Posts Tagged ‘life experiences’

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I have waited three years, enduring “technical difficulties” of epic proportions and other manageable obstacles to add my testimonial. Neothink, as it was introduced to me by Mark Hamilton, which is now called Neothink and was once Neothink has immeasurably my existence in all capacities.

Having been introduced into the Neothink Society when I was 26 yrs. grown, significantly for the quality of person I was on the inside(concerning particular, essential elements) which is a major component as to how Mark Hamilton’s apprentices we’re chosen), now at 29 years of age and well-read in Neothink(NEOTHINK SOCIETY) literature–my Heirloom Packages, I find that my excitement and enthusiasm about life, my life and the future for all Value Creators is growing continuously and exponentially.

Growing up to now, I had always felt an innate orientation within honesty–most specifically honesty to myself. As I observed a, frankly sad, many others in a plethora of situations exercise an internal allegiance toward immediate comfort or gratification no matter if it was immoral or irrational, I always exercised. Sometimes with sordid, envious opposition…an allegiance to nothing else but the truth. The truth–which can be discovered through deep, honest, rational, introspection.

I have an eternally versatile, highly integrated personality developed stemming from my core and have often had to defend myself psychologically and morally in my adult years. It eventually became apparent to me that people who’ve personally experienced me the most viewed me as kind, strong-willed, confident, completely dismissing any consideration as to how that was developed–that it was largely developed through life experiences like: trial and error, enormous battles defending my inclination towards morale and rational mentality and those many large battles increasing the space between me with the Aristotelian-based philosophy I carried and the Platonistic-based philosophy my attackers carried; this increasingly distinguished for me and enhanced who I am in terms of Honesty, Morale and Rationality from others who are inclined towards dishonesty, immoral and irrationality. I was often attacked on those fronts PRIMARILY BECAUSE WE ARE TEMPORARLY LIVING IN A WORLD SUPRESSED BY THE PLOYS OF THE ANTI-CIVILIZTON…INCLUDING THE PLAGUE OF MYSTISM–a world that from the base of their mystism plagued reasoning is often self-persuaded to create problems where none exist! Sadly, I even endure resistance from members of my immediate family. Along with my exhibiting an undeniable and distinct laser focus, upon getting a glimpse of my heirloom packages, significant opposition arose leading to their researching of flamer sites and posts online about Neothink and the literature I owned, referring to them as “those black books!”..telling me things like, “Neothink will lead to your downfall!” These were relatively ugly exclamations with envious undertones that ultimately express a lack of understanding on their part. I am gloriously exited and anticipating the culmination of the Prime Law Amendment to the United States Constitution that the Twelve Visions Party with the entire NEOTHINK SOCIETY is pushing forth to bring about the Twelve Visions World on earth.

Kareem G.

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society that believe in helping each individual


To: Mark Hamilton
I received a letter from Neothink Society November 2006. I had been invited to join a exclusive group of individuals from around the world was ready to share their knowledge of how to achieve wealth  in all areas of life. My first impression was to go forward and look into this by ordering the Neothink material that had been offered. My first book once I started reading I could not stop it held my attention for days and weeks and weeks turn in to months. I was amazed at the honesty that was shining threw and the knowledge that kept me reading. The wonderful information was eye opening, a wide scope to view life and my life experiences to be able to look at the world in a objective way, and how one can succeed in life. I have to be honest their was some doubt if I would be able to succeed and survive. But the Neothink literature on Self Discovery lit a burning desire within me that took off like a rocket, gave me the confidence to achieve in my life what ever I desired. Since I left my job and started my own company it has been a fast pace of growth. This Year 2009 our company has done ¾ of million dollars in service work in the construction field. We are project next year to be doing 2 to 3 million dollars in service work. We are very excited about the future. Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society that believe in helping each individual to find the creative ability that each of us have. Everyday life has become exciting. The mentoring has been life changing. The key is to want more out of life and Neothink offer the tools and knowledge for each individual to go after their dreams and desire. What a wonderful contribution to mankind. Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  
Larry Johnson

