Posts Tagged ‘leaps and bounds’

What do you believe dictates the outcome of your life?


What do you believe dictates the outcome of your life? Within the heirlooms I have found that the outcome of my life will be dictated by the extent to which I am able to Neothink which is being dictated by the extent to which I am able to remove my mysticism.
It has been an exciting adventure to discover the extent to which I was relying on and turning toward outside authorities for virtually every problem and decision that up until now I was using to run and control my entire life. Now that I have learned that my two chamber brain is exactly the same brain that the greatest geniuses of all time had, I am able, with the information in the heirlooms, to turn within, through deep integrated thinking, and solve my own problems.
When you come up with that answer or solution for the first time, no matter how small or insignificant the task, you will experience an euphoria that will rush through your entire body, igniting all your senses and emotions. The light will be turned on, because any doubt of your ability to experience Neothink will be diminished and most importantly your confidence will grow by leaps and bounds as you start challenging yourself to tackle anything you are confronted with.  Slowly at first and then you go back to the basics, you develop the complete outcome picture in your mind and analyzing the whole picture you zero in on the fuzzy pieces and get down to serious power thinking and bit by bit the piece becomes clearer and clearer and every once in a while, sometimes when you are thinking or doing something completely unrelated you get that AHA! moment and all of a sudden you have it.
When I began this journey, as the weeks and months passed and I wondered if I would ever be able to find Neothink there was something that I would like to share that kept me going. It was belief, I truly believed, it was that belief that I developed because I knew that this wasn’t just another hype and I knew this because my mentor, Mark Hamilton, was not just preaching another hyped philosophy, he has achieved all that he teaches.
This along with the desire to make the necessary changes in my life and the desire to always remain teachable and the attitude that my goal is to grasp new knowledge while realizing that I may never GET IT, I will always be advancing as long as I grasp what is being taught to me, somewhere out there in the future I just may GET IT. Until that time comes I will continue to enjoy all the learning which has added and continues daily to add value and happiness to my life.

Marvin Michaud
A-team business Kansas Integrated Visions LLC
A-team name Kansas City Kansas Southwest

Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society And The Twelve Visions Party® Mean The World To Me

