Posts Tagged ‘letter in the mail’

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society,

Words can’t express how my life has changed ever since I’ve been a member of the Neothink Society. From the minute I’ve received my first letter in the mail back in April of 2009 from you until this very present moment, my life has totally altered for the better in each and every aspect of my life. My health, emotional and physical well-being has made a total 360 turn-a-around due to the teachings in all the Heirlooms that I’ve been reading. I’ve been an active member in the Neothink Society for approximately 2 years now and have attended local Clubhouse meetings, networked with positive like-minded people within Neothink and have business ventured with several other entrepreneurs like myself. Due to your teachings and priceless information in your Heirlooms, I’ve walked away from my 9 to 5 job that I worked for over 15 straight years. Yes, you heard correctly, after reading all the amazing information that the majority of society will never know, the information that you teach, I packed up my bags and FIRED my boss after 15 years and started my own very successful online eBay business, not to mention 2 other business ventures that I’m currently working on as well. That other JOB that I worked for was UPS (Fortune 500 company with full benefits and all). Walked away in 2009 after getting my pension, during a full-blown recession and started my own business and applied the mini-day schedules just like you showed us how to do. Thanks for everything, Neothink has truly been a blessing in my life and the life of so many others I’m sure! See you on the beaches of the world Mark! šŸ™‚

Mark Hamilton's Neothink teachings were first presented to me when I …

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink teachings were first presented to me when I received a letter in the mail.

Words can't express how my life has changed ever since I've been a member of the Neothink Society.

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society,

Words can’t express how my life has changed ever since I’ve been a member of the Neothink Society. From the minute I’ve received my first letter in the mail back in April of 2009 from you until this very present moment, my life has totally altered for the better in each and every aspect of my life. My health, emotional and physical well-being has made a total 360 turn-a-around due to the teachings in all the Heirlooms that I’ve been reading. I’ve been an active member in the Neothink Society for approximately 2 years now and have attended local Clubhouse meetings, networked with positive like-minded people within Neothink and have business ventured with several other entrepreneurs like myself. Due to your teachings and priceless information in your Heirlooms, I’ve walked away from my 9 to 5 job that I worked for over 15 straight years. Yes, you heard correctly, after reading all the amazing information that the majority of society will never know, the information that you teach, I packed up my bags and FIRED my boss after 15 years and started my own very successful online eBay business, not to mention 2 other business ventures that I’m currently working on as well. That other JOB that I worked for was UPS (Fortune 500 company with full benefits and all). Walked away in 2009 after getting my pension, during a full-blown recession and started my own business and applied the mini-day schedules just like you showed us how to do. Thanks for everything, Neothink has truly been a blessing in my life and the life of so many others I’m sure! See you on the beaches of the world Mark!

Michael L

I began my journey with Neothink Society in August of 2004.

I began my journey with Neothink Society in August of 2004. I received a written letter in the mail that told of opportunities that awaited me if I accepted an invitation to join the society. As I read the letter I became excited, a little nervous and, and skeptical all within that short span of time. However, I decided to answer the invitation and a short time later I received a booklet that explained more about the Neothink Society. Some of the opportunities spoken of are as follows; You will be exposed to information on how to develop a

My name is Daniel s. and i would like to tell you my story

My name is Daniel s. and i would like to tell you my story. Before i was introduced to the Neothink literature and mentality, i was lost. I didn’t know what was wrong with my life. And i felt as if something was missing. I couldn’t find anything for long that would bring me happiness or joy.

I was searching for something. And i often felt like i would never find it. Until one day i received a letter in the mail from Mr. Hamilton. This letter explained how i could be something more then what i am.

Well i was skeptical at first and then decided to get the literature. And let me tell you wasn’t i surprised to learn that i do have power as a person that i can change things in my life. I am discovering things about the world and my self. And i tell you sometimes i get close to tears because i now have what i have been searching for! Mr. Mark Hamilton is a good person and i am glad he found me. For this man has helped me greatly with his Neothink literature.

I hope to meet this man one day and shake his hand. I truly am greatly to this man and his great works.


Thank you bud!