Mark Hamilton, founder of The Neothink Society

“We the Neothink Society send our Love and Service out to envelop all LIFE on this planet, to stimulate and enhance the BEings of Humanity to excel in growth and development of their Consciousness to join with us to create and foster a beneficial environment in which to evolve and become a true Twelve Visions World…”
These are words that are used to begin some of our Teleseminar Conference Calls…This does help create a feeling of closeness among members within our aim to come together in this Neothink Society.
This concept came to me as I resonated with all that The Neothink Society has come to mean to me personally and as a citizen of the world we live in and for all of our desires to create a world that offers self-fulfillment, happiness, and safety in which to become and live out all of the promise that resides in the core of human beings.
I have experienced personally some of the consequences of what has befallen our economic system here in America. I have friends all over the world who are in the same boat as the USA is when it comes to the failing of much of our financial sources from which we earn to keep ourselves in as best shape as we can manage, so we can pay our bills, take care of our families, and remain healthy.
I have come to trust the foundational stone on which The Neothink Society is built upon: integrated honesty, integrity, and Love and support for all of our dreams to come true. This Society is made up of individuals of all ages, backgrounds, life experiences, and races, yet we can all come together in true equality of opportunity, since we know that we will assist ourselves and all who come to us in building our capacities to create our individual and societal goals that we are aimed at for us and our children no matter where we live on this planet. We are International in our endeavors, since our members reside in many countries. The trust in the basic goodness that lives within each human being is present. We know that some nationalities feel more targeted for their beliefs and thus can feel defensive as victims. We work on the premise that humans are not made for destructive means for living, but can come to comprehend that all can live best in peace and freedom without force or coercion entering the picture of life itself no matter what part of the world we reside in.
The Neothink Society has many ways of benefitting and enabling individuals to find and expand their unique talents to become a life-support system for themselves and their loved ones. We have developed many programs that do help us learn just who we are and how we want to function in life in our own countries of origin. These range from finding just how powerful we are when meshing our personal expertise with building family values, communities, and businesses that enhance living and give great values back into society. What a thrill it is to feel so confident and accomplished that we are able to not only help ourselves but can help others in so many ways. Imagination is the key to creating this beneficial environment, ie. thinking outside the accepted “norm”…a norm that hasn’t provided what we all have hoped and yearned for up to now.
We as citizens can look around at what is already here and now in our country, and spread out over the world…When we use our newly expanded brain power, we can begin imagining how we might better our circumstances and those of our countries. We can develop our confidence by thinking for ourselves, making independent decisions for ourselves, learning about how the world works, and how human beings literally become great. There are steps we can take to begin our journey in this life and prosper. Mark Hamilton, author of the Multigenerational Manuscripts, brings forth great values to us, as he mentors us in finding our answers as individuals and as human beings. I learned so much from this reading and coming to see reality as it really is, not covered over with illusions, being able to distinguish the answers for myself, finding more and more of my talents and being able to surprise myself by what I can become and accomplish.
I also see these advantages and advancements in deep friendships I have made here in The Neothink Society. These are lifelong relationships, much like family in the Love and sharing that occurs between us. There is deep regard and respect and appreciation among us all, whether we have come to directly know each other or come together working in other venues we have developed. One in which we all participate and agree upon, no matter the viewpoint via historical perspective, is the Twelve Visions Party, the apolitical arm of The Neothink Society.
The TVP (Twelve Visions Party) is in the process of development from the grassroots up, and is the vision of Mark Hamilton, founder of The Neothink Society. The “platform” will be presented as released by the TVP into the media as time progresses. It is built upon a “Protection Only” basis for Government, where all citizens will benefit through the release of all of our geniuses who can go to work on the solutions to what all plagues us as humans, driving down the prices of what we need in a free market base, and enabling all to live a rich life, including the elderly and those who are now poor…This corresponds to what the history of the computer has accomplished, where only the wealthy could own a computer at one time. This TVP viewpoint is workable and possible as to the details, where no child or individual will be left behind, and though it is a new vista from which to view Government, I feel most from the grassroots level will be able to appreciate its aims and the means to bring this vision into reality. Of course, there will be an interim period of adjustment, so the full fruition will occur for the betterment of our citizens, and to demonstrate its viability upon the world stage.
I have spent my professional life as an RN/BSN, particularly in research while helping others in difficulty, and I am happy to spend my present life on another frontier of evolution–> that of Consciousness itself, as we make our current big leap into a greater Mind, such as Jesus did so long ago…One that can see our planet and its peoples as an interwoven Whole, conscious of its unique human character acting in the second Greatest Story Ever Told! This is real. This is for Us, all of humankind. To not just survive, but thrive in all our magnificence. Folks, keep an open mind and Learn, as I did, as have so many of us scattered all across this majestic planet in our Universe. I want this not just for me, but for all of our peoples–> For You!
Love, Lila B.