Who is Mark Hamilton? To answer this question, I’d like to share my personal experience of getting to know this man. He first contacted me in early 2005 through direct marketing in regards to his business. Since then we’ve gotten to know each other quite well. We have exchanged mail, emails and have spoken on the phone together. Everyone who actually takes the time to get to know this man can easily see that he is nothing more than a brilliant, compassionate family man; a successful entrepreneur, writer, publisher and philosopher who simply contributes tangible values to society and enjoys spending time with his family. When it comes to the epitome of hard working, honest, red-blooded Americans who are seizing the opportunities of this country by creating magnificent values for others, I cannot think of a better example than Mark Hamilton.
I have studied Mr. Hamilton’s literature extensively and I can honestly say that it is by far the most incredibly valuable, life lifting and beneficial literature I have ever read. I’m so very thankful that he selected me as one of the recipients of his marketing material. From the moment I read his first ad I knew my life was about to change dramatically. I just knew it. And now, nearly five years later, I couldn’t have been more right!
Since studying and applying his techniques, every aspect of my life has improved by leaps and bounds. I used to drag through the day powerless, hopeless- like a ship drifting at sea with neither a sail nor anchor. I used to struggle with depression. In fact just before being introduced to Mr. Hamilton, I was in the middle of an intense battle with manic depression. It was the hardest period of my life. I was visiting hospitals regularly and was on many different psychiatric medications. I felt hopeless, like my life and sanity were slipping through my fingers and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
Hamilton’s introductory letter struck some very deep emotional chords in my soul. I could feel, really feel him speaking to me personally. I immediately ordered his first book. After it arrived, I literally spent the next few days devouring it. I would spend up to 12 hours a day reading it. I could feel my mind transforming into something so magnificent and powerful that I could not believe it or describe it to others.
When I turned the final page and closed that first book, I sat on my couch stunned like a dear in headlights. I was a completely different person. All of my fears, anxieties, and confusion about life just seemed to melt away and evaporate like an ice cube dropped on the sidewalk in July. My mind and my entire life were on fire after that day, and I’ve never looked back!
All my relationships started to immediately improve. I tossed out all medications. Things I used to misunderstand just seemed to unravel into perfect clarity. It was like I was walking around “observing” my life from above…with a bird’s eye view. I was finally in complete control of my life and I could point myself in any direction without a single doubt or hesitation. It was like the veil on reality was completely lifted and I could finally see myself and everything in life with crystal clarity.
Yes, Mark Hamilton’s writings are unconventional to say the least. I think many people, after being exposed to his writings have a hard time accepting the fact that they are the only person in control of their life. People often lack the backbone and fortitude to take an objective look at their life and realize that no one else is to blame for any shortcomings or lacking. Regardless of any opinions of his writings, freedom of speech should be allowed no matter what.
I’ve learned that far too many people look for the “accepted norm”….the group consensus on what should be allowed and what should be “approved” by the majority. Too many people look to others for answers and guidance. Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature has stimulated me to “un-plug from the shepherd” and start thinking for myself more and more. This type of self awareness is obviously perceived as a “threat” by many people who are afraid of taking full responsibility for their lives. Mark Hamilton’s literature, in my opinion, is hands down the most empowering and most beneficial product available to mankind…period.
So what is the Neothink® Society? The Neothink® Society is a world-wide organization formed by Mark Hamilton to provide the means of interaction between people who read Neothink® literature. It’s for people who want fertile soil to cultivate the perfect life for oneself. Thanks to my interaction with the Neothink® Society, I now love life and live everyday to the fullest. My friends and family have noticed something different about me. I’m achieving my dreams, one accomplishment at a time and I wake up with the best feeling ever.
The opportunities I’ve had because of being a member…well, I simply could never get in a million years anywhere else. I’m very happy and proud to be a member of the Neothink® Society. The value I derive from membership is truly incredible. The friends I’ve made in the Society feel like brothers and sisters to me. The way we immediately connect on such a deep and profound level never ceases to amaze me.
As a member of Neothink®, I get the best support and tools for any goal or project that I could ever ask for. Whether its business/employment needs, friendships, romance, culture, better health, financial opportunities…you name it, Neothink® has it. Cultivating the personal relationships is one of my favorite aspects of membership…The contacts I’ve made alone within the Society are incredible. I’m making lifelong friends that I would have never met otherwise.
I feel completely at home and it’s not because anyone tells me to. One thing I love is that there is no “hierarchy” of authority dictating what happens. It is simply a group of individuals who all receive benefits by interacting with one another on their own terms. There is no coercion or pressure to do this or that…No dogmatic codes to live by or doctrines to follow…Just a beautiful and safe playground for people to come together and let their guard down so they can learn and grow as individuals.
We study all the Neothink® literature and help each other apply it in our lives. We have weekly teleconferences and local meetings where we meet in person and network together. The Society is made up of people from all walks of life. It really is quite a melting pot. Everyone has such a powerful story about how their life has improved from being a part of it…Its truly heartwarming to hear REAL people speak about how this amazing value has helped them in their personal life. I still get choked up and brought to tears sometimes when I hear someone’s powerfully emotional story about how their situation has radically improved. I encourage everyone to join the Neothink® Society!
I’m also a member of the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP). The Twelve Visions Party is the political arm of the Neothink® Society. So why is the Neothink® Society involved in politics? Well, Neothink® members want to create a better country, a better world, a better life for ourselves and children. A major avenue of making a positive impact is through changing the stagnate, decaying political system.
I think we all can agree that just about every time we see the news we hear stories about corruption, fraud and abuse within government. Indeed our constitutional rights are being stripped away at an alarming rate. Politicians no longer represent the people who elected them. Unfortunately they have “traded in” being the voice of the citizens for being the voice of special interest groups, lobbyists, and big business.
Personally, this affects me deeply. As I see Social Security being plundered, taxes skyrocketing, our veterans returning home battered and broken and being denied treatment, our grandparents being forced to give up their medication so that can buy food, I get sick to my stomach. I often ask myself: What has happened to this country?
I see the Enrons and WorldComs robbing innocent people who are trying their best to earn an honest living. I see bankruptcies and mortgage rates out of control. I see people losing their jobs left and right. In fact whenever I look into the mirror I see one of those people! I was laid off in 2008. I was personally hit hard by the economic downturn. The company I worked for was a very solid and reliable building contractor. It was my source of income for years. They NEVER laid anyone off until 2008. Since then I’ve been scrambling to make ends meet. I’ve lost my house and have had an automobile repossessed. I’m getting by ok, but what really disgusts me is that I’m merely a needle in the haystack. There are literally millions of other Jeff Smiths in far worse condition.
Being single and without children, I’m getting through the economic turmoil relatively unscathed. The stories I hear from friends and acquaintances are the ones that really concern me. What the heck happened? This country is in shambles! And all we hear on the news is that everything is fine…keep paying your taxes. Well everything is NOT fine. People are being robbed of their dreams and earned capital on a daily basis and no one is to blame other than our own elected officials!
I’m fed up with politicians and law makers. That is why I love the Twelve Visions Party®. For the first time in history, we have a chance to set things straight in Washington. As I learn more about the platform, The Twelve Visions Party® makes more and more sense. (Probably because it is being created by business men/women and concerned citizens rather than by politicians and law makers.) Indeed, politicians make a mess of everything they touch. When this country was founded, the politicians WERE businessmen. There was no such thing as a career politician. They would take office, represent the people in their district and when their term was up, they would return home to their farms and businesses.
The TVP understands this concept and that is why I wholeheartedly support it. The TVP changes our government on the offense to a government that actually serves the people. What does this mean to the economy and to individual citizens? Well, for people like me it means that there will be an abundance of jobs, wealth and freedom!
The TVP reduces government to its one proper purpose: protection. With all of the ridiculous massive spending programs eliminated, we will see a prosperity explosion like never before! This means that all of the problems with the economy, healthcare, the national debt, crime etc. will simply melt away as people like you and I are freed to pursue new businesses and reinvest in our companies to fill those needs. Research and development funds will flow like water as a major overhaul of the economy takes place.
With TVP replacing career politicians with market business men and women, I know my future and eventually my children’s future is finally secure. More and more regulations, taxes, and mismanaged programs are not the answer. Only freeing the economy and freeing the genius entrepreneurs from big government will create the real change that we hard working people deserve.
Think about it: Some of the laws on the books now days are downright atrocious! A family member and an acquaintance of mine shared with me how they were in a pub recently where some people were laughing and singing…And a “peace” officer from the city walked in and made them stop because they could all be arrested for singing! Another good example is from my close friend of over 20 years who is a successful contractor who builds cell phone towers. He was building in California where he was forced to either shut down the job or put a “bug ramp” into a ditch where concrete was going to be poured the next day. Yes! You heard me right…A BUG RAMP!! So the bugs had a way to “get out of the ditch”! Can you believe this?! Of course at first my friend thought they were joking… But unfortunately the only joke is the current political system, and the worst part is: “We, the people” are paying the price.
I want REAL change…Not an empty campaign promise of change. I want to be free to start the business I want. I want to be free to walk down the street and see smiles on people’s faces because they have enough of everything they need. I want to be free of debilitating regulations and litigation that stifle progress and prevent new opportunities. I want to be free of ridiculous laws that are absolutely no benefit to society. Did you know that the United States has more laws than all other countries combined? We are less free now than when we violently broke away from the King of England!
I simply refuse to live in a world of irrationalities imposed by a force backed government. What this country needs is more common sense! I ask everyone reading this to use your common sense when the mainstream media speaks of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party®. If you hear a one sided story painting this man as a malefactor and the Twelve Visions Party® as a scam, just ask yourself, why does the media never allow the accused to respond? Why is it only a one way conversation? I ask you to use common sense and your own judgment. Don’t take the media’s word for anything. Don’t take MY word for anything. Use your own resources, your own mind; get the real facts and learn more about Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party®. In fact I highly recommend you acquire Neothink® literature and see for yourself!
The Neothink®/TVP organization means the world to me. I’m a REAL person. The amazing benefits I receive from Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party® ARE REAL. And I’m happy to elaborate on this incredibly life lifting and benevolent movement. I can be contacted through TVP and the Neothink® Society… I personally invite all questions and information seekers with open arms.
Jeff S
Proud TVP and Neothink® member