Sincerely Daniel S


To my Mentor, MARK HAMILTON:
Society in general, especially in the last 20-30 years has been degenerating at a
very fast pace. Morals and the family structure have taken a huge hit, as well as many other aspects I.E. the financial and political scenery has been dramatically altered.Iā€™ts no
wonder the world is in such turmoil and chaos.
Throughout my adult life, which hasā€™nt always been pleasant, Iā€™ve fought my
ā€œDemonsā€ and tried very hard to live a life based on honesty and respect for others. Iā€™ve also been searching for new ways or methods to improve using a variety of techniques offered by various experts.They work only for a short time and then itā€™s back to the same
old ā€œRuttā€.Boyā€™O’Boy what a dull life !!!!!.
Then alas! came this letter in the mail from the S.O.S. society.I almost threw it
out, but this funny feeling in my gut told me,ā€hold on to it and read it.This is what youā€™ve been waiting for all your life.It was quite long, but right to the point and very informative, it
hit me like a brick. It finally was time to wake-up from that mediocre life I was living and start in a completely different direction.
This invitation letter came from the desk of Mark Hamilton my mentor, explaining all the advantages and the benefits the society offered if I decided to become a member. I immediately jumped at this once in a lifetime chance. For the last two years my life has
changed all for the better.Iā€™m one of your apprentices and am becoming a mentor also.
As I slowly progress, constantly learning and reading the litterature , I become more and
more the ā€œperson I was meant to beā€.
During this transformation , which I donā€™t think will ever stop, I ā€˜ve met and befriended the most amazing and admirable people in my entire life. They are like-minded and totally devoted to advancing the Neothink(r) society and changing the present structure of the world through an HONEST business approach.Honesty and love will bring a major
paradigm change to the human race.We must stop violence,suffering and human indignity caused by all the parasitical eliteā€™s at the helm of this sinking ship.
I will forever be grateful, THANK YOU, Mark for this precious gift, this opportunity of a lifetime youā€™ve given me. And also for accepting me and my mysticisms into the ā€œfoldā€ of
your apprentices. Iā€™ve become very involved with multiple programs in the society and Iā€™m
now very much looking forward to a long life of HEALTH, LOVE , WEALTH and the CofU.

One day I received a letter in the mail telling me there was a way I could change the things I struggled withā€¦

I have had many struggles in my life. Many of which I struggled to brake free of the memories. I constantly struggled with night terrors, flash backs, and physical pain. I had given up on medications; they only increased my dreams and made me groggy and numb to my surroundings. I had already been through intensive therapy for 5 years, and knew from that that in order for my torment to end I would have to somehow let it go but I didnā€™t know how.
Last year I had found my self with yet 2 more fractures in my spine. From a birth deformity called Kyphosis in my lower spine. This added to my torment as I had to start taking pain medications and needing my husbands help to even get out of bed to start my day.
One day I received a letter in the mail telling me there was a way I could change the things I struggled with in my life. Of course I saw no other option but to try, so I sent in the letter for the Neothink Society heirlooms. When I received my fist book I couldnā€™t open the package fast enough. The book started teaching me how to schedule and organize my life, build my own enjoyment for what ā€œIā€ wanted my life to be and build a life out of my own passion. This made me crack out my art, something of which I thought was an impossible dream, and I started to think about other things I wanted to include in my life. I started to grow hybrid Irisā€™ and learned how to propagate the existing woodland plants on our home property. I love working with my hands and I was doing it. All of a sudden I realized something, I was no longer having night terrors and flash backs ā€¦I was no longer focused on what I didnā€™t want. Although my physical pain was getting worse and worse. I finally sought out doctors. I went through many and many just wanted to cover up my pain with yet more medication. I knew there had to be something to correct my many fractures and now 70% curve in my spine that was continually causing more and more fractures. I finally went to the University of WI spine center . And learned that because my Kyphosis was so low in the spine, the crumbly mess was still trying to support my torso. And surgery was necessary. Not all spine surgeries have a 100% pain recovery but the surgeon had done a lot with lower spine full fusions and promised me 95%.ā€ Wowā€ no pain medication eating at my liver for the rest of my life; of course I jumped at the chance.
The surgery was very invasive and was the toughest thing yet I had to endure. I had the full support of friends from the Neothink Society, whom often gave me tips on new exercise and diet, and listened to my cries of pain from recovery. I was afraid that I would not come to a full recovery and would not be able to return to work as a C.N.A. Along with the support of my husband, and my new Neothink family, I realized I needed to get back on track with my dreams and build from there ā€¦back to focusing on myself. I went full speed on creating more and more art pieces, which took my mind off the condition and made me feel complete and made me feel like I had much to offer to this world . Seven and a half months later I was back to working at my local hospital complete and full recovery 100%. NO PAIN!!!! And still today working on my art and gardeningā€¦now a full and developing weave of my passionsā€™ in life, a business I created called Lifestyle Gardening within this title I have created along with my husband , gardens in our yard for the public to enjoy, along with woodland plants for them to buy and grow in a natural setting , art , craftsmanship of my husbandā€™s skills , and specialty salad oils , I blog about gardening and give advice. There are many things built on which will someday be a retreat were people will come to learn to do the same for themselves , build and create art and get there hands in the dirt.
I was never much into politics before, but there is a new political movement called the Twelve Visions Party. This to me is bringing to the world what I have already begun to see in my life . A need for full freedom to create and build a basis on which our country was originally founded to be. Some of which would be making it much easier for my business to bloom fast, with out so much political restriction and the same for everyone. Quotes I love like ā€make everyone rich, including the poorā€ā€¦ā€be the person you were meant to beā€. The fact is, that it is possible with true freedom to create and build values for mankind. You see proof in the computer industry which is free from political regulation. Another country to look at as an example is Denmark. They pay a large tax but no one seems to care because they support fully in life, and education, college is paid, their health fully paid too. There are no homeless or starving there either. I admire this country and feel they may step closer to the freedom our country seeks. So, as I see, why can we not have the same freedom here? To me I see this step as inevitable and depend on if the people are ready for change or if theyā€™re stuck like I was even just a year ago.
From My heart to yourā€™s, Dianna Parrott

