Posts Tagged ‘literature’

Thank You Mark Hamilton

Thank You Mark Hamilton for all the interesting and exiting literature I have been reading trough the last 2 years. Since I am from Norway, I don’t know of any Clubhouses or TVP here. I hope someday we can start both in Norway.
Yours sincerely with all my love
Thore Sjursen

I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON

I felt so lost, confused, abused, I was angry with the world around me.
Every one I new, had betrayed me, my own family, the hypocrites telling me, how to live my life. Since I was little I was confused about the bible, peoples tell you one thing, but they go and do other thing that are not good, every body had betrayed me my whole life.I was feeling empty.
about a year ego, one letter come and I followed instruction I ordered some literature. Immediately I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON I star reading and I felt something inside me, and change my life, in the way I think, then I new this Man who His life has dedicated to understand the way peoples think, and what we should do with our life.
MR: MARK HAMILTON open his acknowledge, to help those who were willing to see another world, with in the world we live.
This abusive and destructive world we live in need the MARK HAMILTON and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY to teach them everything we have learn.
NEOTHINK provide a WEALTH, of information that can make every body who are willing to learn a life full of Happiness, Health, and Wealth, that every one will embrace.
With gratitude and pride I have love this MAN MR: MARK HAMILTON and his NEOTHINK literature for inviting me to be a member of this society, Because with NEOTHINK LITERATURE we have open minds, and we understand. We have a treasure in our hand and minds, 2500 years of acknowledge.
Floris E C

I am very happy to be a Neothink member

Hi Mark, thank you for the wonderful literature I have gotten from you. your writings have changed my life for the better in many ways. I have been energized and found a new zest for life thanks to your literature. I am very happy to be a Neothink member. neothinking is one of the only ways we will be able to survive in the near future and beyond. along with the ten second miracles. Friday night essence, and neothinking we could possibly survive this catastrophic era that we are sinking into! it will be a battle. a battle that either side could win. it pains me to say that but i know that to be the case. we are out numbered and the forces of the anticivilization are abundant on both the far left and the far right. the left and the right are equally as bad. they are going to do things with there usual narrow minded, dishonest ways to try to stop our progress. they live inside that closed in bubble where all the dishonesties and misleading teachings exist. we are on the outside of there bubble living with honesty! we have got to persevere and endure!!! your friend! Jeremy

I simply could not stop reading the material…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
In 2006 or so , when I received a letter inviting me to be a part of the Neothink Society, having a daughter in High school and being divorced I was pulled in to discover what this was all about. Fortunately I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the heirlooms, read and was motivated to purchase the second, intrigued and inspired by reading both publications. Miss Annabelle’s story put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together.
Being a slow reader, and disorganized, it took some time to discovering the value of Marks literature. I simply could not stop reading the material, did more reading in these last years then I did my whole entire life, I’m am now 70 years old I feel better than I did in my 50’s and am the happiest that I have ever been.
I thank you and will be forever grateful. I am looking forward to integrating in activities and telling everyone who will listen to see for themselves the value, and how things can change for everyone in a better world.
Horst Stresing

I am here to say that Neothink has been a part of my life…

I am here to say that Neothink has been a part of my life for the past few years, and from it’s literature I’ve gained plenty of knowledge. I’ve learned a lot about myself and about this life in general. It taught me how to live a better life for my family and for myself. This literature encourages a better way of thinking and better standard of living. Trust that Neothink comes from a mind of geniuses who’ve shared with these special people, a wonderful gift that will be passed down to many generations, a gift that if used correctly will bring automatic health, wealth and love to those who read and appreciate this material. I am confident that Mark Hamilton will over come any obstacle that comes his
way. I am here for you as you are here for me .
Sincerely Yours, Simone G

I want to thank you for sending me the invitation into the Neothink society back in 2005

Dear Mark Hamilton, I want to thank you for sending me the invitation into the Neothink society back in 2005. Since I have been a member of Neothink my life has improved in many ways. the Neothink writings that i purchased from you have advanced the powers of my mind, made me more intelligent, and have given me advantages in most situations, as you know my friend getting right to the essence of things, getting right to what is always makes things go much more smoothly. we do not want to create problems where no problems exist, that is a waste of time. we want to create values by getting to what is, like you so brilliantly wrote about in your Neothink books! I am glad to see that the Twelve Visions Party is moving forward. as you mentioned in your Neothink literature and the video on the Twelve Visions Party website the anticivilization is deteriorating rapidly. the catastrophic era is here and by using Neothink, going with my gut feelings, and getting into the intense meditations that I love so much i can see the collapse of the dishonest anticivilization coming soon. TVP is the solution to correct so many of the problems that we see now. your friend! jeremy

Mark Hamilton is not a scam

I just want to say that Mark Hamilton is not a scam, is time that people take the blindfold off, and see the reality of things, the literature that I been shown has change my life, now I feel like Neothink inside the matrix where things are not what the seem and because now I understand things I can profit from any situation to my advantage, listen the possibility’s are limitless the options are unlimited, I walk a golden path now, keep your mind open to the possibility’s everything will be alright

Mark Hamilton is a wonderful teacher

I would start by saying that Mark Hamilton is a wonderful teacher, who have worked so hard to enlighten me on Neothink. The literature taught by Mark Hamilton , brought light and understanding of life to me. The Neothink Society taught me how to love which i have spread to my family. My family is united and love each other. I went back to School, got BSN and immediately proceeded to masters program and would complete very soon
I thank Mark Hamilton and the twelve visions party (TVP).


Having been independent-minded, I have seriously suspected for a long time that something was not right with this world. These suspicions were present even before I began accumulating Neothink literature over twenty years ago. The large amount of information from Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Society/Twelve Visions Party has given me increasing: enthusiasm, independence, confidence and power. It is now so easy for any and all Neothink Society members to see what huge lies and absolute nonsense people have been led to believe for a very long time. Currently, it is not very difficult for almost anyone to be aware that “something is rotten out there”. So, if anyone is looking for solutions, you will find REAL and PERMANENT solutions in the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. Actually, REAL and PERMANENT solutions to the world’s growing problems cannot be found ANYWHERE else! The survival of the human race on this planet depends on MARK HAMILTON’S NEOTHINK SOCIETY and TWELVE VISIONS PARTY!! James G

I’m able to build a great legacy for me and my family because of Mark Hamilton

I feel very privileged to be part of a movement that will bring about prosperity for the whole world. Reading the literature gave me the courage to become an entrepreneur in 2008 and have kept me focus on finding innovating ways to profit while creating values for society. I’m able to build a great legacy for me and my family because of Mr. Mark Hamilton and his life’s work.
Thank you,
Otis T.
Alexandria, VA

March 2025