My Journey with Mark Hamilton


My Journey with Mark Hamilton

My pleasant association with Mark Hamilton and Neothink has passed its two year mark. I am a retired person 71 years of age who has carved out a comfortable retirement from my working life prior to being associated with Neothink.  I have read much of Mark Hamilton’s material and attended many of his meetings. His concepts and teachings are sound. For example, he believes in less government and more individual freedom from regulations so that our progress and lifestyles can improve by leaps and bounds through unhampered and positive creative thinking. I have been pleased to note that he advocates many of the working style self improvements that have been successful for me in my working career. As a second example I note that he advocates learning about everything that is associated with a given working assignment in order for a person to get ahead in his working/career arena. He encourages Value production as in Henry Ford’s original use of the assembly line to manufacture cars. But he teaches that ultimate success lies in Value Creation in order to establish the effect of Value Production and/or rapid lifestyle enhancement.

Neothink is about to launch a political party based on the guidelines of truth, honesty, less government and power of the people. The name of this political party is “The Twelve Visions Party” (TVP). Anyone wanting to be a political candidate supported by the TVP will have to sign a contract of Truth and Honesty in order to have TVP support. This concept of “total honesty”, “less government” and “more freedom” from regulations are definitely some of the things that this country needs to get us back on the right track to prosperity.

In this short testimonial it is not possible for me to list all of the good things that I have learned about what Mark Hamilton and the TVP stand for. It has been very refreshing to me to learn that this individual stands for truth and honesty. I whole heartedly suggest that our citizenry learn what Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP are all about in order to consider voting for TVP candidates.

I am convinced that Mark Hamilton is an exceptionally good man and we need to apply his TVP ideals to our Government in order to help us get out of this rut our Country is in. Less Government means less cost. Less regulation means more progress. More honesty is severely needed in our government.

Thomas A. B

Neothink and Mark Hamilton has changed my life!


Learning about the Neothink philosophy is the most astoundingly beneficial thing in my life. I have grown by leaps and bounds since first reading Mark Hamilton’s literature and applying it into my life.

What a beautiful life I have created for myself since being blessed with this amazing knowledge. I think everyone should join the Neothink Society and benefit from this wonderful value.

I’m also very thankful for the Twelve Visions Party which I am now part of. We can really make a difference politically and change some of the things that are wrong with society. Wow, what an amazing ability! Go TVP!

Jeff Smith

When I received my invitation to join the Neothink Society…


When I received my invitation to join the Neothink Society, my life had previously been turned upside down…then a 180 degree turn around.  Let me explain!

       Attending the University of AriZona, I decided to go to a party with a girl in my art class.  On the way back to the campus I was too tired to drive and my date took the wheel.  I woke up four days later in the hospital and found that I was lucky to be alive.  My date hit a soft shoulder and rolled the car 128 feet.  My surgeon put four platinum screws in my left femur and I had a broken pelvis.  The bad part was that he said I would probably never walk again.  He then put a body cast on me, which started just under my arms down the complete left leg and on the right leg it stopped just above the knee.  My legs were spread and there was a bar between them.  There was no way I could move, not even turn over.  I knew the only way I was going to walk was with prayer.  I prayed and prayed and one day I asked Jesus to come and heal my broken body.  Each day my prayer, with visualization, seemed stronger and before long I could feel the love coming from Jesus as he came to heal my body.  I now walk without a limp and count my blessings!

