Posts Tagged ‘leadership qualities’

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Although my involvement with the Neothink Society has been quite recent (since December 2009 when I received my first heirloom), the impact of your literature, of the Neothink society, and of the growing Twelve Visions Party on my life has already been profound.
First of all the literature: I am a person that attempts to start to apply the techniques I learn fairly rapidly. Although there remains much to be learned and absorbed, already my life has taken a quantum leap, in terms of the successful integration and application of business information, rational decision-making (and ensuing success) with respect to my personal life, and most importantly, the development of self leadership qualities.
These profound benefits have also been achieved as a result of my involvement and friendships with the Neothink Society, to the point of developing true, sincere, pure love friendships, and a continued, profound love for myself. My belief, Mark Hamilton, that your teachings, insights, and integrations make a SIGNIFICANT contribution to individuals, and NEEDS to continue to be imparted to the world, is one of the primary reasons why I wish to make my GIN business a global, sprawling, magnificent reality. Due to the Neothink principles apparent in the business, GIN will be, and is, a huge success. It was a priority for me to ensure that you were my upline, and that is another reason I chose Jill Reed to sponsor me – due to her commitment to Neothink expressed not only in her words and theories, but in her actions, and due to the fact hat she is directly enrolled under you. I wanted you, Mark Hamilton, to personally and financially benefit from my success. It is a personal belief of mine that when we support leaders, true leaders that display integrated honesty such as yourself, we support so many many people in that process.
Your writings and speeches on the Twelve Visions Party, and on the Prime Law, leave me with the cognition that a true solution exists for each individual on earth. As you stated, “reason is dead,” and I sometimes fear that individuals will not see the truth in what you write and speak. But in what I am learning on the Law of Vibration and attraction, these thoughts of mine are not to be dwelled upon, but rather the truth and beauty of what it is that you as the leader of the The Neothink Society, and the Society itself, are creating.
If these writings and the efforts of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party were to be taken away, unfortunately I fear the absolute worst for the world. The time is ripe to continue to make strides in the NTS and TVP movements, and to remove, at the very least within ourselves, any iota of mysticism from our lives, and take full responsibility for ourselves and our results.

March 2025