Posts Tagged ‘literature’

To Mark Hamilton

To  Mark Hamilton

From Mike C I wanted to sent this line to Mr. Mark to let him know from the

bottom of my heart how grateful I am. you prime literature, Neothink society, and

twelve visions party has changed my life 360 degrees. I can’t conceive at this point living without the NEOTHINK SOCIETY The TVP means a lot to me my love ones and my friends I personally recommend this society t anybody. This is real this is not a fiction I am 64 years old and as a PASTOR of the church it wasn’t easy BUT you Mr. Mark changed me I have hopes real hopes for a better tomorrow Mr. Mark I am with you WE WILL SURVIVE THEY ARE NOT INTOUCHABLE My father used tell me this the STRONGER survive until the WEAKED allowed them in their words the POLITICIANS SURVIVED UNTIL NOW

I beg up there if you want Twelve Visions World ok lets bound together in one body

Mr.Mark thankyou  Mike C

Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer

Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer. I have read some of his literature and they have opened up my eyes to the universe and its wonderful secrets and lessons. I now look at things that I once took for granted and now I see the honesty and reality of those things. As for the Neothink society, I whole heartily believe that it is a wonderful Society that is dedicated to the advancement of all the world. So I urge all of mankind to look into this society and welcome it with open arms.

My Testimony

I would like to say that Mark Hamilton is my friend, and i have read all of his literature, and have both enjoyed and benefited from his manuscripts, and I love the neothink society and look forward to being involved in the tvp party and political movement, for i have discovered a new way of using my mind that i did not know existed, as well as talents and powers that i did not know that i had. so Mark Hamilton and the neothink society have blessed me and i want to be a member forever. Carl

Thanks To Mark Hamilton!

Thanks To Mark Hamilton!

The Neothink Society

For your contribution to the world. with you literature my life in general, has been lifted in a big way my business has improve 1000 fold. Neo Think work. the new mentality for every one who want to change their life forever, is available now. 

Thank I am so grateful I find Neothink


Thankyou Mark Hamilton. I am behind you 100%

Thankyou  Mark Hamilton. I am behind you 100%. All innocent people should read your literature. I read and reread your literature. It is the best literature on this planet. Once again all innocent people should read your literature. And vote for the Twelve Vision Party. Thankyou again- Russel C. of In.

Dear Mr.Hamilton, I want to sincerely thank you for changing my life for

DearMr.Hamilton,I want to sincerely thank you for changing my life for
the better through your organization and literature.It has all been a
blessing to my life.J.D.New York

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Mark thank you for giving me the opportunity to join neothink. I joined three years ago. It took me over a year to read the literature. What a mind lifting event that was. I had never read a book cover to cover in my life. Till read your literature that alone was a great accomplishment for me. I started my own biz I got out of a destructive relationship and I can spot mysticism everywhere I go. My life has done a complete one eighty. And I am moving forward with a new mindset. Moving toward wealth health & peace.

Thank you Mark Hamilton.

sincerely  Sean P Akins

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I want to thank you for changing the way I think. You have filled my mind with powerful positive energy and it feels exhilarating. You’ve taught me that I am one-hundred percent responsible for everything that  happens in my life. Your literature has inspired me beyond any other source of encouragement. I feel as though I have already entered into the Twelve Visions World. When the rest of the world joins the Twelve Visions World, every value-creating human will feel just as excited to wake up every morning no matter the circumstances. I don’t think that there is another person alive who loves humanity in a more reverent way than you do. You are the most dedicated person when it comes to transforming this world into a place where poverty doesn’t exist and pure love reigns. I believe in you Mark Hamilton. Thank you for the invaluable knowledge and immense inspiration you’ve brought into my life.

Connor S

Mark Hamilton literature is very useful and it focuses mainly on my own life


My name is Henry L  and I am real and a very honest man. I can be a  very skeptical man but I have strong faith and beliefs of things, information and methods that this world has to offer. I am taking my time to write this to express my pure honesty on how I feel about the Twelve Vision Party created by Mark Hamilton on what it means to me. 

Mark Hamilton literature is very useful and it focuses mainly on my own life and what I can do for me if I allow to think about it honestly, clear, and right. It help me to improve my life to what I am meant to be and showed me how valuable I really am to this world. It touches me deeply because it makes sense and it really works as long as you apply your mind and time into it. It is no scam and it is very original  and basic information. It also gives you a chance to me your own leader and think for yourself and do for yourself. This Will cause you to create values to make this world the place it is suppose to be.

Neothink Society also means a lot to me because they let you see for yourself that you the pure power within your own self to do whatever you want to do that is good without being controlled and then let down. This is what the our system is doing to all of us today by our own government which we all trusts and believe in so much. I will not look back and will not allow myself to be involved in this ever again. If the system real cares then i will really see it. Just don’t tell me show me as well. I see this very clearly on my own free will that Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society, and the Twelve Vision Party can help with this to happen.

Twelve Vision Party means a lot to me, my love ones, and the world because it gives us a new opportunity to do things right and does not let no other ways to get in its way and we all need this. We will always go down the right road if we are given the right information and if we get wrong information we will end up in the wrong place. Can you see the pure honesty I am expressing. See it for yourself. 

If you silence Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party me, my loves ones, and the world will be missing out on great value of life, methods and information that we all will need and able to use which will make our lives more healthy, happier, smarter, and wealthy. We the people been waiting for this all our lives and Mark Hamilton Society and the Twelve Vision Party has the skills and knowledge to make this happen for all of us.

Please do not do this to them it will ruin a lot of valuable lives and we all suffered enough. Let this happen and all of us the poor, average and the rich can and will be rich upon this world finally and forever. This is a equal opportunity for all human beings on this earth.

Take this testimony very seriously as I am being very fair minded and sincere of what I express in this real testimony of a man who cares deeply about this world very much. 


Henry L

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

I definitely want to give my testimony about Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society.   it has been a wonderful movement that has helped me in so many ways.  for starters in just a few months of reading the literature, it has changed me for the better in so many ways, i used to have this mindset that used to tell me that something great was going to happen with my life but i just never did anything about it I’d thought that when the time comes it would just fall from the sky, but with the help from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society i learned that i have the power within me to do great things, I don’t have to wait for it to fall from the sky, I have to go for it I can create great things, I have the capability to do it, no one has to do it for me.   Before Neothink i just used to have this dormant mindset that i would never put on much efforts to resolve, to invest, to create anything.  But with the tools given to me from Neothink Society everything is changing every day.  Thanks to Mark Hamilton and Neothink literature which have shown me to pierce trough the illusions to the essence of things, to what is really important.

thanks Mark Hamilton     

Jonete  a

March 2025