Posts Tagged ‘letter in the mail’

I found out why after reading those books by Mark Hamilton

My journey began in earnest when I received a letter in the mail which I had to send back which I did. The letter stated I was searching for something but had not grasped yet. This was indeed true but I could never quite put my finger on it. It was elusive but I knew and felt that I would hear and read the booklet anyway. I was quite skeptical as I had been lied to many times before.
The booklet arrived as promised and it contained stories in it which were clever and all had a common denominator or theme even though I was unable to see it right away. The stories were varied and quite interesting and thus I read it within a day. About a week passed and I received another letter with an offer. It was for money and they would send me a book. I became extremely skeptical after that but it did have a money back guarantee so I decided I had nothing to lose and wrote out the check.
I received the first massive book and then the second and finally the third. Some parts were harder to read then others but I read them all. They were about various subjects that I had always thought but never was sure of. This literature was justification, I felt, that I was not alone in my thoughts. As I thought more deeply about the themes and how they all went to the very core or essence of what ever was written about.
The sleeper had awakened. I saw things as they really were and the motivations of the people, over a very brief time. Some people were on top and seamed like they did not care while the people on the bottom of the ladder seamed the most genuine. I found out why after reading those books by Mark Hamilton.
I then received an email which directed me to a site. I went there and after paying a small fee, I saw my mentor ,Mark Hamilton, on my Screen for the first time. After 12 months I learned even more while listening to his video’s. Everything that was talked about was eye opening and I was not the only one who partook of this knowledge.
Many people learned as I did I found out later. Eventually Everyone united at this websites’ forums. Everyone shared their individual insights, gifts, and knowledge. The fledgling community was being built just as it must have been foreseen. The knowledge flowed freely between everyone which was known simply as fellow searchers. As time and knowledge passed between us all, our little community began to grow and flourish. The many people who became enlightened and then awakened was extraordinary.
Because of this enlightenment the old paradigm or old way of doing things started to see the writing on the wall. The old paradigm had to fight back as they worked better in the shadows. Our little group ,with the help of others accross the earth, shall end up changing this paradigm now. We are uniting all over the globe now. In unity there is strength. We all have differences and idiosyncrasies but that is what makes us unique. The ability to rational and calmly discuss our view different view points and arrive at a mutual understanding of the issue at hand. The opposition wants everybody to be the same, slaves.
The many are controlled by the few through one thing, which has many sub-parts to it. Fear. A branch of that fear is anger. Knowing this I do not hate people but pity those that do so. Love is the opposite to fear. Acceptance of diversity leads to strength. Since we are all one anything else would be to self inflict pain.(?) Many people are now “AWAKE”. People are aware now of all the lies and propaganda they have been told.
To achieve victory for humankind and remove our invisible shackles, we have started a political party called The Twelve Visions Party. When we unite under this banner we will. take our world back. The time is now to come and first learn about what is now apparent to all. There will be many attacks against people who have united ,physical and slanderous. The main stream media, which hardly nobody believes anymore, will constantly begin to attack The Neothink Society and its ideals. Everyone has a right to their opinion as long as you have heard BOTH sides. The difference between us,The Neothink society and the person who started it all, Mark Hamilton, is we will listen and then judge by its essence if it is true or false. If the statement is true then we would integrate it and if the knowledge is not true discard it as an untruth.(awk)
In conclusion, A war for your mind is here. After you gain all the knowledge make your decision. The truth always surfaces for it is light and therefore not afraid to show itself and does not cower. Many great thinkers from various time periods knew this little fact and were punished for it. Now that there are many awake a new era is upon us. There will be a “fight” as the old paradigm dies and the new one emerges. Unification is power and light! Discussion is the key to any differences of opinion only if both sides agree to it in good faith. With all of this said I have one final word and that is Unite!

