Posts Tagged ‘literature’

The Twelve Visions Party will bring the new world in!

Thank you Mark Hamilton. I am so behind you 100%. I love reading and rereading your literature. The Twelve Visions Party will bring the new world in! I can hardly wait to see my friends and family happy and rich. The government have no place in business. It should be the other way around. I am sick and tired of what the government do to the people. My friends, family and myself are so ready for the change. Bring it on! I am in so much control since I have read your literature. I now have cash flow. I now have a house and new sports car. Things just keep getting easier for me. Let the new world come in! Thank you Mark Hamilton.   Russel Creamer o

Thanks to Neothink

My name is Mike Covarrubias, and my testimonial is or goes to Mr. Mark Hamilton who was the one to opened my eyes. His love his KINDNESS for the humans goes beyond I love Mark with all my heart although my background was RELIGIOUS I gained a lot of knowledge his prime literature that I absorbed for me it goes beyond the monetary value NEOTHINK my new mentality is helping  me to see he things what it is I creating my new world I am my own master piece…. Thanks to Neothink

Before Neothink, I was lost and stagnant

My name is Andrew Y, when I was introduced to Neothink just over three years ago, I had to be apart of it. Before Neothink, I was lost and stagnant. The love of my life, left me and I lost hope. When Neothink came to me, I was astonished. I read the literature and it motivated me to keep going and improve my life. And help improve other lives. I am doing that. Since then I have moved up in the company I work for. I have a lot more confidence in myself and have met great people and friends with Neothink, and recently met a great woman who I adore.  There is a lot of great knowledge to learn through Neothink and I am still learning, but the rewards are endless.

It is very easy for me to describe what NEOTHINK has done for me


It is very easy for me to describe what NEOTHINK has done for me, because NEOTHINK has given me the ability to think clear and strong and creatively all at once on any given subject. The NEOTHINK literature does one thing very well and that one thing is improve. It improves and enhances you, your mind, your feelings, your actions, and overall gives you the best life anyone could hope to live. I could write a novel about all the things it has done for me. (All good things by the way) One very important point the society is trying to achieve is that of honesty. If only, if only, everyone was to absorb this material then we could finally see through illusions together, as a society, and live in pure honesty. WOW what a world that would be! God how I have come to LOVE the word honesty and truly understand its meaning and power. 

    I end with feelings and words of the greatest gratitude I have ever known. Everyone needs to feel these feelings and see people as one. I have never met Mark Hamilton but I feel like I know him inside and out, like an almost retired life long mail carrier knows his route. Thank you Mark Hamilton I truly love and respect you…    Corey J.Larson

P.S.   I am not afraid of the media’s attempts to bring down our world! We will prevail! Thanks again for all you have done for me.

Thank you Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the TVP.

Your literature and mentorship have been invaluable to me.  I believe my life, and my future, and the future of my children is enriched and secured by the support and knowledge I have received from you.

May God Bless America

Brian S,  Maine

Be smart and read the literature and decide for yourself

I would warn you some people will try to portray Neothink, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party as a scam.  Do not let them decide for you.  Make up your own mind.  Be smart and read the literature and decide for yourself.

I feel privileged to have received Mark Hamilton’s literature

I feel privileged to have received Mark Hamilton’s literature.  I am still learning to think in a new way- – – for myself.  If I had learned these techniques 20 years ago my real estate disasters might now be a success story.  I will get back on my feet again and start over, maybe something new.  At 55 I figure I still have half of my life to make a difference.  Thanks Mark.  I’ll try not to disappoint you.

Dave L

I am extremely proud to be a member of the Neothink Society


I am extremely proud to be a member of the Neothink Society & knowing Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton & his literature has helped me see & build a future not just  for me, my children, their children, & future generations. Also for this country.

I firmly believe Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, & the Twelve Visions Party will bring amazing values to this country, Which this country has seemed to have lost & forgotten.

If you silence Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, & the Twelve Visions Party, you will have silenced any hope for this country. Let’s face it this country is going down the tubes fast. Our only hope is for Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society & the Twelve Visions Party to continue their work.

Could you live with yourselves knowing that you not only silenced but also destroyed everyone’s future? I thought not! Maybe someday in the future, you will be glad you didn’t. And thank Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society members, & the Twelve Visions Party.

I have read all of the literature and it has given me hope for the future

To Mark,

I have read all of the literature and it has given me hope for the future. I have not responded before now because i have been job hunting to the exclusion of all else. It paid off because i found employment but it will be awhile before i am out of debt. It is my hope however to become actively involved in making this all happen, even though i have gotten rather far behind in any updates.

                                               S. Hardy

The literature offered by Mark Hamilton

I think one of the things people miss about the literature offered by Mark Hamilton is that there are actions that need to be taken in order to enjoy the success that is described.

If a person honestly reads, and then -acts- on the techniques taught they will see radical improvements in their performance, either in their own business or where they work for someone else. Even if you only employ the techniques and forgo the rest of the stimulating and invaluable insights and breakthroughs your life will improve. You will begin to understand the way the brain can be operated to reach, and even seemingly surpass its capacity.

Finally, if you are someone who decides to employ the techniques, be warned. The productivity you experience can be overwhelming at first, so just relax, do your best to follow through with the discipline, and try not to fear the obvious success that awaits you by doing so. It can be hard to accept success when you have been conditioned your whole life to believe you are not capable, and do not deserve it. Take a deep breath and keep going forward.

Robert R

March 2025