosper!!!!

Sanford (Mike) C

By His Fruit Shall You Know Him!!!

I am thankful for the Neothink Society and its multigenerational manuscripts. The information that I have learned definitely brought value to my life. Mark Hamilton the founder of the Neothink Society and author of the Neothink literature desires a Nobel Prize because his writings positively transform lives throughout the globe. Everyday in the news the masses in unison constantly demand change. The Twelve Visions Party is the exciting puzzle piece to manifest that change we need because it will Make All The People Rich Including The Poor. The time has come for Mark Hamilton, The Twelve Vision Party and The Twelve Visions World.

Get Mark Hamilton’s Literature!

Wealth, health, and peace are the three most important conditions for civilization. Yet we don’t see this today. Instead, we see a world divided and detached from human life. In comparison, Mark Hamilton has created a masterpiece of secrets the ruling class don’t want you to know about. It has nothing to do with “conspiracy theories” or the like, but it has everything to do with honest and true love-building, wealth creation, and peace pursuing. If you haven’t already, get Mark Hamilton’s literature now! You won’t regret it!

Adam H.
New York

Mark Hamilton mentoring

In about seven months, I have learn more about creating values for myself and others through Mark Hamilton mentoring and literature than many, many years of searching. Ask yourself this questions: as a child do you remember those beautiful dreams to be some one who who will be creating values for yourself and society? To be great? To find your essence in life and to find who you were meant to be in this life? That is what I have learned with Mr. Hamilton and I have yet a lot to learn in order to be useful to myself and others and to be happy in my life. He also has sparkle a light in my personal life to be motivated in whatever I do. I have found truth love and honesty, something that is hard to find in today’s world. I tank you Mr. Hamilton for taking your precious time for helping us to be creative, happy and to help us to have compassion and love for humanity like you do. We love you Mr. Hamilton and we love our Neothink organization. Marco R

I have read your literature several times


I have been with you a little over 3 years now. I have read your literature several times. Every time I read it I have a better understanding of my life and what is in store for me and my family. I think our future is limitless to the possibilities of living a happy and prosperous life. What you are building is what our founding fathers envisioned the future by integrating facts of history with natural law, physical reality and common sense actions so that we can live a free and prosperous life without government intervention

thank you


Thank you from my heart Mark Hamilton

Thank you from my heart Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party.  I am not even 6 months with you. What a journey! How much I have learned in that time!  Mark Hamilton with the literature and training in the Neothink Society has given me a new lease on life (65 years).  The Twelve Visions Party is given us a new society based truly on the people and totally founded in reality.  What a concept!

Waking up without fear and worry, knowing that with our own creativity we can build our business, provide for our family, becoming wealthy in the process – not poor and unfulfilled and bitter.  I could go on and on…..but please look at the websites.  The world – all of us –  move between half truths and lies. Here is the place for us to change it in our lives.

Grateful for All of You, Samantha B.

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Mark thank you for giving me the opportunity to join neothink. I joined three years ago. It took me over a year to read the literature. What a mind lifting event that was. I had never read a book cover to cover in my life. Till read your literature that alone was a great accomplishment for me. I started my own biz I got out of a destructive relationship and I can spot mysticism everywhere I go. My life has done a complete one eighty. And I am moving forward with a new mindset. Moving toward wealth health & peace.

Thank you Mark Hamilton.

sincerely Sean P Akins

Thank you Mark Hamilton


Kauvaha T

Friday, September 11th, 2009

To whom it may concern,                                                                                                                                                                                  I would like to testify to the whole world that I am supporting Mark Hamilton, his literature, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.  Mark Hamilton has open up my mind to a whole new way of thinking. Thinking of good things to come and have hope for the future.  Who else in this whole planet that is teaching that there can be a world without diseases?  Who else is teaching that there is a form of government that can make everybody rich even the poor?  Who else is teaching that human being should live to live and not live to die?  Who else is teaching that man can overcome death and never die through biological immortality?  All messages of good hope.  I thank you Mark Hamilton.  I am and will support you with everything that I have and all my being.                                                                                                                                                                                      Yours Sincerely,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kauvaha T

March 2025