Mark Hamilton is the word “Trust”…

Are you looking in the right place for your answers?
We are constantly looking for answers to what, who, and why, as we look, see, hear, or read information, trust is always in our mind. Many may ask themselves “ does the word trust still exist?”
I can tell you “yes” you just have to know where to look. Most people search for the answers through the negative, dishonest world we live in.
Have you ever thought deep within your hopes, wishes, and dreams “ if only I could find a place where the truly honest people could share their information to wealth, health, happiness and prosperity”. I can tell you “yes” again, because I have discovered the secret information that has pulled me out of the trap, some of the information I thought I have already known, but I did not know how to use it correctly, until I read some of the most ancient manuscripts that have been kept secret from the average person. This information came to me one day shortly after asking the above question deep within my soul. My wish came true because soon there after I received a letter in the mail from Mark Hamilton. He has been doing extensive research obtaining true honest facts about how we all have the God Given Gift we are all born with, to achieve anything we may desire within us.
Mark Hamilton is the word “Trust” he is the first person who truly cares about the human race, and sharing his knowledge with all of us to live the life we are meant to live, to be happy and prosper and teach our children we can have a better world to live in.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for receiving my deep honest thoughts and sharing your information with me to live the life I was meant to live.
Trust With True Honesty Will Always Prevail !
Dale L

My Journey with Mark Hamilton

I am sending you this letter to share with you, what you personally and what the Multi Generational Manuscripts, have meant to me. I will start by sharing with you where I was at just before receiving your invitation to become a member of the Neothink Society.
I was soon approaching my 56th birthday and my life was very depressing. I was 9 years away from retirement age, no savings, owing over $75,000 in back child support, which took over half of my paycheck. To make matters worse, I was on commission sales, and because of the economy, my income was going down. I had almost accepted the fact that I was destined to live the rest of my life in poverty, with no escape. It was like being in a pitch black room, or being in a dense fog, or being trapped in a complicated maze not knowing where to turn. My life was basically hopeless. To make matters even worse, I looked back to my senior year in high school. How promising things were then. I had a vision of changing the world. I was voted by my classmates most likely to succeed. In fact, I had not been to my class reunions out of embarrassment. I asked myself how I had gotten to this dismal place in my life, where did I go wrong, how could someone with so much potential have become such a failure. I am thankful that I did not have suicidal tendencies.
Four days before my 56th birthday, I received a letter in the mail. It was a letter from you, an invitation to join this society of geniuses. It stated they recognized that I was special, and that I was being asked to join them, this society was the Neothink Society. I was flattered but yet skeptical, so the first thing I did was get on the internet. There I found some people talking negative about it but I saw that none of them were in or had been in the society, but then I came across a website where others who were in the society were sharing how it had changed their lives and how thankful they were. I decided to find out for myself, I would rather take the word of someone who knows rather than someone who doesn’t. On my 56th birthday I sent in my request form. There began my journey. As it turns out, that was the best birthday present I have ever received.
When I received my literature from Mark, I dug into it, and as I read, it was like someone had turned on the light in that dark room of despair that I was trapped in, the fog was lifted from my life and I had clear vision, and I had true direction in the complicated maze of life. Instead of despair, I found my life full of hope and I was once again becoming happy. I could clearly see where my life was headed, and I also knew the direction to take at each juncture in life I came across. I could once again look in the mirror and respect the man I saw there, I could see that I truly was special. Through the literature I learned the true value of honesty, first with myself and also with others, for I realized that honesty builds society, dishonesty tears it down. I also realized how important it was to love myself. As these values toward myself grew, I also began to realize that each and every individual was special and my love and respect grew for them as well. This brought me to a place where I understood that we cannot give what we don’t have, in order to be honest with others, we first had to be honest with our self, to be able to respect someone else, we had to first respect our self, and in order to love someone else, we had to first love our self.
I then realized what you had really done for me through the literature and your mentoring, you had helped me to become a self leader, and in doing so, I discovered the true meaning of freedom. The simplest way to put freedom is self rule. As with any form of rule, there is a domain, in the case of self rule, the domain consists of the individual and everything that belongs to the individual. As in any form of rule, there is a leader, with freedom(self rule), that leader is the individual. I then realized why I had ended up where I was so miserable in life, I had been programmed all my life to be a follower. Looking to outside authorities for the answers lead me to be enslaved in my thinking, simply put, a follower is subject to that which he follows. By becoming a self leader, I was able to take control of my life. I took full responsibility for all of my decisions and in doing so, I was able to make wise decisions that would lead to desired results.
My desire is that all people would be willing to take this journey that I am on, the journey to true freedom through self leadership. I can see if that were to happen, the many problems that we see today would simply disappear, for people would not be looking for what they could get but instead what they could do. What they could do to better their life as well as the lives of others. Peoples focus would turn from consuming to creating, and in doing so prices would fall and prosperity would rise because of the abundance. But why is this not happening? Isn’t this what our Founding Father’s established through our Constitution. What I see has happened is that over time we have witnessed the establishment of a ruling class in our country called the career politician who is more concerned about holding office rather than protecting the rights of the individual. For that reason he is quick to pass sound good legislation that will get him votes but in essence take away our freedom. Our Founding Fathers were not career politicians, but were individuals who believed in the freedom and the rights of the individual and volunteered their time and resources to guarantee those rights of the individual through our Constitution. But over time, politicians and judges have changed the original intent to not guarantee those rights of the individual but to take control over the individual. We are no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of career politicians over the people.
This is why I see the importance of the Prime Law which would guarantee the rights of the individual by forbidding initiatory force against the individual, by another individual, group of individuals, or government. And the purpose of government would be to protect those rights. The Twelve Visions Party, based on the Prime Law is essential to bring about a change in the direction of our freedoms being lost and instead guaranteeing those rights and our freedom. When that happens, when individuals are freed from the burdens of big government, then prosperity will return, for business will once again flourish. Freedom must survive, not socialism as where we are headed if we continue our present course. Freedom is what made this country great and freedom will make it great again.
One last thing I want to share with you and is a great compliment to you and all the others in the Neothink Society, and this comes from my 20 year old son. We were talking the other day and he was sharing with me how when I first joined the society that he thought it was some pie in the sky group and really didn’t think much of it, but over the last year and a half he has watched what a difference it has made in his dad’s life and he told me that he can see how much I have changed and how happy I am now, and that he could recognize that the Neothink Society was truly a good thing. And that he too would like to start reading the literature himself. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you Mark for all that you have done for me.