        I spent 7 years as a newspaper photographer and then I enjoyed a rewarding career in the Pharmaceutical business.  I called on doctors promoting my companies prescription drug products. I enjoyed calling on doctors and I soon realized you must believe in yourself and your products. I learned to speak the medical language, learned to put excitement into my presentation in order to get the doctor to really listen to me. I gained trust through knowledge of what I was talking about.  I gained friendships too and many of the doctors would let me in even when they were busy. My sales grew with leaps and bounds and I enjoyed the President’s Honor Club, where I took trips with my wife to exciting places.  Retiring after 29 years.

        We decided to move to Arkansas where the kids were re-locating their business, my wife wanted to be close to the grandchildren.  We found a brick 3 bedroom home in the Ozarks and I started designing a 25 foot square room addition for our office, computer, and TV viewing.

     Every time I tried to place the room around the house, there was no place for a connecting door.  Instead of giving up I got my drawing paper and asked my higher self to help me find the answer.  The next day I got the drawing out again and I was impressed to make a 25 foot square template (scaled 1/4 inch to a foot, the scale of my drawing) and place it around the rear of the house on the drawing and this revealed where to put the new room.  Thus building a 10 foot hallway from a poorly placed back door that made no sense to us in the house design to the new room.  I went outside and measured and it was the only place for the room and the hallway could be constructed.  This gave us our entryway into the new room.  I then realized the room had no “wow” factor, it was a square room.  The next day I was impressed to put a three bay window in the left corner opposite where I was having my office cabinets installed.  We bought two double recliners for TV viewing.  During the day we could sit in the recliners and look out through the bay windows, up the driveway and see the pasture and the big lake on the other side of our property line. The contractor said he could build the room to plan and it would look “cool”.   After joining NEOTHINK SOCIETY I found I could use Neothink to get my 10 second miracles.  Neothink works very well and is so much easier.

        While the contractor was building the room I became more sensitive to my wife’s new cardiac problems.  The cardiologist suggested a triple heart bypass surgery, as three of her heart arteries were severely blocked, 90,80, and 75%.  My wife decided to have the surgery and eight hours after surgery, one of the veins taken from her leg ruptured.  Her heart stopped before they could get her chest re-opened and find a new vein.  The next few months were unbelievable.  Life must go on and I learned to cope.  I finished the room and it was beautiful!   In the grieving process I went from one girl friend to another during the next couple of years.

       One evening I received a phone call from my brother in Tucson, AZ and he said my high school was having a 50th class re-union and they were looking for me.  My impression was that I should attend. My brother said come on over and you can stay with me for the re-union. When I got to the re-union I saw JoAnn, whom I had a crush on in high school, but never had the money or a car to date.  I wanted a career in photography and my instructor told me not to worry about the girls until I had a career and then the girls would find me. The re-union was fun and JoAnn and I shared many memories while enjoying the re-union.  About 5 years later I received a letter telling of the 55th class re-union. Something within me told me that JoAnn would be there, and it would be “Wow”.  I confirmed my reservation.  I had my gut feeling and I decided to follow my impression, JoAnn would be there and it would be “Wow”.   The time passed slowly and I overcame all the negative inner thoughts, Yes, I followed my impression as I received it.

On the opening day of the re-union JoAnn did not show for breakfast or lunch, yet I knew within my heart that JoAnn would be here.  I kept my faith and did not get discouraged. That evening was the big banquet!  I arrived early and signed in.  Standing beyond the sign-in table I saw her coming thru the far door alone. I waited until she signed in and walked toward the entrance door where I was standing.  JoAnn saw me and a big smile came over her face. She came towards me and said this calls for a big hug “Wow”!  We walked into the banquet room together and talked with many of our classmates. We sat down for dinner on the opposite side of the room from the band, we wanted to talk.  Before long JoAnn told me that her husband had passed on four years ago from illness.  We talked about so many things and soon we exchanged our addresses and phone numbers.  I told her this time “I do not want to lose you “, she smiled.  I said I want to call you as soon as you get home. She said she was going to visit her children and would be home in two weeks, “so call me at 7:00 P.M. PST and we can talk”. We walked to her car and with parting kisses she drove off, smiles on both our faces.  I was in Cloud 9……

        I drove back to Pocahontas and finally the evening came that I could call her. The sound of JoAnn’s loving voice was wonderful. We talked for three hours and finally JoAnn said it was midnight, my time, and I had better get some sleep. We talked for three hours each evening for the next month. Spontaneously I asked if she would like to see where I lived. Yes, she said with a smile in her voice. The day of JoAnn’s arrival came and I drove the 60 miles to the Airport.  We had dinner and drove to my place. It was after dark when we arrived so the next morning I opened the door to the rear deck to show her the view of the pond, the garden area and the large Oak trees.  In the morning light it is always very beautiful.  I took her everywhere and she was excepted with love from everyone. One evening JoAnn asked me, ” If we are to be together will we have anything to talk about “?   My answer to her…. Have we had any problems for the past month ? There was a pause and she said no we haven’t.

        We got along wonderful together and soon JoAnn asked me if I wanted to see her home in Oceanside. “Yes” I said, and with the reservation we flew on both flights side by side all the way to San Diego.  JoAnn had her daughter pick us up at the airport. We stopped for dinner on the way to JoAnn’s home and I got acquainted with her daughter.  Later I got to meet her husband, “Great people”. Oceanside is a wonderful place to live as we are about four miles from the ocean as the eagle flies.  One day we went to see the ocean and it was wonderful to be with the woman you love. We stopped for dinner before we drove back to her home and another wonderful day! We have seen so many sights and enjoyed dinning in many restaurants, this is a fun place to live! I sold my home in Pocahontas and brought some of my things here. We blended our furniture and remodeled.  We have been together for three years now and our love for each other has grown…All of this because of Neothink.

