Posts Tagged ‘life time’

It is with great gratitude for …

Hello Mr. Hamilton,

It is with great gratitude for allowing, giving me, the privilege, this great awakening that will last A life-time in my experience, reading your Neothink literature.


Mr. Hamilton, this is with gratitude for allowing, giving me this privilege …


Mr. Hamilton, this is with gratitude for allowing, giving me this privilege, this great awakening that will last a life-time in my experience, reading your Neothink books has given me many great wisdom to pass on to others, especially To my love ones.


deeper than deep

I will simply say this. If we are going to see a global awakening in our life time, Mark Hamilton and Neothink Inside Secrets is truly laying an unbreakable foundation on wich to build it! There is nothing else like this to be found in the world of literature…

“Thank You Mark Hamilton!”

At the crossroads of my life, filled with confusion, uncertainty, chaos, disappointment, and arrays of many other things; I had no where to rest my feelings. What or were does my destiny lie? That question, an unknown equation. I had written a song describing the emotions of not knowing what to do or where to go and I asked the Lord to show me the way please. I have been searching for so long what else is it to this gigantic ball of confusion?
The next year, I received the mysterious orientation letter and wondered what does this all mean? So, I answered the call and ordered the books and the rest became a remarkable part of my life’s history. My favorite book is Miss Annabelle. That is because each character connected directly to me in ways that made me feel that I was actually inside the story. Even though the characters were not exactly like my personality, but enough of the adventure related to some parts of my life’s experiences. I marveled and wondered – did the author know me personally in another life time or something? My life personally is filled with many stories. The Mark Hamilton Book was like receiving a unique technological gadget.
Let me explain. It was like again, standing at the crossroads and not seeing a pathway to take. While gazing blindly into the yonder; this gadget in the form of a book appears and opens. Then, magically roads that were invisible suddenly appear and layered with maps. Then, my body transformed into powerful engines of the mine that carried me over the roads to many destinations never before seen. Wow, what a powerful piece of technology! How can a book turn an ordinary person into a super nova engine with bright lights? Well that is the rejuvenating experience that everyone in the world needs to receive. It is like a gift of Life. Thank You Mark Hamilton for the wonderful Gift. “It is like an Adventure to Infinity and Beyond; Connecting Master Minds together as One.”
Thank You Very Much!!!
Debra W. Domino, Texas

The Neothink Society is an group hard working honest people…

The Neothink Society is an group hard working honest people, who is dedicated to doing what’s right for the good of all. Many people and groups one encounters in there life time often do good things out of fear. Mark Hamilton’s literature can and will help you overcome your personal fears and accomplish many if not all of your goals in life. Most of us want to live a good clean honest life, but with all the dishonesty in our World today one can find this difficult, This literature can help you begin to think and start looking for answers from within, that will benefit yourself and your family. The one thing I noticed about our brother Jesus is that, in every situation, he was always honest about things, The he had concurred all the illusions of this dishonest World that had crucified him according to their law. To make just decisions about things, first gather all the information.

After reading Mark Hamilton’s, three Heirloom’s…


After reading Mark Hamilton’s, three Heirloom’s, They took me back in time, to when I was younger? when I was the happiest, not a care in the world? It’s like I had that extra boost of energy. Like the child of the past! That extra energy, has always stuck with me! No matter how bad things got, even when I had very little friend’s, and when I would just sit at home, just my mother and I, or when she would go to the bar, or even just myself, sitting at home? I would always find something to do, to stay preoccupied, so I would not get board? I have been through a lot of tragic things in my life time. But through it all, I was always able to pull myself out of my trap? No matter what kind of trap it was. I dropped out of school at the age of sixteen, living out on the street’s, and managed to survive? But I never had that opportunity like million’s of other people, to move forward in life? But with out mark’s help? I would have never found the person I was meant to be in life! And after reading about the mini-day system, I was able to do more for myself, and to figure out my FNE, in life? and with down stream focus, you can accomplish anything your heart desires, always remember one thing? We all need to think ahead, before saying or acting on anything. We would all get further ahead in life that way, instead of just reacting to thing’s. I know this from experience. My oldest daughter Ania, she’s twenty now but when she was three yrs of age, I noticed that her deep motivational root is, that she is fascinated with the world around her, and I am the same way. When you have down focus. you enjoy every day, all day long, for the rest of your life, and not let anything stand in your way.            BY MICHELLE ANDERSON.

