Posts Tagged ‘life as one’

I am a Neothink member and a supporter of the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Reader,
I am a Neothink member and a supporter of the Twelve Visions Party. Words can hardly begin to express how the education in the Generational Manuscripts has begun to change my entire life. As one of the baby boomers we are taught that we have few choices after a certain age in life and that we are expected to accept what is planned for us by our ruling class government and peacefully settle into old age awaiting death. This is not true. I have learned through Neothink to love life again with an excitement for what the future will hold with the Twelve Visions Party and Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton is to be commended for his visions and effort that he is so intent on bringing us, the human race. The same love, energy, and time spent on his own loved ones, he is now sharing with you. You can learn more about TVP @, We all owe it to ourselves and Mark Hamilton to educate ourselves on the issues at hand. This is not difficult to grasp, it is hard facts explained with solid solutions that will take all of us to support the end results for a better standard of living that we should all have. I am now retired, but throughout my working years i was always told how to think and act, when to sleep, when to eat. That was always acceptable in our lifetime without the knowledge that has been now given to me through Neothink. I now have a mentor that has all positives for forward moving mentality, happiness, health and wealth for my future and my family. Our current structure of government needs to change if our standards of living are ever going to change. TVP is a strong rational solution to these issues. I am a strong supporter of these changes and Mark Hamilton. Also our educational system, where you have a minimum of 50% of our children on Ritalin so they can be controlled while being taught to blend into society just as we were instead of expanding their minds with no limit. Since entering Neothink we have experienced all walks of life and every nationality that truly love each other for the betterment of mankind., instead of all of the hate that flows through our world today. If we want a better world for all generation to come and nationalities, I believe we must support Mark Hamilton and the TVP. I intend to be a part of this movement for the rest of my life. I hope to meet and greet you soon in the TVP family or at one of the National Neothink clubhouses. Working together for the same cause will be exhilarating, powerful, and beneficial to all of mankind. Please join me in my quest for a better tomorrow through TVP and Mark Hamilton
Thank You
Rick R.

March 2025