I received my first invitation letter from the Neothink Society …

From Gerry R
Capreol Ontario Canada
Good afternoon, fellow Neothink members. It is an honor for me to share my testimonial with you at this memorable Canadian conference. I would like to briefly talk about where I come from, but more importantly where I am now and where I am headed as a member of the Neothink Society.
I was born and raised in a Northern Ontario family of seven sisters and one brother. I am the eldest, and my brother is the youngest. We were fortunate to have loving parents, and their goal was to sacrifice their comfort, and work hard physically to get the best that they could for us with what they had. Like many families in the nineteen forties and fifties, we experienced tough financial times. And even through our financial struggles, our parents taught us to share and “put others’ needs ahead of our own”. Being tolerant of others, and respecting authority figures such as religious leaders and teachers, was our family code, even when it hurt. My parents’ modeling reflected that it was expected of all family members to have it in our heart to love and be ready to forgive our fellow man, no matter what wrong was done to us. It was also stressed that physical work, no matter how hard it was, was the only right direction in life.
I am the voice the Society has not heard allot of so far. This is my debut at “jumping in”. It is said that a habit starts out as a simple thought that we develop from the messages we receive from significant others, whether verbal or by physical example of an event (positive or negative) in our lives, that we record in our mind. When a new thought is recorded, it can be compared to a thread, which in its original new state is flexible and breakable at that point in time. Cutting or pulling can easily remove this new thread. However, when this “thread” is allowed to remain in our mind, it becomes tempered by our A/C life experiences, (in other words, this is how we get programmed), it grows and hardens and becomes a steel cable that holds us prisoner in the A/C world of dog-eat-dog and neocheating. Hence my instructions from the A/C society: “Don’t make waves and listen to authority because they know more what you need, more than you do.
Since my twenties, I lived with a tenacious feeling of not belonging most of the time in my work setting. I never seemed to “fit in”, and could not find any sustainable source of factual information that would offer me some answers to where I was headed in life. At that point, I went through a marital separation and divorce. My whole world was turned upside down and my life was chaotic from that disintegration. Three years later however, I met and eventually married my new partner and our relationship has survived the test of time to this day. My wife supports me in my growth with the Neothink Society.
For most of my adult life, fundamental questions about where I was headed and what I could do to improve my life continued to plague me. In answer to my questions I received my first invitation letter from the Neothink Society three years ago. I found that letter and subsequent ones very intriguing and I was somewhat skeptical at the outset. The message these letters relayed to me was that I have talents and capabilities I was not aware of. The letters further told me that these talents and capabilities would surface in time through nurturing from the Society if I would let them. I decided to accept the Society’s invitation for membership. It was at that point I finally discovered that yes, there is ‘something” more to life than what my present experience was. Accepting The Neothink Society’s invitation for a membership is the best decision I have ever made in my entire life.
Mark Hamilton supportively communicates to us and assures us that the answers to each our own life questions are all addressed in the Prime Literature. The most significant message I get from reading the Prime Literature is that it will allow me to grow in self -awareness. “Self-awareness is defined as having a clear perception of my personality, including my strengths” that give me some indication about my FNE. Being human, it also means I also have weaknesses that I need to acknowledge. Being aware of my thoughts, beliefs, and emotions allows me to identify and let go of my very own personal mysticisms. I can become an effective influence for others only when I become mysticism free. Self-awareness also allows me to understand other people, how they perceive me, from my attitude and response to them right now.
Having said that, I need to guard against assuming that I am completely self-aware at this stage of my growth, because self-awareness denotes the ability to experience events as I progress with the Neothink Society and develop the ability to clearly notice every nitty-gritty detail of my thought process of whatever event I am dealing with. This is known as “heightened awareness”. This requires persistence and practice on my part to develop the ability to see the pieces of my own life puzzles and integrate new opportunities through my thoughts, emotions, and conversations. Having self-awareness allows me to understand where my thoughts and emotions are taking me. It allows me to exercise Discipline, Thought and Control, (DTC). DTC gives me the power to act instead of automatically react to people and events.
As I indicated a moment ago, I went through a separation and divorce in my first relationship. Relationships are easy until there is emotional turmoil. This is the same whether I am at work or in a personal relationship. The Neothink relationship concepts have shown me that when I am able to change the interpretation in my mind of what I think of my personal and business associations, I can change my emotions thereby shifting the emotional quality of my love and other relationships. Having self-awareness enables me to change my emotions in my relationships, and that can open up entirely new possibilities in my life. Having the ability to empathize facilitates better personal and professional relationships. I have it in my power to exercise a choice; I can choose to be constructively helpful instead of being destructively critical.