Thank you

Mark Hamilton, The Neothink® Society And The Twelve Visions Party® Mean The World To Me


Who is Mark Hamilton?
Hello, my name is Jeff S. and to answer this question, I’d like to share my personal experience of getting to know this man. He first contacted me in early 2005 through direct marketing in regards to his business. Since then we’ve gotten to know each other quite well. We have exchanged mail, emails and have spoken on the phone together. Everyone who actually takes the time to get to know this man can easily see that he is nothing more than a brilliant, compassionate family man; a successful entrepreneur, writer, publisher and philosopher who simply contributes tangible values to society and enjoys spending time with his family. When it comes to the epitome of hard working, honest, red-blooded Americans who are seizing the opportunities of this country by creating magnificent values for others, I cannot think of a better example than Mark Hamilton.

I have studied Mr. Hamilton’s literature extensively and I can honestly say that it is by far the most incredibly valuable, life lifting and beneficial literature I have ever read. I’m so very thankful that he selected me as one of the recipients of his marketing material. From the moment I read his first ad I knew my life was about to change dramatically. I just knew it. And now, nearly five years later, I couldn’t have been more right!

Since studying and applying his techniques, every aspect of my life has improved by leaps and bounds. I used to drag through the day powerless, hopeless- like a ship drifting at sea with neither a sail nor anchor. I used to struggle with depression. In fact just before being introduced to Mr. Hamliton, I was in the middle of an intense battle with manic depression. It was the hardest period of my life. I was visiting hospitals regularly and was on many different psychiatric medications. I felt hopeless, like my life and sanity were slipping through my fingers and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Hamilton’s introductory letter struck some very deep emotional chords in my soul. I could feel, really feel him speaking to me personally. I immediately ordered his first book. After it arrived, I literally spent the next few days devouring it. I would spend up to 12 hours a day reading it. I could feel my mind transforming into something so magnificent and powerful that I could not believe it or describe it to others.

When I turned the final page and closed that first book, I sat on my couch stunned like a dear in headlights. I was a completely different person. All of my fears, anxieties, and confusion about life just seemed to melt away and evaporate like an ice cube dropped on the sidewalk in July. My mind and my entire life were on fire after that day, and I’ve never looked back!

All my relationships started to immediately improve. I tossed out all medications. Things I used to misunderstand just seemed to unravel into perfect clarity. It was like I was walking around “observing” my life from above…with a bird’s eye view. I was finally in complete control of my life and I could point myself in any direction without a single doubt or hesitation. It was like the veil on reality was completely lifted and I could finally see myself and everything in life with crystal clarity.

Yes, Mark Hamilton’s writings are unconventional to say the least. I think many people, after being exposed to his writings have a hard time accepting the fact that they are the only person in control of their life. People often lack the backbone and fortitude to take an objective look at their life and realize that no one else is to blame for any shortcomings or lacking. Regardless of any opinions of his writings, freedom of speech should be allowed no matter what.

I’ve learned that far too many people look for the “accepted norm”….the group consensus on what should be allowed and what should be “approved” by the majority. Too many people look to others for answers and guidance. Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature has stimulated me to “un-plug from the sheppard” and start thinking for myself more and more. This type of self awareness is obviously perceived as a “threat” by many people who are afraid of taking full responsibility for their lives. Mark Hamilton’s literature, in my opinion, is hands down the most empowering and most beneficial product available to mankind…period.

So what is the Neothink® Society?
The Neothink® Society is a world-wide organization formed by Mark Hamilton to provide the means of interaction between people who read Neothink® literature. It’s for people who want fertile soil to cultivate the perfect life for themselves. Thanks to my interaction with the Neothink® Society, I now love life and live everyday to the fullest. My friends and family have noticed something different about me. I’m achieving my dreams, one accomplishment at a time and I wake up with the best feeling ever.

The opportunities I’ve had because of being a member…well, I simply could never get in a million years anywhere else. I’m very happy and proud to be a member of the Neothink® Society. The value I derive from membership is truly incredible. The friends I’ve made in the Society feel like brothers and sisters to me. The way we immediately connect on such a deep and profound level never ceases to amaze me.

As a member of Neothink®, I get the best support and tools for any goal or project that I could ever ask for. Whether its business/employment needs, friendships, romance, culture, better health, financial opportunities…you name it, Neothink® has it. Cultivating the personal relationships is one of my favorite aspects of membership…The contacts I’ve made alone within the Society are incredible. I’m making lifelong friends that I would have never met otherwise.
I feel completely at home and it’s not because anyone tells me to. One thing I love is that there is no “hierarchy” of authority dictating what happens. It is simply a group of individuals who all receive benefits by interacting with one another on their own terms. There is no coercion or pressure to do this or that…No dogmatic codes to live by or doctrines to follow…Just a beautiful and safe playground for people to come together and let their guard down so they can learn and grow as individuals.
We study all the Neothink® literature and help each other apply it in our lives. We have weekly teleconferences and local meetings where we meet in person and network together. The Society is made up of people from all walks of life. It really is quite a melting pot. Everyone has such a powerful story about how their life has improved from being a part of it…Its truly heartwarming to hear REAL people speak about how this amazing value has helped them in their personal life. I still get choked up and brought to tears sometimes when I hear someone’s powerfully emotional story about how their situation has radically improved. I encourage everyone to join the Neothink® Society!
I’m also a member of the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP).
The Twelve Visions Party is the political arm of the Neothink® Society. So why is the Neothink® Society involved in politics? Well, Neothink® members want to create a better country, a better world, a better life for ourselves and children. A major avenue of making a positive impact is through changing the stagnate, decaying political system.