I owe that to my mentor Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Dear Mr. Hamilton

It saddened me to here that the Government would even think of stopping Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party. Before I was found by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society I was sleep walking through life. 30 pounds over weight, angry at the world because I felt the World owed me. Angry at my self because I felt I let the world past me by. Then I got the letter in the mail which simply said, I can teach you how to become the person you were born to be. I’m now at the my perfect weight, My confidence has returned and I know I can be do or have anything I want on this green earth. I’ve learned that when you are around like minded people, together you can become a master mind and become the Genius that you really are. I’m no longer afraid to stand up for what I truly believe in. I owe that to my mentor Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. I understand how some people are afraid of change. But if you want things in your life to change. You have to change things in your life. You can not continue to do the same things you have always done and expect a different result. So I thank Mr. Mark Hamilton every day for bringing me into the Neothink Society. I look into the mirror every morning and smile because I love myself again.

Marcus M.
New York City


To my Mentor, MARK HAMILTON:
Society in general, especially in the last 20-30 years has been degenerating at a
very fast pace. Morals and the family structure have taken a huge hit, as well as many other aspects I.E. the financial and political scenery has been dramatically altered.I’ts no
wonder the world is in such turmoil and chaos.
Throughout my adult life, which has’nt always been pleasant, I’ve fought my
“Demons” and tried very hard to live a life based on honesty and respect for others. I’ve also been searching for new ways or methods to improve using a variety of techniques offered by various experts.They work only for a short time and then it’s back to the same
old “Rutt”.Boy’O’Boy what a dull life !!!!!.
Then alas! came this letter in the mail from the NEOTHINK SOCIETY society.I almost threw it
out, but this funny feeling in my gut told me,”hold on to it and read it.This is what you’ve been waiting for all your life.It was quite long, but right to the point and very informative, it
hit me like a brick. It finally was time to wake-up from that mediocre life I was living and start in a completely different direction.
This invitation letter came from the desk of Mark Hamilton my mentor, explaining all the advantages and the benefits the society offered if I decided to become a member. I immediately jumped at this once in a lifetime chance. For the last two years my life has
changed all for the better.I’m one of your apprentices and am becoming a mentor also.
As I slowly progress, constantly learning and reading the litterature , I become more and
more the “person I was meant to be”.
During this transformation , which I don’t think will ever stop, I ‘ve met and befriended the most amazing and admirable people in my entire life. They are like-minded and totally devoted to advancing the Neothink(r) society and changing the present structure of the world through an HONEST business approach.Honesty and love will bring a major
paradigm change to the human race.We must stop violence,suffering and human indignity caused by all the parasitical elite’s at the helm of this sinking ship.
I will forever be grateful, THANK YOU, Mark for this precious gift, this opportunity of a lifetime you’ve given me. And also for accepting me and my mysticisms into the “fold” of
your apprentices. I’ve become very involved with multiple programs in the society and I’m
now very much looking forward to a long life of HEALTH, LOVE , WEALTH and the Twelve Visions World.

