Posts Tagged ‘lasting peace’

Mark Hamilton, The Twelve Visions Party, Neothink Society and Lies

With Prime Law amended to the United States Constitution, the path to permanent lasting peace, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness will be open. I stand in shock and awe at the political slaughter of American rights/ liberties by our own leaders. To be more correct, they are not leaders, but criminals/ traitors, for they foster/ promote sloth and laziness and usurp unearned power from all U.S. citizens. This is unacceptable!!! This will only lead to more debt/ taxes on an ever increasing scale, until the government/ banks will own everything and we are slaves in our own land. Over my cold dead body!!! This slavery/ debt cascade will spread across the Earth, turning the whole Earth into a “Prison Planet”.
Our current Republic, is being changed into a socialistic/ communistic society by are own elected leaders. Have you every stopped and studied about it and asked why? I have, and there are links to that answer, please take a look. With a pending crushing negative future looming ahead, why would any rational human being support the current trend? Most would not. The deep disturbing fact is that we are being lied to. Yes, you read that correctly, LIED TO!!!! All U.S. media has been corrupted/controlled in ever increasing amounts since the 50″s. They have a hidden agenda, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Most people do not know they are being manipulated by lies/ deception/ omissions of facts. More and more people are waking up and supporting a true patriotic American, Mark Hamilton!!!
DO NOT ACCEPT what you may be told by the “Media” about “The Twelve Visions Party”, Neothink Society or Mark Hamilton. They have badgered/ harassed him and his associates in the past trying to create AN ILLUSION (Lie) that they are hucksters and a threat to U.S. citizens, and must be stopped/ shut down. While the real threat is to “The Established Order”, and they create a lie to defend their criminal way of life to try to get the majority support to unfairly/ unjustly/ criminally shut down their opposition. This is government manipulation at its finest, recognize it for what it is, and do not be fooled !!!
We must stand permanently firm against “The Established Order”. Remember, only 15% of the U.S. population supported The American Revolution, yet it happened. This truly is an American Revolution, but unlike the first, there need not be any violence, It will be done by your support/ vote for “The Twelve Visions Party”. With Mark Hamilton’s great works/ vision we will change our teetering government from one of force/ power to one of caring/ service, forever.
With profound honesty/ sincerity, Henry F

Twelve Visions Party testimonial


Precious friend/ mentor Mark Hamilton,

It is with great appreciation/ admiration/ salvation that I write this testimony to the concepts/ objectives of the “The Twelve Visions Party” and Neothink Society.

With Prime Law amended to the United States Constitution, the path to permanent lasting peace, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness will be open. I stand in shock and awe at the political slaughter of American rights/ liberties by our own leaders. To be more correct, they are not leaders , but criminals/ traitors, for they foster/ promote sloth and laziness and usurp unearned power from all U.S. citizens. This is unacceptable !!! This will only lead to more debt/ taxes on an ever increasing scale, until the government/ banks will own everything and we are slaves in our own land. Over my cold dead body !!! This slavery/ debt cascade will spread across the Earth, turning the whole Earth into a “Prison Planet”.

Our current Republic, is being changed into a socialistic/ communistic society by are own elected leaders. Have you every stopped and studied about it and asked why? With a pending crushing negative future looming ahead, why would any rational human being support the current trend? Most would not. The deep disturbing fact is that we are being lied to. Yes, you read that correctly, LIED TO !!!! All U.S. media has been corrupted/ controlled in ever increasing amounts since the 50″s. They have a hidden agenda, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Most people do not know they are being manipulated by lies/ deception/ omissions of facts. More and more people are waking up and supporting to true patriotic Americans; Mark Hamilton, his father, brother and associates !!! DO NOT ACCEPT what you may be told by the “Media” about “The Twelve Visions Party”, Neothink Society or Mark Hamilton. They have badgered/ harassed him and his associates in the past trying to create AN ILLUSION (Lie) that they are hucksters and a threat to U.S. citizens, and must be stopped/ shut down. While the real threat is to “The Established Order”, and they create a lie to defend their criminal way of life to try to get the majority support to unfairly/ unjustly/ criminally shut down their opposition. This is government manipulation at it’s finest, recognize it for what it is, and do not be fooled !!!

We must stand permanently firm against ” The Established Order”. Remember, only 15% of the U.S. population supported The American Revolution, yet it happened. This truly is an American Revolution, but unlike the first, there need not be any violence, It will be done by your support/ vote for “The Twelve Visions Party”. With Mark Hamilton’s great works/ vision we will change our teetering government from one of force/ power to one of caring/ service, forever.

with profound honesty/ sincerity, Henry Flower.