Mark Hamilton also puts allot of emphasis on the importance of discovering my FNE. The Prime Literature tells me that I actually hold a blueprint for continual discovery in my brain as is true for each of us. Hence, in discovering the person I was meant to be will lead to living the life I was meant to live. My inborn talents are the tools I need to develop self-confidence to use to accomplish my life’s purpose. The A/C world places its expectations on us through rules and traditions, thereby stunting this discovery process. I have listened in face-to-face meetings and in many Neothink Webminars to many fellow brothers and sister giving an account of their progress in self-awareness as members. I am amazed at how easily and enthusiastically they tell us their story of how they have discovered the secret of their life blueprint. I have come to realize that reading the Prime Literature and interacting with my Neothink brothers and sisters will allow my life blueprint to unfold in its own, natural way.
It is said that one gets what one tolerates. I’ll be happy when…” was my thinking during my A/C life. I know now that happiness dwells inside of me now as I am speaking to you. Only the Prime Literature and the “Insta-Act” concept have the power to pump in sufficient energy to activate my internal everlasting motivation in this process. I only need to allow happiness to surface by thinking and doing as indicated by the Prime Literature which will resultantly lead me to value creation. So, the happiness part of health, wealth and happiness comes about if I know myself, what my true calling is, and that I will get in life what I tolerate. The better I am able to understand myself, the better I am able to accept or change what I must in me. Remaining in the dark about myself means I would continue to get caught up in my own internal struggles and that stagnation would allow A/C forces to continue to mould and shape me for their neocheating purposes.
I am now a Level 10, and I have read the three Heirloom Packages. This is a new time in my life. Human beings, I am told, tend to resist change however, for the steel cables of the A/C conditioning require a cutting torch fuelled with love and support from my brothers and sisters combined with persistence and my accepting the responsibility in reading the Prime Literature, and attending as many Neothink workshops as I possible can. In doing this, I am ever so conscious of my dissipating A/C programming that has held me back for most of my life. I am now able to recognize and work to let go of that sugarcoated A/C conditioning. It is my experience that the letting go process sometimes can be as tough as breaking through a cement wall. I need to remember that as I progress toward the Twelve Visions World, my old go-nowhere living habits are being replaced by health, wealth and happiness habits and because of that, I may feel unsure of myself at times until the integrations take place. With patience and persistence and use of the power thinking/mini-day team and as I develop sound Self-Leader skills, I will flourish into a life of creating values for myself and for others. I need to remember and never forget that it must always begin with me.
I thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for saving my life and increasing my personal effectiveness to opening the door to value creation. From my perspective, I was immediately taken with the conscious choices I have in what I want to do at this point in my life, and how I can contribute to my quality of life and that of my fellow man. The impact of my choices in achieving the results I desire finally redirects my life to being the person I was meant to be. The Society’s model for successful evolution to the Twelve Visions World is truly life changing. Within three years, I have progressed through significant growth and integrations in my daily thinking and actions from being a devout church go-er in the A/C world and waiting to be given instructions on how best to lead my life, to growing as a self-leader. I still need to work on letting go of some of mysticisms every day; some are tougher than others. After reading and rereading the Prime Literature, I now long for the leap into the Twelve Visions World.
As I progress in the Neothink Society, through my internship and Self-Leader training, and in my association with my Neothink mentors and brothers and sisters, I am experiencing a forward movement to the extent that not only doors, but gates to never-before encountered to personal growth and business opportunities are opening up to me in an invitation to join my fellow brothers and sisters to work with you all, shoulder to shoulder, in bringing about the Twelve Visions World. Thank you to the Society for its many truly effective programs that steer me toward reclaiming my own authority and in believing in myself. Thank you to Steve F and Jeff H for your effective support to Canadian members, and thank you to Raymond D for helping to move me forward in the business direction. Thank you my Neothink brothers and sisters for being there when I need you.
I can now visualize in my mind that place in my life where I need to be and the blueprint to get there. That vision is becoming clearer day-by-day. I have come to realize that what the Neothink Society truly holds for me is that promise that I have to power to alter my destiny as well as that of my family and the rest of the world. I am finally arriving at that mental plateau of the person I was meant to be.
My brothers and sisters in Neothink, I remain yours in love and unity.

Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.

To: Mark Hamilton
I received a letter from Neothink Society November 2006. I had been invited to join a exclusive group of individuals from around the world was ready to share their knowledge of how to achieve wealth in all areas of life. My first impression was to go forward and look into this by ordering the Neothink material that had been offered. My first book once I started reading I could not stop it held my attention for days and weeks and weeks turn in to months. I was amazed at the honesty that was shining threw and the knowledge that kept me reading. The wonderful information was eye opening, a wide scope to view life and my life experiences to be able to look at the world in a objective way, and how one can succeed in life. I have to be honest their was some doubt if I would be able to succeed and survive. But the Neothink literature on Self Discovery lit a burning desire within me that took off like a rocket, gave me the confidence to achieve in my life what ever I desired. Since I left my job and started my own company it has been a fast pace of growth. This Year 2009 our company has done ¾ of million dollars in service work in the construction field. We are project next year to be doing 2 to 3 million dollars in service work. We are very excited about the future. Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neo think society that believe in helping each individual to find the creative ability that each of us have. Everyday life has become exciting. The mentoring has been life changing. The key is to want more out of life and Neothink offer the tools and knowledge for each individual to go after their dreams and desire. What a wonderful contribution to mankind. Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Larry J

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I have waited three years, enduring “technical difficulties” of epic proportions and other manageable obstacles to add my testimonial. Neothink, as it was introduced to me by Mark Hamilton, which is now called Neothink and was once Neothink has immeasurably my existence in all capacities.

Having been introduced into the Neothink Society when I was 26 yrs. grown, significantly for the quality of person I was on the inside(concerning particular, essential elements) which is a major component as to how Mark Hamilton’s apprentices we’re chosen), now at 29 years of age and well-read in Neothink(NEOTHINK SOCIETY) literature–my Heirloom Packages, I find that my excitement and enthusiasm about life, my life and the future for all Value Creators is growing continuously and exponentially.

Growing up to now, I had always felt an innate orientation within honesty–most specifically honesty to myself. As I observed a, frankly sad, many others in a plethora of situations exercise an internal allegiance toward immediate comfort or gratification no matter if it was immoral or irrational, I always exercised. Sometimes with sordid, envious opposition…an allegiance to nothing else but the truth. The truth–which can be discovered through deep, honest, rational, introspection.

