Posts Tagged ‘literature’

The Neothink society has been of immeasurable value to my life.


Dear Mark,

The Neothink society has been of immeasurable value to my life. Your literature is based on one developing honesty and caring for oneself and society. These traits are needed very much today because the day that every one faces up to their true responsibility, the whole planet will be completely healed.

Joe, New York

Life Changing Material – Mark Hamilton


I learned to be a self-leader as a result of Neothink®. Before Neothink® and the subsequent TVP I was a loser going nowhere. I took responsibility for myself and made myself a better, healthy, wealthier and happier person as a result of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink literature. Anyone can do that by learning these easy practical techniques for living. Instead of philosophical intangible opinions and quotations, the forces of Neothink® and Twelve Visions Party (TVP) are real, long-term and help individuals with hundreds of life lifting advantages and techniques.

More Valuable Than a 4 Year College Degree


My fortunes changed to such a high degree I consider Mark Hamilton and his literature to be more valuable than my 4 year Microbilogy degree. The techniques are real, easy to understand and apply and extremely valuable. You become your own Self-Leader no longer looking for others to help you. Also the Twelve Visions Party is making all the peo0ple rich, including the poor. Thanks again to Mark Hamilton and the TVP.

That is what Mark Hamilton and his literature are doing.


I am a citizen of the United States, and am proud of it.  However, I am not proud of the dysfunction that our nation has fallen into.  Observing for decades the steps being taken to remove our rights, even the DUTY as a citizen to disagree.  The suggestion of the removal of our Constitution, and the military policing our streets.  If you aren’t afraid of that, then you should be.
Today our only freedom of speech is if you agree with the status quo.  People fear what they don’t understand, attacking it so it won’t interfere with the present course of action.  Many are of closed mind and unwilling to accept real change.
The only way for that to happen is by bringing the people together, and awakening them to all the possibilities, that they can achieve once they are made aware of them.  That is what Mark Hamilton and his literature are doing.  Pulling people together to make the changes necessary for our country and the world to survive as it CANNOT CONTINUE ON ITS PRESENT COURSE.
After I was contacted, I began taking the steps necessary to change my life.  I had been made aware of possibilities and set out to make them realities.  Furthermore, meeting others of like mind has made a major impact on my life, and that would not have happened if it weren’t for Mark Hamilton.  It is my honest desire to meet Mark Hamilton someday, as that still remains on my list of possibilities that needs to become a reality.
Pat J

No more Illusions


I first began receiving invitations to read Neothink literature from Mark Hamilton some years ago. But because I had grown up in, and was still a part of a high control religious cult, I held back from taking advantage of the opportunity, even though I really wanted to. You see, the illusionary cult that I had been brought up in basically forbade its members to read outside literature. This was how they kept tyrannical control over everyone. I eventually broke out of that cult but I was still without any real direction in life and was still affected by the illusions that have been foisted onto us by religion and the political system.

Despite my non-response to their invitations for me to read Neothink literature, the Neothink Society did not give up on me.

And I am forever grateful to Mark Hamilton for his continued confidence in me that I really was a person who could
be valuable to this world.

After I finally responded and obtained the Neothink literature, the information immediately resonated with me.All of my questions about life and the purpose of my existence were answered.I became so excited about life for the first time in my life.

I continued to obtain every piece of Neothink literature that was offered to me. I read it voratiously. I benefited from each one in more ways than I could have imagined.

The Neothink Society and the Neothink literature has made me strong, self-sufficient, and has even given me the desire and the courage to work on opening my own business. Prior to being introduced to the Neothink Society, and the literature, I never thought I would ever even want to have a business of my own.
Additionally, before Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society came into my life, I also did not know what I really wanted to do in life. But after reading one particular piece of their literature, the epiphany that was promised to me really happened. And when it happened I literally jumped into the air!That epiphany showed me that I really love teaching and science and I have always really wanted to be a teacher and a scientist. I was so excited about finally realizing what I should be doing with my life that I walked away from 19 years of civil service employment with no regret and no looking back, to become an entry level scientist and assistant teacher for a small company even at the age of 46. But since I really want my own science company, I am taking integrated steps to eventually open my own science education business.

So, thank you Mark Hamilton, and the Neothink Society!
Your confidence in me as a person, has erased all of the illusions.

Charles Riley

Letter to Mark Hamilton


Dear mark hamilton,

Thank you!

Before neothink my mind was blind. After reading and integrating the information in your literature, It felt like the veil covering my mind was falling. Neothink showed me how to remove internal and external blocks and limits preventing my body- mind- soul alignment.
I had never before experience happiness in my life like these days. I had never before felt in control of my life and the lifes around me.
Jesus said : my people are suffering because they lack knowledge. I think everyone can practice and acquire that knowledge by reading your literature.

Mark, everytime I read your literature again, my understanding gets deeper and wider.
To me, understanding neothink is like finding multiple gold mines.

Pure love & honesty,
A Neothinker.

I want you to tell your story of what Mark Hamilton…


I want you to tell your story of what Mark Hamilton, his literature, and his Neothink S0ciety has meant to you.  I also want you to tell your story of what the success of the Twelve Visions P@rty will mean to you, your loved ones, and to the world.  Contrast all that value to what the silencing of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the TVP movement would mean for you, your family, and the world…Neothink political structure of government.
I have been a member of the Neothink Society since the spring of 2009.  
I have purchased all of the Manuscripts that were for sale, I was surprised to learn that others were thinking just as I was.  It gave me the feeling that I am not alone.  
The Twelve Visions Party gives wonderful in site into how fair and just it will be when that comes into reality……….  The beginning  is now a reality.  
There is still a long way to go and I will be proud and happy to be counted among those who are in support of Mark Hamilton.
There are different areas of interest in which you can participate in the Neothink Society.  Some are: Joining or starting a clubhouse, business, aging (my interest) and more. Mark Hamilton has done a wonderful job Neothinking this plan for a newer, richer existence for us all regardless of race, color or sex.  

B. Finch

THE organization to boost human life


When my close friend Joshua Seymour first introduced me to Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literature, I was in a grey area of my life. I was only seventeen years old, and I was definitely not accomplishing my dreams. I was partying more than three nights a week, I wasn’t focused on my essence in life; my passions were almost non-existent. The Neothink literature opened my mind to a whole new way of thinking, almost like a new dimension I had just discovered. The Neothink literature assured me that there was more to life than the traditional routine: graduate from school, find a job, get married, have kids, retire, and die… all while being hassled by the government. The Neothink society has granted me the insights to find my passions and engage in them to a point of euphoria EVERY DAY. Besides finding my true passions, I’ve learned how to make those passions profitable, which is ultra rewarding. The goals Mark Hamilton has for the Human Race are phenomenal, yet achievable. We all must work together in harmony. We all must competitively create values for society. The literature is priceless, I give unlimited thanks to the mastermind of this invaluable literature, Mark Hamilton!

neothink testimonials


Neothink helped me to make some changes in my life.At first i was skeptical but came to realize the benificial business concepts in the literature.I am not a buisness sucess yet but i have made some progress that i would not have made without it.Even though i have a difference of opinion on some points i am greatful to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society.

New Visions!


As each idea came into my mind, I could see the picture being put together, piece by piece. And THEN IT HAPPENED! There it was in a flash, RECOGNITION and UNDERSTANDING, I KNEW the other pieces that must also fall into place! I could SEE THE FUTURE, because once you see the shape and the picture, you just know what else is coming… WHAT an AMAZINGLY Beautiful Future you will discover in Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literature! Thank you! I’m Breathless!

March 2025