Mark Hamilton probably saved my life!

To put it straight, Mark Hamilton probably saved my life! Some 15+ years ago I was at a very dangerous time in my life.
I was in a crisis personally and I very seriously considered suicide as my only option for dealing with my problems.
I was as emotionally broken, physically a mess, and there was no one I felt I could turn to who could explain to me what I was going through, let alone help me get through it.
I was confused and felt totally alone in the world.
Family, friends, even the doctors, the psychiatrists and psychologists, the so called experts, provided nothing to help except some drugs and BS “talk therapy” which only served to mask what was really going on with me.
I was truly at a loss in my life and then, almost as if by divine intervention, I received an interesting letter in the mail…it was from Mark Hamilton.
I read the letter and something clicked for me…I suddenly felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time, I felt a glimmer of hope in my life.
Slowly I started to wake up from my confusion and I started seeing my life, and the world, in a completely different way.
I began to feel better and the feeling just kept getting stronger and stronger.
Well, to make a long story short, I was able to safely get through this traumatic time in my life and I can honestly say it was in large part because of Mark Hamilton and his works.
Today I am eternally thankful to Mr. Hamilton and hope to meet him personally someday and shake his hand.
Thank you

I want to tell you about my experiences with the…


I want to tell you about my experiences with the Secret Society.  I received a letter in the mail inviting me to join a group of people called the Secret Society.  This letter was full  of complementary things such as I was special and this was a special time or phase in my life that I was entering. The Society recognized special skills and talents in me and wanted to share information that would better my life, world, finances and love life.

I was thinking how much will this cost and that it’s just a scam to get money.  At best it was some type of cult or religion wanted me to join and eventually would take my money.  I told them that the information they offered sounded good (because it really did sound very interesting) but I just didn’t have that kind of money for their books right now.  I figured the Secret Society would drop me like a hot potato with no money to give.  Well, boy was I wrong.  They responded to me dropping the price of their information very low so I could afford it.  They said they wanted me to join because they saw in me talents and skills that were very special as I stated before.  So I sent the money and still a little part of me still was suspicious.

Shortly I received a book of information which I’m still reading and absorbing the information.  I received invitations to clubhouse meetings and have been personally contacted through letters by my mentor (who is a world known television personality).  Everything I was offered and told I would receive has been done just as it was offered to me by the secret society.

I will continue to be involved with these people as they seem very sincere and have kept to their words to me.  Actually I feel very excited to learn more information and meet these exciting people.  They sought me out and are very excited to meet me and what I things can bring to the Society.


