Posts Tagged ‘literature’

I owe my life to Mark Hamilton

I owe my life to Mark Hamilton both now and in the future as does the entire human race.  I am and have been a believer that biological immortality is possible today and I was relieved to discover that I was not alone in my goal of reaching this state.  Every so often a revolutionary individual comes along with keen insights to change the world and make it a better place in which to live.  Mark Hamilton is one such individual and I support his work and the work of the Neothink Society.  Society often opposes such individuals because their genius goes misunderstood by the masses.  This is insanity as these are the very individuals who are working to save the lives of the people.  The Twelve Visions Party is the most correct form of government that I have seen proposed to date.  It is a government based on principles of business that serves humanity and maintains focus upon the supreme goal of obtaining biological immortality.  Mark Hamilton’s literature is very much in line with my thinking so my transition to the Neothink Society has been rather easy.  As a writer myself I am very critical of the writing of other’s.  Mark Hamilton’s literature is so right on that I can hardly say he misses the mark and his writing is fast becoming one of the primary influences upon mine.  Anyone who tries to prevent or oppose the work of Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, or the Twelve Visions Party should be stopped.

Shawn W

Mark Hamilton’s literature and Twelve Visions…

Mark Hamilton’s literature and Twelve Visions has enriched & enhanced my way of life. It has broke me from the average, non meaningful way of life.  The way of life that has been taught for century’s to deny true freedom, happiness, and love. It has taught me to think for myself and that I can create anything I want to be, do, or have in my life. I’ve never been so happy, joyful, and loving before I invested into Neothink. It has answered a lot of questions I’ve had and has brought value to me and my family’s lives. Thank You Mark and the Neothink Society for inviting and teaching me a different aspect for life.
Brock J

I receive so much value from Mark Hamilton’s books…

 Reading the books written by Mark Hamilton gives me an inexplicable feeling of hope.  These books throw me back into my excited “childhood me.”  They allow me to access that part of me which is most genuine–the me who I was always meant to be–and connect her to the me I am now.  These books by Mark Hamilton help bring me to myself, thereby returning me to the hopeful excitement I felt and lived in as a child.  But I also have an adult’s ability to act on what I now feel and understand in order to re-create my life into something I can love.
   I receive so much value from Mark Hamilton’s books that often, if I’m feeling down, reading them refuels my hope and excitement in Life.  I believe the TVP is an exciting new political party which brings new hope and vigor to a tired process.  I highly recommend this literature,   the TVP, and the Neothink Society to all those searching for a new thought paradigm in a culture which continues to encourage “dumbing down,” as it gives much value. This may be your antidote to that problem.

Your literature and the Neothink Society

     I cannot even begin to tell you how my life has changed, since my first letter from you and the society.
     One year ago this Christmas I was ready to give up on life so much mysticism, 
Neo-cheaters in my life I had no room to breathe anymore.
     For four years I’ve been living with this heavy heart, I gave up believing in people 
in a whole, church wasn’t the answer for me.
     I was a truck driver and four years ago years ago I lost my mother and my job, 
because of the need to come home.  My company fired me for coming out of route 
when she died, I hadn’t put things together until that letter i spoke of from you and 
the society.
     Your literature and the Neothink Society has brought me back with this large heart.  I’m so 
thankful for getting this new chance at life, I’m living proof of my child of the past 
will catch the child of my future.
     Knowing that we have a Twelve Vision Party and what they are doing is the best 
thing that has happen to me since my FNE and the best is yet to come.
     Please keep your literature and the Twelve Visions Party going.
                              A Neothink sister,
                              Lavonne B

Mark Hamilton’s work fulfills my expectations


My experience with Neothink Society has been incredible, It’s literature and whole information gave me  a new way to see the life ( recovery the faith on people),  and regain confident on me.  And the most important be certainty that the human being has a bright and  a wonderful future in his own hands.  Mark Hamilton’s work fulfills my expectations about the great man’s destiny.  I has been a privilege to be selected to become a member of this Society and I am eager to do my part of job to get the goals  that let us to drive the human being to that road to reach its unlimited happiness and creativity.   Thanks with all my heart for the opportunity of become a tiny piece of this supper puzzle!
Teresa G

To Mark Hamilton


I have been trying to write this for about two years. Thank you for inviting me to participate in the super puzzle, through your heirloom literature, Neothink® Society, and the Twelve Visions® Party.  I have received great value and have many new like minded friends. 

I have been with the Neothink Society for several years and have grown considerable.  I have used integrated thinking all my life.  It is wonderful to have friends that understand me.

I am helping establish the Twelve Visions Party® in Oregon, because, TVP will fulfill a need to empower the people to take back responsibility and control of their own lives.  The Prime Law Amendments into the Federal and Oregon Constitutions will and help to make all the people rich including the poor.

Again thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

Judi C

I am very pleased with the new insights that I’ve gained.

My comment:

I first came upon the literature in 1996. I was very impressed with the research and the organization of the knowledge. The powerful business methods described have increased my business knowhow. I am very pleased with the new insights that I’ve gained.

Mark Hamilton helped me realize there was more to life…

Hello my name is Many L. and I have been a member of the Neothink society for less than a year and have learned so much already. Mark Hamilton, his literature, and his Neothink Society have meant so much to me in so many ways. The Twelve Visions Party will mean so much to, my loved ones, and to the world. HE has shown me what I am missing in my life, and pointed me in the direction of what I want to be and do in this world.  Before becoming a member I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and never really thought about it. Mark Hamilton helped me realize there was more to life than a dead end job or the same boring rut every day. He is teaching me that you can make any job successful l and enjoyable.  I have never been this happy at my job, and it’s all thanks to Mr. Hamilton and Neothink. 

When I started reading the material I was given I was twenty pounds overweight. And after following the eating habits instructions I lost all that weight in just a few months. I have never looked or felt this good in my life. I owe my happiness to Mr. Hamilton and Neothink. All of the different things you can learn are priceless and very important to the history of mankind.

I am living a WOW Factor today!!!!

I am living a WOW Factor today!!!!

Living as the Person I am meant to Live.

Living The Life I should be living.

Taking full responsibly for my life.

And now living a Happy/ Full Life.

I am Steve Fagan, a Neothink Man

Who wants to Thank Mark Hamilton and The material in The Neothink Literature for opening my eyes and understanding what I need to do to live a Happy/ Fully Productive Life.  Today, I understand how to live this Happy /Productive Life and, I am living it.

Once everyone finds out what Neothink is all about…

Dear Mark;

I want to personally thank you for all you have done for me through the literature and the Neothink Society. Once everyone finds out what Neothink is all about (self-growth of each individual),value will be crated for society as a whole. Respectfully, Joe-N.Y.

March 2025