I think we all can agree that just about every time we see the news we hear stories about corruption, fraud and abuse within government. Indeed our constitutional rights are being stripped away at an alarming rate. Politicians no longer represent the people who elected them. Unfortunately they have “traded in” being the voice of the citizens for being the voice of special interest groups, lobbyists, and big business.

Personally, this affects me deeply. As I see Social Security being plundered, taxes skyrocketing, our veterans returning home battered and broken and being denied treatment, our grandparents being forced to give up their medication so that can buy food, I get sick to my stomach. I often ask myself: What has happened to this country?

I see the Enrons and WorldComs robbing innocent people who are trying their best to earn an honest living. I see bankruptcies and mortgage rates out of control. I see people losing their jobs left and right. In fact whenever I look into the mirror I see one of those people! I was laid off in 2008. I was personally hit hard by the economic downturn. The company I worked for was a very solid and reliable building contractor. It was my source of income for years. They NEVER laid anyone off until 2008. Since then I’ve been scrambling to make ends meet. I’ve lost my house and have had an automobile repossessed. I’m getting by ok, but what really disgusts me is that I’m merely a needle in the haystack. There are literally millions of other Jeff Smiths in far worse condition.

Being single and without children, I’m getting through the economic turmoil relatively unscathed. The stories I hear from friends and acquaintances are the ones that really concern me. What the heck happened? This country is in shambles! And all we hear on the news is that everything is fine…keep paying your taxes. Well everything is NOT fine. People are being robbed of their dreams and earned capital on a daily basis and no one is to blame other than our own elected officials!

I’m fed up with politicians and law makers. That is why I love the Twelve Visions Party®. For the first time in history, we have a chance to set things straight in Washington. As I learn more about the platform, The Twelve Visions Party® makes more and more sense. (Probably because it is being created by business men/women and concerned citizens rather than by politicians and law makers.) Indeed, politicians make a mess of everything they touch. When this country was founded, the politicians WERE businessmen. There was no such thing as a career politician. They would take office, represent the people in their district and when their term was up, they would return home to their farms and businesses.

The TVP understands this concept and that is why I wholeheartedly support it. The TVP changes our government on the offense to a government that actually serves the people. What does this mean to the economy and to individual citizens? Well, for people like me it means that there will be an abundance of jobs, wealth and freedom!

The TVP reduces government to its one proper purpose: protection. With all of the ridiculous massive spending programs eliminated, we will see a prosperity explosion like never before! This means that all of the problems with the economy, healthcare, the national debt, crime etc. will simply melt away as people like you and I are freed to pursue new businesses and reinvest in our companies to fill those needs. Research and development funds will flow like water as a major overhaul of the economy takes place.

With TVP replacing career politicians with market business men and women, I know my future and eventually my children’s future is finally secure. More and more regulations, taxes, and mismanaged programs are not the answer. Only freeing the economy and freeing the genius entrepreneurs from big government will create the real change that we hard working people deserve.

Think about it: Some of the laws on the books now days are downright atrocious! A family member and an acquaintance of mine shared with me how they were in a pub recently where some people were laughing and singing…And a “peace” officer from the city walked in and made them stop because they could all be arrested for singing! Another good example is from my close friend of over 20 years who is a successful contractor who builds cell phone towers. He was building in California where he was forced to either shut down the job or put a “bug ramp” into a ditch where concrete was going to be poured the next day. Yes! You heard me right…A BUG RAMP!! So the bugs had a way to “get out of the ditch”! Can you believe this?! Of course at first my friend thought they were joking… But unfortunately the only joke is the current political system, and the worst part is: “We, the people” are paying the price.

I want REAL change…Not an empty campaign promise of change. I want to be free to start the business I want. I want to be free to walk down the street and see smiles on people’s faces because they have enough of everything they need. I want to be free of debilitating regulations and litigation that stifle progress and prevent new opportunities. I want to be free of ridiculous laws that are absolutely no benefit to society. Did you know that the United States has more laws than all other countries combined? We are less free now than when we violently broke away from the King of England!

I simply refuse to live in a world of irrationalities imposed by a force backed government. What this country needs is more common sense! I ask everyone reading this to use your common sense when the mainstream media speaks of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party®. If you hear a one sided story painting this man as a malefactor and the Twelve Visions Party® as a scam, just ask yourself, why does the media never allow the accused to respond? Why is it only a one way conversation? I ask you to use common sense and your own judgment. Don’t take the media’s word for anything. Don’t take MY word for anything. Use your own resources, your own mind; get the real facts and learn more about Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party®. In fact I highly reccomdend aquiring some Neothink® literaure and seeing for yourself!

The Neothink®/TVP organization means the world to me. I’m a REAL person. The amazing benefits I receive from Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party® ARE REAL. And I’m happy to elaborate on this incredibly life lifting and benevolent movement. I can be contacted through TVP and the Neothink® Society… I personally invite all questions and information seekers with open arms.