Mr. Mark Hamilton are in the arena of new ideas


In August of 2007 I was wandering around in a wasteland of foggy wilderness.  Although I was retired and had the world by the tail I also knew that all things were not right within me and the world at large.  There were many things that had not gelled within me in order for me to understand why the world was as it was and the why of man’s inhumanity to man.
In that month of that year I received a special letter in the mail from someone offering me resolution of all queries I had of life in general and offering me promises of becoming all I had ever wished to be and to have all that I had ever wanted to have.  IMPOSSIBLE, I thought.  Yet I took the bait all the while knowing that it was too good to be true and you know what they say about something being too good to be true.  It usually is, too good to be true.  
But………..I waited and eventually received the first of what was to become a very treasured book.  Others to follow that all became very treasured by me for the books (Multigenerational Manuscripts they are called now) opened my eyes to another world heretofore unknown to me although I had wondered many times about it and why it was the way it was.  These books revealed to me why man is as he is and why the world is as it is.  But that was only a Primer.  Much more information was revealed in those Manuscripts.  Information that would revolutionize my thinking and create a whole new world for me.  I would state that anyone that has ever read the Manuscripts with an open mind could only come to the conclusion that these Manuscripts state only the truth and are indisputable in their honesty and clarity.
Those books and the letter came from the Neothink Society headed by a brilliant and compassionate man by the name of Mark Hamilton whose only goal is to make this world (whirled) better for all.  Mr. Hamilton has laid it all out for all of us, plain and simple, but yet not really so either.
Mr. Hamilton’s vision for his new and better world (whirled) is indisputable in it’s structure.  Within this structure lies the framework for an honest and joyful world (whirled) wherein all are productive, creative, happy and wealthy beyond their current imaginings.  It is basically, but not all, reduced down to the common denominator of honesty within one’s own self, business, politics and all life in general.
The business paradigm and the Political paradigm of the Twelve Visions Party will ensure that all that wish to be a participant in an honest and productive life will have the opportunity to do so.  The Constitution of these United States with an added provision, The Prime Law, will ensure that the business of this Country, and all Countries, will be ran in an efficient, fair and completely impartial manner without benefit of flaw filled man’s machinations and manipulations running rampant to the detriment of all but themselves and their minions.  No longer will the parasitical elite have control of the masses to the detriment of their lives, spirits and souls.
The Neothink (New way of thinking) Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton are in the arena of new ideas and a new way of thinking and living that will bring productivity, creativity, happiness and wealth to all that care to embrace this revolutionary way of thinking and being.
The Neothink Society has captured my imagination and devotion to the concepts and ideas presented in the Multigenerational Manuscripts and I subscribe to the notion that all that read, understand and implement the principles and ideas espoused therein will be better for it and will wish to help the Neothink Society establish, grow and continue to the erstwhile realization of their ends which is a better, longer, happier and more productive life than the stagnant rut so many of us are/were in.
I should not, but am going to do so anyway, go out on a limb and make the statement that all of us in the Neothink Society that have read, understand and implemented the information gleaned from these truly remarkable books of knowledge could not, even if we so wished, go back to life before the reading of and understanding of this amazing literature.  It is truly life changing for it is so revelatory of where you, and the world (whirled) as a whole is in it’s current state and where it, and you, could be that the vision of that is imprinted so indelibly into your brain that you can not get it out and the striving for that new and wonderful world (whirled) will consume you, change you and take you to heights never before imagined in your present world (whirled).
Mr. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, The Multigenerational Manuscripts, The Business Alliance and the Twelve Visions Party can completely revolutionize life as we know it now to take us from our present state of mind numbed roboticism and stagnant rut existence to a new state of reawakening and creative happiness.  I wholeheartedly endorse, embrace and welcome the Visions of the Neothink Society into my world (whirled) and hope you will also.
I do not state lightly that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have greatly altered my looking at life picture to what life could be picture.  I am sixty-two years of age and I thought not much could alter my perception or conception of life as it was, and is, until I had the great good fortune of receiveng a special letter in the mail one day that completely changed my conception of the world as it was into what it could be.  The advantages of living life through the Neothink Society concepts make life worth living all over again.  I now wish to live forever so I can enjoy all of life’s great, rich rewards.  Life within the Neothink Society has a special flavor the one’s not so fortunate will never know.  I could only wish those pleasures and joys for all.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  I truly feel blessed and am very much pleased that you found me.  I only wish that you could find all.
Chris G