I want to Thank You for your work and for finding meā€¦


Dear Mark Hamilton,

Since I was very young, I knew that the world wasnā€™t suppose to be this way. I didnā€™t know what to do or how to find out what I could do to change it. My whole life I kept searching, reading many books, but not finding any answers.

Then One day I get a letter in the mail, telling me that I was special and that we could not only change ourselves but change the world.

After reading the 1st 2 books I knew I found what I been looking for whole life. Then after reading Miss Annabelleā€™s Secrets and I felt so strange reading about a world that I dreamt about all my life. I know now that I will become the person I was meant to be and to find my Friday Night Essence.

Seeing what is going on in this country today scares me. We lose more freedoms everyday and most people donā€™t care. Capitalism seems to be a bad word, in a country that became great because it was built on Capitalism.

I want to Thank You for your work and for finding me.

Charles Moore

One day I received a letter in the mail that seemed to describe my questā€¦


Many years ago in what I thought was the land of the free I felt that there were secret to becoming wealthy and successful. I felt that I needed to be wealthy enough to become detached from the one thing that I felt a slave to. The monetary game of life was holding me back. The rut that we fall into was all based on scraping to pay the bills and struggling to make ends meet. Once I found the secrets, then I could become the person I was meant to be.
I fashioned myself as a modern day hunter, warrior. What I was hunting was the keys to success. This took the ways of a warrior. There are many things one has to learn to become a hunter
Any good hunter gets to know their prey but my prey was not any animal or living thing. My prey was success. One has to stalk the prey to learn all of the habits and routines of their adversary. Learning and reading was the best tools available to accomplish the stalking that I needed to do.
I learned many, many things in this quest to bag success and find happiness. At first the learning was slow and I was not sure of the reason. It took the ways of a warrior to handle all my failed attempts and to keep on hunting.
One day I received a letter in the mail that seemed to describe my quest but it also said things that I thought was kind of funny at the time. My curiosity got the best of me and in my hunt for success, they were offering me knowledge towards this same goal.
I ordered and received my first book out of three at the time and when it arrived I started to read it and could not get interested. When asked to order the second book I hesitated but went ahead and ordered it. Again I started reading it and did not have much interest. Despite my apparent lack of interest I ordered the third book when it was time to place that order.
When the third book arrived I again started reading but this time I could not put the book down until I was finished. When I finished reading the third book I said to myself that I did not give the other books the time I needed because there was obviously more here than I had thought. Now I was excited. It was time for me to read the first two books and find out what I had missed.
Now I have always been an alternate thinker and searched through many things before reading this literature. I could give you a detailed list of all the things I read up on and took an interest in but that would take a long time. With these books I found that I had kindred spirits in this world with me and I was not the oddball rebel that nobody understood. The reason most did not understand me was because I always thought there was more than what they were telling and teaching us. I asked questions and took the value out of the answers I got instead of accepting the answer as fact.
Then the time came and I was invited to meet others. I was invited to essence meetings and to a web site. I was still reading the first two books as this came about. In the essence meeting with Mark Hamilton I listened with great intensity and like little Johnny in the back of the class who wanted to share the answers I could not wait to voice what I thought.
Now I am not going to paint a rosy picture of everything that happened from there because that would not be the truth. In many ways I was the same oddball even with the group I was meeting. I knew I understood the literature. This should not be happening and yet I persisted. In my persistence I started to meet some of the genius that I was looking for but I also bumped heads with some who did not see some of the things that I saw.
I was learning at an accelerated rate now that I read the books and implemented things into my life. Finding the truth about many things was a little disturbing and even caused quite a bit of anger and bafflement for me. How could others treat one another with such purposeful malice? I knew the answer to that but it still struck me, How come they get away with it? I knew the answer to this also, because we let them. How can we stop them?Ā  Again I knew the answer; it was to make everyone aware. How do we make everyone aware? The answer to that was being provided by the new society that I was watching form right before my eyes.
Success was taking on new meanings for me or should I say that I was remembering what success really was. My financial situation was not improving at all. It was even sliding backwards and I was going into the hole. We were all hit by what mainstream society was creating for us, it did not have to happen, but the few selfish elite knew that they would benefit from our suffering by gaining more control over our lives. This could not happen if everyone saw through their play for power.
Now I embrace the fact that I may be an oddball. I have very good company in this classification. Albert Einstein was a bit of an oddball as were many of the great thinkers through out our history. What made them the oddballs was the ability to keep asking questions and not excepting any of the answers as concrete fact that can never be questioned. They took the hard road of continued searching and not excepting just any old answer.
At this point I would say that I have bagged success but the hunt continues and this warrior is still part of the hunt. The new game in this hunt is world peace and individual empowerment for all the people. Now it is true freedom for all people, this is what we hunt. This true freedom will allow for the evolution of mankind. Allow for individuals creations to continue unencumbered by to illusion of the self indulged few. This freedom will allow for the shift in our consciousness to occur to a point where we do not look for outside authorities to provide the answers for us.
With honesty, love, respect and integrity the warrior of the new age hunts for what mankind has yet to achieve. In this new society I see that all good things are possible but I also see that it will take each and every one of us humans to become a part of the hunt.