Jeff S
Proud TVP and Neothink® member

Mark Hamilton, The Neothink® Society And The Twelve Visions Party® Mean The World To Me

Who is Mark Hamilton?
Hello, my name is Jeff S. and to answer this question, I’d like to share my personal experience of getting to know this man. He first contacted me in early 2005 through direct marketing in regards to his business. Since then we’ve gotten to know each other quite well. We have exchanged mail, emails and have spoken on the phone together. Everyone who actually takes the time to get to know this man can easily see that he is nothing more than a brilliant, compassionate family man; a successful entrepreneur, writer, publisher and philosopher who simply contributes tangible values to society and enjoys spending time with his family. When it comes to the epitome of hard working, honest, red-blooded Americans who are seizing the opportunities of this country by creating magnificent values for others, I cannot think of a better example than Mark Hamilton.

I have studied Mr. Hamilton’s literature extensively and I can honestly say that it is by far the most incredibly valuable, life lifting and beneficial literature I have ever read. I’m so very thankful that he selected me as one of the recipients of his marketing material. From the moment I read his first ad I knew my life was about to change dramatically. I just knew it. And now, nearly five years later, I couldn’t have been more right!

Since studying and applying his techniques, every aspect of my life has improved by leaps and bounds. I used to drag through the day powerless, hopeless- like a ship drifting at sea with neither a sail nor anchor. I used to struggle with depression. In fact just before being introduced to Mr. Hamliton, I was in the middle of an intense battle with manic depression. It was the hardest period of my life. I was visiting hospitals regularly and was on many different psychiatric medications. I felt hopeless, like my life and sanity were slipping through my fingers and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Hamilton’s introductory letter struck some very deep emotional chords in my soul. I could feel, really feel him speaking to me personally. I immediately ordered his first book. After it arrived, I literally spent the next few days devouring it. I would spend up to 12 hours a day reading it. I could feel my mind transforming into something so magnificent and powerful that I could not believe it or describe it to others.

When I turned the final page and closed that first book, I sat on my couch stunned like a dear in headlights. I was a completely different person. All of my fears, anxieties, and confusion about life just seemed to melt away and evaporate like an ice cube dropped on the sidewalk in July. My mind and my entire life were on fire after that day, and I’ve never looked back!

All my relationships started to immediately improve. I tossed out all medications. Things I used to misunderstand just seemed to unravel into perfect clarity. It was like I was walking around “observing” my life from above…with a bird’s eye view. I was finally in complete control of my life and I could point myself in any direction without a single doubt or hesitation. It was like the veil on reality was completely lifted and I could finally see myself and everything in life with crystal clarity.

Yes, Mark Hamilton’s writings are unconventional to say the least. I think many people, after being exposed to his writings have a hard time accepting the fact that they are the only person in control of their life. People often lack the backbone and fortitude to take an objective look at their life and realize that no one else is to blame for any shortcomings or lacking. Regardless of any opinions of his writings, freedom of speech should be allowed no matter what.

I’ve learned that far too many people look for the “accepted norm”….the group consensus on what should be allowed and what should be “approved” by the majority. Too many people look to others for answers and guidance. Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature has stimulated me to “un-plug from the sheppard” and start thinking for myself more and more. This type of self awareness is obviously perceived as a “threat” by many people who are afraid of taking full responsibility for their lives. Mark Hamilton’s literature, in my opinion, is hands down the most empowering and most beneficial product available to mankind…period.

So what is the Neothink® Society?
The Neothink® Society is a world-wide organization formed by Mark Hamilton to provide the means of interaction between people who read Neothink® literature. It’s for people who want fertile soil to cultivate the perfect life for themselves. Thanks to my interaction with the Neothink® Society, I now love life and live everyday to the fullest. My friends and family have noticed something different about me. I’m achieving my dreams, one accomplishment at a time and I wake up with the best feeling ever.

The opportunities I’ve had because of being a member…well, I simply could never get in a million years anywhere else. I’m very happy and proud to be a member of the Neothink® Society. The value I derive from membership is truly incredible. The friends I’ve made in the Society feel like brothers and sisters to me. The way we immediately connect on such a deep and profound level never ceases to amaze me.

As a member of Neothink®, I get the best support and tools for any goal or project that I could ever ask for. Whether its business/employment needs, friendships, romance, culture, better health, financial opportunities…you name it, Neothink® has it. Cultivating the personal relationships is one of my favorite aspects of membership…The contacts I’ve made alone within the Society are incredible. I’m making lifelong friends that I would have never met otherwise.
I feel completely at home and it’s not because anyone tells me to. One thing I love is that there is no “hierarchy” of authority dictating what happens. It is simply a group of individuals who all receive benefits by interacting with one another on their own terms. There is no coercion or pressure to do this or that…No dogmatic codes to live by or doctrines to follow…Just a beautiful and safe playground for people to come together and let their guard down so they can learn and grow as individuals.
We study all the Neothink® literature and help each other apply it in our lives. We have weekly teleconferences and local meetings where we meet in person and network together. The Society is made up of people from all walks of life. It really is quite a melting pot. Everyone has such a powerful story about how their life has improved from being a part of it…Its truly heartwarming to hear REAL people speak about how this amazing value has helped them in their personal life. I still get choked up and brought to tears sometimes when I hear someone’s powerfully emotional story about how their situation has radically improved. I encourage everyone to join the Neothink® Society!
I’m also a member of the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP).
The Twelve Visions Party is the political arm of the Neothink® Society. So why is the Neothink® Society involved in politics? Well, Neothink® members want to create a better country, a better world, a better life for ourselves and children. A major avenue of making a positive impact is through changing the stagnate, decaying political system.