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society


In August of 2007 I was wandering around in a wasteland of foggy wilderness.  Although I was retired and had the world by the tail I also knew that all things were not right within me and the world at large.  There were many things that had not gelled within me in order for me to understand why the world was as it was and the why of man’s inhumanity to man.
In that month of that year I received a special letter in the mail from someone offering me resolution of all queries I had of life in general and offering me promises of becoming all I had ever wished to be and to have all that I had ever wanted to have.  IMPOSSIBLE, I thought.  Yet I took the bait all the while knowing that it was too good to be true and you know what they say about something being too good to be true.  It usually is, too good to be true.  
But………..I waited and eventually received the first of what was to become a very treasured book.  Others to follow that all became very treasured by me for the books (Multigenerational Manuscripts they are called now) opened my eyes to another world heretofore unknown to me although I had wondered many times about it and why it was the way it was.  These books revealed to me why man is as he is and why the world is as it is.  But that was only a Primer.  Much more information was revealed in those Manuscripts.  Information that would revolutionize my thinking and create a whole new world for me.  I would state that anyone that has ever read the Manuscripts with an open mind could only come to the conclusion that these Manuscripts state only the truth and are indisputable in their honesty and clarity.
Those books and the letter came from the Neothink Society headed by a brilliant and compassionate man by the name of Mark Hamilton whose only goal is to make this world (whirled) better for all.  Mr. Hamilton has laid it all out for all of us, plain and simple, but yet not really so either.
Mr. Hamilton’s vision for his new and better world (whirled) is indisputable in it’s structure.  Within this structure lies the framework for an honest and joyful world (whirled) wherein all are productive, creative, happy and wealthy beyond their current imaginings.  It is basically, but not all, reduced down to the common denominator of honesty within one’s own self, business, politics and all life in general.
The business paradigm and the Political paradigm of the Twelve Visions Party will ensure that all that wish to be a participant in an honest and productive life will have the opportunity to do so.  The Constitution of these United States with an added provision, The Prime Law, will ensure that the business of this Country, and all Countries, will be ran in an efficient, fair and completely impartial manner without benefit of flaw filled man’s machinations and manipulations running rampant to the detriment of all but themselves and their minions.  No longer will the parasitical elite have control of the masses to the detriment of their lives, spirits and souls.
The Neothink (New way of thinking) Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton are in the arena of new ideas and a new way of thinking and living that will bring productivity, creativity, happiness and wealth to all that care to embrace this revolutionary way of thinking and being.
The Neothink Society has captured my imagination and devotion to the concepts and ideas presented in the Multigenerational Manuscripts and I subscribe to the notion that all that read, understand and implement the principles and ideas espoused therein will be better for it and will wish to help the Neothink Society establish, grow and continue to the erstwhile realization of their ends which is a better, longer, happier and more productive life than the stagnant rut so many of us are/were in.
I should not, but am going to do so anyway, go out on a limb and make the statement that all of us in the Neothink Society that have read, understand and implemented the information gleaned from these truly remarkable books of knowledge could not, even if we so wished, go back to life before the reading of and understanding of this amazing literature.  It is truly life changing for it is so revelatory of where you, and the world (whirled) as a whole is in it’s current state and where it, and you, could be that the vision of that is imprinted so indelibly into your brain that you can not get it out and the striving for that new and wonderful world (whirled) will consume you, change you and take you to heights never before imagined in your present world (whirled).
Mr. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, The Multigenerational Manuscripts, The Business Alliance and the Twelve Visions Party can completely revolutionize life as we know it now to take us from our present state of mind numbed roboticism and stagnant rut existence to a new state of reawakening and creative happiness.  I wholeheartedly endorse, embrace and welcome the Visions of the Neothink Society into my world (whirled) and hope you will also.
I do not state lightly that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have greatly altered my looking at life picture to what life could be picture.  I am sixty-two years of age and I thought not much could alter my perception or conception of life as it was, and is, until I had the great good fortune of receiving a special letter in the mail one day that completely changed my conception of the world as it was into what it could be.  The advantages of living life through the Neothink Society concepts make life worth living all over again.  I now wish to live forever so I can enjoy all of life’s great, rich rewards.  Life within the Neothink Society has a special flavor the one’s not so fortunate will never know.  I could only wish those pleasures and joys for all.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  I truly feel blessed and am very much pleased that you found me.  I only wish that you could find all.
Chris G

It all began with a letter in the mail.