Precious friend/ mentor Mark Hamilton


Precious friend/ mentor Mark Hamilton,

It is with great appreciation/ admiration/ salvation that I write this testimony to the concepts/ objectives of the “The Twelve Visions Party” and Neothink Society.

With Prime Law amended to the United States Constitution, the path to permanent lasting peace, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness will be open. I stand in shock and awe at the political slaughter of American rights/ liberties by our own leaders. To be more correct, they are not leaders but criminals/ traitors, for they foster/ promote sloth and laziness and usurp unearned power from all U.S. citizens. This is unacceptable !!!  This will only lead to more debt/ taxes on an ever increasing scale, until the government/ banks will own everything and we are slaves in our own land. Over my cold dead body!!! This slavery/ debt cascade will spread across the Earth, turning the whole Earth into a “Prison Planet”.

Our current Republic, is being changed into a socialistic/ communistic society by are own elected leaders. Have you every stopped and studied about it and asked why?

With a pending crushing negative future looming ahead, why would any rational human being support the current trend? Most would not. The deep disturbing fact is that we are being lied to. Yes, you read that correctly, LIED TO !!!!  All U.S. media has been corrupted/ controlled in ever increasing amounts since the 50″s. They have a hidden agenda, THE NEW WORLD ORDER.  Most people do not know they are being manipulated by lies/ deception/ omissions of facts. More and more people are waking up and supporting to true patriotic Americans; Mark Hamilton, his father, brother and associates !!! DO NOT ACCEPT what you may be told by the “Media” about “The Twelve Visions Party”, Neothink Society or Mark Hamilton. They have badgered/ harassed him and his associates in the past trying to create AN ILLUSION (Lie) that they are hucksters and a threat to U.S. citizens, and must be stopped/ shut down. While the real threat is to “The Established Order”, and they create a lie to defend their criminal way of life to try to get the majority support to unfairly/ unjustly/ criminally shut down their opposition. This is government manipulation at it’s finest, recognize it for what it is, and do not be fooled !!!

We must stand permanently firm against ” The Established Order”. Remember, only 15% of the U.S.

population supported The American Revolution, yet it happened. This truly is an American Revolution, but unlike the first, there need not be any violence, It will be done by your support/ vote for “The Twelve Visions Party”. With Mark Hamilton’s great works/ vision we will change our teetering government from one of force/ power to one of caring/ service, forever.

with profound honesty/ sincerity, Henry F

“I Guess I’ll Just Stick with the Facts”….

Well generally speaking, I’m not one to get overly sentimental (though I suppose I do have my moments too). So how will I here make mention of a particular man – without getting soppy that is – who has tirelessly made it his life mission to come up with simple, honest and viable plans, creations and solutions for repairing all that has gone wrong in the running and operation of these United States? I guess I’ll just stick with the facts….

The man I’m speaking of is Mark Hamilton who has founded the new, “apolitical political party” called the: Twelve Visions Party. He has numerous publications outlining how such a monumental task as creating a new and improved United States can be carried out; his “Wealth, Health, Peace” is a “must read” and it offers detailed primary guidelines for making meaningful changes in the way this country is managed – real plans to be carried out, ensuring real representation “…of the people, by the people, for the people….”

Mark has also founded the Neothink society, along with all of its various departments that are poised and placed as cornerstones of a future America to be rebuilt in new awareness of the arts and sciences, superior medical, scientific and technological advances (including the exploration of achieving biological immortality), honest business and lasting peace and prosperity for all…true happiness. His model for America could well be a fine model for other countries throughout the world.

These endeavors in themselves are huge undertakings, but all-the-while HE manages to also be a devoted family man, an honest business entrepreneur, a wise and caring mentor and a loyal friend to all members of his Neothink society who also devote whatever time and efforts THEY can toward helping to create a brave new world for ALL AMERICANS.

How does one juggle all that in a meaningful and progressive way? It’s mind-boggling, yet he really does! So “hats off, and salutations to” Mark and his family for providing the honest hope and the reality based plans that this country and its citizens so desperately need and deserve. To say “Thanks Mark” is an understatement…but I smile as I believe I did manage to maintain most of my inherent asoppyfication! :)

Devotedly Yours Mark…Liz Szarka, New York


March 2025