I think we all can agree that just about every time we see the news we hear stories about corruption, fraud and abuse within government. Indeed our constitutional rights are being stripped away at an alarming rate. Politicians no longer represent the people who elected them. Unfortunately they have “traded in” being the voice of the citizens for being the voice of special interest groups, lobbyists, and big business.

Personally, this affects me deeply. As I see Social Security being plundered, taxes skyrocketing, our veterans returning home battered and broken and being denied treatment, our grandparents being forced to give up their medication so that can buy food, I get sick to my stomach. I often ask myself: What has happened to this country?

I see the Enrons and WorldComs robbing innocent people who are trying their best to earn an honest living. I see bankruptcies and mortgage rates out of control. I see people losing their jobs left and right. In fact whenever I look into the mirror I see one of those people! I was laid off in 2008. I was personally hit hard by the economic downturn. The company I worked for was a very solid and reliable building contractor. It was my source of income for years. They NEVER laid anyone off until 2008. Since then I’ve been scrambling to make ends meet. I’ve lost my house and have had an automobile repossessed. I’m getting by ok, but what really disgusts me is that I’m merely a needle in the haystack. There are literally millions of other Jeff Smiths in far worse condition.

Being single and without children, I’m getting through the economic turmoil relatively unscathed. The stories I hear from friends and acquaintances are the ones that really concern me. What the heck happened? This country is in shambles! And all we hear on the news is that everything is fine…keep paying your taxes. Well everything is NOT fine. People are being robbed of their dreams and earned capital on a daily basis and no one is to blame other than our own elected officials!

I’m fed up with politicians and law makers. That is why I love the Twelve Visions Party®. For the first time in history, we have a chance to set things straight in Washington. As I learn more about the platform, The Twelve Visions Party® makes more and more sense. (Probably because it is being created by business men/women and concerned citizens rather than by politicians and law makers.) Indeed, politicians make a mess of everything they touch. When this country was founded, the politicians WERE businessmen. There was no such thing as a career politician. They would take office, represent the people in their district and when their term was up, they would return home to their farms and businesses.

The TVP understands this concept and that is why I wholeheartedly support it. The TVP changes our government on the offense to a government that actually serves the people. What does this mean to the economy and to individual citizens? Well, for people like me it means that there will be an abundance of jobs, wealth and freedom!

The TVP reduces government to its one proper purpose: protection. With all of the ridiculous massive spending programs eliminated, we will see a prosperity explosion like never before! This means that all of the problems with the economy, healthcare, the national debt, crime etc. will simply melt away as people like you and I are freed to pursue new businesses and reinvest in our companies to fill those needs. Research and development funds will flow like water as a major overhaul of the economy takes place.

With TVP replacing career politicians with market business men and women, I know my future and eventually my children’s future is finally secure. More and more regulations, taxes, and mismanaged programs are not the answer. Only freeing the economy and freeing the genius entrepreneurs from big government will create the real change that we hard working people deserve.

Think about it: Some of the laws on the books now days are downright atrocious! A family member and an acquaintance of mine shared with me how they were in a pub recently where some people were laughing and singing…And a “peace” officer from the city walked in and made them stop because they could all be arrested for singing! Another good example is from my close friend of over 20 years who is a successful contractor who builds cell phone towers. He was building in California where he was forced to either shut down the job or put a “bug ramp” into a ditch where concrete was going to be poured the next day. Yes! You heard me right…A BUG RAMP!! So the bugs had a way to “get out of the ditch”! Can you believe this?! Of course at first my friend thought they were joking… But unfortunately the only joke is the current political system, and the worst part is: “We, the people” are paying the price.

I want REAL change…Not an empty campaign promise of change. I want to be free to start the business I want. I want to be free to walk down the street and see smiles on people’s faces because they have enough of everything they need. I want to be free of debilitating regulations and litigation that stifle progress and prevent new opportunities. I want to be free of ridiculous laws that are absolutely no benefit to society. Did you know that the United States has more laws than all other countries combined? We are less free now than when we violently broke away from the King of England!

I simply refuse to live in a world of irrationalities imposed by a force backed government. What this country needs is more common sense! I ask everyone reading this to use your common sense when the mainstream media speaks of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party®. If you hear a one sided story painting this man as a malefactor and the Twelve Visions Party® as a scam, just ask yourself, why does the media never allow the accused to respond? Why is it only a one way conversation? I ask you to use common sense and your own judgment. Don’t take the media’s word for anything. Don’t take MY word for anything. Use your own resources, your own mind; get the real facts and learn more about Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party®. In fact I highly reccomdend aquiring some Neothink® literaure and seeing for yourself!

The Neothink®/TVP organization means the world to me. I’m a REAL person. The amazing benefits I receive from Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party® ARE REAL. And I’m happy to elaborate on this incredibly life lifting and benevolent movement. I can be contacted through TVP and the Neothink® Society… I personally invite all questions and information seekers with open arms.

Jeff S
Proud TVP and Neothink® member

March 2025