Join us in making the world a better place. Join us in bringing about a shift in consciousness that benefits everyone and not just the few. Join us in creating a world that our children and grandchildren can grow and prosper in. Join us and become a creator yourself. Join us and take action that will stop the regression of our society and mans self destructive existing path. Join us and become the person you are meant to be. Join us and enter the Twelve Visions World.

Hello Mark Hamilton

Hello Mark Hamilton,
I am very honored to write you and have you read my thoughts. About Neothink; I was and am extremely excited about what we are about and believe in. The introduction letter in the mail seemed to be the beginning of the life that I truly imagined existed since I was old enough to formulate thoughts ā€¦ It began as fantasy, but I felt it in my heart that it had to be real. As others, I cannot claim that the anti-civilization hasnā€™t had a negative effect on me, because it has. My major hurdle is this learned or conditioned thing called procrastination. It has a hold of me and I am fighting it off. But believe me, my fight and loyalty for honesty and fairness in a new world is steadfast and embedded in my soul.
I have not formed an A-Team yet because there are challenging in my workplace, attempting to negating me from being a proper husband to my wife and a provider ā€¦ (I got married because Iā€™ve clung to someone that explained that she would love me until the end of time. Funny, I felt that way about everyone on earth, but to hear it from her made me want to nurture this isolated love).
I have read all the Multigenerational manuscripts and was shocked to find such truths. I LOVE IT! ā€¦ Suddenly my life has meaning. However, I am past the shock and pleasures of simply being a part of this new world and am taking actions starting in the workplace. My wife and I are not in a financial situation to start our own business, but maybe one day we will ā€¦ as I am sure this will eliminate a lot of these anti-civilization roadblocks and allow me more time to concentrate on spreading truths and sharing ideas through A-Teams and friendships.
Your dad was very insightful and you carrying this legacy proves wonders. You are special and I wish I could walk beside you on this journey, but your stride has you miles ahead of me. I promise you that I will make you proud in my endeavors to pursue truths in my path leading to the Twelve Visions World, somehow.
I brainstorm ideas and have one that will allow you approval, of course; I would love to write fiction that so closely borders non-fiction that it would be hard to negate or dispute it. The material would be not only enjoyable, but a learning tool only when you seek answers through a website or inquire about the author. Them my involvement would be exposed ā€¦ then more contributions from me would began towards the wonderful Twelve Visions World.
I know what you are going to go through during the launching of the Twelve Visions Party and any other revelations, but your courage, belief, concerns, love, and visions shall comfort you. And know that our support for you is unwavering. Know that most of us has learned and some of us has always had the gift to see through smoke screens and arenā€™t easily persuaded to non-truths.
We love you, Mark. And we wish that we could play a larger role in your/our endeavors.
Love and Prosperity,

March 2025