Posts Tagged ‘life journey’

I can never repay Mark Hamilton for what…

Hello all:
My name is Craig and about three and a half years ago I was accepted into the Neothink Society. I have read over 1500 pages of material from the Neothink literature. What has happened to me as a result from the studying of this material is a complete surprise to me. I have changed direction in my life. I am no longer heading toward retirement from a full time job. Most people don’t find fault with working a full time job and retiring after 35 -40 or so years. It is considered respectful. I agree if your happy with that. What this material does though is allow you to see your options. It allows you to see that you can bring your full potential to fruition. You can be all you ever dreamed of and more.
I am writing this as a testament to the good that comes from this literature. I turned a corner in my life as a direct result of the learning of this material. It is not a self help system. It is not a positive attitude system. And it is not a religion. It is a new mindset. I set a bold new course for my life by reading this material and the progress has been slow at times and fast at others, but always moving forward.
The most amazing part of this new life journey is that I never seen it coming. I changed direction in my life and never even knew it. I started taking control of my own life and making my own decisions without consulting anyone else. I had achieved quite a bit of change and made a lot of progress toward a dream of mine, before realizing what I had done. It became so natural that it just slipped by. I never saw the success in front of me. I just kept plugging away at my goal, and never really stopped for a view. Now that I have reflected on my achievements I can see all that is left to do. Without this literature I would have retired from my job with about 42 years of service. I would never have achieved my full potential in life and would have stagnated in my daily routine rut of a 40 hour full time job. At least I would have been a good citizen and made uncle sam happy. If that is you, and like the old me you like simplicity and easy then continue on and do as you already are. Keep plugging away at that same old boring day job and keep it simple. Live life loving to hate your job and never doing anything about it.
Or you can take time and simply put forth a little effort yourself to learn what the Neothink Society is all about. There is going to be a time when this society is in the spotlight for its teachings and I urge you to check it out before you judge it.
Well if your like most of us Americans you don’t. Sometime in the near future as I said above, This literature will be in the mainstream media. It will be strongly criticized by our government and the public will jump on board as always without so much as a thought about it. Well just because the government says it’s bad doesn’t mean that it really is. Please seek to find the truth before you judge. There is two sides to every story, and in there lies the reality that the truth is not always as it is portrayed. I am a firm believer in all that these teachings have to offer, and owe great wealth and prosperity to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society for all that I have achieved. And there is yet so much more to do.
I am a person who now challenges my mind and my physical ability on a daily basis. I have gone far and looking forward to going further. I am currently in the beginning stages of Launching my own business, and this would not have been possible for me without the influence of this learning. It set me on the beginning path to where I am now. I am looking forward to the future and pushing ahead a blossoming and growing highly successful business. I live everyday now with enthusiasm, and a zest for life, that was not possible for me about four years ago. Anyone can achieve great success with this information, but you must first open your eyes and then your mind.
There is a great quote that I recently read that I have adopted and am currently referring to as a reminder whenever needed. It is as reads below.
If everyone in the world followed the quote written above, we would have very few problems in society. Only the ones technology cannot solve yet. Simply because following the quote above forces you to use your energy (negativity included) to search for the answer through knowledge and a true understanding of others views. So many things in life have many correct answers, depending from which view you are looking. The solution then becomes one that everyone can live with.
So please do the work and put in the time before casting your ballot. Don’t let someone else do your thinking for you. Take control and you may be surprised what you find. You will certainly be surprised by the results. Become an achiever and leave behind the follower. Make a turn in your own life and see where it takes you. If you read the material as I did, you may not even see it coming (success).
I wrote this testimonial, without provocation. I feel compelled to give something back, and this hardly even makes a dent in what is owed. I can never repay Mark Hamilton for what he and the other members of the Neothink society have taught me. I am forever moving forward and who knows how far life will take me. All I know is that I will keep moving forward and enjoying the ride. My achievement in life is only held down by my own imagination. I will forever be inventing new ways to achieve, and keep raising the bar as I go. Success is limitless with the right mindset. The literature is here for everyone to enjoy so please indulge yourself, before it is gone forever.

Patrick Bundys testimonial of his life journey in the permanently valuable Neothink Society (R):


When I first began I was dishonest, hated, loveless, moneyless, womanless, depressed, lazy while pushing my camouflaged failure down into a downward spiral of dishonesty. I was defaulting in nearly almost every area in my life yet I just could not “get it” when I was making some effort to becoming rich and successful.

Now all that is happily forever behind me.
I have discovered the indefinitely valuable life advantages to universal wealth, health, romance, happiness, safety, peace, creation and universal power.
Each of my own heirloom packages planted just the right seeds of knowledge to forever allow me to jump directly into the most exciting journey of my whole life.

I have discovered for myself the secrets of the worlds smartest individuals on our planet.
This is NOT hype as NEOTHINK SOCIETY members have already discovered on their own. I have too. I am SO happy about this.