As I write this, I have $5.40 in my corporate bank account. Why? It’s because you who are reading this needs to know that this communication comes to you from an honest and unashamed business woman. I am a wife, mother, daughter and friend.  I totally blame my lack of funds for my business, solely on our current political structure of government. Tell me, how much more can my husband and I afford to pay in school and property taxes? No more! We can’t!  Any extra income that I’ve earned from my business went into paying more and more taxes!   My family lives very modestly, my husband’s income barely pays the bills to support our family of six. What I am saying is that we need a total new approach to government. I am convinced after reading the writings of Mark Hamilton and his visions of a new political paradigm, that his Twelve Visions Party is the answer! Not only for building the  wealth of my own business, but for the wealth, health and peace of the United States and eventually our world.
I want to tell you my story of how I was introduced to Mark Hamilton, his literature and his Neothink Society, which I am currently an active member of.
It all began with a letter in the mail. Mark Hamilton’s letter to me was an honest approach of his vision of a future world that I could be a part of. His letter invited me to be a part of the change. I answered that letter and became very involved with the Neothink Society. I began to read his writings of visions that he had for a future world where a new form of government actually helped the people. It helped them create new jobs, in other words, jobs that they created and developed from their passions. Jobs that would give back to society. I read where a Twelve Visions Party President, once elected, put into place a new amendment to the Constitution, which became The Prime Law. The Prime Law protected all of us.
That law is this:
The Prime Law
(The Fundamental of Protection)
The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily.
The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose.
The Prime Law guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract.
Article 1
No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individuals self, property, or contract.
Article 2
Force is morally-and-legally justified only for protection from those who violate Artice 1
No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.
I read that the Twelve Visions Party’s platform was
“To make all the people rich, including the poor.”
I read about new cures for disease, an explosion of technology and wealth that the average person could profit from and eventually become extremely wealthy. All of this made total sense to me.
I thought about the future of my children and the potential of a world where our debt would not be their financial ruin!  I quickly became involved. I joined the Neothink website and developed fast friends, as well as many potential business contacts. I discovered that these new friends and business contacts were the same like mind as myself!  I can honestly say now, that they have all become trusted friends and their support as well as their honesty, is truly what a family means to me now.  
As I became more involved with the Neothink Society, I began to partake in the discussions on the Neothink web site as well as the weekly national phone calls. These phone calls were also interactive on the Internet. I found that the more I communicated, the stronger I became… I developed many new friends and learned more each day on how I could personally step up and get involved. Before I became active with the Neothink Society, I worked for a radio station as a sales gal. Before that, I learned how to be a professional voice actor and built my studio as well.  When I worked for the station, I produced from my home studio all of my clients commercials. I created their ads, then produced their commercials. When I called on my clients, I spent more time listening , rather than trying to sell them air time. I cared very much about their success of their business. These business owners told me about their personal journeys, their stories of how they began their careers. I loved my job.  However, what I didn’t love about it was the in-house competition. Actually, when I would bump into other sales people from other radio stations…I was always genuinely pleased to meet them. At my own station, we were always pressed to compete with one another. I have always been a team player…this kind of competition was foreign to me. I was extremely uncomfortable…so much so that I began to think that if I continued in this environment…I would become sick. Even my own sales manager would compete with me. As I became more involved with the writings of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, I somehow became stronger and more self-assured. I began to feel very uncomfortable at work. I began to see things clearer. I began to instinctively know who was lying to me…who was trying to cheat me. The process of my own growth and self love was a journey I had been on for some time, prior to my introduction of Neothink and the writings of Mark Hamilton. His writings opened my eyes even more to the world around me. The truth and honesty of my new friends and contacts within the society helped to make me a stronger woman.  One week before Christmas I quit my job at the radio station. It was one of the most difficult decisions of my life, as I so loved radio and my clients. The new year came and I began to think what I would do now. I became more creative. I had time to think. I decided to build my own company. I created a radio show where I would produce the show and interview those business owners. They would tell their story’s of how they began their careers. By doing so, they would also have that opportunity to promote their product or service. My show was accepted by two commercial stations, one in Albany NY and the other in Phoenix, AZ. It was very exciting. During that time,  I joined and became active in the Neothink Business Alliance. To date, I have also become active hosting the call on the weekly National Twelve Visions Party call. There is a segment of the call where I can use my talent as well. I interview those in the Neothink Society that are making a difference in our world. One day I had a revelation. I was preparing for one of our national Twelve Visions Party calls. I remember thinking to myself…ok, well…you have $28.50 in your bank account, why are you not spending every minute trying to increase that? Why are you devoting your time and energy into this Twelve Visions Party call?  Why?  It is because that I know, with all my being that this opportunity to change our current government structure with The Twelve Visions Party is our last chance for survival. I know that my small effort may help to change our world and my children’s world and just maybe someday I can say that my “Team-Player” efforts have paid off. That $5.40 in my bank account represents to me a determination to be a part of a “real” change! If you are reading this and you want to learn more about The Twelve Visions Party and how you too can bring about change in your personal and professional life while helping to change the world? Go here now. The future is right here and right now. It is time for your voices to be heard. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visons Party and your voices will change our world and bring about Wealth, Health and Peace. These are very exciting times and I am honored to be a part of the change.
Best regards,
Kjelene Magnell B

March 2025