Posts Tagged ‘literature’



When I first receiving literature from Mark Hamilton, I thougth here is another one these money make opportunity that never works. But once I started to read the literature , It was not what I assume it was. Mark Hamilton and The Neo-Think Society encourage oneself to become self leader and to take one hundred percent responsibility of are own lives. There are many wonderful tool in the literature to accomplish that. I for one like the mini-day/power-thinking team .This tool has allow me to get thing done in one day, that would have taken a week, wonderful. Thank you Mark Hamilton for your time and effort and thank you also Neo-Think member for your support.
                                                                                               MUCH LOVE

I want to thank Mark Hamilton


while reflecting on the holiday season i want to thank Mark Hamilton for the political movement that will change the condition we are currently trapped in. honest men and women have step forward to further this great cause to free society from the burden of dishonest politicians and corrupt business people, who are lazy and living off the backs of those who create wealth for society. that will slowly start to change the winds of change is moving in favor of the oppressed class that has been held down. thanks for prime literature. Larry Johnson

Mark Hamilton and Peace!

I remember the first day I started reading the literature from Mark Hamilton. I was skeptical at first, because I have read other books promising grandiose things – more money, a better relationship, better health, etc. In comparison, the literature I received from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton shared with me how to do all of that, plus become better and better as a person every day. I have learned that one avenue America’s citizens can take to help our economy is to create and produce values for society, and not destroy them, and to be a self-leader, which makes a person accountable for his life. I wouldn’t trade these books for a BILLION dollars! They’re priceless! And I encourage everyone to contact the Neothink Society, to order this literature, and see what it is I am talking about. Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Adam H.
New York

Timely Discovery

I’ve read some of the criticism , directed at Neothink/and have come to the conclusion that the most ardent complainer’s are not up to the challenge of self discovery. Please let me share with you a little secret: IN THE Process of vehemently objectifying the Literature of the Neothink is the choice of wakening up and leaning on your own spine, or becoming more dependant on the existing facade of remaining fairy tailed story. Neothink ,is a Discovery Tool who’ time has come at the Global-World’s greatest hour of need. A Grateful, Thank You to All of Brave Hearts Involved!!! Balamuruga Mentor 2008 Love.

If Only You Knew…

If I had known 3 years ago the Secrets that I found in Neothink Founder Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational Manuscripts, my life would totally different! Looking forward 3 years, I see such wonder and beauty flowing in my life! He did it! It was Mark Hamilton and his amazing literature that unlocked … SOMETHING… inside of me! How did he do it!?! WHERE did this Euphoria come from!?! And look, everyone else that I’ve met in the Neothink Society is able to find it too! GET GOING! GET INVOLVED! Everyday is more amazing than the last!

Prime literature

Mark Hamilton’s Prime literature has improved the quality of my thinking, has improved the quality of my mind, and it has improved the quality of my life!

Thank you, Mark Hamilton for wanting a better life for all Americans!

The Twelve Visions Party

When I first learned about Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party, I learned that the only purpose for government is to protect its American citizens from violence, initiatory force, and fraud. The Prime Law shows us how our government is like a business, and as such will be run like a business – producing values for the people and increasing our means of living. As a business owner, a father, and a friend to many like-minded individuals, I discovered the value of making myself a better person every day. Through choices I make and accepting responsibility, I value using my mind, or Neothinking, how to be a self-leader, and also being a part of something our children will look back on and be grateful for what Mark is doing and this priceless information. The best part is anyone, regardless of their situation, can benefit by getting the literature and reading it for themselves. Then everyone, including the poor and the elderly, can discover for themselves how life will be with the success of the Twelve Visions Party!

Peace and Powerful Literature

Peace has always been for me something hard to imagine, especially in a world today that is ruled by political agendas and wartime uprising. If it wasn’t for Mark Hamilton and his literature, I thought I’d never see actualized in my lifetime a day and age where all people, from the super-rich to the poverty-stricken poor, can live like millionaires and be at peace with each other. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be a part of history and to share this new message and new way of thinking, called Neothink, to every man, woman, and child. Thank you, Mark, for all you have done, have accomplished, and will accomplish.

Adam H.

this is my life

I’m sitting here in front of the computer thinking of what to say, on this cold, beautiful December day – what a beautiful day! As I sit here, thinking about what to say, it is difficult to put into words how Mark Hamilton’s literature has changed me, the people I met, and what great things I see for the future. Putting it into a couple words is hard. My thoughts and feelings are going a mile a minute on how grateful I am to be a part of history! You know, I always felt alone. I could never find anyone that could answer my most burning questions about life and its meaning. Now I am at peace with myself and with the world. Thanks to Neothink, I have discovered a new ME!

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

Okay let me some this up for anyone wanting to know about Mark Hamilton and Neothink. I have had the pleasure of having Mark as both a mentor and a friend for years now. Mark has a strong sense of right and wrong and sees through the smoke. He has been an exemplary role model in teaching me business and life principles through his Neothink Literature. Time does not allow for me to go into all of what I’ve been taught. So let me share with you what his teaching has allowed me to realize and why Neothink is so important to us.  I was brought up to understand for me to earn money I had to create and provide a quality product or service and then deliver that product or service to society in a timely efficient manner. People we are living in a country with a government that takes our money through taxes and uses our money to control us, establishes regulations that limit our ability to produce and create for society and furthermore live off of us like parasites using our money to give themselves lavish perks, medical and retirement plans all the while trying to convince us they deserve the perks for running our country into the ground. Mark has made me realize that “We the People” have to take the responsibility and make the changes to our country that we may give our family a life worth living. For after all we only get one time through life

Mike L. C.

March 2025