When I laid eyes on the secrets to eternal sexual-romantic love I was amazed at just how easy it will become for me to experience such an eternal value.
I was uplifted as to WHY so much failure exists in the world when it is all SO easily avoidable.
I am now fully armed with the NEOTHINK SOCIETY secrets to romantic-love creation.
Because of this I have attracted the love of a very special woman whom I want more than I have ever wanted any woman before.
She responds to my character.
I want her. Applying the sexual-romantic-love secrets I am witnessing her with my own eyes her desire expand for me.
She and me will be together soon enough.
I love being so patient while watching romantic-love prosper in my life and feeling my happiness with her already.

I have discovered the stimulating career of my dreams.
I now have a real life business working with real business people in the National NEOTHINK SOCIETY.
All of my life checking out MLM’s and other marketing models I could not do them because my heart was not with it.
My heart is FOREVER WITH the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Business Model.
I believe in my heart that my business will make me more rich than most of the countries richest people are today.

I now know the essence of conscious beings, value creation, happiness, love, humor, conscious life and many many others.
Knowing this I am now able to profitably control the essence of MANY things so that me and others may experience indefinitely expanding happiness for life.

I have found a home in the National NEOTHINK SOCIETY.
I feel pure love existing all around the serious minded NEOTHINK SOCIETY members that are taking the NEOTHINK SOCIETY to ever newer levels.
During the National Meetings I feel the friendship, harmony, love and respect existing as we all create the most important values that bring lasting meaning in our lives.
I realized and accepted that ALL members that are getting in now are going to experience these very same values if they really take an active participation.
The happiness, joy and happiness is beyond what we all knew before.
Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the love that I now permanently live with.
These people that feel like family to me are the men and women that are adding so much valuable and relevant knowledge to my life.
I cannot begin to tell you how much ripe and fresh knowledge that we all uncover on a day to day basis. I am overwhelmed with pure love everyday as I watch my life reach new heights never before dreamt of.
Just take an active part in this life changing group of like-minded people and you will see for yourself all of the exclusive action that takes place here all the time.

I used to feel scared that I would fail in life.
Now I KNOW that is completely false.
I KNOW that life is exactly what I intend to make it. Now that I am a life long member in the Neothink Society (R) and am using the secrets, all jammed packed in the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Heirloom Packages, I live without the fear that plagues most people today. I live with increasing peace and eternally happy pure love in my heart.
I am taking action towards the life I am meant to live each and every single day.
One way that I KNOW that I cannot fail in the long run now is because the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Visions and Powers took the author 25 years to create this prime literature. They arose from factual experiences of real life people who had part in adding eternal value to these heirloom packages.
I own the original copies of these two pieces of the prime literature.
The prime literature puzzle is beyond what currently exists on our planet.
Actually I feel scared from time to time but when I consider the fact that I am OK now with my friends, I melt with loving feelings for life.

I used to despise and hate myself.
When I look back on this I look back somewhat with disbelief at how I used to be.
I now love myself with every fiber of my being in existence.
I love life.
I understand and am knowing how to succeed.
I am gaining the ability to acquire massive and extensive resources in my own life.
I have never been as dedicated to anything as much as I am to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, the members, the prime literature and my NEOTHINK SOCIETY life that I am living more and more everyday with sheer happiness.
I was never as SO excited as I was to learn that anyone can lift themselves out of their miserable existence and into the life they were meant to live.

There is SO MUCH MORE to this life I live that I could talk about so I sak right now: Go to my testimonial video and make good understanding of it.

In conclusion of my testimonial I must say:
I love myself and my life now. I have real and true fun now where once fun was gradually slipping away. I actually felt helpless to have fun as much as I once did again. Now I do…

Lovingly and Respectfully,
Patrick Bundy

I feel privileged, honored and beyond words…

Dear Mark,
My first invitation and introduction from the Neothink society was timed perfect at 50 years old my job, which I turned into my career; that I loved from day one to end of 10 years. Not I or not I circumstance of my employer but global economy crisis. Corporation downsizing ended my employment. They also had several unforeseen cost from one of the Multi Mega News Breaking Merger ^ Fully fleeted soaring Gasoline Cost.
I worked hard all my life driven by having the best Health Plan Insurance for 4 children and myself. Cobra health plans offered on lay off is not affordable with reduced income of unemployment and I can’t have government help for health care because of my 401K.
I would of been completely devastated and gobbled up in despair; had it not been for the Neothink Heir- loom package I remain positive, hold my head high and stand my ground to not settle a reduced quality of life in my search of my next employer. I did nothing to deserve less
It is truly refreshing to read books written in 100% honestly It seemed like every other page stated something I live my life on as facts I had always frustrated me that many times in general conversation you speak of the unethical acts of ones in authority who think they are control and covering their self centered ways to be treated like you are speaking with offensive foul words. The Heirloom Package also filled in many missing links of various levels in my life journey I could not figure out on my own; I also learned in the package to forgive myself replacing the destructive guilt for two character flaws I know I will someday overcome
I feel privileged, honored and beyond words of grateful to Neothink Society for coming into my life.
Sincerely & Respectfully,

March 2025