I have an eternally versatile, highly integrated personality developed stemming from my core and have often had to defend myself psychologically and morally in my adult years. It eventually became apparent to me that people who’ve personally experienced me the most viewed me as kind, strong-willed, confident, completely dismissing any consideration as to how that was developed–that it was largely developed through life experiences like: trial and error, enormous battles defending my inclination towards morale and rational mentality and those many large battles increasing the space between me with the Aristotelian-based philosophy I carried and the Platonistic-based philosophy my attackers carried; this increasingly distinguished for me and enhanced who I am in terms of Honesty, Morale and Rationality from others who are inclined towards dishonesty, immoral and irrationality. I was often attacked on those fronts PRIMARILY BECAUSE WE ARE TEMPORARLY LIVING IN A WORLD SUPRESSED BY THE PLOYS OF THE ANTI-CIVILIZTON…INCLUDING THE PLAGUE OF MYSTISM–a world that from the base of their mystism plagued reasoning is often self-persuaded to create problems where none exist! Sadly, I even endure resistance from members of my immediate family. Along with my exhibiting an undeniable and distinct laser focus, upon getting a glimpse of my heirloom packages, significant opposition arose leading to their researching of flamer sites and posts online about Neothink and the literature I owned, referring to them as “those black books!”..telling me things like, “Neothink will lead to your downfall!” These were relatively ugly exclamations with envious undertones that ultimately express a lack of understanding on their part. I am gloriously exited and anticipating the culmination of the Prime Law Amendment to the United States Constitution that the Twelve Visions Party with the entire NEOTHINK SOCIETY is pushing forth to bring about the Twelve Visions World on earth.

Kareem G.