Path to Happiness…open letter!

This is an open letter to all seekers of a better way. A better way in this life-time for the here and now! My whole life has been searching for that better and more complete life. Understanding that this life is more than the daily struggles to exist on this planet for how many years…and in the end…be sitting in one of those retirement homes for the impaired and aging. I have seen those homes…, my grandmother was in one of them…, and it shortened her life…as it shortens any who enter those depressing doors.
Is this what we all struggle for so long…only to end up empty handed and empty hearted…and spiritually demoralized?
Well…it doesn’t have to become that way…to change for the better using the Neo-Think method. And that it all comes down to a methodology or road-map to climb those stairs towards greater awareness and understanding. I have spent most of my life searching for a way out of this sorry situation…and after number hits and misses. I thought I found it in Buddhism…but after nearly 20 years studying and practicing. I found that somehow it failed in making any real changes…in the direction I wanted.
By chance…(nothing by the way is by change…!); I found Neo-Think…or rather Neo-Think found me. What is it that saying…that which you seek…is seeking you!
I have found the true path to happiness that we all seeking…whether we know it or not!
May your path be found as well…towards that greater understanding…happiness, health and purpose!

Mr. Hamilton, in my book you are the…

Hello Mr. Hamilton
Good day, I cannot express my generosity enough, for sharing the Neothink experience with me. You have given me the road map to conquer most of the issues that plagued mankind. The Neothink society has been a tremendous help to me. If offers a life-long knowledge of vital information of which i was not aware of. I have red many books in my
life time, but I have to say the Neothink literature has lifted me to higher degree of understanding. When I received your introductory letter and red it, i know the redemption of a broader knowledge was about unveil. Even though i knew i was a special person, because i was constantly told by my parents. I cannot go into details on this because this is a confidential issue.
Your literatures and teachings are one of the most educational, self awareness, eye opening experiences I ever had. I was in the darkness of planetary diseases which caused by neocheater’s activities. The journey with Mark Hamilton is great. I will encourage anyone who has not read the literatures as yet to get on board. Experience
your true you, its dying to get out. You are suppressing your knowledge of growth. In this so called modern society, getting an educated is great, but getting an education in the Neothink society is a life time of values that you will never find in a text book.
Mr. Hamilton, in my book you are the catalyst that will open lots of eyes in this universe.

The Neothink Society has allowed me to think outside the box

Mr. Hamilton,

Let me start by saying thank you.  I am very grateful for having the opportunity to be a part of such an organization.  This is a once in a life-time dream.  It is not often, that everyday people get the chance to converse with people who are shakers and movers.
The Neothink Society has allowed me to think outside the box.  I now realize that all my dreams can come true.  I am reading and gaining knowledge on how to succeed and live a life beyond my wildest dreams.
I will continue to learn and grow.  Thank you again for this life changing opportunity.

Anthony S

Mr. Hamilton, in my book you are the catalyst that will open lots of eyes in this universe.


Hello Mr. Hamilton
Good day, i cannot express my generosity enough, for sharing the Neothink experience with me. You have given me the road map to conquer most of the issues that plagued mankind. The Neothink society has been a tremendous help
to me. If offers a life long knowledge of vital information of which i was not aware of. I have red many books in my life time, but i have to say the Neothink literatures has lifted me to higher degree of understanding. When I received your introductory letter and red it, i know the redemption of a broader knowledge was about unveil. Even though i knew i was a special person, because  i was constantly told by my parents. I cannot go into details on this because this is a confidential issue.

Your literatures and teachings are one of the most educational, self awareness, eye opening experiences I ever had. I was in the darkness of planetary diseases which caused by neocheater’s activities. The journey with Mark Hamilton is great. I will encourage anyone who has not red the literatures as yet to get on board. Experience
your true you, its dying to get out. You are suppressing your knowledge of growth. In this so called modern society, getting an educated is great, but getting an education in the Neothink society is a life time of values that you will never find in a text book.

Mr. Hamilton, in my book you are the catalyst that will open lots of eyes in this universe.

Phil M

March 2025