“We the Neothink Society send our Love and Service out to envelop all LIFE on this planet, to stimulate and enhance the BEings of Humanity to excel in growth and development of their Consciousness to join with us to create and foster a beneficial environment in which to evolve and become a true Twelve Visions World…”
These are words that are used to begin some of our Teleseminar Conference Calls…This does help create a feeling of closeness among members within our aim to come together in this Neothink Society.
This concept came to me as I resonated with all that The Neothink Society has come to mean to me personally and as a citizen of the world we live in and for all of our desires to create a world that offers self-fulfillment, happiness, and safety in which to become and live out all of the promise that resides in the core of human beings.  
I have experienced personally some of the consequences of what has befallen our economic system here in America. I have friends all over the world who are in the same boat as the USA is when it comes to the failing of much of our financial sources from which we earn  to keep ourselves in as best shape as we can manage, so we can pay our bills, take care of our families, and remain healthy.
I have come to trust the foundational stone on which The Neothink Society is built upon: integrated honesty, integrity, and Love and support for all of our dreams to come true. This Society is made up of individuals of all ages, backgrounds, life experiences, and races, yet we can all come together in true equality of opportunity, since we know that we will assist ourselves and all who come to us in building our capacities to create our individual and societal goals that we are aimed at for us and our children no matter where we live on this planet. We are International in our endeavors, since our members reside in many countries. The trust in the basic goodness that lives within each human being is present. We know that some nationalities feel more targeted for their beliefs and thus can feel defensive as victims. We work on the premise that humans are not made for destructive means for living, but can come to comprehend that all can live best in peace and freedom without force or coercion entering the picture of life itself no matter what part of the world we reside in.
The Neothink Society has many ways of benefitting and enabling individuals to find and expand their unique talents to become a life-support system for themselves and their loved ones. We have developed many programs that do help us learn just who we are and how we want to function in life in our own countries of origin. These range from finding just how powerful we are when meshing our personal expertise with building family values, communities, and businesses that enhance living and give great values back into society. What a thrill it is to feel so confident and accomplished that we are able to not only help ourselves but can help others in so many ways. Imagination is the key to creating this beneficial environment, ie. thinking outside the accepted “norm”…a norm that hasn’t provided what we all have hoped and yearned for up to now. 
We as citizens can look around at what is already here and now in our country, and spread out over the world…When we use our newly expanded brain power, we can begin imagining how we might better our circumstances and those of our countries. We can develop our confidence by thinking for ourselves, making independent decisions for ourselves, learning about how the world works, and how human beings literally become great. There are steps we can take to begin our journey in this life and prosper. Mark Hamilton, author of the Multigenerational Manuscripts, brings forth great values to us, as he mentors us in finding our answers as individuals and as human beings. I learned so much from this reading and coming to see reality as it really is, not covered over with illusions, being able to distinguish the answers for myself, finding more and more of my talents and being able to surprise myself by what I can become and accomplish.
I also see these advantages and advancements in deep friendships I have made here in The Neothink Society. These are lifelong relationships, much like family in the Love and sharing that occurs between us. There is deep regard and respect and appreciation among us all, whether we have come to directly know each other or come together working in other venues we have developed. One in which we all participate and agree upon, no matter the viewpoint via historical perspective, is the Twelve Visions Party, the apolitical arm of The Neothink Society.
The TVP (Twelve Visions Party) is in the process of development from the grassroots up, and is the vision of Mark Hamilton, founder of The Neothink Society. The “platform” will be presented as released by the TVP into the media as time progresses. It is built upon a “Protection Only” basis for Government, where all citizens will benefit through the release of all of our geniuses who can go to work on the solutions to what all plagues us as humans, driving down the prices of what we need in a free market base, and enabling all to live a rich life, including the elderly and those who are now poor…This corresponds to what the history of the computer has accomplished, where only the wealthy could own a computer at one time. This TVP viewpoint is workable and possible as to the details, where no child or individual will be left behind, and though it is a new vista from which to view Government, I feel most from the grassroots level will be able to appreciate its aims and the means to bring this vision into reality. Of course, there will be an interim period of adjustment, so the full fruition will occur for the betterment of our citizens, and  to demonstrate its viability upon the world stage.
I have spent my professional life as an RN/BSN, particularly in research while helping others in difficulty, and I am happy to spend my present life on another frontier of evolution–> that of Consciousness itself, as we make our current big leap into a greater Mind, such as Jesus did so long ago…One that can see our planet and its peoples as an interwoven Whole, conscious of its unique human character acting in the second Greatest Story Ever Told! This is real. This is for Us, all of humankind. To not just survive, but thrive in all our magnificence. Folks, keep an open mind and Learn, as I did, as have so many of us scattered all across this majestic planet in our Universe. I want this not just for me, but for all of our peoples–> For You!

Dale Leo

Are you looking in the right place for your answers?
We are constantly looking for answers to what, who, and why, as we look, see, hear, or read information, trust is always in our mind. Many may ask themselves “ does the word trust still exist?”
I can tell you “yes” you just have to know where to look. Most people search for the answers through the negative, dishonest world we live in.
Have you ever thought deep within your hopes, wishes, and dreams “ if only I could find a place where the truly honest people could share their information to wealth, health, happiness and prosperity”. I can tell you “yes” again, because I have discovered the secret information that has pulled me out of the trap, some of the information I thought I have already known, but I did not know how to use it correctly, until I read some of the most ancient manuscripts that have been kept secret from the average person. This information came to me one day shortly after asking the above question deep within my soul. My wish came true because soon there after I received a letter in the mail from Mark Hamilton. He has been doing extensive research obtaining true honest facts about how we all have the God Given Gift we are all born with, to achieve anything we may desire within us.
Mark Hamilton is the word “Trust” he is the first person who truly cares about the human race, and sharing his knowledge with all of us to live the life we are meant to live, to be happy and prosper and teach our children we can have a better world to live in.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for receiving my deep honest thoughts and sharing your information with me to live the life I was meant to live.
Trust With True Honesty Will Always Prevail !
Dale Leo

February 2025